It's coming.
I can't wait wowsisters I'm gonna buy a Lv.68 boost and spend 4 months running braindead Naxx25 where nothing is challenging but we still can't get Immortal because of two or three people who can't dance
don't care, blizzard can go fuck themselves, such a shitty company.
They'll fuck it up some how I'm sure of it
inb4 they start everything at the final patch balance instead of letting people experience the broken unfiltered kino of early wotlk.
Ugh wrath killed wow.
I hope they will, so i can play dk tank.
>none of the weird experimental skills that never panned out like dk auras or shadow of death
it's shit
b-bros... our next fix... its home for real this time... we will be 16 and free of worries again...
omg da deekaay and my favoriteist ding!!
Bros please...
Asmon layer invite...
I need this bros, its all i have..
All I want is a good private WotLK PvE server. PvP servers are the fucking worst. Warmane has bots running around all over the place to make the world seem more active, the issue being that dying over and over to a fucking bot is not fun in the slightest. Throw in a handful of spiteful RUs and BRs and you got a server that just ain't fun to play on. Last time I tried to play I died 3 times running from Booty Bay to Gromgol then gave up because there were a group of level 80s camping Gromgol.
The fact that Blizzard never put any kind of deterrent in place for this shit still blows my mind to this day. That a max level character can literally just gank lowbies over and over and over with zero punishment.
You're not getting a server without spiteful RUs and BRs unless the staff actively tries to ban them which almost never happens.
It wouldn't matter if it was a PvE server since they couldn't gank you.
I swear DK auras becoming boring static buffs didn't happen until cata
You've not had a guild follow you around killing all of your quest mobs to stop your progress before?
That takes far more effort on the part of the griefers, doesn't involve a corpse run, and is easily beaten by just alt F4ing and playing later. Or just going onto a different character.
Bros... we are going home.... this is it... the greatest gaming experience ever and we are going to relive it...
PvP server players have broken brains. They think they're playing the 'real' version of the game despite PvE servers literally being called 'Normal' servers. They recently came to a comfy long-running PvE vanilla server when it added some PvP rewards and have been shitting it up "WAAAH I TURNED ON the PvP MODE AND I'M BEING GANKED I ONLY WANT FAIR FIGHTS" as if more than 5% of PvP is two players around the same level/gear fighting each other
Bros...home...but for real this time..
They get tummy rumbles from you logging out.
ehehe :3c
I was just want to experience the kino of Ulduar progression again
Are you sure you're old enough to post in this board?
>Guild leader (Resto Sham) and his second in command (Disc Priest) couldn't heal Razorscale on release (he was bugged and enraged too early)
>After half a dozen tries they swap out and call up me (Resto Druid) and our top healer (Holy Priest)
>We first try it
Shortly after we merged into our server's top guild and I had to switch to Boomkin. Still bopped meters though. Good times.
Yes please no changes nobody wants a good toc
Of course it is.
And with Dragonflight set to change Azeroth in a similar fashion with what they did on Cata, it means that we're going to get every single expansion as a classic server eventually. 12 years from now it'll be Shadowlands Classic.
Even Yogg 0 isn't a hard fight by today's standards. You're going to be just as disappointed as classicfags and TBCfags when Mu'ru is added in the content schedule. MMOs are to be experienced in the moment. The magic can NEVER be recaptured again, not in today's world when everything is known.
>every resto druid is a gigachad carrying lesser fools through content
>every disc priest is a subhuman failure who constantly blames everyone else for his failure
what did god mean by this?
>Arthas is now non-binary and you must use his preferred pronouns (xem/xer) in-game or you will be banned
How did this even become a thing? I get WoW classic but are they planning on doing this all the way to classic shadowlands?
They'll keep going until it literally dies
lmao look at this fucking pve faggot
Your kind is a bunch of passive bitches and thats the reason you are getting farmed.
But if we are being completely serious, it is your own fault for playing on such a garbage fucking server like warmane. There have been plenty of great wotlk servers like Frosthold and ones before it. With no cancer cash shops. The higher the xp rate the more retarded the players.
Best option is to wait for the wotlk server the Atlantiss dev team is working on. Their servers are top tier.
God, the best shit ever is the Tanaris robot chicken escort. You follow them as a rogue and right before the chicken reaches that port you kill them. It is glorious.
>solved meta
>cash shop
>99:1 faction population
>boost to 68
>proof of vaccination
>12 month sub bundle
this is not home...
Why cant they just do what runescape did and have vanilla as a base and then players vote for features. If they're afraid of retards voting for bad options you could get together and create a 'WoW Constitution' of fundamental features that wont be changed no matter what
:1 faction population
Yes but on alliance side this time. I'm sure nobody is going to cry about it though, because when alliance has more players its apparently okay.
In what reality do you live, retard? Look at the fucking current dev team and playerbase. If a "constitution" was created it sure as shit wouldnt be anything you'd like.
Get help.
I've been considering getting back into classic for it, but there are a few things holding me back
The removal of tge spit emote, you litterally get spat on as a dk going back to your faction by npcs, it was soul.
The level boost was a huge detrement to the game.
I also want to either reroll as either a human or belf lock, current character is undead lock, but might want to reroll a different server, so im not on one that will die.
Seething alliancelet
If you still give money to blizzard in any capacity you should kys
I can't wait for BfA classic
tanking is pretty braindead in WotLK and so is healing... so...
I used to throw up in LFG during TBC:
> Looking for DPS for Heroic Daily, must be able to out damage tank
The entire time, I've only had to kick three people, all arcane mages, who were scared to AoE with a protection paladin tanking. Arcane's AoE rotation was littlerally just one button over and over again.
Thanks for proving my point
I love WC3 but never played Wrath. I might actually get pulled into this.
that thing is so fucking ugly LOL i wonder how much he paid for that big of a piece
Yeah checks out
> for the homorde
> suck suck
checks out
>he has pics of fat naked men saved
Not looking good for you chief.
who asked?
Oh man I want another one of these threads but dont have any mirror images saved
is it really classic wotlk without the release patch when death knights were horribly overpowered?
lol wowhead is still around
lol people still play wow
every single wow channel has a 'why i quit' 'goodbye' video up. even shills cant save wow
I loved Northrend and Ulduar but there’s no way I play again
That shithole went from a great informational website to an ad infested, bloated piece of shit that barely works. Have not visited it for like 6 years at least.
is this for every server? if I dust off my warrior could I charge some suckers for runs?
>play classic
>guild disbands 2 weeks after naxx is released
>play tbc
>same guild with a lot of the same people
>disbands 3 weeks after ssc and tk released
the fucked up thing is I would try it all again with them if they got together for wotlk. There are always fags who come and ruin it, but the core was still a really good group.
>Wrath of the GearScore
It's shit and you know it.
did they follow tbc's original launch schedule? cause if wrath follows it then 6 months of easy mode naxx will either piss people off or be the most comfy thing ever
>played herod
>go to check pop online
>literally 0
What the fucking shit. This was one of the top 2 servers on launch.
>3.0.1 ret paladins
>dks with ghoul rez, desecration, dps damage with tank mitigation, and glyph of death and decay
>hunters with movespeed monkey aspect and aimed shot + explosive shot
>mut/prep rogues
>destro lock instagib combos
>ele shamans knocking people off flying mounts and cliffs with thunderstorm at turbo speed that sends you careening halfway across the map
>bm hunter dinosaurs soloing you while they're half afk
>titan's grip warriors with assloads of armor pen and no damage penalty
i want it, but i don't
DID ruby sanctum 25 a few days ago sisters
felt good man