I don't get it, why doesn't anyone on Yea Forums talk about Dark Souls 1...

I don't get it, why doesn't anyone on Yea Forums talk about Dark Souls 1? Im playing it for the first time and I'm having fun killing things with my black knights sword

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>killed 3 black knights so far in my first DS run ever
>not a single weapon
maybe next time...

Nothing off first knight but my 2nd and third knight I got great sword then regular sword. It's carried me through smough and dragon slayer so far

It’s 10 years old and an understood classic. What would we discuss ffs

What's your favorite weapon to use?

The weapon I haven’t used since my first play through. Balder Side Sword


An Elden Ring thread died for this, please keep the board on-topic thanks.

DS2 is 7 years old and threads still reach bump limit

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because the game came out a decade ago and has 3 sequels now, the newest of which just came out a month ago

because most of us have probably already sunk hundreds or thousands of hours into it. its been dissected and examined down to the pixel. its one of my most treasured games, but its still the same game ive played through like 50+ times.

DS2 and 3 are polarizing, DS1 is not.

>tfw got into DaS too late to enjoy jolly cooperation with anons

Its been talked about for 10 years and the /vg/ souls general is still up.

Makes no sense? don't people search for topics they like the most when they want a discussion?

Great scythe.

It's a lost era of design, when From built games to be fun, rather than for le ebin reddit hype. It's literally the only Souls game with no real artificial difficulty, cheap cheesing enemies, or bullshit in it. Every entry after it is noticeably and substantially worse. Hitboxes are a great example, I've almost 1000 hours in DS1, and other than Gaping Dragon's charge hitbox extending behind him, I can not think of a single hitbox that was off. Ten years later, From seems to have forgotten how to do this correctly, and everything in DS2 onwards has fucked up hitboxes.

The standard starting Longsword is the best weapon in the game.

Balder swords and broadswords are for gay niggers.

yeah what's so great about it wise guy

>only DS2fags are toxic Yea Forums says
yeah lmao

not a sequel

Dark Souls doesn't even need its own threads. Dark Souls is referenced like Ocarina of Time or Deus Ex or System Shock 2 at this point where it's a constant touchstone for comparison. Everyone that plays video games has played it, and if you haven't then you should just because you're gonna be lost in conversations. It has high highs and low lows and both are super useful to be able to reference.

it is


too bad every sequel after it was a disaster

the scythe. not to be confused with great scythe. you can find it in sen’s fortress by dropping down to the titanite demons. the moveset is really good and the damage is decent

Lightning Zweihander with Grass Crest on muh back.
Don't forget the Father Mask and Giant Armor +5

> Balder swords and broadswords are for gay niggers.
You’re just jealous I got the drop and you didn’t

yes. cope harder




Because the game‘s ten years old and people on here talked about it when it first came out, talked again about it when it got popular and occasionally still talk about it when someone new finds his way on this board.
This board simply doesn’t find time and interest enough to talk about more than current releases and rarely the a classic game. You could say this is this month’s dark souls 1 and that there probably will be another next month.

Well the servers are STILL down after 2 whole months
So instead I'm playing Demon's Souls on an RPCS3 server

Gargoyle's Halberd. Everything dies after it goes BONK on their heads

Not that user but BSS didn't feel super cool to me. The moveset was good and the damage was good and it lets you play that standard sword build while pumping only dex, but it's not like this crazy interesting game changing moveset. I like that it exists and wish it was easier to get, because it would help dex builds that wanted to use later game weapons get off the ground, but there's no reliability in the drop so whatever.

Should I use my +5 black knights sword in catacombs or use my +5 divine rapier or +5 divine club?

Wish I had a good pc I miss demon souls so much

Black Knight sword absolutely shits in those other options in terms of damage, and going and killing the necromancers isn't too big of a pain.

No, the damage and scaling are better, but I hate the moveset. The standard Longsword has a fantastic moveset and can 2handed r1->r2 combo extremely quickly for some major damage.

not much to discuss really

amazing atmosphere
fun glitches
actually good poise

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If I beat Elden Ring will I do okay in DS1?

ol' reliable

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Ah I saw somewhere that suggested divine weapon for catacombs so I was just going with the flow. Thank you though

you will probably play through the game without dying

>fun glitches
Glitches are fun when it's ds1, right?

>play through DS series
>only 1 playthrough per game
>get black knight weapons every time
>only through Yea Forums I learn that they're not guaranteed drops like I thought they were

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>don't people search for topics they like the most when they want a discussion?

Unfortunately Yea Forums is more about shitflinging over controversial topics so people tend to talk more about DS2/DS3 which the fanbase is pretty divided on.

Pyromancy Flame, for using the incredible pyromancy that doesn't scale off any stats and instead is just based on how much you've leveled up your flame. DS1 was a great game to be a pyro.

As for actual melee weapons, I think I usually favored the Black Knight Sword. Had it drop from a Black Knight in the Undead Burg on my very first playthrough and always hope to get it on replays.

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Rofl I did this on my first playthrough. Fuck fighting two kakas at once

You’ll complain it’s too easy and/or die in plenty of traversal sections

Too many zoomers that bought into the GIT GUD LOL HARD GAME meme.

Compared to Elden Ring, Dark Souls is Kirby's Dreamland. But like Kirby's Dreamland, it is a better game than Elden Ring.

Can't pick one between Estoc, BSS, and Silver Knight Spear.

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If you're heavy into faith then it's pretty neat to kill the skeletons with no resurrecting. If your club is upgraded then I guess give it a try. But the necromancers that resurrect the skeletons stay dead forever once killed so it's totally not necessary.


Thanks for explaining I'll just one shot everything with my black knights sword

It really is so wholesome just to walk around in Dark Souls. Movement is so balanced and nice. It’s like an NES Castlevania game.

Black knight halberd

they don't want discussion they want (you)s.

Yeah it's much easier than Elden Ring. You'll probably have a really comfy experience with the skills you've built up.

The entire first half of Dark Souls 1 is, I think, as of yet unmatched in Fromsoft's following games. Something just feels so great, weighty, well-thought-out, and yet somehow arcadey about everything from Firelink Shrine through Anor Londo.

Unfortunately some of the late-game areas really suffered due to constraints on development time, but even then, they're not so bad.

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Say what you want about DS2 but the environments were great. All the DLCs were absolute kino artistically