What was wrong with this card?

What was wrong with this card?

Attached: Yogg-Saron.jpg (728x960, 92.97K)

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Clown fiesta: the card
So yes I did play it

Nothing, it's "fun".

No fun allowed. When you think about it, nerfing it was very much in the spirit of Warcraft.

This, every time Blizzard creates fun they patch it out eventually

>throw out RNG save me: the card
>shit up the place
shitters and trannies are all that still play HS anyway tho so whatev

"i spend the maximum amount of resources to play a card that ends the game on a coin flip" is objectively bad design no matter how much fun it actually was.

The actual issue was that you could realistically just throw it in a random deck with a couple spells and play it for usually a positive effect. Considering the kind of shit thats in the game now nerfing it seems retarded but at the time it made more sense


1. It was added purely so streamers could have reaction videos to it
2. It's the gameplay equivalent of flipping the board

it exposed hearthstone as a party game

It's the anti ladder card, if your deck has it you're just waiting to draw it and once you've seen the stupid shit it does this time you may as well hit concede because that was the sole reason you hit play.

RNG determined the game from one card. It was the beginning of the end.

It was before its time, as most games now are determined by the same thing.

Winning because of randomness is not winning.

by this logic hearthstone is unwinnable, even more so than other card games

Absolutely, if your main meta for years is to cram as much recurring RNG as possible you are doing it wrong.

>negative winrate
>objectively underpowered
>low rolls were way way more numerous and much more extreme than even the best highrolls
>still fundamentally bad for the game because it totally invalidated the entire match up to that point
>when you run it everybody loses, the player using it nosedives in rank, meanwhile every 1 in 5 opponents on ladder gets cheated out of a deserved win by RNG and just generally inconvenienced

It was very much in the spirit of Hearthstone, a flashy random clusterfuck of a card that just did things and like an user before me said caused streamer reactions
I have no idea what HS is like right now, someone in this thread said it's more of a clownshow than it ever was, post some examples Yea Forumsros...

I thought it was fun. At least much more fun than the first turn KOs yugioh got going on

I got legend during old gods
HS was gunning for twitch hardcore audience and even though this card was like 30-35% chance to have tangible positive results AT BEST there were times where it casted too many flamestrikes or pyros, also game wasn'T as randumb as it is today so people had the balls to fight back and blizz had to fold

after un'goro and discover though stuff like that became fair game

What's the meta now? I heard they finally stopped with the Created By bullshit, but at this point I don't care anymore.

apparently there's an autochess gamemode which has been the Hot New Thing for a while now. Wild is also completely ruined thanks to a handful of meme cards such as jabberwock(sp?).
The game is totally dead to me.

I think One-Turn-Kills and Pronouns are the meta for HS now

Most spells works in your favor, especially if you have nothing on board.

they shut down rng by turning the game into ygo, every deck has premium draw and OTK's

its a combo meta, which means the players rarely interact

>combo OTK
Shame, I like those metas usually, but I don't care enough to even see a Trolden video.

trolden is dead

is HS still a huge clown fiesta? I'm surprised it's still going, but I hear people mostly play for the roguelike mode?

if your opponent had two 6/6s and you had jack shit and you casted yogg with 10 spells back in old gods, chances are he'd end up with at least a 10/3 with divine shileld or something
you're forgetting back then 90% of pala and druid spells were buffs and most mage spells could go either face

yogg was not THAT good, 9/10 times you'd hover over concede button after playing yogg - it was frustratingly OK/good like 1 out of 10 times

What's more of a fiesta?
>HS's Yogg Saron
>LoR's Concurrent Timelines (especially back when dreadros worked)

>Do X, and you can play this card and win
Killed the game for me. I hated it. I hate knowing my opponent just has to set up conditions completely independent from me and then just has to play a certain card to basically win the game.

Say what you want about Yogg though, it was always fun to watch what would happen when it was played. Like, I ain't even mad, I like seeing a bunch of spells go off.

Attached: hearthstoneissomeoneinjured.png (600x800, 19.74K)

>is HS still a huge clown fiesta
it depends how you define it, with the rotation that happened last year the RNG shit was toned down alot, but in compasation United in Stormwind turned the game in solitaire

user stop, you're giving me Bandle Tree seizures

Good, it removes the last avenue of fringe contact I had with this crap. ;_;7

Attached: annoyed mamiya.jpg (1280x720, 93.36K)

From a wild perspective, its fucked. Most decks are play with yourself bullshit which ignores every board state and just plays full auto. And whats more the obvious culprits are dodging the nerf bullet constantly because "muh wild is wild" mindset Blizzard have adopted recently.

Pirate warrior can actually go fuck itself. I play semi regularly and playing wild is 80% this one deck.

If you're in position to lose to this were you really winning?

>druid does a loaf of innovate coin shit to yogg turn 1/2
>immediately hexes itself
It was a meme, but it was one that got the occasional chuckle.

just checked, he really isn't., although his popularity has obviously gone down.

How do you cover yourself against pure RNG with exponential possibilities? And in exactly 30 cards. Hand Hate is to my knowledge almost an unknown concept in HS.

>pirate warrior
STILL? Fucking christ...

Contrary to modern Hearthstone but control and midrange without a clear "win condition" did exist back then.

yeah I didn't hate it
I understood why it got hit and was OK with it too but I wasnt on /vg/ or other platforms calling for it to be banned

we gotta keep in mind that HS is an online card game and that has some advantages like that, what Yogg does (or discover does for a matter of fact) cannot be achieved in psychical games and there is some merit to that
its just that they went too overboard with it during 2018-2021, effectively killing the game. like yeah ok its cool but what the fuck was shudderwock

Yogg is more fiesta, Timelines is more FUN because it's still fiesta but you can actually build around it and do interesting things. You also become intimately aware of your high and low rolls.

Nothing. I love that card and puzzle boxes

Talking about eternal formats, is Vintage also a shitfest in MTG? Having 80% of decks being the same in the eternal seems impossible.

it is way better than it has ever been, united in stormwind introduced a card that after you summon 7 pirates it gives you a 7 mana 7/7 that summons an untargetable unity that shits one random pirate on the board, equips you a random weapon and does 2 damage twice


Plus they printed this shit here

Attached: mr smite.png (448x655, 591.53K)

>what the fuck was shudderwock
the former lead dev saw someone tinkering with that in development and told them not to put it in the game
funnily enough he was gone not long after

Yeah, really. Pirate warrior got a knock with the nerfs to patches, buccaneer and fiery waraxe, but then United in Stormwind came along, with a whole new array of pirate themed cards, and broke the wild meta.

It's aggro with neverending value and its total, unfun, solitaire tier bullshit.

>7 mana 7/7
>in this meta
It's 5 mana.

>if you don't win by turn 10 against a fucking control deck you deserve to lose to RNG

This is your brain on aggro

oh yeah, I forgot that bitch is 5 mana
even worse, I just zoom out anyway

can we agree united in stormwind is by far the strongest expansion they ever did?
Tredeable is by far the best keyword ever printed plus it had insane shit like runed mithril rod for (3) three mana

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play shadoba, it has yakuza horses now

I always felt like this card was the sign that this game was not being designed with good choices motivating decisions.

It was just the objectively best 7 mana card you could play. There's no reason why if your deck needed to play a card that cost that much mana, you would not use this card. Not having this card meant that you were just objectively forced to play with a worse deck.

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Discover is stronger, but yeah, United is the single worst expansion ever added because of how utterly skewed the powerspike was. Rastakhan's was also bad but for the opposite reason.

Old Gods and Frozen still the best.

It wasn't Quasar
Nor did it play youtube.com/watch?v=rCAWF_UEuq8 when you were near victory or have MOTHERFUCKING JUNK WARRIOR

Attached: SYNCHROCHADS.jpg (1080x1080, 2.19M)

I think tredeable is better than discover, discovar had the chance (however miniscule it is) of giving you 3 shit cards. With tredeable you will always draw from a pool of good cards (your deck)

HS is more of a clown fiesta because LoR is the better game

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Discover isn't restricted to random though. You can discover cards in your own (or your opponents) deck.

>muffled ben brode laugh in the distance

well turns out he was right
it was the turning point for me
kobolds was kino too
in fact 2016-17 HS was overall kino

>united in stormwind introduced a card that after you summon 7 pirates it gives you a 7 mana 7/7 that summons an untargetable unity that shits one random pirate on the board, equips you a random weapon and does 2 damage twice
What card? Can't find it on the lists.


It's a quest reward via the legendary spell "Raid the Docks".

>You can discover cards in your own (or your opponents) deck.
Yeah but most discover cards don't work like that, I agree that the ones who do are stronger than tredeable

Oh, that explains why I found shit. Thanks.

Also this bitch

Attached: EX1_016.png (497x617, 363.39K)

That card killed hundreds of hearthstone careers