Elden ring

Comfy Elden ring thread.

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got to radahn on my second playthrough, gonna try to fight him with no summons or horse this time.

should the mlgs receive a buff? i feel like the distance of the projectile could be bigger, but at the same time buffing it could make it op and make other spells bad in comparison

i want to kick rya down the stairs

I do wish the range on the projectile was a bit bigger. Even on PvE it seems kinda bad.

Didn't they release a patch exclusively to buff him the other day? GL

There are black knife assassin's right outside my door

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>Become Elden Lord
>Bring all my friends back to life
>Marry Blaidd

About 20 hours in, having fun. My main issue though is I keep doing this
>oh there was another area here, cool
>destroy everything easily
>oh... guess I was overleveled.....

can someone help me do the gargoyles boss on pc?

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Why isn't this an anime girl getting dismembered?

Time and again my experience was, wow this is just getting good, what's next? Oh.... it's over.....

what's the most fun dex weapon that's not a katana?

Bloody Helice.

do heavy thrusting swords have a slow moveset? because I used greatswords my first playthrough and I hated how slow they were

80+ hours in the game and i only just now learned that those reviving skeletons can be permma killed


Honestly I wouldn't fault you for it. I only found out about it after I accidentally attacked one as it was reviving.

The not so good side of exploring shit like no tomorrow. I kinda just stomped on everything in Raya Lucaria because I explored Liurnia in full. Hell I even found the Carian manor and Ainsell river first.


How does bleed scale, exactly? I was told strength is involved so bleed daggers are kinda weak?

it scales off Arcane

If they pull some time-travel bullshit like in the DLCs for DaS1 and DaS3, I hope we get to go back in time and fight Radahn at full power before Malenia infecting him with her AIDS pussy

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That's only true if the weapon scales off arcane, like with blood/occult infusions or weapons that have native ARC scaling. Otherwise it's just a flat amount.

I believe this is also true for incantations/sorceries, so for bleed spells you'd need to use the staff/seal with arc scaling if you want to make the bleed effect more powerful on those spells. But I'm not sure about that because it's not something you can easily see in your stat screen

first time playing a souls game? they can also be instantly killed with holy damage

What's my best holy greatsword option to pair with the blasphemous blade? I want to do holy damage in one hand and fire in the other.


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depends, you can use the Inseparable Sword, the Golden Order Greatsword or even the Gargoyle's Blackblade.

i hope that the mirrorhelm or Iji's Helm actually do have some kind of effect later on with such important flavor text.

I'm using this right now, does it actually make you get stunned easier or something? or is that just flavor text?


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the former, the helmet has incredibly low poise.

man, it would've been cool to have different skins or armors for torrent, i want to rp as a night cavalry knight

Someone post that webm of Malenia getting destroyed by the bleed dog.

Literally Undefeated.

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Just beat the game. Maliketh was by far the hardest boss in the game. Malenia was a jobber.

wore that shit the entire playthrough hoping for some secret tinfoil hat ending or some shit

found nothing

Just wait for the DLC bro :)

I hope I get to go back in time and fight alongside him.

I remember a while after watching the reveal trailer, I and many people thought something was fishy with the person hammering something. We all kept watching it and we eventually considered they might be pulling some kind of subtle visual switcheroo by going back and forth between a man and woman who appeared very similar and were in similar poses in the same setting. It's funny looking back on this now. And yet, I still don't fully understand all the lore. It's still mysterious, but in a good way. I'm sure there will be dlc, and maybe even a sequel, considering they were using the word 'franchise'.

nah its going to be "miquella's dream" which means they are going to give us earlier access to his cocoon (somehow, perhaps like access to redmane becomes a non-issue if you trigger the festival) then once you beat it you fight sad mohg (like fighting sad sif post artorias of the abyss)

Malenia is the epitome of bad boss design. Dear fucking lord this is silly.

I like how when you tell goldmask the statue's secret, corhyn is like "Wow, that's incredible! I have no idea what that means." and I felt the same way at the time. I didn't even know what to make of it

what's your build and what are you struggling with?

Guys, how the fuck do I beat Godfrey?

I spent hours trying to beat him.

You can jump over his massive ground slam AoE attacks, I'm only saying this because I didn't know this for a while and kept getting my ass kicked. I also used bloodhound step to dodge some stuff, like that huge crack he makes in the ground in phase 1 that explodes

I can dodge everything she does besides the infinite range move that's 4 rolls wide that she can do whenever she wants that also has a magnet on it and also gives her infinite poise and comes out in

I never really had consistent success with any one method. I had occasional success with regular dodging while getting hit a few times, blocking the first slashes and dodging the rest, blocking all of them, or spamming bloodhound step. Kinda dumb, but I've seen guys dodge every hit with no tricks

I can actually dodge it sometimes, it's just asinine to have to play twister perfectly or die, 8 to 12 times an attempt, on top of all her other nonsense.


How do I guarantee that Vyke invades? Want to do the Frenzy ending and I know he can just be cucked out of existing.

For me, it's the Bastard's Stars.

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I really like Malenia, but yeah waterfowl dance fucking sucks. People tell me they have consistent ways to avoid it but it never felt consistent to me, just hope i avoided enough to not die

She just used it on me 4 fucking times in a row

the first part is the hardest part to dodge but it is doable, just play conservatively till you can confidently dodge that part. no need to keep swinging

Why the FUCK do bleed/frost weapons still inflict bleed/frostbite even though you block their attack with your shield? Why the FUCK does Malenia still regen HP even though you block her attack with your shield? Why the FUCK does FROM hate shields so much?

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Is there a way to save Hyetta? I really don't want to incinerate grape girl again

>great shields nullify all basic enemies
wtf why does from hate shield

How does it compare/pair with family heads?

I will be honest.
This game feels like Early Access. I have 100 hours in it and discovered almost everything there is to find, but as much as "omg this game is big and keeps going" i felt like something is missing. Like they didn't add something that was clearly supposed to be there.
>How they re-use bosses in weird places or how quests end abruptly or characters behave weird.
>How Marika, while being a central figure, doesn't have a single line nor important role in the game
>How Miquella is so important and yet nothing about him is in the base game.
>How there is not a single enemy or dungeon using the sleep element.

Shit was obviously cut. People say it will return in DLC but i doubt it. All FromSoft DLCs were rather isolated from base game. And since game got such great reception and everything, it would be bad PR to admit that so much shit was cut and try to bring it back, Bamco won't let them.

I however would love for FromSoft to now, after such success, to have as much time as they want to add back everything that was missing and they wanted the game to have.

I want them to do a patch that is way bigger in scale than 1.04 was for Dark Souls and completely rework the game how they want.

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So I did Malenia and killed everything in that area before going to Crumbling Farum Azula , but leveled up all the way to 145 to do it, and now this entire area feels like a joke. Got Godskin Duo on my first try. Did I fuck up the experience by doing Malenia first?

Also found out that Malenia's weapon art can kill multiple of the highest level banished knights in the game with just 1 combo, which is unblockable and hits through their shields. Kind of OP...

>I have 100 hours in it and discovered almost everything there is to find
Unless you used a guide that's really surprising.

I agree for the most part though that quests feel a bit lacking and there are places where they could really have expanded and improved areas. It feels like the quests were designed for a game that's much, much smaller in scope.

It's truly unbelievable. I'm on my fourth playthrough using a map to hit everything and at 100 hours in I'm only now getting to the mountaintops of giants and I've pretty much done every boss in one take this time around.

Caelid makes me want to kill myself

Every section is like that until you beat the next section and then go back and can one or two-hit everything. Then all of a sudden the depressing atmosphere doesn't seem so depressing. It's weird how every section is like that.

You didnt play BB, that shit even more rushed

Nuh uh I've loved every section so far. Then again I've only done the first zone, south america zone, and the magical lake zone. Caelid is depressing

I'm at 400 hours now on my first playthrough almost entirely blind, and a big part of that is because whenever I missed an NPC for a quest I had to go back and systematically check every single site of grace to see if they were standing there waiting for me or had dialogue options. Some of this shit is hidden so well it's absurd.

Now I feel like trying a Dark Souls game (I've only played DS1 and Sekiro) but doing a completely organic blind run, knowing I'll miss tons of questlines and not caring. Actually trying to find them all on my own is just so tedious...

My autistic brethren. We are cursed to attempt mundane tedious npc chats that add 200 extra hours to our playtime so we don't miss a minor event

It seems like Sekiro is the least unfinished game From had made up until this point. Hell, even that game is lacking in content. They really need to reel some of their ambitions in and just polish their games more.