Game is set in Japan

>game is set in Japan
>it's always Tokyo or some boring city
Any good game set in rural Japan?

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Persona 4

Who the hell takes their bike out when its icy?

yakuza 6


Two atomic bombs, user. Two.

Boku no Natsuyasumi

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Too based for westerners.

bombs can't ride bikes, idiot

Holy shit, this is fucking soulful.
Thank you user.

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Harvest Moon AWL


>nobody stops to help them
city dwellers lack humanity no matter what country they're in

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The guy who came after she started falling missed their “start of rom com anime” moment

why didn’t they help her

It's ice they'd fall too, it really depends on the person though.

Great series, Attack of the Friday Monsters was also nice and the new Chin Chan game.


Holy shit, I would not want to live here.

So op didn’t post rural Japan?

Why wouldn't you?

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Soulless bug people

>No live leak car crash gore death in japan
Wake me up when someone uploads that


this fills me with existential terror

she is probably ugly af

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Are you Jordan Peele?

Not a weeb but Tokyo is literally the greatest city in the world. I used to love getting wasted, hitting up the arcade, then the clubs, then Matsuya (if I didn't get a love hotel), getting home at 6am, sleep, and repeat. Some nights I'd literally just sleep in an alleyway because I was too lazy to go home. Can't do that with any peace of mind in any other city I've lived in or visited.

Come home, white man

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i don't know. claustrophobia? where i live even from the center of the city you could drive out into the country in ten, twenty minutes tops. looks like it would take days to escape that place.
this is also terrifying but for different reasons

Cityslickers, user.

this actually isn’t that bad considering there’s already like a good handful of cute girls in that pic and they’re not allowed to wear makeup

the best ones

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Even if I was for some reason living there and tried to communicate with these people I don't think id be able to tell them apart. May have to date a fatty just to spot her in a crowd.

Persona 4 is a great depiction of a rural location.

*urge to play The Sims intensifies*

You should at least stop and offer/pretend to help and then keep going, those guys didn't even turn their faces towards the person

what yellow fever does to a mofo

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I can't imagine walking past someone like that and not trying to help them. Like if they a creepy homeless person barking at the moon I get it, but it is just some chick. Dude, help her out.

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What causes a person to be this insecure and post cherry picked images and pretend it applies to an entire ethnic group?

how are they supposed to know it was icy?

She's not gonna fuck you bro

pro tip bruh: the problem with the top image isn't the light up signs.

>What causes a person to be this insecure and post cherry picked images and pretend it applies to an entire ethnic group?

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why not spread out?

>you will never live in japan

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Thank god. Their work culture is toxic as fuck.

you sound like a faggot bruh no cap

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lmao she deservs to be bullied!

>30 different megacorp businesses
>200 small businesses


it snows in japan?

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>japan is bad because it just is okay?
not an argument

japan is a miserable hellholem, I am thankful for their video games and shit tho.

Buy a globe.

>not a single store

Name a good game set in rural USA, soitranny.

That's just Japan in a nutshell, lol

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>Dude, help her out.
That is literally rape in my country.

What do they eat?

Test Drive: Eve of Destruction

why would i help a female unless she will reward me with sex?

Furhter proof of Japan's soullessness. Why are faggots weebs again? Oh right because they identify with having no respect or care for your fellow man. Fuck weebs, fuck Japan, fuck Capitalism.


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do americans really...

holy fuck user

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Because they can't interact with people normally so the country of people like them interests them.
Also anime and manga used to be cool.

low test

I said game

live in luxury? yes we do

>Also anime and manga used to be cool.
Zoom zoom. We Gen Xers always hated that dragon ball shit and made fun of you for watching it.

This is awesome,screw these tree loving faggots. The concrete jungle is man's habitat.

No one cares about live action japanese movies. Not even weebs

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>thinking I like DragonBall

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not an argument