Why did Yea Forums hate this?

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>Become Human
This should be aimed at a certain folk of darker complexion.

i liked it a lot

It's not video games
It's good at being whatever teh fuck it is, but not vydia

I don't hate it but what were they thinking with that cover

I find entire concept of walking tosters being equal to humans, retarded.

I don't know about Yea Forums's usual worthless opinions but if I recall when the game first released it was criticized for essentially being an interactive movie game with zero replay value and a forgettable, hackney story.

I liked it a lot actually.

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it has multiple failure states. More unique failure states than a ton of "video games" currently out.


God I wish Chloebots were real

It was just a really shitty hamfisted civil rights allegory and the characters are retarded. You can play Connor as a terminator killer robot the entire time and at the Hank will still for some reason end up symathizing with robots and be shocked that there's no humanity to you. The lady robot and the little girl sidequest is entirely inconsequential and a waste of time, the only time it interacts with the other two plots is by influencing the opinion of a Canadian borderguard. Not to mention the twist is hack shit. It's just usual David Cage shit.

It was a fun game to watch on youtube.

Post the damn cute robots

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>not playing the actual game on youtube

extremely unsubtle game ANDROIDS GO TO THE BACK OF THE BUS but iirc u can do some pretty funny shit in the game

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Well made interactive movie with stereotypical cop tropes which I love

Good game

I loved Kara !

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I liked it a lot, one of the few PS4 exclusives (at the time) that I actually finished.

Its the one Yea Forums hated the least. I liked it because I managed to get almost the best endings I think, if not the best for everyone. Biggest issue was Kara. You could remove her entire segment and it wouldn't change the game, she's an unnecessary character but still kinda cute

it's alright, the story is very dumb though, use your brain and rational logic and you'll find a lot of inconsistencies.
until dawn is still the perfect movie game.

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Besides Beardo and Connor the story was really shitty. And the end of the Connor story was also very bad.

Markus wasn't really a character, his romance doesn't make any sense, the metaphor involved lacked the slightest subtlety.

The kid turning out to be a robot was the stupidest fucking twist imaginable. The entire Canadian border section was also retarded.

So while the branching paths and visuals and general aesthetic had a lot going for it ultimately it was still a really fucking hacky story, like every other Quantic David Cage game.

>zero replay value
literally not even true

It's bad, French people have no soul

>Why did Yea Forums hate this?
racist sexist chuds only liked connor and his story
the fake hardcore gamers on here (who gobble up games with trash combat like soulsborne anyway, then turn around and claim it's about muh adventure) decried it for a supposed lack of gameplay
and lastly on principle for being a David Cage product

that's basically it; if you go read through old threads, that is what the prevailing mouthbreather opinion was

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It was a good interactive movie.

Get some normie friends or you will die.
Modern left is a suicide cult.

Barely has any porn. Which is wild to me since the girls are pretty hot

It was a game mostly played by relatively well-adjusted individuals who don't seek sexual stimulation from fictive media.

kek good point

>David Cage

That right there is reason enough.

Wasn't that game basically a funny vn iirc

Its alright if you follow the game writers narrative, the genocide Android run was lacklustre and ended abruptly

Played it a couple months back, it was great.


Woke bullshit

Get help, incel, before it's too late.

What exactly does currently out mean you moronic cunt? When does a game cease being out?

Why are you seething?

You dont know what that word even means cunt.

le frenchman

What exactly does currently out mean you moronic cunt? When does a game cease being out?

>ESL doesn't understand that currently out means games that exist and that it excludes things that may exist in the future


I found it a very enjoyable game that expanded well on heavy rain's style.
Felt a bit easier on timings and less [fuck you] deaths which plagued heavy rain.

You two stupid cunts blow my mind.
If a game's been released, thats it. You cant remove it or have it cease existing.
So in this context that one of you dickless troons proposed, how is this game better than the thousands upon thousands of games that utilise "failure states" and when does a game cease being out? What are your retarded metrics for what is and isnt considered "out"?

Are games that you can still buy, but the sales no longer go to the devs and/or publisher, still considered out?

Meds. NOW.

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David Cage """""writing."""""

My guess is because it isn't a good game.
Just call it a hunch.

>game with minorities and women protags
>wtf why do Yea Forumsincels hate it
Gee I dunno.

This lol. His games are always hilariously badly written.

I enjoyed it but toasters aren't people.

Worst musou i ever played

The game was fucking based

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Hell yes

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Because it has nothing to do with Detroit.

Every mans fantasy, a woman with an off switch.

I used to live there, I've seen many houses like the one with Kara

Loli sex bots

Because it's basically if Blade Runner was written by a retarded woman who just took a CRT class.