Why is this so accurate?

Why is this so accurate?

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Didn't read

Kojima uses twitter all the time tho.

mucho texto
right cant meme

Miyazaki is japanese though

callese mongolico

Based leftists seethe

the right can't be american devs ;_;

>I'm illiterate and ADHD
Why do zoomers think this is an insult? You're just saying "Im retarded" and thinking you won.
I'm sure you will now hit me with another epic oneliner like "d-didnt ask" or "L" or "ratio" because thats all your dopamine burnt brain can handle



90% of the left applies to Kojima.

It's why you see the same images over and over. They are easy to save to the phone and plaster everywhere. It's literally a waste of time putting effort into these.

Don't care, just play golf

More like it's easier to download/snapshot a picture and crop it, but the general idea is the same.



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>"All their 'games' are more like movies because they secretly want to make movies instead of games
why is this in the opposite side of kojima? this is literally him, except it is not a secret that he wants to make movies instead of games

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Isnt one of the japense the one that would block you for anything?

Miyazaki and Kojima should be swapped.

TO THIS???!?!?!

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>japan good west bad
no jap dev has ever come close to even developing masterworks like aurora 4x or dwarf fortress, so your argument is rendered invalid

do nips even make MUDs? i don't think so

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not right wing. not enough of the nigger word.

And yet he'll never fit in with the jewllywood cancer he desperately wants to befriend, despite being given the script of his trash games by them. Poetry

So what does that make Todd? He makes games for the same franchise but He also openly states that in every game even sequels he starts from scratch treating it like a brand new game.

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Todd is honorary Japanese.

You misplaced Miyazaki and Hackjima.

There are plenty of Japaneses devs that fit in with the left, you just don't know about them.

Japan has created all of the most beloved and famous franchises. Zelda (all nintendo games actually), RE, Silent Hill etc.

>right devs

lol nah. Movieshit like Metal Gear Solid and Nier are worse than Uncharted or Fez.I'm so sorry you guys are so easily wowed by fancy bells and whistles.

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>dwarf fortress
No one knows nor cares about those games cause they're samey samey trash.

remove kojima. if it were like fifteen years ago, then yes

I thought you liked action games like DMC1??

Taro is a hack and his games suck

And it would be better without the cringeworthy story.


Hello, Cringe Department?

>game dev spic
what the fuck op?

I'm sorry but nobody cares about indie pixel shit Fez.

Put some waifu tits in it or cringeworthy anime humor, and people will instantly consider it a classic. That's how easy it is to win over certain people.

Didn't you say and i quote "I'm okay with these kind of stories because it isn't taking itself seriously he's thinking about getting a pizza.."
DMC: do 40 air combos and 30 juggles
yeah yeah C rank you weren't fast or stylish LAAAAAAME
Unless you changed your mind that is?

It's a far better alternative to edgelord tryhard humor, or generic military shooters. That's why I'll take even the worst DMC game to DmC. In the grand scheme, however, it's still a problem because they tend to fascinate on it way too long. No sense of moderation, if you will.

>Japan has created all of the most beloved and famous franchises
False, you only think that because you're a filthy japanophile and a normie who only regurgitates the most popular games out there. And I prefer my more obscure, more mechanically interesting games over your bing bing wahoos and your grindy jrpg shittery. The only Japanese games franchise I respect is House of the Dead
I rest my case.

>he says this unironically when Fire Emblem, Mario, Animal Crossing, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, etc. etc are just literally the same games repeated over and over again

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DMC1 has 40 min of the dreaded cutscenes in a sub 2 hour game.
You can't tell me these lines aren't charming as hell
>Flock off Feather Face
>I'm his Son, Dante. Sweet Dreams
I'm pretty sure it isn't a movie AC.

>no refutation
>Showing he hasn't played the games he speaks of
Concession status: ACCEPTED
Play some Kamiya games like pic rel and come back to me champ.

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If I'd prefer to skip it, then it's something I'd rather not have in the game. The perfect level of story in a game is something on par with Terraria or Minecraft, or Kirby or Mario.

>If I'd prefer to skip it
Did you skip the cutscenes in DMC1 AC?
Why do you hate cutscenes so much? Explain your position.

>calls out the fact that there was no refutation while not refuting anything
>unironically uses YIKES in a post
as expected of your average weeb

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>all those western devs who threw a hissy fit about elden ring because it has more content than their games with no pay walls or DLC

>Why do you hate cutscenes so much?\
Cutscenes are when a dev doesn't want to make a fun game, and instead opt to have the game play itself. How many times have you played a JRPG and thought to yourself "golly, I wish I was playing the game right now, instead of watching the characters fight with zero input from my end"?

Even purest God tier gameplay games like Katamari Damacy have cutscenes

you niggas really shitfling about the stupidest shit

You are a nigger. Here’s the (You) you wanted

you game is lame, stop trying shill
Go play VJ, a real game that's FUN.

have you played VJ?
It's a consistent 3 hour game with a couple breaks in between, seems right up your alley.

jesus this is the first time i've seen phil fish in years

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>What does Todd make?
>he starts from scratch treating it like a brand new game
FO3 is Oblivion with guns. He never changed the Game engine despiste being outdated.

Didn't know Toby Fox is Japanese.

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didn't read


viewtiful joe


Look I agree with you haha but can you put Miyazaki on the right?
We actually like him on this board haha.

Andrew? Andrew Hussie? Is that you?

It’s not, west is best, japs are saps

I got an N64 not too long ago but the only games I’ve been able to get for it are Pokemon Stadium 2 and Kirby 64. Is there a website that sells them games for a reasonable amount?