DMC5 is the best in the series and I'm tired of pretending it isn't
DMC5 is the best in the series and I'm tired of pretending it isn't
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wish we had more hack and slash games everything is either souls garbage or a musou
DMC5 went woke.
It always was Woke to Justice.
That's true but I still think DMC combat has a a bit more to do before it achieves perfection.
More aggressive bosses that don't retreat constantly.
More aggressive enemies with complex behaviors and reactions (like fighting each other depending on which enemy it is)
More high reward defensive options for Nero and Vergil like royal guard.
Giving Vergil and Nero a game to themselves since Dante's arc is pretty much over.
I also had an idea for a shield weapons for Nero that manifests from the devil bring so he could have a human sword and demonic shield. It'd basically have guard-point moves that, when Nero is hit during them, stack a buff onto future attacks. So the player is looking to try and "catch attacks to "store" as energy for other attacks with the shield.
I want nero to get a greatsword type weapon and a shield from the devil bringer for maximum unga kino.
DMC5 is my first DMC, and jumping as the primary means of damage avoidance instead of parrying/blocking/dodging is so fucking weird.
I'm tired of pretending 3 is better than 1, 4 or 5
Try locking on and inputting the jump button while moving the analog to the side, you'll be surprised what happens!
Look, you get the benefit of the doubt for 1, but 4 just isn't better than 3.
Can you post a webm? Curious to see.
You dodge roll homie, use dat if you jumping for frames is so awkward to you.
4 is aids for anything but combo tism and inertia shenanigans.
Here's the harsh truth nobody wants to accept:
DMC1,2 and 3 are archaic, they have varying degrees of quality in writing and design but the gameplay is unequivocally trash and the only reason anyone tolerates playing them nowadays is blind nostalgia.
4 is eh, it's not as outdated gameplay-wise but it did import some very stupid niggles from the older ones like refusing to have a dedicated dodge, and the story is dumb and pointless, altough innofensive.
DmC is fine gameplay-wise and nobody would dislike it if it was just called something else, the writing goes from sucking shit to sucking slightly less shit when Dante stops being a juvenile retard.
5 is great gameplay-wise but they keep insisting on stupid archaic design choices like not having a damn dodge and having one of the most horrendously stiff jumps in gaming, the story is pretty garbo, for a big comeback the story sure feels like a filler episode of Supernatural.
None of these games is any better than Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden or God of War and the series as a whole is grossly overrated.
Ah sweet, a schizo post.
You can still do that in DMC5
It's just weird that they are sometimes unlocks without their own seperate button
>everything is either souls garbage or a musou
There's plenty of other action games out there you're just a retarded normalfag or zoomer who only plays dmc and nu-platinum shit.
Some other people have suggested a greatsword for Vergil which I thought would be good as his charge weapon. I don't like charge gauntlets because you only ever can hit one or two enemies per attack but a great sword that he could swing around would make the charge time worth it cause it can hit multiple enemies.
I don't want a GS for vergil, he should just get dual daggers.
I'd rather have it have armor or block abilities like Protos do than a charge moveset. I've never really liked the charge gimmick.
I always found it strange how distinctly offputting this is for new players (often souls players, etc), since you're essentially doing exactly the same thing as a dodgeroll - a one button multidirectional dodge with iframes. Just pressing x instead of circle and being momentarily airborne.
But then I realised it's because you can't 'attack' with your grounded stuff afterwards, as you would R1 after rolling (in souls, etc). It forces you to think of your airborne toolkit and engage with it, which is harder for people new to these types of games. As you get better at the game you realise that being airborne isn't a hindrance, and preferable in keeping up your offence.
Similarly, the concept of actually using your attacks for general movement is often overlooked, like using Nero's caliber to close distance, etc.
Vergil should only have Yamato and Beowulf.
It has V
It has boring repetitive world design
It is easy
It has boring weapons
It has boring forgettable bosses
Im a soulsfag, but MGRR and Bayonetta just felt more intuitive to me, though I cant really say why given its been awhile since I played them.
This game was the biggest disappointment of my life. It's just a shitty clone of 3. Except here, the story doesn't make sense. Vergil revived himself HOW? Fuck Itsuno and fuck DMC5.
I love how all the enemies are giant insects or rehashed enemies from previous games like the blood bats, angel knights from 4, or scissor guys from 1. I love how none of the bosses are memorable. I love how the game is nothing but tight hallways with no puzzles. I love how every area is just a city area or Qlipoth root. I love how half-baked V is. I love how Vergil is locked behind paid DLC. I love how there's microtransactions in a DMC game. FINALLY! I love how the final battle arena is taken straight from DmC: replete with the FUCK YOU from that game. I love how Nero's entire character arc in DMC5 is to not feel like dead weight. I love the annoying voice on the trailer trash chick. I love how you have to spend time in menus buying Nero's buster arms since they disappear after each use. I love how the game robbed me of 20$ by pretending to be a return to form when it's really The force awakens of DMC.
Armor seems like a bad idea on DMD. Eating multiple hits at that point just seems like it'd get you offed. unless it was reduced damage on top of high stagger resistance.
>the blood bats, angel knights from 4, or scissor guys from 1
None of those are the same in 5 lol
>I love how none of the bosses are memorable.
They've been the best they've ever been.
>I love how the game is nothing but tight hallways with no puzzles.
>I love how every area is just a city area or Qlipoth root.
It's great, isn't it?
>I love how half-baked V is.
Skill issue.
>I love how Vergil is locked behind paid DLC.
Yes, much better than having to buy the entire game again.
>I love how there's microtransactions in a DMC game.
>I love how the final battle arena is taken straight from DmC: replete with the FUCK YOU from that game. I love how Nero's entire character arc in DMC5 is to not feel like dead weight. I love the annoying voice on the trailer trash chick.
True, it's all kino.
>Star Wars analogies
Are food analogies for midwits.
>But then I realised it's because you can't 'attack'
No, it's because jumping for i-frames is weird and looks clumsy.
>s-skill issue!
>star wars analogies bad!
god, you're a faggot. LEmme guess, you spam "git gud" at people who dislike dark souls for its poor combat mechanics and bad vague storytelling?
Mad cuz bad and also mad cuz dum.
Still hasn't fixed the series core issue
Something I wish the game would do is get ballsier with enemy encounter composition. Not enemy design or difficulty, just enemy variety per fight. You have your devil hunter mode right? And you fight A LOT of cainas and empusas, and that's ok. Then son of sparda shakes things up a little, there's that one corner where V gets raped by 4 riots, there's dante fighting 2 furies, judecca appears earlier for nero, sure. But that's about it. I want REAL crazy encounters in higher difficulties. Not in terms of enemy numbers, but enemy types present at the same time.
>inb4 BP
Yes indeed, but that's a separate game mode, all perfectly round arenas, and has a timer on it. I want campaign to be spiced up to the limit.
>multiple proto angelos and a lusachia
>nobodies and antenoras
>hellbats and baphomets and a lusachia, make the fight a bullet hell
>mission 13 with randomized encounters, I have to S rank it 3 times per difficulty and I'm tired of seeing riots and chaos
>replace all pyrobats with hellbats
>put a behemoth or empusa queen in the tiny rooms where you have nowhere to hide
>enemies with "antiair" (riots) in the small rooms of the mission 2 hotel so that being airborne won't save you
>randomize what enemies can pop of the coffins (let it be a judecca because fuck you), force V to actually pay attention and be careful with his AoE for one fucking battle
>a qliphoth device other than the roots, electric brain, jails or spawner (contact flytraps, enemy boosters)
Campaign being streamlined to do away with shitty puzzles and platforming is absolutely fine, but it should crank up the creativity regarding enemy encounters and battle gimmicks specific to each fight.
retarded 14 year old detected
>multiple proto angelos
>nobodies and antenoras
>behemoth or empusa queen in the tiny rooms where you have nowhere to hide
Those happen though.
DMC1 had randomized enemy encounters in most rooms that weren't red door locked. You never knew if you were going to find safety puppets or get chills from a shadow's licker sound effect. But they were fine, you could ignore them and go to the next room.
I have played 5 so much I remember every single encounter in SoS and DMD by heart. Why not randomize the non-locked encounters? BP is no longer randomized, let me at least be surprised by the enemy encounters I can ignore. I normally ignore them because 2 or 3 empusas/cainas aren't fun and fighting them outside of locked areas can actually be detrimental to my mission style rank, spawn random shit like a proto or nobodies or a roaming behemoth and let me decide if the random encounter at hand is worth skipping or not.
Even if it is, why are you shilling such a safe and low effort sequel? Are you unbothered by the lack of meaningful evolution since DMC4? Vergil being DLC? The constant DMConsoomer pandering?
If so I have to say this games fanbase is as shitty as the franchise.
Mechanically yes, my biggest gripe with it is that most of the levels take place in a shitty grey tree. It's a shame because the city levels were kino.
None of dmc games are hard, dummy
You get dt in a second mission which turns you into god on normal and hard
Only Cerberus a difficulty spike, because you are underleveled
Nero shits out damage with zero effort
Recently for this gen? What are they. Inb4 you say shit from the PS2 and PS3 era
Not nearly enough, not early enough.
>muh puzzles
placing a single object into a specific spit doesn't count as puzzle, retard.
>Are you unbothered by the lack of meaningful evolution since DMC4
Genuinely retarded
You're going to buy Virgil again when DMC 6 releases.
Not telling you because you'll say they're shit and already outed yourself as a dumbass zoomer afraid of playing older games
I'm just surprised the Xbox Series S can run the Special Edition of this
Honestly don't know how people can stomach dmc's garbage combat after playing elden ring
>Devil Breakers
>Bringer Knuckle
>Sword Formations
>Dr. Faust
>Sin Devil Trigger
And this isn't even taking into account the improvements to other returning systems, the enemy design, the level design, the graphics, the audio, the QoL features, and more.
DMC5 evolved from DMC4 in almost every area. In some areas it's one of the DMCs with the biggest changes.
I feel like it could have been crazier, but overall I'd agree it's the best.
I like fromsoft but this ain't your thread, nigger.
0/10 troll post
You've gotta try harder, user.
Jumping gives you i-frames?
imagine if there was a dmc thread where nobody replied to bait
We need more shit like this in harder difficulties while not gimping the fights in normal difficulty
No one says it isn't you retard
You'd get two DMC threads a week tops.
>D-pad up is Red Queen
>D-pad left is a replica of Credo's sword and shield made by Nero, Exceed Royal Guard but with a bit more generous timing, charges can be spend for non-perfect blocks or modified attacks when having the shield up, Max Bet equivalent can be Credo's spear
>D-pad right is a pair of boots with lightning Exceed, pin down enemies and turn them into soccer balls, EX charges also make you faster
>Second tap on any of the above gives you the Spectral Yamato with Drive slashes as Exceed, third tap brings you back to the first weapon and so on
>D-pad down is still Breakaway, or swap Breaker, whichever you like the most
Will other DMCs feel clunky if I go back to them?
You don't know any
Nah, DMC3 and 4 and DmC still feel good to play so long as it's combat.
They feel better because they have less feature-bloat.