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They really should have hyped up Godfrey and Hoarah Loux more. It was supposed to be a big reveal but most people didn't give a shit.

>every important character has multiple identities
such a progressive game, having everyone be fluid

>Doesn't appear for 99% of the game

who fucked him up like that?

>dude we had a sequential boss at the end of Sekiro and people liked it
From's unending arms race with the players to be known as le ebin hard game maker is becoming just plain ridiculous.

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Seems obvious to me there was some heavy rewriting going on. Gideon is the only character in the opening with any lasting presence in the final game.


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Why does Serosh have a fringe

And yet he's the only one that doesn't give you a rune that leads to a different(ly colored) ending.


to be fair elden ring isn't any harder than souls games if you use strong builds, it's only hard if you play it melee only no cheese

The Age of Wisdom

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Gideon, Fia, Dungeater, and Goldmask all have fairly significant roles depending partially on whether you advance their respective questlines.
I kind of like that they went with the method of letting the demigods tell their own stories without relying on the opening cutscene to establish their faction, and instead focussed on your fellow tarnished.
That Godfrey, a character who's hype slowly begins from Stormveil, ends up being Hoarah Loux, was a cool twist I thought.
If it were any other souls game, we probably wouldn't have even seen him, let alone fought him.

Genichiro is awesome
>get destroyed by him in the tutorial
>most likely get walled by him in the rematch, he forces players to get good
>become the first phase of the final battle, at this point most players can destroy him in 30 seconds
>go into new game plus and compete fuck him in the tutorial

Absoulte kino, nothing in elden ring can even compete with this

Elden ring is much harder than ds1 and ds3 (base game)

as i said this is only true if you play melee only no summons
if you use any of the broken builds or use spirit ashes the difficulty evaporates. so it's not correct to call it an arms race with the player, fromsoft gives you plenty of tools to destroy this game's difficulty

How do you even cheese that fucker Radagon without grinding level until you can powerstance UGSs and poise break him with one jump attack? The guy can't even bleed.
And then he leaves you with two or three estus to face a gigantic, camera-breaking thing that has room-wide attacks that hit for 80% of a 40 VIG HP bar.
I am convinced the last third of this game was simply not playtested. At all. The numbers are so inflated, it's ridiculous. It's like they expect you to finish a fresh save file at SL200.

Well, Sekiro was a game that was finely tuned from beginning to end. The endgame of Elden Ring is just BIG DAMAGE HARD.

so is he dead here or what, all i know is that once he defeated the giants he became tarnished on the spot or something

So there's no greater meaning behind Godfrey and Marika being in the exact same position, right? They both have their arms tied above their head with a big ass spear sticking diagonally through their stomach.

But it's not fun though. Radahn is the only boss in the game that is designed to be able to handle multiple summons.

a lot of the incantation seals have STR scaling on them, so its pretty easy for even the biggest unga bunga enthusiast to throw out some lightning bolts. and if they dont figure that out then its bewtween them and the lord

And DS1 is utterly trivialised by dark bead.
It's almost like there have always been ways to completely nullify the difficulty of the content in these games, the most obvious being simply levelling up your character through excessive grinding.
You could farm titanite slabs from practically the get-go in DS1 too.

You literally just run up to him and his AI breaks lol, if you attack him with arrows only he will never retailiate

so it's canon that marika turned into radagon when she wanted to top godfrey, right?

no its fucking not

>a lot of
Isn't it just the clawmark?

He's got spears stuck in his stomach dog

radagon fused back with her only after marika banished godfrey. radagon was fucking rennala retarded in the meantime.

Just powerstance UGS without grinding. 150 is a comfortable level to fit in two giant swords. You could also use the Fingerprint shield to just poke him to death.
Just git gud and use the holy resist stuff.

>well-made CGI cutscenes throughout pre-release used for marketing
>fucking nothing in the final game outside radahn eating some niggas
>opening cutscene is a slideshow
Still kinda annoyed by it honestly


It's canon that none of this matters because this was all sketched in a weekend by a fat fuck who can't even finish his own post-modern fantasy drivel series.

I think Whore Loo is not just the worst boss in this game, but it might be the worst one in the Fromsoft library. Grabs are the worst and least developed aspect of combat in these games. They don't telegraph properly because it's not about impact force so there is no timing based on strike initiation. The enemy can just gently bring his hands together and start the actual grab at any point, whereas a hammer has to actually come down with momentum to deliver force. Grabs are also completely disconnected from the builds of the games, allowing no tactic other than "press circle" to be used. Stats are irrelevant too. A character could have 99 strength and they are still incapable of breaking free from someone's bare hands despite the fact that they can crush charcoal into diamonds in their fists.
Also, invincibility frames are supposed to be a small helper to make exact timings slightly less exact when trying to very clearly dodge clearly dodgeable impacts. They are not supposed to be an on-off switch of invulnerability. There shouldn't be attacks that simply define space as damaging and demand i-frame activation to avoid it. It's like a parody based on an exaggeration of what everyone criticized in Dark Souls 3. "All you ever do is dodge sword strikes" -well, it's been upgraded to "All you ever do is just dodge. There isn't even a strike. Just dodge, bro."

slide show openings with highly detailed concept art > generic CGI cutscene
Yes, I'm at Demon's Souls (not the shitty remake) chad

Radahn's introduction isn't pre-rendered CG either, and if it is it's so poorly done it looks like in-game footage.


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The story trailers made it look like a darker Witcher style fantasy game.

Godfrey isn't even 10% as bullshit as what comes after him. Even 5%.
Radagon/Elden Beast is the single worst thing ever put in one of these Souls games. It's lunacy that it came out unscathed from a cutting room.

I've wondered that as well. I like to think that after losing grace, he went on to live his barbarian life. Fighting, fucking and eventually getting himself killed after it caught up to him. Hoarah Loux was just a big guy, after all. It seems we don't know how long it took for grace to call him back to the lands between.

BASED, newfags have no taste. Concept art slideshow intros with hype voiceovers are pure lvdo.

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Based ironic pasta poster.
Cringe serious replier with no taste (filtered)


>40 VIG


Clawmark has the highest.
But there are some retards out there that dont understand that it wont affect buff spells.
Buff spells are also worthless if youre doing golden order incants with the seal.
>because they are only calcuated off the faith stat and nothing else, regardless of seal scaling or other stat investments

I think Radagon is fine. He doesn't spam a universal AOE and infinite grabs. The beast is the actual bullshit part of the final boss.

The badlands between


>that chair
Niggas dont know how fuggin COMFY these chairs are.

right but im wondering how or where he died, it couldnt have possibly been right after he beat the giants

the only bs thing beast has is elden stars and it does piss for damage.

Radagon is one of the coolest fights in the game and the elden beast is just annoying because it goes away but easy as fuck. After malenia, that fight is a cakewalk

ultimate warrior

>40 VIG

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>tl over 40 vig try hard

Even the autistic, no hit runners can't do Elden Ring without bloodhound step. Sad.

It's sad that VIG is a stat that you need to pump up regardless of build in this game

Equipping bloodhound step should be an auto nohit run failure.

>it does piss for damage.
It adds up. And he can do other attacks during it which means if you're running around, he'll slash you from the other side.

>it's completely fine that the only viable way to play Elden Ring is to stack VIG like a motherfucker
You don't have to defend every single retarded design choice of this game, you know.
It's still two thirds of a good game even if it completely falls apart at the end.

40 vigor in this game is like 27 in ds3 user. If you dont have at least 50 towards the end, you are going to have a bad time. Also, if you explored you were pretty much guaranteed to cap the stats you needed. I finished the game at lvl 155 with Vig, end and str capped and a couple points in int to use radahn's swords. I started putting shit into mind because i had nothing to level up in the end.

same, radagon is manageable and like most bosses rewards staying close and aggressive
elden beast is unimaginable levels of cancer that takes fucking forever unless you manage to stagger it on its first attack and dps rush it down
I did elden beast hitless at lvl1 without bloodhound step by doing powerstanced jump attack spam, it's fucking retarded that it's the superior method but here we are

>people unironically struggle with ragadon
literally just equip holy resist talisman. if you use the Anti-holy miracle you basically just trivialize the whole fight, if you spam guard counter he poise breaks at half HP. ridiculously easy fight, I can't believe katana babs are really struggling just because he's immune to bleed

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lubricated hunk is based, i wish he would stomp on me irl

Not really.
40 vig with pearldrake +2 and dragon greatshield, with any decent armor, will get you upwards of mid 40s to 50 resistances to incoming damage.

Anyone is honestly pumping 60 vig is notnusing these rings and trying to spergtastic damage builds.

Although the game generally did a good job at envisioning the scenes teased in the early trailers, especially with Radahn, I'd much rather allow the game to speak for itself.

Dark Souls 2's opening cutscene was so ambiguous it could have led to anything, and Bloodborne's was only marginally better. Dark Souls 3's was even worse because though it did relate to the characters in game, the game was so reshuffled that the cutscene felt like the vision of an idealised product long abandoned.
Dark Souls 1's cutscene worked because it served as a foundation for the setting's universe, leaving only a few mysteries which were mostly answered in The Ringed City.
You couldn't do that really in ER because the setting's history is so crucial to the player-unravelled mystery of the game that even something like Marika presiding over Leyndell with Godfrey would have lessened certain plot points.

Lol thats not correct though. Ive run 40 the entire game and had no trouble.
Damage negation is actually worth something in this title compared to previous ones.

>Don't travel to the badlands.
>Never meet HOARAH LOUX.
>Never fight him and in the second phase he pick-ups his Axe and his name changes to Godfrey.

I am not even mentioning how the Serosh was so heavily marketed with him only to do fuck all.

the only way i managed a hitless of elden beast is by getting lucky and staggering it as soon as it started the animation for elden stars. that attack is AIDS

This, you don’t even need beyond 40 vigor like people are saying. I used heavy armor, the physical resist talisman, and I was tanky as fuck. Didn’t think to use the holy resist but didn’t need it. I did use the flame resist against the fire giant and that fucker does no damage

do redditors really believe the game is unplayable under 60 VIG? i beat the game at 25 VIG, no larval tears. just use a shield and you no longer have to worry about being oneshot

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>Using shields in elden ring

Might as well summon user

radagon is a shit boss because the design philosophy for dealing with its attacks is learning through simple trial and error rather than rewarding good intuition. you look at bosses like mohg and champion gundyr and everything is reliably dodged on reaction. this is because their moves have an arc of momentum that makes physical sense. it's on;y punishing for literal retards and adhd zoomers that spam roll the second they register the boss twitching. for radagon you just have to learn by getting hit by it since nothing has an arc of momentum that makes sense. that's to say nothing of the teleport having a hitbox and obscuring half the animation of whatever's coming your way.
you just ignore it and keep your eyes on the bosses. worst case scenario you burn 2 flasks on it. elden beast is just a shitty attrition fight. pussing out when you see elden stars and running in a direction the boss isn't in is exactly what they want you to do.

>vig should't be a stat!
you're the retarded one, it's completely fine that vigor is a strong and useful stat. what would the alternative even be? everything hits like a wet noodle in the late game so if you have 60 vigor, you're automatically immortal?

yeah, managing the stagger and dumping as much damage as you can during that is the most important part of doing it hitless. there's really no other good way

How about things just deal reasonable damage?
Shocking, I know, but you'll be surprised to learn From Software has actually managed to do it before. Too bad they fired the guy who ran the numbers and put a retard like you in his place.

>getting hit ever
Might as well level VIG user. Games pretty hard right, you need that big HP pool just to scrape by

I liked the end third the most kek. To me where it fell apart was in the middle and liked the beggining and end.

Genichiro was based as hell. Top 5 Execution in Souls games. Like if you picked "[x] was done better than anything else in the series", x = Genichiros character arc and how your relationship with him is mirrored in your experience during his boss fights and they did this while he's the exact same fight ever time, you just Get Good to the right degree to have the intended experience" is like, a top 5 easily. Right up there with "The Old Hunters", "O&S (in the context of where they came in the series)" and "how Yurt usurped people's expectations of what it means to recruit NPCs"

radagon's attacks are completely fair. a lot of his swings come out instantly, which means you can roll as soon as he starts the attack animation and be fine. the delayed swings are actually well designed and telegraph when he's about to swing properly. the slams and aoes work the same way. he is a much better boss than maliketh and godfrey before him.

Why does reddit love this shit so much

>Oh yea, the guy I saw in the intro a month ago

no, the older games were just as bad if you didn't put any points into vigor. if you don't have 30 vigor by the end of ds3 you will be two shotted by almost everything.

I wonder what kind of opening the next Armored Core is going to have.
>cgi story cutscene like dark souls
>concept art trailer like Elden Ring/Demon's Souls
>random cgi action scenes like other Armored Cores

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So kino

30 is a very different number from 60. Much more reasonable, like the rest of the damage numbers before the studio went pants-on-head retarded.

>hoarah poo chief of the bathroom