why dont you own a ps5 yet?
Why dont you own a ps5 yet?
I do
I'm trans btw
because I own a PC and I don't suck dicks
There’s simply no games.
Because I am not a snoy.
Another ESL Xbox tranny cope thread.
hell no lo
not black or trans
What the fuck would you even buy a PS5 for?
I have a PS4 and I still have no idea why I even own the fucking thing other than it being 80 bucks open box and a couple ps3 and vita games being forward compatible.
Only thing it has that I'm even slightly interested in is Bloodborne and I'm not going to buy a console for one game.
PS is an American console
Can the pendulum swing back already?
i think consoles are for spastics
I'm not pedo, nor lgfsfjksjfskjskj+ person, not even black
I'm not a homosexual pedophile furfag.
pretty much
cause I dont support the alphabet mafia
>why dont you own a ps5 yet?
Outgrew sony consoles after the PS4 release window.
Their exclusives are just bad games with a shiny coat.
I having more than i can play with PC+Nintendo (don't even have a switch right now, sold mine because of emulation, just keep the money to fund their next console).
Because I'm checking my white privilege and letting blacks and trans get their consoles. It isn't for white men anymore anyway, judging by the marketing.
because I don't want one.
i don't own a tv to hook it up to even if i wanted one
>getting mad at a company doing it's typical "Give us your money faggots" pandering that they're all obligated to do.
Even fags know it doesn't mean anything after June ends.
>don't even have a switch right now, sold mine because of emulation
Do you find most games run pretty well emulated? That sounds like a good idea I'm only really hanging onto it for Xc3.
I have one and like it.
I've bought every Sony hardware up to the PS4 and like the PSVR can you name one must play experience on PS5 i cannot get elsewhere?
Why would i want to support lyin' jim ryan as he sabotages this company from the ground up?
White supremacist. This guy can't keep getting away with it.
No, it's over. Gamergate lost
you also like gay sex
Why would I get a ps5 when I already have a really good PC?
my friend got banned for setting his avatar to some lewd one he bought from psn.
Like what the fuck?
Sony basically sold him a ban on their own system
I wish it were
Theres no exclusives yet. I'll get one in 2023 when exclusives come out
Where is the proofs?
i do own a PS5
im black and trans and gay btw
Wow man it's almost as if different people that arent like you... Exist?! Wow it's almost as if they don't take gaming as seriously.. as .. YOU?! WOAH!
Sony has sent me emails begging me to buy a ps5 because I used to own a ps4. Fuck Sony and their extreme censorship.
I'm sure PC players are 6'5+, jacked, and make over 6 figures a year. Right? You're so perfect, right?
I'm gonna get one soon, actually
found one craigslist for 250
Had him send videos and everything of it working, so here's to hoping it's all good
nigger dont you know how to read? what i am talking about you are a nigger
You know it baby
>I'm sure PC players are 6'5+, jacked, and make over 6 figures a year. Right?
>You're so perfect, right?
>6'5+, jacked, and make over 6 figures a year
are u?
Look at how much that comment upset you, and how your response doesn't actually address what was said, and understand that you are a fucking spastic
I own a PS5 and it's a piece of shit. Bought it for GT7, then found out GT7 was gonna be on PS4.
Deathloop remains sealed in plastic because I have no desire to play it after picking it up on sale for $20. GT7 was so fucking disappointing, it's put me off Sony consoles forever. Every other Sony game is a goddamn third-person action game, even Microsoft varies shit up with TPS, FPS or whatever. Now Sony's getting into their Live Service faggotry with piss-poor games like Babylon's Fall (lol) and Destruction All-Stars.
Why even bother with this piece of shit again?
I use my ps4 every day, where’s my damn email
>Deathloop remains sealed in plastic
Wait you're still buying physical games? Are you poor?
i played it for GT7 thats before they fucked it up. Now it sits there as I wait for GT7 too be good again in the year of 2024
Do zoomers REALLY?
I nearly fell for getting one but then i released all the stuff i wanted to play was on ps4
Made the mistake of sharing it on the console platform itself.
If you want to share images like that just move them to your PC.
>tfw rich but I own nothing because it all exists in the digital
It was $20 new on disc, versus $70+ tip digitally. I'm frugal, not retarded like you.
fellow racean gaem faggot here. GT7 will never get better, expect more of the same bad behavior that eurofags will reward anyway. Polyphony hasn't made a GT game since GT4.
Am I missing something or is that in no way 'non-consensual intimate imagery'? It's fucking cleavage
yeah and she did not consent to having a picture of her cleavage spread around you sick fuck
This but for pc "gamers"
PC gamers are for spastics? Might wanna re-check that one mate
You're confusing him with your dad.
I’m 6’5, make 6 figures, and in very poor health haha
i want to buy both consoles but then why, like no games for either one.
We must give all imagined characters burkas until they all collectively develop sentience and can properly consent
The kids browsing the Forza livery did not consent to having phat ass in tight clothes and cleavage on their screen.
>xbox360 in username
I'm sure this is totally real and not some console war faggotry.