Defeated Cyberpunk

>Defeated Cyberpunk
>Defeated Halo Infinite
>Defeated Russia
Who will be his next Villian?

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exp!ain this Shazam thing please I'm new here

This is pathetic. Time to move on.


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>Lost to Elden Chad

OG post

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Hi new here, I am dad

>jobbed pathetically to Elden Ring

But Shazam was 100% right about Elden Ring. He said it would just be reskinned Dark souls which it was. Turns out From Drones are 100% ok with paying $60 for a reskin though.

this one is a bit better

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>Defeated Russia

>Defeated Russia
Uhhhh Shazambro? I think you got it mixed up which side we're on

>Massive sales
>incredibly popular still
He lost, you lost, there is no coming back. Your meme is over tranny.

>pretending to be someone else
You lost. GOTY 2022 btw.

Cope Shazam-Sama. The power of the Elden Ring was too great for ye, but another will rise in time.
Rest Shazam and know that grace will guide you back when your time has come.

>Massive sales
Shazam never said it would financially flop, just that it would be a soul-less rehash. He was right.

halo defeated itself

>GOTY 2022 btw.
Either underage or retarded

I wonder what it would be like to meet people like this in real life
I can't imagine the soijakers and the shazammers being normal functioning people behind the computer screen

Shazam means that game will fail, that is all. It's a cope meme with avatarfag.

>shazamtrannies have to spoonfeed
KEK desperate to stay relevant after getting BTFO by ER


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Read the fucking post. Never did he say it would fail, only it would be shit.

Ukraine lost

That's literally not what it means, you are coping so hard. Bury the meme faggot.

>We aren't invading Ukraine, that's all NATO lies
>OK we are invading Ukraine but it's a quick military operation
>We will take kiev in 2 days
>We will take Kiev in 2 weeks
>We will take Kiev in a month
>We don't need Kiev
>We don't need any major city
>We don't need any new territory
>We don't need to denazify Ukraine
>We don't need to demilitarize Ukraine
>We don't need Ukraine to agree to not join NATO or the EU
>A-Actually the war was all about taking the Donbas, a region already not controlled by Ukraine from before the war started
< You are here
>We didn't want the Donbas anyway

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Except the post literally never discussed sales. Seethe

Yeah, keep moving the goalposts. Eventually, you'll win.

Okay I'll give you it Shazambro

end of the line shazamfags, you can't compete

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oh kek that is kind of funny

>only it would be shit
>Crazy sales
>People love it
here is you tranny
Unironically kill yourself.

ukraine means outer russia, so that means russia lost

The only goalpost is that he's right

didn't even play the fucking game lmfao

Great reviews, people love it. Sounds pretty wrong to me!

A hero's work is never done

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literally shazam was only useful for cyberpunk

the left cant meme

obnoxious newfag meme

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Name a game coming out this year that's a stronger candidate so I can laugh at you.

Just admit that even Shazamchad can be wrong every once in a while and move on, we won't tease you too much.

>Got killed by Elden Ring
No one, he's in the grave.

Every meme that was made against a side will be taken over by said side and then the meme stops making sense but still continues endlessly

Not to mention that many of the memes made "against a side" are just projection anyway

Are you new? Shazam was never about sales, more about soul and quality. Shazam destroyed Cyberpunk, but Cyberpunk was more successful than ER.

It's a meme about predicting the failure of hyped up pop culture material, at least to the extent of a lukewarm reception that pales in comparison to hype, whether it be current events or a media product. It is a branch of the TORtanic memes. In a way it makes a mockery of the disingenuous modern consumerist culture which has a pattern of creating fake dramatic anticipation for something before shortly disregarding it.

It's over, Shazam lost
the sooner you learn to cope the less it'll hurt, promise

>GOTY 2022 btw
*blocks your path*

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Your virginity, at which he will fail


you should know by now that that game is going to be delayed and not come out in 2022

BOTW 2. They delayed it until next year, because Shazam needs a rest after wrongly predicting elden ring

>Who will be his next Villian?

North America (USA)

>being anti-russian is now a leftist stance
the absolute state of the "right"

yeah I looked at the "November 2022" and thought to myself "no way"

shahzamsisters are pathetic, the score is 1-1 right now, destoryed trannypunk but got smoked by Elden Ring we'll see if shahzam has what it takes when Starfield comes out

>shazam trannies still existing

Also Cyberpunk is actually good now so it wasn't even really "destroyed"

Holy shit, the number of screeching fromtrannies having meltdowns over this post just proves how correct it is lol

>people love it
From trannies don't get an opinion

Hey Shazam-Tranny you lost and will never have relevance again

Verifuckingcation not required.

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i initially thought this was the shittiest meme ever forced on to Yea Forums but tt has grown on me these past months

Seethe Monke

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Weird West
Monke Island
Fucking casual

this the right is braindead, can only view the world in binaries

>Also Cyberpunk is actually good now so it wasn't even really "destroyed"
You fucking shills are pathetic. It is still shit and so are you

Everything Shazam said was right. From drones ate it up anyway but he was right

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Why aren't these threads just auto deleted?


If it wasn't for Elden Ring I'd be playing Cyberpunk
CP2077 has been largely rehabilitated, even on Yea Forums