Work smart, not hard

Work smart, not hard

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have farts, not sharts

i dunno

>rolling or crawling on the floor

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>PvP youtubers seething over this harder than anything else
One of them wants it removed from the game lol

work smart end up working harder because they think your smart so they give you all the work.

>fun PvE stuff gets ruined for PvP crybabies


>PvP youtubers seething

what makes this any good when the enemies track you through it anyway and just turn around to land the hit on you when you are finished wooshing around?
is it just good because you can evade away and create distance?

What am I even looking at?

>people are upset over game breaking thing that trivializes the game
uh, yes?

lots of iframes for AoEs, for one

That's what pvp has been. Bunch of tryhards exploiting the game.

so its just a dodge with more I frames? i tried to use it to get behind bosses and enemies, but that didnt work, they just tracked me through the invisibility

It's mostly pvpfags crying because they can't just run to you and evaporate you in 0.2 seconds with their broken builds.

jeenine should stop being a faggot then and black crystal out like a normal person

Same reason I don’t pick “easy” difficulty on other games.

Let me bash my head against the wall in peace.

ah okay

They are gay, just implement it into your build
The only nerf I would consider is it costing more fp

Pretty amazing with a wizard sized mind bar.

PVPniggers should shut the fuck up and play a real fighting game instead of trying to ruin it for everyone.

You beat the game using the tools provided to you.

How viable is to wear heavy load and then just use quickstep/bloodhound step to evade?

>can use it while overloaded
>doesn't cost anything
>covers a fuck ton of distance to either run away or chase
>1.5 full seconds of i-frames
>literally dictates the flow of battle
>only counter is either running out of fp or gravity
>can never get hit unless you choose to
Just say you want to see the game die.

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As long as you have a steady supply of FP it's doable.


Honestly, the skill should cost more FP. It saves my ass way more times than any shield, especially against mobs and I only try to use it in emergencies because my Mind is so low.

Imagine having a shit ton of FP with that skill. Fuck ever having to be punished for your shit.

I want the game to die.

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Can you manage to not 41% yourself first?

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no guarantees

I'm having fun with a mobility skill. I don't care if it hurts the PVP or the balance of the bosses.

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Bring this back and have it affect Bloodhound Step.

Attached: twop.png (102x120, 7.97K)

Radahn bros we can't stop winning.

Attached: Radahn.jpg (850x937, 109.3K)


You didn't beat the game.
>t. used bloodhound's step

Only retards think radahn won, he got left with madness and all his soldiers dying and riding a short horse, just like retards ride the short bus

Kek, Maleniafags seething that Radahn won.

>Malenia gets to relax in a comfy chair
>Radahn is cursed to wander a desert, eating corpses like a literal animal, has to be put down like the dog he is

This board clearly loved that dog.

>malenia gets her ass beaten so badly she has to use a nuke
>meanwhile chadan never resorted to using his
>woman has to use poison to have a chance
only trannies think malenia won

>Yea Forums being misogynistic
wow, color me surprised

>stab a guy whose been stabbed with so many spears he uses them as arrows once
>fart and pass out
>get carried away
>”I have never known defeat”
Woman logic about a woman moment

>Malenia took the dog

I swore allegiance to moon family, I hate golden and edge faggots so goddamn much

>Just say you want to see the game die.
I want to see PvP die.

this is a really retarded question, but what settings do I need to choose to make sure my lock-on stays on the enemy no matter what? this has been a big time issue with me for Maliketh

Attached: fit person.webm (720x900, 2.89M)

It uses a sliver of fp. Even the streamers that spam it for all enemy attacks can do so comfortably

>Malenia: survives intact
>Radahn: completely mad, can't do anything but walk around in a desert
>white woman took a dog
wow, color me surprised

>cool in theory, absolute dogshit in practice
>transition to second phase is cool, but still shit in practice
>weeb garbage in theory, absolute weeb garbage in practice
The only ones losing are the players

But why?

Yeah mid rollers should definitely be able to dodge like that.

Because trying to force balance around player vs player interactions when 95% of the game is player vs AI is retarded. If the pvp community would just shut the fuck up and stick to their fight clubs and house rules I wouldn't care.

Totally unattractive

id tell you, but i dislike your webm

Are you retarded? bhs is literally a free out of jail card even for the pve
same as bleed, scarlet rot and moonveil

pressing button to win is not fun

>pressing button to win is not fun
So don't use it.

Only if you stop playing the game if you don't like pvp.

Souls pvp cultists are the worst pieces of shit ever. They literally only play fromsoftware games, they don't even like video games in general. They're mad because they have to deal with this for the next 5 years because all of them will literally not touch another game except elden ring for that long, until the next fromsoft game drops. Actual fucking cultists and they should all kill themselves because they all have the same exact whiny bitchy personality too.

Perfect for ryona

what are two good straight swords to powerstance for a dex/arcane build, I could always go Shamshir and scavengers curved sword instead but I love the double straight sword L1 combo

this nigga deep purple

no i'm pretty sure both steps reduce recovery, meaning you can step after an attack faster than you can roll
even the dodge attack is faster than if you rolled

That bitch is a cripple and a insane retard lmao