Playing up to leyndell

>playing up to leyndell
>playing after leyndell
you know they made a lot of disappointing decisions and the amount of copy and paste content is kinda ridiculous iunno kinda mixed feelings on this one but i guess i loved it

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it starts as 10/10 100/100 then trickles down to 6/10 when you complete it

Every King has his Field.

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Tough but fair, OP.

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So fucking stupid. Finally got to Moghwyn the game is still 10/10 masterpiece. Snowfield was probably my second favorite overworld area after Caelid. You fags are so disingenuous its insane

It does feel as if everything from forbidden lands (or wherever lift of Rold goes) was rushed/streamlined/not finished but I had already played 120 hours at that point and didn't mind the late-game victory lap.
I wish the reason we are warped to Farum Azula and then back to Ashen Capital was explained in lore at least somewhat, but the game is so substantial that I can't really complain.
I have heard gripes about repeating bosses, but these didn't really bother me. For example, le epic youtube man says that the Night's Cavalry repeating nine times is a letdown, but I have a suspicion that he wouldn't feel that way if a boss HP bar didn't appear on screen. The game is like a 50,000,000/50,000,000 for me, and things like repeated bosses subtract about 1 from that total.
The Godskin Duo subtracts about 1,000,000 from that total though. But still, 49,000,000 (roughly speaking) out of 50,000,000 is still a good score for me.

Played 240 hours. He's completely right. If you start NG+ or a new character after completing the game you would know how much better the first half is

from chat

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His name is Jean Alfred Forester you poser.

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Yeah, I don't know if it was just me being unlucky and doing things at times where they all piled up but that's where I'm now and I'm struggling to get up the motivation to complete it. All of a sudden the level layout is a maze instead of a fun open world and bonfires are ten times as far apart. And I happened to be doing the scarlet rot swamp just before that. And did they just forget about the 'killing a group of enemies restores your flasks' mechanic?

I don't understand why From keeps doing that. They know people don't like poison swamps, right? Or are they confusing "I don't like it," with "It's super hard, so please make it harder :(" Like everything up until Atlas Plateau - sure I have some criticisms, but it's a pretty fantastic game. Then it's like someone else took over.

>just finished morgott for the first time
>making my way to volcano manor

Say it ain’t so, bros…

That's King's Field, not King's Field: The Ancient City

Fuck, you're right. I genuinely never found out the KFIV protagonist's name, I don't remember it ever being said in the game

Wrong order, so you're good. Volcano manor is probably the best storyline out there.

Is it downhill afterwards then?

>it gets bad after 100 hours
what the fuck is wrong with this board

for me it got boring after limgrave

its honestly just the snow areas that are completely half assed

Only stormveil, lucaria and the capital hold my attention. Open worlds are gay shit for mongoloids. Also the balance is ultra shit. Can't believe we went from Bloodborne/Sekiro to this turd.

who calculates scores in millions?

Yes and no. Not as bad as some are saying here. But a noticable drop in quality (of areas). You'll encounter the hardest bosses by far though, so that's something. One after the other.

It says it in the journals your character writes as you go through the game, and I believe the box/manual say it.
So much soul.

stormveil, lucario, volcano manor, limgrave, caelid, the haligtree, farum azula, liurnia, altus plateau and nekron are the only areas that really held my attention

You can tell the devs just gave up on the late game part, they had this somewhat cool scenarios but they just filled them with copy pasted enemies, is like they were creating a nice looking car but then you gave it shitty wheel and a bad engine, that's how the later half of elden ring feels like

Yeah. Felt like a huge awe-inspiring game full of exciting shit to discover then I don't know, Caelid and Lirunia seemed so boring I just quickly stopped caring about exploring. Llendyll was good but that was a dungeon, after that I just wanted the game to be over and I couldn't even be bothered to finish it.

I tried finishing the game at level 100 but I think I was underlevelled because I couldn't be bothered to explore. The open world doesn't work when you start half-assing it immediately after the first area

More like after 60-70 hours. And the game lasts for 120 on average, so there's something wrong with you. Do you also score movies based on the first hour alone?
Sorry, the box doesn't mention it, but the manual does.

The copy paste isn't an issue, the game is still fun even with it. And the quality of the game doesn't decline. The problem with the game is that it's just too long. No game should ever have this much content.

Say that sounds like the first Dark Souls after Anor Londo.

The snow zone is great. Easy to navigate and overall pretty chill. Feels relaxing after the capital.

>linear snowstorm level
That's when the quality dropped. Only to get up again with the Giant boss. Snow areas felt like padding. Dragon shrine as well because it felt quite random to appear there, having to kill the boss without any setup that it was a step in your journey.

Doomposters were trying really hard to make a narrative that the game is bad in the final areas, knowing most players hadn't gotten there, but now that many have and found it was just as kino as the rest the narrative is falling apart so they're being more insistent to try to gaslight more people.

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it took me 100 hours to beat and i literaly enjoyed every minute of it. repeating enemies in different ways is a non issue

No single player game should be longer than 50 hours Jesus Christ.

I platinumed it

"give me that ring, your elden soul"

i usually agree but this one really felt good the whole way through, it never seemed to drag

>playing up to anor londo
>playing after anor londo
you know they made a lot of disappointing decisions and the amount of copy and paste content is kinda ridiculous iunno kinda mixed feelings on this one but i guess i loved it

Open up your map and compare the mountaintop areas to earlier areas. Look how completely empty they are

What areas of Dark Souls after Anor Londo weren't trash?

"Give me your hole Elden Bro"

No. Game is shit and if you enjoy fighting the same mobs with inflated HP, if you like the copy pasted dungeons and locations, if you like the copy pasted bosses and the empty fields, if you like the retarded balance making you either dodge 20 combos before you are permitted to swing your weapon once or kill the boss in 3 hit without using a single healing flasks then you are a newfag. Fuck open worlds, fuck Elden Cringe, fuck you. It's a massively mediocre game full of hot air when compared to Bloodborne/Sekiro.

im getting burnt out on the game now, around 200 hours in, still first playthru
this is what always happens with souls games, i say im gonna do another playthru and look up the npc quests this time and do a different build
but then i get tired of it and rush to finish it and never play it again
its a good game but i'd like to free up hard drive space to play something else now

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If you didn't notice the copy paste before leyndell I don't know what to tell you. That said, it doesn't take away from the game. After a while I was glad to have a huge area that didn't have some secret every 10 feet and instead had a handful of "oh thats neat" inbetween the couple dungeons and puzzles. The biggest rushed content to me is Godskin Duo, not because 2v1, but because they continously respawn until the main healthbar is depleted. They don't have individual bars, there is not combined phase like O&S, really feels like the fight was supposed to be something else but they also weren't satisfied with each having their own healthbar.

Why is Godskin Duo so hateD?

I feel like my thoughts on Elden Ring can be neatly summed up with its final boss:
>Whoa holy fuck everything about this except the arena is amazing. This is a tough fight but I deserve all my deaths and I'm getting better and learning with each try. This is peak Souls
>Elden Beast
>What the fuck is this shit

Where the fuck are the servers for the good games? Are we gonna sue from soft?

Did Elden Ring pull a Moon Presence again?

I don't hate it, but it certainly feels like it was missing something. The individual Godskin fights are some of the best for recurring bosses/

Oh yeah, forgot to talk about the miserable ost. Maybe because it was drowned in depressing ambiant tracks à la botw lol. What a turd especially after kinoborne and its incredible dlc's soundtrack.

It's like Moon Presence but much much shittier. I like Radagon more than Gherman though

It's even worse lol. Fight clearly made for on horseback. It's not even that difficult, just very tedious because you need to keep running half a mile after every attack

That's what you get for giving your money to nips using P2P connection with no proprietary servers. Tards.

ok but legally, since they announced the game would have online features, how can we make a lawsuit happen?

For what purpose? What do they stand to gain by these actions?

Yeah, it's funny to see all discordtrannies seething so hard and completely unable to stop Elden Ring being a gigantic success.

>muttlard thinking in muh lawsuits
You bought it, signed the eula, no refunds. Lawsuits are for rich people not goytards


how autistic do you need to be to play this game for 200 hours and not complete it

what the hell are even these jar things? why are they full of meat? how do they talk? this shit scares me

It doesn't even start out a masterpiece as far as I'm concerned. Limgrave is certainly very good, but even there you can feel the issues inherent to the open world showing in terms of the generally mediocre quality of the mini-dungeons.

so? what's wrong with some variety? i enjoyed the break from exploring

see that's a reasonable response, the stupid thing here is to look at a game that was good for literally 200 hours and say "ugh it sucked i should have gotten 300 at least"
most games cant entertain me for 2 hours much less 20