>It's an empty soul-less rehash
>From Drones think it's the best game in the series
Dark Souls has officially become the rick and morty of vidya
It's an empty soul-less rehash
I’m so fucking sick of Elden Ring. Soulsborne games are often held up as “the best ever”, and Elden Ring has plastered this board. Oh cool, yet another soulsborne game that just looks and feels like a copy of every other soulsborne game. I don’t get the hype for these over games with new and interesting combat mechanics like Horizon. Maybe it has something to do with the fact Horizon has some biting social commentary folks don’t like to think about.
Elden Ring looks exactly like every other Soulsborne game. Meanwhile, Horizon has unique combat with a wide variety of tools (Forbidden West DRASTICALLY increased the number of weapons and effects over the first without feeling like bloat, an impressive feat), and when anyone posts actual combat (as above in this comment chain) and expresses love for it, you faggots rip on them.
From a game design perspective, Soulsborne games just feel lazy to me, reused assets, reused mechanics, it really doesn't offer anything new and im not sure if i should laugh at those 12M people who bought this absolute garbage of a game or sad because 12M people bought this absolute garbage of a game.
>From Drones think it's the best game in the series
You’re underselling it. They think it’s the best game of all time.
I love Elden Ring. It's a fantastic game :)
>the only confirmed gay character in all of Soulsbourne Ringkiro is an incestous pedophile
So uhhh... What did Miyazaki mean by this??
Yea Forums 2012
Yea Forums 2018
Humanity overall is in a such a weird dilemma. Did you know only 3 billion people existed on Earth only 60 years ago? It's more than the double amount of it now. Every year more intellectually inept are born and the standards of being civilised, educated, well adjusted goes straight down to the bin because we can feed and treat more people now. It is funny to think 1/3 of the medieval Europe were actually nobles and they were quite secular with their codes. We are going to a future where no one enforces anything out of nuances or vistas, we are heading to a future where only primitive people in majority will exist.
>Another discord tranny thread
>OP already replied to his own thread twice
Fucking Kek
Lol Why are you From faggots so predictable?
Yeah I like it but it really just feels like "big Dark Souls". People say it's so much more than that but I don't see how.
Is this the thread for people who feel like they're left out to shit talk elden ring so they feel better about themselves? Sad!
>Left out
Sorry, not everyone has shit taste
>Day 39
>Wake up at 4pm
>Check catalogue
>People still like Elden Ring.
>Throw down chicken tenders and shit self in disgust.
>"Shazam will be avenged," I loudly proclaim in the mirror.
>Hop on discord to plan daily anti-Elden Ring attack pattern.
>All systems are go, dialator is in, BBC porn is blasting.
>Submit thread #65195 trying to convince people not to like Elden Ring.
>Co-pilot tranny aids in the effort
>They're still laughing at us.
>Submit 12-31 more threads in the next 6 hours
>Go to sleep at 5am, crying into my pillow.
>Played Demon's Souls
>Played Dark Souls
>Played Dark Souls 2
>played Bloodborne
>Played Dark Souls 3
>Played Sekiro
>W-Why aren't you excited for the next Demon's Souls rehash user!?
The only people who actually give a shit about Elden Ring are underage or have literal autism.
>Seething this much that some people don't like your rehash
Tomorrow is day 40. People will still love the game, user. Will this be like Bloodborne where this goes on for 7 years of butthurt?
That's nice. They can love a rehash all they want.
I will still not like it and you will still seethe over that fact
>Meanwhile, Horizon
Lmao nice pasta
I don't even like Elden Ring, BB was the peak, but I will come into these threads to make fun of you butthurt discord trannies.
Only one who seems to be seething is you.
>Y-You are a butthurt discord tranny
No, i'm just someone who is tired of the Soul series because generic rehashes
Cope, I like it
If that is true then you wouldn't have come into this thread seething
Thank god you don't have to play them lol
OP the other From games were all niche things but this one has been a top seller. I never liked the other games but took to this one right away.
I think your whole premise is actually that you are mad the game is popular when you assumed it wouldn't be and now you're trying to cope by acting superior for automatically disliking it.
That's nice user. People liked CP2077 as well
>Criticize game
>Y-You don't have to play it!
The most generic butthurt response
K faggot, gonna play some more elden ring now and completely forget you exist in like 3 hours
>I didn't like the other games but like this one because it's mainstream
The Elden Ring Audience kek
>n-no... yo-you can't just l-like a game
Wrong. I can.
That's nice user. You do that. Hope I don't see you again in 3 hours being butthurt that some people don't like this generic rehash
I liked Cyberpunk too. It was fun. Your point?
Lol, you just proved the point
>one game was universally disparaged to for its brokenness and complete unplayability to the point that even literal friends of the devs admitted it was bad
>the other is a top seller well received across the board despite the original franchise being a niche audience
Wow that comparison isn't retarded at all
>forced to use summons because the game is too hard
>get mocked on Yea Forums for using summons
>make threads shitting on the game for weeks on end
>criticism is (???)
>"Don't play it."
>g-g-eneric reply
Okay? And? Do you have a real criticism of anything? Again, I don't like ER, it's mediocre. But you whiners are like shooting fish in a barrel.
You're just doubling down on "I don't like it because it's popular" then? Like a 2012 hipster to an indie rock band?
>I don't like it because it's popular
That's all of Yea Forums user, welcome to this shithole
K keep me posted nigger
take your meds
Calm down user.
It's a generic rehash with barebones combat.
The fact that I don't like it seems to really upset you drones
It doesn't even matter if you're false-flagging or not, this is literal autism
You are literally only playing it because it's popular.
>Day 39
>Wake up at 4pm
>Check catalogue
>People still like Elden Ring.
>Throw down chicken tenders and shit self in disgust.
>"Shazam will be avenged," I loudly proclaim in the mirror.
>Hop on discord to plan daily anti-Elden Ring attack pattern.
>All systems are go, dialator is in, BBC porn is blasting.
>Submit thread #65195 trying to convince people not to like Elden Ring.
>Co-pilot trannies aid in the war effort
>They're still laughing at us.
>Submit 12-31 more threads in the next 6 hours
>Go to sleep at 5am, crying into my pillow.
oh my fucking god, sometimes i feel bad about myself for still lurking this shit site, but then i look at you, you friendless loser faggot and i feel like the best human in the world
>He posted it again
Someone's upset
Combat is barebones in all of them, and only Demon's, BB, and Sekiro aren't rehashes.
Anything to add?
I said all I needed to say. ER is a generic rehash. Sorry if this upsets some people
>if i spam it again it might start a movement even thought its going to win GOTY and has already solidified as the best game since 2010s
>rick and morty
I can smell the shazam ‘cord on you
Kek, shazamtrannies are mentally ill
I fully disagree with all your statements because I had a lot of fun playing this game and I think its a great edition to the franchise.
Shazam was right. It was a reskinned DS clone with an empty open world
And I said all I have to say when your weak criticisms apply half the other games. I will dismiss it, and literally so will every one else, but to each their own. Keep up the good fight, day 40 tomorrow.
Kek, OP was banned
jeez and I thought I was a sperg