Beat em up thread. What are some good ones? Theyre few and far between. Already played streets 4 and mother russia bleeds
Beat em up thread. What are some good ones? Theyre few and far between...
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Golden Axe 4 is happening soon, right bros?
after SoR 4 and knowing Sega owns that IP too, and how huge a fan the Lizardcube CEO is, it seems like a no brainer
he said this though, whether it's just him being a coy faggot or not who knows. supposedly they have 3 projects in the works
TMNT: Shredder's Revenge coming up soon, looks decent
>inde hipster trash
bro, i played this game, the animations are the most fuckest thing you ever seen, the sprites themselves just do the silly flash animation thing of squash and skew themselves to simulate movement, while having very limited movements, also no options like saving the girl at the first stage, and its directionless, like it doesnt know if it wants to be sincere or be ''self aware parody''
The upcoming TMNT game also will probably suck
SoR4 is just Mobile trash slapped into the consoles, remember sonic the mobile?
this came out a few days ago. its a bit autistic for my tastes but not bad
>Indie hipster trash
nigger please point out who the fuck else makes these kinds of games post 1996?
why not recommend some beat em ups you like then?
Kill yourself.
>Want to play beat em ups
>Friends don't like em
>It's boring to play on your own
Played Dawn of Monsters recently. Pretty fun.
Unironically Asterix and Obelix Slap Em All
On hard difficulty.
>tfw no frens
>vidya loving brother moved country
that makes me wonder though, are beat em ups almost entirely played co-op?
capn commando and battle circuit
This game is severely underrated.
one of the most vulgar games I've played. its entertaining how disgusting it is
It's okay, but Fight and Rage and SoR4 are way better. Great soundtrack though.
>Fight and Rage and SoR4
I agree but they're not the same type of beat em up anyway. Mother Russia plays like a 2D The Warriors.
Ah, sadly I never played The Warriors so the comparison is lost on me. I'm just comparing them on how much I enjoyed them separately as games.
Ninja Saviors is pretty sick
>still not on PC
I heard the demos didn't run properly on W7. Still true for the full game?
If you are playing for fun, yes. Playing alone becomes tedious after a while and you start to lose steam, at least from my experience.
A huge part of beat em ups is the cheer chaos that happens on the screen when two or more players just unleash hell over waves of enemies while laughing at each others mistakes. I remember how chaotic Little Fighters 2 was and how fun it is to try and survive to the end of the level. You just can't get that when you are alone.
Also thread theme
Double Dragon 2 NES
Final Fight
Final Fight 2 SNES
Turtles 3 NES
Turtles in Time SNES
Hyperstone Heist Genesis
The Punisher
Violent Storm
Night Slashers
King of Dragons
Battle Circuit
I played a little. It was alright.
based, thanks. you tried the D&D Capcom titles? thoughts on the Golden Axe series?
I remember the autist in RCG threads shilling this. Alright is a pretty good way to describe it. The in between story bits where the girl is posting on twitter are fucking dumb though.
I wish more games went with that aesthatic. I loved how brutal everything looked.
>bad animations
>limited movements
Nigger, that game has some of the most elaborate combos of any beat em up
>no options like saving the girl
Throw a knife at the boss you stupid retard, there's literally dozens of different endings and different paths to take
Seriously have you even played past 5 minutes?
what if fight n rage isn't a very good game?
Thankfully we don't have to worry about that. :)
>smiley face
you're scared
idk but you really need to get off of windows 7
The real question is if the best beat em up game is Fight n Rage or Streets of Rage Remake.
offering to suck my dick won't save you
I've already been saved by Jesus Christ. :)
LF2 was so awesome. Considering its nature a freeware game, it's honestly top tier.
What's your most anticipated game?
Mine is Midnight Fight Express.
>that fucking music
Just get a Switch. Why play pixel games on a PC anyway? That's just retarded.
Ninja Warriors Once Again completes the trinity of great modern beat-em-ups with FnR and SoR4. Shredder's Revenge is looking very nice, and from the footage I've seen Jitsu Squad seems to at least have a lot of combo freedom if you like that aspect. Besides that you can just follow since that has a majority of the best classic beat-em-ups.
Some things that come to mind that aren't on that list though are:
>various Kunio-Kun games
>Final Fight 3 & Mighty Final Fight
>Guilty Gear Judgment
>TMNT Hyperstone Heist and TMNT for GBA
>Code of Princess (think Guardian Heroes but not quite as fun BUT with Kinu Nishimura art and ACE on the OST)
>Streets of Fury
>Urban Reign (has a PvP mode with guests from Tekken)
>Dragon's Crown
>Way of the Passive Fist
>fan games like SoR Remake and Final Fight LNS Ultimate
First time ever seeing this, looks pretty cool.
That's a "wait for a sale" then.
The best Christmas adjacent beat em up there is
The most retarded shill post I've seen in a long time.
You're the one wanting to play pixel shit on PC.
And you're the one wanting to play anything on a fucking shitch.
FUCK. I don't want to play beat-em-ups alone
What's wrong with playing pixel games on pc?
Which SoR was the fan made one that got C&D'd? That one was awesome & can you still get it?
That's SoR Remake, you can still find it pretty easily if you just google and you'll see people posting links in forums
>SoR4 is so awesome dude! It's one of the best!
I don't care for it.
I don't like the art. I don't like the gameplay. I don't like the music.
god hand
yakuza not really, its shit
I can understand the rest, but its gameplay is still objectively good.
At the highest level of play, there's virtually no downtime between inputs, it's great. provided you're not a shitter who just spams Blitz+d.Special all day
I respect that. I don't get it, not at all, but I respect it. Love the gameplay, love the art (barring Cherry's key art, but in-game she's good), really like the OST even if it's not SoR2-tier, and it's so loaded with content it makes every other game in the genre look barebones.
not him but I'm more of a fantasy guy
give me Golden Axe by Lizardcube and I'd cum buckets
Get a room, you two!
No one likes this one? I had a blast with it. I remember it got really bad reviews and Im unable to understand why. This got all the best things from Double Dragon 2 on the NES witj a much better control. Also you can play as ANY character or enemy when you beat the game.