Ritalin popping zoomers btfo

Btw, now that they got rid of building, Fortnite is actually fun desu

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>Didn't build
You didn't win.

>jinx in fornite
what the fuck

I wish the art style wasn't so faggy because without the building the game might actually be fun. I can't stand to look at it though so I'll never know if it is or not.

>Btw, now that they got rid of building, Fortnite is actually fun desu
literal scrub
you will never learn to bhop
you will never learn to rocket jump
you will never be able to crank 90s on the same level as a 9 year old child

seething zoomer detected

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>took over 23 games to get one win
So this is the power of Yea Forums

you know it's like 75% bots, right?

Yeah, I'm in my mid 30s now, getting the drop on someone after carefully planning my ambush only to have them shit a tower literally out of their ass is so retarded. It's actually a good game now, fuck coping buildfags

So it's like posting on Yea Forums?

>open world garbage

don't care, still not playing third person only shooter

I would have liked a TPS League game, too bad it's evidently fortnite, the game equivalent of a funcopop shelf.

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what the fuck is with all the fortnite shilling lately
it used to be that Yea Forums didn't tolerate casual garbage like this

I said right foot creep, ooh, I'm walking with that heater
Look around, stay low, make sure they don't see you

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Everyone is in this fucking game. It's crazy who you'll see

>only 730 combat exp
Did you just kill like one person?

Will I see Matlock?

there is 100% a paid campaign going on, and not just here but on most social media

get fucked fortnite

Because it's actually fun now that all the sweaty children can't shit out towers anymore

People who were squeakers when Fortnite came out are now able to vote. Let that sink in.

I killed 4 that game. In solos I play super sneaky

In duos and squads I play alot more aggro

The game is only like two years old, and it wasn't popular until a while after release.

There's Halo and CoD threads too. Your day is over, old man!

well they're still squeaker pieces of shit, that much is known

>"S-stop talking about video games on my coomer board. This board is just for fanart ass pics!"

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>two years old's 5 years old.

They added no build and that was a reason a lot of people didn’t play.

Good, then they should be getting over this FOTM garbage soon.

completely unrelated but who is that qt?

>fortnite isn’t going be popular for a good 10 years
Lol lmao, unless they somehow fuck it up big time it’s never dying.

Allenby, from G Gundam.

You fags said the same thing about Overwatch.

How do you thank the bus driver and what does a victory crown do?

thank you user, much appreciated.

That’s fucking retarded logic, you’re clearly upset about fortnite being huge for some reason and no matter how much it makes you mad fortnite is going to do well.

And the same was said about minecraft...and pokemon...and mario... the list goes on bud. Fortnite is here to stay.

down on the dpad or b
and crowns just keep track of how many times you win back to back games

There's hidden mmr. If it took you this long to win, you were playing against literal retards and bots, lmao. How embarrassing.

And the crown just keeps track of how many wins you get in a row.

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Press B to thank the bus driver, you get xp for it.

The crown carries over to the next game, you get more XP while wearing it but it gives away your position and if you die with it someone else can pick it up

any person believing that fortnite will still be popular in 10 years is a teenager with no lived experience

You will never be TF2. When you die nobody will remember you fondly. You are nothing but an unreal engine guinea pig disguised as a corporate viral marketing scheme.

Did you wipe out tomato town?

It's good shit, give it a watch.

It's okay user, one day you'll get a win too. I'm rooting for ya

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>they got rid of building
it's permanent?

Yep! And it's glorious

It's just for the season, but dataminers have already found stuff that leads them to believe it'll be permanent but a separate gamemode.
Which is what they should have added years ago.

>Equip John Wick skin
>Play the John Wick Mode song on repeat
>Eliminate zoomers

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there's a separate mode called zero build

>you know it's like 75% bots, right?
That's when you just start playing. It basically tries to figure out your SBMM with bots and they throw you in with real people.

>LoL skin
Face the wall

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TF2 is only remembered fondly by bronys and furries.
I'd be in drug dealers houses and they were all playing fortnite during its hayday
Kids are going to remember it like its MW2 or Halo

You're underage.

Wow, you shot somebody. Cool.
Now play the real gamemode.

ty bros

We are talking about two completely different types of games you fucking retard. One is a hero shooter and the other is a BR.


people want to talk about it but the /vg/ thread seems to be some weird hellhole of shitposting. like most /vg/ threads.

>Fortnite removes the one thing that made it mechanically and tactically interesting
>That makes it good for boomers
Whats the matter old man?
Bad at video games?

>hero shooter
You're also underage. Can I talk to someone that isn't 12?

Im 23
Sorry brony bro. I forgot it was Bro-nie. Sorry I didnt use your appropriate pronouns

t. seasonlet

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>Fortnite started out as a COOP survivalcraft game
>They removed the coop
>They removed the survivalcraft

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Ty zoomers, your tears and cope make this victory all the sweeter

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I played back when it first came out and absolutely hated building in the game so I dropped it fast.
Now that they took building out I actually can enjoy it.
It was weird tho, me and my friend were winning every game in duos, it had me scratching my head thinking “there’s no way we are this good”
Yeah turns out that when you first start playing it’s like 90 bots and maybe 10 real players.
After you level up to like 15-20 then you start playing with actual 100 real player games. Now my friend and I are getting at least top 5. So the challenge is there.

>You will never be TF2
That's a good thing.
Even during it's absolute prime it only managed 150,000 and that was the first few weeks it went F2P.
Fortnite has quintupled that number since launch on a daily basis, and that's on ONE platform. that's not even including consoles or mobile.
Fortnite BR came out FIVE (5) years ago and is still going strong, and even more popular now that they've removed the building.
Like, why pretend? Game isn't going anywhere for the foreseeable future bud.

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Yeah but look what they added though

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Thanks PUBG, nothin.... personnel....

why doesn't she have a buttcrack

Yeah I end in the top 10 every game of solos. Feel free to add me NA west, "GetJinxed11"

>Zoomers upset they can't build/edit out of a fight and have to rely on actual positioning, aiming, and movement

Girls don't poop, so they aren't necessary

if girls don't poop how will they shit on my chest???


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Its fake. They put someone else's shit up their ass. Girl butt exists only for safe creampies and sniffing.

>first victory
>has a skin that hasn't been on sale for over 2 months
I don't believe you

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I only made the account to buy the skin when they released it. I only recently started actually playing when they got rid of building. But yeah I'll agree it's kinda cringe. What should I change it to fren?

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You mean stw?

>bought a skin for a game you never had any motivation to play in the first place

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Of course.

Yes, I’m glad I can get wins with out having to deal with towers being built on me

Call me when they add some story after canny.

I just really like jinx

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She looks like she fucks human men.

Too bad she only fucks guns