Give me your top 3 patch notes for the next major patch.
You have 60 seconds.
Give me your top 3 patch notes for the next major patch.
You have 60 seconds.
1. Hang yourself eldentroon
2. Shoot yourself eldentroon
3. Slit your wrists eldentroon
nothing can fix this game
>made seppukku do your weapon damage on use
>carian reflect exploit (or whatever it’s called) now bans your ip
>greatshields now negate 100% of all damage and elements
GOTY updates right here
>immediate seething
How does Mitsubishi do it every single time, bros?
1. fixed the summoning issue.
2. Added more story lines beats
3. Markers on map that show you beat the boss attached to that grace.
>players can now have 20 messages
>'tongue' was added back to messages
>Malenia's regen was removed
these suggestions seem biased...
>All enemies and bosses have their damage cut in half
>Multiplayer actually works and you can keep playing without losing connection
>placed are marked as fully looted when you take all the notable items in the area
No user see the reason for the greatshields is that they require so many stats to work, that they need a little bit more oomph
If you can't outdamage her regen you're garbage.
Disco Trannies literally on suicide watch.
the absolute state of elden troons
>added Aspect of the Crucible: Wings Incantation
>increased the cast speed of all Crucible incantations
>reduced the fp cost of all Crucible incantations
Wow literally everyone is garbage then
What else do call it when you deliberately click on a thread with a topic you do not like and then comment something negative about it? Apathy doesn't make a person do that. Seethe makes people do that.
1. complete the cut content and reinstate it for free
2. complete the cut content and reinstate it for free
3. complete the cut content and reinstate it for free
1. Bloodborne movement for player
2. Reduce enemies damage in later areas by 30%
3. Rebalance some bosses to have a bigger opening after some attacks. Too lazy to sum them all up.
>All Dragon Cult Incantations get a 10-15% Damage buff and Hyper Armor/affected by your Poise stat
>Lightning Weapons/Affinities now scale with Faith and Dex at the same time
>Flame Art affinity now scales as a STR/FTH split similar to Cold affinity
make lightning ash scale with faith
'tibia's summon' actually summons skellies with stats based on your spell scaling
add a flail-lantern weapon
No user, just you.
People do it with the fucking club, my younger sister did it with a greatshield and mace, if you can't do it with your build you're trash and should reconsider your hobbies.
Remove ability for status weapons to accumulate status if they hit you while rolling
Double the FP cost of bloodhound step
Fix the scaling of Carian retaliation and Corpse Piler.
>no u
Spiritually shattered, even
1. Good
2. Stop being shit
3. Stop being shit
1. Passive Poise has been greatly increased.
2. Physical Block and Guard Boost for weapons has been greatly increased.
3. The Light Rolling animation has been replaced by Quickstep.
Your younger sister says you're full of shit. She never played Elden Ring as she was too busy taking my fat cock
honestly I'd just settle for 100% Phys Block Shields stopping her from Lifestealing on Block
It's actually fucked how with her low poise and open she can leave herself, this is the one late game boss where Guard Counters would be great against but you CAN'T FUCKING USE THEM
I haven't played it for like 2 weeks and don't see myself playing it again
>barrier of gold is now available as a physick flask tear
>status buildup only works if you actually hit your opponent
>recusant finger invaders always comes in duos, also cannot hit each other anymore
>Gravel Stone Seal is now a Dex/Fth split
>Clawmark Seal now gets S scaling in STR and B in FTH to match Dragon Communion Seal
Yes you can. If you don't outdamage her heals after she bounces off your shield your build is shit, go to Rennala and respec.
She heals for like 30% tops if you block the entirety of waterfowl dance. If you can't slap that off a boss that staggers with a gentle fart there's no helping you and you should find a new hobby.
>rocking fingerprint greatshield and full bull goat set cuz I’m a bad bitch
>get frostbite and bled in 2 consecutive running attacks anyway by sweat lord because you can buffer them infinitely and status builds almost instantly
Do these fucking gooks even play test this shit? Every game it’s the same story, same broken bullshit, I can’t take it anymore
>Bleed now has a cooldown similar to frost (but not as long)
>speed up moveset of ultra weapons
>fix shitty network and netcode situation
Can we maybe do something to stop letting Quality Affinity from being worse then anything else in the game until you hit like level 200
Enemies are visible x3
1. Increase Melania movement and attack speed 20%
2. All Melania attacks inflict scarlet rot buildup
3. Melania clone attack clones do not despawn and fight you until dispelled with damage
>Colossal Greatsword R1 start up and end lag frames reduced, and damage increased
>Royal Greatsword uses Blaidd's moveset
>Buff incantations scale off all stats and not exclusively Faith
just fix carian retaliation already so i can use it for its intended purpose without feeling bad.
either buff the strength weapons damage or buff poise and hyper armour is all i really want, i tried playing a strength/heavy armour build but ending up quiting after about 10 hours because i was bored to tears from resorting to using jump attacks on everything to be even somewhat effective, meanwhile both my dex/faith build and my full int build felt both fun and satisfying from start to finish, I'm a strengthchad at heart but since dark souls 3 i can't help but feel like the big weapon turtle playstyle has been left in the dust somewhat
>after you unlock the dung eater ending you can now defile other players when invading (idk what effect defiling would give and how to get rid of it would be, maybe -10% health until you kill/complete the dung eater quest line)
>can now draw on the map and there is a journal that you can write notes on
>big swords now actually deal damage worth the slower swinging speed for
You could fix so much wrong with this game (and series) if they'd just make two sets of rules for literally everything in the game: PVE and PVP.
No more nerfing shit that's broken in PVP and making it useless in PVE as a byproduct.
No more letting things be shit because they have to be balanced for PVP.
STR increases weight limit
All colossal weapons have hyper armor
DS1 tier poise is brought back
1. Invasions can now target players without cooperators
2. Colossal weapon charge r2 and recovery speed buff
3. Rebalance stat scaling to not be irrelevant on most weapons
>Tell me you're trash without saying you're trash
I love ds1 poise. pissed nothing as good has happend since then
It sucks because i keep giving myself false hope with every release
Make STR give WAY more physical damage negation.
Make it so I can actually fucking trade hits with the boss so I'm not reduced to just doing jump attacks. I try to trade hits and end up losing 40% or more of my health with each attack. It's fucking ridiculous. This wasn't an issue with Dark Souls 1 and 2 where bosses had combos of like max 2 hits but all enemies spazz out with 6+ hit combos and each fucking one does almost half my health even with 50 VIG.
1. Activating a rune arc opens you up to invasions
2. Buff the great runes so people use one that isn't Godrick's, Radahn's, or Morgott's
2. Let the blackflame monks in Caelid's divine tower drop their sword so I don't waste an hour farming before looking it and realizing they don't drop it
>Activating a rune arc opens you up to invasions
sure fire way I'll never use it
>activating a slight buff opens you up to bullshit minmaxer shenanigans that wreck your progress
then again this would be consistent with how humanity worked in the past
Still getting the invisible enemy bug?
Had that shit too until I discovered that my laptop had a fucking power management tool and that it was on economy by default. Spent 4 years using it on economy without knowing.
You need to also make the Crucible Shield function as a seal.
What I want
>Weapon arts can scale more with 2 weapons
>L1 can be charged with 2 weapons, effectively a charged heavy for powerstance
>strength gives a tiny bit of equip load again
What will happen
>powerstance posture damage reduced for colossals
>Malenia's heal doubled
>All grab attacks now drain soul level
Fuck unique weapons let me play with their arts/infusions and put buffs on them.
Crucible incantations are good but very gimmicky
>Tail can be used behind walls to LOS and swing
>Horn can knock an enemy up from outside of their aggro range where they might hit you giving free chain attack
>Breath.. its an aoe with push that does fire? okay its not as useful
I would agree with all of these, except maybe change 2. Instead of lowering cast time, just make the incantations Gatling from regular attacks just like the knights themselves.
I never used any incantations on weapons because I just used the golden halb/coded sword/sword of nigger
I just got done after 200 hours and am not sure if I want to start over as Int or wait for dlc or a big patch.
- Armor is now upgradeable
- Added journal of NPC past dialogue
- Quality weapons now scale more appropriately compared to other options
I hope they nerf Radhan again, then rebuff him
#3 isn't bad actually. I never see a point to light rolls when mediums are 90% as good but offer you such better variety in what you can equip.
>added lore
>added really weird lore
>added go-karts
maybe not this extreme but if i had to have 2 band aid fixes it would be
> cut enemy and boss damage between 15-25% but cap flasks at 10 instead of 14
>redo armor weight and endurance
second one gets me the most have like 35 endurance and wear medium armor with 2 daggers and im still med roll, it takes an insane amount just to get 2 extra frames so wheres the advantage of lighter armor?
on the flip end if you have the same amount of armor you can get pretty fucking heavy with light weapons and even with heavy weapons still have better then average armor so theres no reason not to
oops meant same amount of endurance
I think he is saying that you cannot outdamage the lifesteal. Trading playstyles with greatshields or anything like that just do not function well enough without some permanent way of dealing damage. You just have to stop the lifesteal from triggering by changing your playstyle to something less proactive and more focused on punishing.
If i had to nerf malenia i would change her WFDance to have a shorter first phase and a brief recovery period that melee users can punish instead of removing her lifesteal.
They gave us STR mains nothing and took away pretty much everything.