One thing i never understood about fates was the whole curse thing...

One thing i never understood about fates was the whole curse thing. sure you cant SAY the name but why did no one try writing it down or drawing Va

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Ass TOO large

corrin feet and butt

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Why did they give this cute slut a butt window?

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umm, op? are you still there?

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i am going to kill every footfag on earth

Because they're retarded, especially Corrin. But it's okay since she's cutetarded.

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This dumb bitch will literally marry an 8 year old AND get pregnant by him. Literally what the fuck is wrong with Fates?

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If anything the 8 year old would be taking advantage of her as he's on a higher mental plane.

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I hope we get the fates trilogy on switch

>Princess Corrin, is this really a Nohrian royal greeting?

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what do corrin feet and butt smell like?

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Fire emblem Fates? More like Fire emblem Feets

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Feet smell bad you gross freaks

Do you get turned on smelling a block of cheese too?

>he thinks they smell like cheese

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So is meru dead or...

expensive perfumes and oils gifted to her by camilla

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Unwashed feet smell bad.
If you can corelate feet only with stench then that means you and your family has hygiene problems.

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OP here, just got back to the thread. what the fuck is wrong with you guys?

but I like the stench

hopefully, that fucking diapernigger

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Corrin definitely doesn't wash her feet

She doesn't need to. She uses dragon magic to keep her feet soft and nice and to make them smell like some sweet fruits or flowers.

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Of course not she's royalty, servants wash them for her.

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>corrin is a retar-
ummm takumi bros? how do we explain corrin having a formal education?

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the lizards are canon smelly

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apparently it's just nohrian fashion
which i consider to be very based

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You can know a lot while still being a retard, I'm pretty dumb but I got great grades in school.

It is written: "If OP images had female bare feet(especially bare soles) then thread is a foot thread and whatever is written on OP post is irrevelant"

If you lurked more, you will maybe find this rule by analyzing corelation between OP images and what kind of posts they bring.

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To answer your question, it's because Fates is full of mouthbreathing retards.

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w-what's the corrin special

she hires a better artist

All her teachers and professors were female feet enjoyers and because Corrin walks barefoot all time, she unintentionally seduced them into giving her good grades.

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>can't fuck best girl Camilla as second best girl Corrin
Life is suffering

I don't play Fire Emblem. Can a kind sir impart me the knowledge as to why Corrin, and specifically Female Corrin, is universally considered a retard?

honestly id pay 5 bucks to touch and fondle a girls feet for a whole minute, especially if they encourage me. a foot job for 50 bucks is a bit too much though.

Oily footjob, for entire night, she uses dragon magic to keep your erection all time.

Because Fate's story is hilarously bad seriously I have never played a strategy game with a story that bad oh my god, every other route is more retarded than the last I wish I could erase this shitty game's plot from my memory forever.

a fates remake needs to expand the yuri options

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I want to smell Corrin's asshole

its mostly because of her decisions in conquest where she could have ended the war multiple times before all this bad shit in the narrative happens. honestly most of the problems come from the fact that theres 2 other tangential routes and that she doesnt have any agency at all in conquest compared to birthright. shes also horribly inexperienced because she was brainwiped as a child and raised isolated in a fortress in a frozen wasteland so you see her often act blatantly retarded the few times she has agency as a result of her upbringing.

get in line

but did you enjoy playing it?

Friendly reminder that Edelgard hates Sothis because she is jealous of her cute soft young feet. So Edelgard's opinion about sothis will be always negative.

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fates came out like 6 years ago. just go play it

Edelgard didn't say that though Sothis' dragon kid did

PHEW! thanks, that works for me...

i have, but i need more yuri

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Kinda weird to say that about your own mom

who even is this? didnt play 3h

a naughty boy



Corrin really is making her way into my fave 5

>t. Irishman