Serious question here: If you're an adult with a job, why buy any games? Why not just pirate everything and put the resulting savings into saving for the future?
Serious question here: If you're an adult with a job, why buy any games...
Why buy anything?
You can get away with pirating digital stuff. Trying it IRL is dumb, blackanon.
op raises a good point. think of how much time you could have invested in being a normal person than playing video gaames
I can tell this is serious.
With the current level of inflation, physical games are holding their value better than actual money.
i make enough that the tiny amount i would save from doing so is inconsequential, poorfag
Because I only play PUBG now and I already paid for that shit in 2017. Hell, the only way to play it is officially anyway.
I do pirate every game because I refuse to sign up for some gay ass middle man bloatware.
fuck off jew
Have fun with the lawsuit.
I specified adults in the OP. Multiplayer is for underages and pedos grooming them.
>implying I play AAAshit and have to risk that
>what is gog
Pirating is legal in my cunt
hahahah good one user
what is it?
>jews are cheap
>jews spend money on games
i hate them too, but you'rd just confused.
>on Yea Forums
Not paying for non-digital things has larger inherent risks
it's the completely unscripted, improvisational game Yea Forums was asking for
op raises a good point. most people here are unemployed I can tell from their ESL posts.
because its just easier to buy it.
activating a vpn, putting a torrent on and waiting a little bit are too hard for you, huh
lemme guess, you post pepe the frog OPs regularly, right?
cope poor
you will never control the world banks
nope i don't post OPs at all, i just shitpost and lurk when im not wageslaving, yes doing all that is too hard after 8hours of wage slaving.
all insults are projection
gog is a fucking scam, I can't get good old games on archive dot org
spending money in any form empowers jews, I refuse to spend any of it unless I have too, get fucked
suck a dick jewboy
>pirate everything
i do that
>future savings
it goes straight towards alcohol, say whatever you want i dont care, i will die at 60 no matter what i do so why not have some fun?
based. have you considered adding in opoids to make it age 50 instead?
I want to support the developers so they continue to make good games.
If no one buys games and only pirates how will games get made?
I lack free time to keep up with releases so the cost of complete editions by the time I'm ready to play them is low enough that it's not worth the time cost to pirate them.
>activating a vpn
Does the law actually come after software pirates in some countries?
I pay for a monthly sub thats about it, don't really buy games.
>saving for the future
what future? I'm killing myself on my 40th birthday
more like age 30 if i ever touch uppers
lol u have no influence over the government or media because money is the most important thing on earth
choke on my superpac lobbying dick goy
you lost, you are losing, and you will continue to lose
good luck kicking this merchant out of the temple
ps we control video games too
this is basically what i do, i pirate things i'm unsure about or developers/publishers i don't want to support
If you actually have a decent job the money you spend on games is literally nothing.
why are ironic weebs always
>muh megumin
>muh aqua
little do they know that akihabara was overrun with japanese normalfags fifteen years ago and they are just consuming what japanese and western normalfags enjoy.
you know how people say anime isn't as good anymore? it was due to nomalfags infiltrating akihabara back then and changing the target audience
kill yourself jew faggot
When you learn the value of money, you learn that its ok to support the things you like. Be it small businesses or just products you hope to see more of. Also you learn the value of you time and the cost of convenience. Its so minuscule that you feel like its ok to spend a few bucks here and there. If you're a student/living at home or just have an extremely low paying job then the appeal of buying things just isn't really there.
its always the normalfags aka NPCs that ruin shit
>ironic weeb
I think megumin is cute and funny and aqua is hot and got into anime with azumanga daioh
That's what I do, OP. I don't buy anything I can pirate. I do pay for a VPN for the whopping cost of $3/mo for peace of mind when I torrent, but that's about it.
The only stuff I spend disposable income on are books and pornography commissions.
oops my wallet fell, can you help me grab it moishe?
There are more. Who were they? Uzaki?
whoa buddy there's nothing ironic about jacking off to aqua without watching or reading konosuba
>I'm only not a thief when there are consequences to being one.
Both morally bankrupt and poor. Nothing sadder than a miserable physical life followed by eternal damnation.
Sure thing, thief.
I only pay for multiplayer games and single player games I liked and want to support the devs of
Don't blame me, blame the system that got rid of demos
Fuck off Konoshitba
I like supporting people's creative endeavours. Honestly never looked at buying media as me owning it and instead supporting things I like so more things I enjoy can be made.
yeah that never works, the corpos just follow the trends no matter what you do, we will continue to see more souls likes, shitty battle royals , battery powered cars, razer thin bezeless phones ect ect
>being anti-piracy
imagine being this redditor
>playing multiplayer games
what are you, underage?
courtesy of Yea Forums
>what are you, underage?
No user, I just have friends
Because I'm not a nigger.
If you're an adult with a job, why not just shoplift everything and put the resulting savings into saving for the future? Why not just evade your taxes and squat in an unoccupied apartment?
PUBG is the completely unscripted, improvisational, unforgiving game Yea Forums was asking for for years. By that time, nu-Yea Forums already took over. They thought they would get like 10 kills per match only to quickly die and blame the game instead of themselves.
>playing multiplayer games after the age of 18
So you're either a massive loser or a creepy groomer.
Which is it, user?
i kind of want to tbo
I pirate western games, I buy japanese games.
Simple as
Because it's easy and I can afford it and sometimes I want to support the developer.
Reddit loves piracy.
Enjoy your miserable eternity, faggot.
never liked MP games, was never good at MP games when i tried them, never buy MP games.
user I'm 32 and playing with my IRC friends of 13 years, we're all older and jaded and just play games together because even the shittiest dumpster fire is still fun with people you can actually stand to be around
Big boy jobs pay you enough to make the $15 you spend on some shit game during a Steam sale inconsequential
Good. You're an actual mental adult and not some creepy groomer.