>The story falls off a clip after in Chapter 4
>Arthur is a massive hippocrite that beat a sick preacher to death over a few bucks (and many more like him) while moralfagging Dutch for killing a mob boss out for their heads and some old crone that pulled a knife on him and was probably going to call the guards when she realized he had nothing more to pay
>Half assed rpg/simulation shit
>John is a complete moron thorougout the entire game and somehow manages to act even dumber and more out of character years later in the epilogue
>Sadie Addler is a one dimensional girlboss that does noting until chapter 6, moths off and doesn't want to do any work around camp, pulls a knife on Pearson and doesn't imediately get beaten, raped and kicked out of camp (why were they letting her leech of them for week in the first place?) and does nothing but act like a moron that keeps put the gang into trouble (with no repercussions for some reason)
>Dutch's gang is way too overpowered and is for some reason most known for the Blackwater massacre (where only 20 people got killed) when they literally genocicde two massive plantation families in Rhodes, killed half the cops and wiped out the mob in Saint Denis, wiped out the Murfree Brood, kicked the Pinkerton's and Uncle Sam's ass multiple times
>Swanson train station scene > Nun train station scene
7/10 for the open world, side missions and camp interactions campfire songs. First game is better in every way besides graphics and map size.
Red Dead Redemption 2
>The story falls off a clip after in Chapter 4
>falls off a clip
stopped reading there
mouths off*
I'm sorry user but you're retarded and blinded by nostalgia, I agree with your criticisms about 2 but even with those issues it blows 1 out of the water
>There's literally nothing to do. The entire zone is empty.
the first game is better written and executed all around. limitations of its time don't count as flaws.
Story takes a dive towards the end of chapter 3 and hits bottom with chapter 5, but then chapter 6 is fantastic.
2 and 6 are the best chapters in the game
And? They balance it out by having Tumbleweed populated and thriving, plus you can abuse all of the sick people in Armadillo and don't have to worry about the law.
Chapter 5 was the cuban island, right? Because I agree that was shit.
But, what was chapter 2. I forget.
>They balance it out by having Tumbleweed populated and thriving
>not a single quest
>durr OP made typo thererefore my mindless fanboyism is justified
Jesus OP, you took everything the characters did and said at face value and made no attempt to go any further than that.
new austin is there for online and online alone
besides it being a massive plot hole: what is there to actually do in Tumbleweed besides do another boring ass bounty mission and play poker? do you faggots really just walk around town doing nothing for two hours?
Then debate with me. I would love an actual discussion.
how the fuck is it a plot hole when it has noting to do with the plot?
>do you faggots really just walk around town doing nothing for two hours?
Yeah, I talk to NPC's, get drunk, go hunting, rob folk, rob stagecoaches and sometimes just enjoy the scenery.
2 is valentine, the story is very lax, there's really no big concern, you're just getting the gang back on its feet. It's more about putting you in the world and getting to know the characters than it is about any big shit going down in the story.
By far the best chapter
continuity error then.
How is it a plot hole? You don't think it's possible for Tumbleweed to die and for Armadillo to thrive in the few years between RDR1 and RDR2?
I really liked Rhodes as a setting but the chapter felt way too shot and rushed. Cool ending mission though,
not in such a short time frame. the town looked and was talked about like it's been abandaned for a decade in the first one.
yeah its kind of a shame because it had a lot of promise that it didn't deliver on. Like the idea that you'd be getting to know the two families and working both sides, never really fully delivered on that and the missions were kind of lame.
I'd say it starts out really good, but a few missions in is where it turns meh.
chapter 4 was ruined by poor writing and pacing. Making the Saint Denis chapter the one where everyone is in a rush and there's no time for anything but work so you can make a quick escape was a bad idea.
Arthur IS a massive hypocrite and a terrible person and him trying to do good doesn't make him good. But he tries nonetheless because the life he lived was a waste and he's coming to terms with it. Makes for a better character but you see it as a massive writing fuckup that he is flawed.
John IS a complete moron in 2. They beat you over the head with that immediately. He's a flaky selfish dipshit at first, then in the epilogue he grows a bit and tries to leave his old life behind to be a family man but he still has no idea what he's doing, then he becomes that family man he wants to be by RDR1. It's a fucking character arc, a decent one at that, and again you think it's a fuckup.
Sean tried to kill Dutch at first but Dutch still recruited him so Sadie pulling a knife on Pearson is no big deal and fits with the type of person Dutch like to keep around: An angry down on their luck person he can manipulate (Arthur, John, Bill, Javier, Eagle Flies etc.) Saide fits the bill since she has nothing left and wants only to get payback which Dutch is happy to accommodate
Rest is subjective but you miss a whole lot by failing to read between the lines.
>Making the Saint Denis chapter the one where everyone is in a rush and there's no time for anything but work so you can make a quick escape was a bad idea.
same. it literally had the best camp (fucking love the swamp and wish it was bigger) and main town/city. saint denis is amazing. it only filters morons that don't know how to ride a horse properly. the night lighting also looks amazing on my pc (playing it maxed out at 60 fps).
Oh yeah. No, Chapter 2 was great. It was a slow burn to get you accustomed to the characters before shit really hit the fan. RDR2 did a great job in pacing things. I remember having a random event with Uncle at a bar and saving him during that chapter.
>Arthur is a massive hippocrite that beat a sick preacher to death over a few bucks (and many more like him) while moralfagging Dutch for killing a mob boss out for their heads and some old crone
He changes throughout the story. It's called character development.
I always thought that Arthur beating the Tuberculosis guy to death seemed forced. Like, every other debt you collect with him he didn't go to that extreme, but he with the TB guy he decides to go full on asshole. Just feels forced.
you just picked the option not to beat the others up which you absolutely can. playing good boy arthur isn't always the best thing to do
>Arthur IS a massive hypocrite and a terrible person
Doesn't change the fact that the game wants you to forgive him for it or how he keeps nagging at Dutch for all the wrong reasons
>John IS a complete moron in 2. They beat you over the head with that immediately. He's a flaky selfish dipshit at first, then in the epilogue he grows a bit and tries to leave his old life behind to be a family man but he still has no idea what he's doing, then he becomes that family man he wants to be by RDR1. It's a fucking character arc, a decent one at that, and again you think it's a fuckup.
John was an intelligent and well spoken badass in the first game. All he really should have been is a bit angrier, more violent and blindly loyal to Dutch. Not to mention how he need constant saving throughout the game. How do you explain his newly found confidence, competence and extra brain cells in 1911 t when compared to the bumbling jack off we got in the epilogue (only set a few years earlyer)?
Well, that's not a bad point. However, there wasn't an option that you could choose with the TB guy OTHER than to beat him to the death.
yeah because only retards make spelling errors
>All he really should have been is a bit angrier, more violent and blindly loyal to Dutch.
What? Did you miss out when Dutch literally turned on him in Arthur's final mission?
was there ANY good reason for John to write his real name on the loan application or was he just THE most retarded videogame character in history?
The story really didn't manage to make me care about any of these characters or their motivations,goals, they were stationary for too long, Arthur is that person who won't leave his comfort zone until it's too late and that makes it feel like it takes too long to go anywhere, it makes perfect sense but if it was way way shorter it might have been good.
things just went to shit way too fast after chapter 2, they really should have made it a more gradual change
one minute there are campfire songs and flirting, then the next all the woman are crying and Dutch is screaming at the top of his lungs every time you enter camp
>Doesn't change the fact that the game wants you to forgive him for it or how he keeps nagging at Dutch for all the wrong reasons
The game doesn't want you to forgive him, it wants you to see the internal battle he's having with himself on death's door. Forgiving him means you haven't been paying attention
>How do you explain his newly found confidence, competence and extra brain cells in 1911 t when compared to the bumbling jack off we got in the epilogue (only set a few years earlyer)?
M A T U R I T Y, he learned from his mistakes, he grew up, he got his shit together, the whole premise of the story was that he finally became a committed family man but then his old life caught up with him and dragged him back into it because you can't outrun a shitty past.
It annoys me that a nice interactive and wide open world is wasted on a boring linear story about muh redemption arc.
I'm sick of Redemption faggotry already.
I want Red Dead but without a gay story and a new cast. With a protagonist that doesn't die, and hopefully with some actual decisions for the missions/story.
well yeah the story kind falls apart there if he isn't a cunt at that moment
Its a mag
Sounds like you don't like the series. Go play something else then.
yes but Joh has also been questioning him the entire game. it would be way more frustrating for Arthur and the player if he almost got killed because he refused to listen. it would also make Dutch's betrayal much worse for John. at that poin they all pretty much hated eachother anyways so I'm shocked that Arthur and John were even surprised he did it. He'd already left Arthur for dead in the factory shootout and almost let the law hang John after they got back from Guarma. Why didn't they fucking hang him (or shoot him on the spot) anyways? They killed Mac and Hosea the moment they got their hands on them.
Yeah, it's not really that "game-breaking" of a moment. I'm fine with it, but I just wished that Arthur wasn't such an asshole during the scene, especially when he didn't act like that on the other debt missions.
But, whatever. The only thing I wished was that it was handled a bit more tactfully, but other than that I'm completely fine with it.
>Why didn't they fucking hang him (or shoot him on the spot) anyways?
Who are you talking about?
Just remember you're an outlaw with a long history of being shitty and that makes being shitty an easier thing to do at that point in the game. Get your good boy point in chapter 6 when Arthur's outlook changes
John after he got caught in Saint Denis. Just seem like contrived writing because he would have drowned on that boat in Guarma.
Story should've started before the blackwater job, colter should've the turning point where the group falls apart, rest of the game would be driven by a choice to either follow dutch to the bitter end or oppose him and get the gang to safety.
I really enjoyed the game, one of my favourites, the only thing that rubbed me the wrong way was how Arthur so vocally disagreed with Dutch but went along with his retarded plans like robbing the army anyway. Would've been a lot better if Arthur was just characterized as someone unwaveringly loyal to Dutch or opposed him more.
Don't be stupid. I like the gameplay well enough. RDR was great and I like RDR2 a lot but it is inferior to 1 in many aspects except the interactivity. I played 2 for 200 hs without going past chapter 3 or 4 I don't remember. I started disliking the story and characters so I just wandered the open world.
I'm saying move on from Redemption faggotry and take advantage of the setting for something else. For example, take to 100% the RPG elements teased in 2 and make it a full blown RPG game. With differents paths for story. I don't know ANYTHING other than a redemption arc.
Ahhhhh, yeah I see what you're saying. I agree. They were more than willing to execute Hosea at the bank robbery, but they captured John without killing him.
That's just plot armor, pure and simple. I agree, that's poor writing where it concerns logical consistency.
Pinkertons would have thought hanging John would only embolden the gang knowing Dutch whereas keeping him imprisoned for info or as bait could be more useful. Kind of like how Colm takes Arthur.
I'm not going to take writing criticism from someone who unironically makes diamond dozen-tier mistakes.
The Hosea killing right in front of him was intended to break Dutch rather than just eliminate a gang member. They probably kept John as bait or to try and turn him or get info.
>him imprisoned for info or as bait could be more usefu
so why was breaking him out such a pieco of cake? also: no pinkertons in sight. the guards literally stop chasing you the moment you cross the river. that entire part of the game is absolutely retarded.
good joke
5/10 at best. mediocre game.
Not necessarily. Hosea and Abigail were the only two that were left outside of the main bank robbery heist. They were in charge of transportation from the bank (I think).
The fact that they captured Hosea wasn't due to intricate planning to get into Dutch's head and make him make a mistake. It was just fortunate happenstance for the Pinkertons that they managed to snatch Hosea.
>so why was breaking him out such a pieco of cake?
vidya gaems being vidya gaems and rockstar missions being rockstar missions. i don't think it's worth reading any more into mission combat than it's just there to get to the next page in the story
*Actually, just looked it up. They were in charge of the distraction, not transportation.
I'm not saying it was planned but once they did get Hosea they knew they had a chance to hit Dutch hard.
Dutch doesn't actually do anything wrong, he's trying to make the best of a shit situation. He just needs TIME and MONEY.
making it a prequel was a mistake for a company such as Rockstar that likes narrative-driven games, I didn't dislike its gameplay and the camp mechanics, it just felt like this was not a story that had to be told really, Dutch barely changed and from the get go he was already shitty with whatever happened at the boat
>John was an intelligent and well spoken badass in the first game.
Motherfucker walked up to Fort Mercer and tried to politely ask Bill Williamson who tried to kill him last time he saw him to give himself up to the law.
The characters being hypocrites is the point
The game is still boring as hell
If Arthur wasn't autistic he would have left the gang years ago
The last third of the game is a really shitty contrived and forcefed setup for RDR1 and I really wish RDR2 wasn't a prequel
it's actually amazing how much better it looks on PC compared to ps4. like day and night. playing it again now.
Well, yeah I could agree with that. Hosea was long time boomer con-man who was one of the first to roll with Dutch. They were aware of Hosea for sure. However, I don't think if they had someone at gunpoint other than him that they wouldn't pull the trigger. It's obvious Milton wanted to put an end to them, so whoever was taken hostage was irrelevant.
Nah Dutch's masked slipped throughout the game. Relentless sociopath with a god complex manipulating people around him to get what he wants. His chapter 6 plan 100% worked though to his credit.
too bad the taa look like ass if you're playing at 1080p. thank god for radeon sharpening so I can play it maxed out at 60 fps without super scaling killing my fps.
Nah I think they knew a lot of Dutch and Hosea's history which is why he was put on display for Dutch. They would have just either immediately killed or taken away a more junior member of the gang
is the anti aliasin better on ps4 at 1080p? because pc is literally unplayable.
the taa doesn't look good until 4k
TAA with sharpening turned up is good. yeah default setting can be blurry.
Hosea and Abigail were the only two people who could have been snatched, because they were the only two to be the distraction from Dutch's plan and away from the main bank crew. It was just plot convenience that they grabbed Hosea.
in game sharpening is pretty abd though. I turn it all the way down and set radeon sharpening to 90%. looks as good as you can get at that resolution.
yeah you can also do sharpening via the nvidia overlay, best way to fix it imo.
Abigail is rarely on a job so she could have been a civilian for all they knew
I was trying to play for the second time but honestly I feel it's a waste of time. You guys are right the game it's so slow and history after chapter 3 goes downhill.
Or maybe I'm done with with the same R* formula that I've been playing for 20 years.
Installing Elden Ring at the moment.
enjoy the same From formula that you've been playing for 13 years!
Sounds like Max Payne 3 retardation script
I didn't play RDR2. It was ironically really boring, and all Rockstar characters are written by edgy dumbasses, so didn't even bother. But I remember Max Payne 3's plot and man, that was some SERIOUS stupidity.