It seems like every other week, there's a news story about some Western game company and hostile work conditions...

It seems like every other week, there's a news story about some Western game company and hostile work conditions. Why is this?

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something about "no unions" and the fact only damaged people get into videogame development

Why would these people get into an industry that is known for being hostile?

Video games is where software meets art, there is a kind of prestige in it

>meets art
Not as much as it used to.

because they hire literal crazy women. Notice how the work enviroments were never hostile during the 80's, 90's and 00's? Companies now are the equivalent of bringing your girlfriend to guys only gaming night. She swears shes just like one of the guys, but as soon as you start treating her like one, and ignoring shes a girl, they flirt with you and then try to get you kicked out.

Women, in general, are a spiteful, vindictive, narcissistic bunch who only care about what you can give them, and not what little they have to actually offer.

Case in point, Sam Maggs, Zoey Quinn, Anita Sarkesisan, etc.

You've done it, user. You've criticized women. You know what's next, right?

>Get a new job with a company based in the UK
>Get 4 weeks time off
>Get very good pay
>get 3 month sabbatical after 3 years
>get 500 training budget every year
>Actually get a bonus for the first time in my life that was promised by recruiter.

I think US companies just suck.

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im not criticising anyone. im speaking the truth. Theres only one variable that has changed within the last 20 years of gaming, and thats the inclusion of anyone other than nerdy ass retards building games.

I'd ask you to prove me wrong, but you cant, because im not wrong.

[I agree with you. I'm just letting you know that there will be people calling you names because, according to them, only people who don't have sex criticize women.

i'm racist

Oh, cool, a Democrat.

a lot of girls working their first real job

It wasn't as well known that they were notoriously hostile environments unless recent years. Those people started school before finding out, some got jobs that abused them then assumed it was normal for professional jobs to treat them like that. Throw in the emotional abuse and threats to put pressure on them to work harder and they end up feeling trapped in it.

It was supposed to be the better programming choice, it was supposed to be the better paying art and design path. Turns out it's worse than if they took an entry level IT job for a big corporate name or did data entry in a secluded cubicle. It's more stressful and abusive than some fast food jobs. And the pay is nowhere where it should be.


Oh yeah, it's a shitshow here. It's the same story as our healthcare, where they got away with it for decades by trying to keep us in the dark of the disparity. Telling us it's socialist and telling horror stories about "waiting lists" in canada. But the waiting lists are longer here, and we can actually google that, and we casually talk to people randomly from all over the world and realize it's a shitshow.

The millenial experience in america is realizing through online friends just how absolutely fucked you are and how nothing will change because your parents still believe really stupid propaganda about what it's like in the rest of the world.

Its always the oddest, grossest mong ones projecting that call others incels.. like these faggots are the ones calling others incels. Because somehow, these shining D&D players are just drowning in pussy.

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Indeed. Pure projection, plain and simple.

>Telling us it's socialist and telling horror stories about "waiting lists" in canada
I had emergency surgery a few weeks ago and since its hit my deductible im now getting shit fixed ive held off for 8 years cause I couldn't afford it. Americas healthcare system is a joke.

>Why is this?

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This sounds like someone who has no life experience at all. Because if you talk to actual canadians, they will tell you how fucked they are.

Your shit opinion comes from a place of such privilege that you dont even realize it. Just by living in the united states, you are in the top 1% of wealth in the world. Even the poorest in this country still make more on average than everyone else in the entire world.

Your "experience" is sitting on twitter crying about how terrible america is while never looking even once into other countries and how unbelievably terrible they are.

You have shelter, more than one set of clothes, water you can drink from a tap, running sewer systems, you dont need to walk 4 hours to school every day, you can pursue school past the 6th grade, you have access to food, medicine, cheap gasoline, paved roads... hearing you cry because "boohoo i cant get 6 weeks off work or a bonus for doing the job I was hired to do" sounds like the biggest 1st world problem, which ultimately amounts to nothing.

You are pathetic. Grow up.

This. It's always the single mom raised, gender fluid sjws who live to get offended and cry.

Scandals sell. I guess for video game companies its just more views/reads because theres nothing inherently worse or better about them.

>Text bubble with character's name in it
What the fuck

bro. something like 25% of kids are raised in single parent homes. Of that, 70%+ are single mothers, and these children go to school where 70%+ of their teachers are female.

So where is all this toxic masculinity coming from?

>Game developers back in the day were mostly male
>Women start forcing their way into the industry
>Now everything is problematic and sexist

Here's a question how come when women get involved in something that thing immediately starts falling apart?

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I think the 2016 election and #metoo completely ruined a ton of women. Also society promoting and encouraging single motherhood.

Why do you think it's called "MeToo?"

>Female cousin was a huge slut in highschool
>Bragged about all the dudes she nailed
>Metoo happens
>Suddenly she was raped all those times in highschool and says she's never had consensual sex

I literally watched this woman seduce three dudes into gangbanging her at a party. I like how women think they can just change reality whenever it can benefit them.

>Video games is where software meets art, there is a kind of prestige in it

It's the same in the fashion industry all but the highest tier professionals can barely pay their rent but they accept the miserable conditions due to the status involved with the profession as well as a hobbyist passion for the subject. The anime industry is similar.

Heres another similar question: Where is all the breaking news stories about being problematic and sexist in Garbage Collecting, Custodial, or Landscaping fields?

>i have a $1000 phone, and $200 a month cable plan, $80 internet
>muh healthcare is too much money boohoo

My healthcare is fine. I'm not a fucking spending cunt retard though.

Virtue signallers signal their virtue to (poorly) hide that they're all horrible people.


americans dont like to work they lazy kekekekekekekekeke they should be harder worker like me kekekekekeke

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the government literally gives out monetary bonuses to single mother households user.

The US is genuinely turning to Fascism. Not the meme "I'm a twittard and everything I don't like is Fascism" but the ideology created by Mussolini where the state and corporations are so intertwined that the corporations actually do own everything while the government is only there to bail out the corporations when they need it. Corporatism is the core element of Fascism and the US is moving there at breakneck speed.

women will always bitch and self-victimize
especially in the current victim culture

yes, because there's one less member of the work force in the family so they need more support

The ironic part is that those same Twittards are welcoming it with open arms because said corporations make all their Netflix shows and Marvel movies

To be fair, I'm Canadian and it took four years to get a ten minute phone call with a guy to say "yup, you've got IBS". Canada is much better for emergencies though, I'll concede that. If they need to rush you to the hospital to perform some life saving surgery, it'll get done relatively fast and it'll only be a couple hundred bucks for the ambulance ride, free if you get a ride from someone else.

Meant forSorry, I'm pretty tired right now.

US is oligarchy

>need more government support

perfect. you'll be able to sponge off of others forever!

how delusional you sound, your healthcare is shit, is full of Jews tricking people to spend gorillions of money to get fucking nothing when they are dying of a serious disease.

Congratulations, you achieved a feudal system, enjoy getting cucked every day.

All about attention and virtual pats on the back.

so you're proposing the government do nothing and let the kids grow up into crime, and their kids do the same?

Because they need to make it about themselves. Notice how when a woman does something, they ALWAYS make it about themselves in some way. They are physically incapable of not making things about themselves, I'd even call it an evolutionary defect.

maybe because game companies don't produce something many people consider important, there is no genuine interest in reforming them? most adults would probably not notice if video games disappeared from the face of the earth, except that their kids would complain, so the practices of said companies don't even register except for some cynical politician who can maybe bring it up to score points

GB is probably a low because of the NHS, I've heard a lot of horror stories about them.

They call themselves: "The limp wrist pals" .

This is a bad comic but I respect the hustle.

Yeah, it sucks to say but western women are pretty much finished.

Because the western world is run by middle management who don't have a clue how to actually make money, but do know how to crack the whip.

Well why not? I should be getting lots of things since the industrial revolution happened but all I see is everything crumbling around me. The smarter option is to leech from the people gullible enough to keep feeding the system while I prepare for it to all fall apart.

this was the foundational argument of the labor and antitrust movement in the us. then the boomers came into power and fucked everything into the dirt over the course of decades

Because Americans hate workers for some reason.

Because the definition of hostile is becoming exceedingly broad.

lol. onions mad.

stock up on water and can good user. Along with being a participating member of society, im also a small time preper. I dont have a lot, but I have enough to last a few months.

HA... s-0-y filters to onions? since when has that been in place?

Do any other words filter like that?

>and $200 a month cable plan
Whoa there Harold, who fucking pays for cable? How out of touch are you?

>so you're proposing the government do nothing and let the kids grow up into crime
probably better than being raised by a single mom desu

Like 6 years, newfag.

That's what I've been doing, this house of cards is not going to last much longer.

just encourages women to have a shit ton of kids

just encourages women to have a shit ton of kids

*sweats profusely
m-My name isnt Harold... who told you that?

get some guns too. Not saying you need to use it, but in a pinch, its better to have, than have not.

It seems like every other week, there's a news story about some Californian AAA faggot infested game company and hostile work conditions.

>the waiting lists are longer in America
Holy fuck lol no. You are saying you got “tricked” into believing that, but it’s fucking true. I’m in Alberta, EVERYBODY fucking flies to the states for medical treatment. I’ve been on a sleep study waiting list for 5 years

Woman hate work. Labour has you do ACTUAL PHYSICAL work.
>t. spic landscaper

Everything government ran is shittier than the private version but I'm sure for it being ran by the government will work this time.

To be fair, I wish other people believed this shit so they would stop coming. Like how California believes their system is so much better they have to flee their shithole state.

>industry mainly populated by shady business men, dudebros and socially awkward creeps
>throw in diversity hires on top
It's like throwing petrol on a bonfire.