2Fort and Turbine

2Fort and Turbine...
absolute trash maps and gamemode

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i don't think

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I fucking love Turbine. I probably have 300 hours on it alone
its great fun unless you are an uncle dane type who start getting hives on their body if they haven't done an objective in 20 seconds

Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.

fuck off dane, go take your shitty opinion somewhere else

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2fort has been ruined by friendly and "dont cap!!!!" children, and I am not being ironic when I say that. Some of my most fond TF2 memories were in games of 2fort where both teams were fighting tooth and nail to push, hold, and cap in the enemy base. Nobody really tries to do much of anything on 2fort anymore; I guess dustbowl will have to suffice.

Don't care, I will snipe people from the battlements for 8 hours straight.

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Based. Popping out of the side with a friend pocketing as Medic is sublime.
Turbine is hot garbage, though.

CTF is the IQ filter for morons too fucking stupid to play on mario_kart, cyberpunk, cp_orange, etc.

and i will put a dispenser and sentry off to the side and rancho relaxo nearby for 8 hours while watching in between jerking it to stuff on e621

>be shit at the game
>learn to quickscope headshot as sniper (easy af just turn mouse sensitivity all the way down)
>headshots for days on turbine
>would get someone calling me a hacker and trying to votekick every game
love turbine
F to pay respects

>Turbine is hot garbage, though.
lol look at this nigger, i have spent literal days in the vents with the huntsman

CTF in general is fun as fuck. The only people who think otherwise are compniggers who want to turn TF2 into every other shitty """competitive""" shooter.

cp_orange is an unironically good map (as long as it is a variant with trenches to avoid snipers) and I wish you could find servers running it nowadays that don't do some bullshit gimmick like low gravity or all crits or whatever.

>wanting to play the objective in an objective-based shooter is compfaggotry now

go erp with your fag friends in 2fort. dustbowl and the payload maps are the only ones worth playing, and I'm not talking about playing them competitively.


>dustbowl and the payload maps are the only ones worth playing

>compfaggots deflecting like the backpoking snakes they are
Again, FUCK uncle tom, FUCK his tranny servers, and FUCK nocrit fags.

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One day, you will discover the universe that exists outside of the matchmaking kiddy pool.

i use it just because i like the funny noise it makes

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2Fort feels much better to me. I like how there's multiple different routes and everyone is just doing their own thing
Turbine just feels like a fucking clusterfuck in the main room.

>keeps bringing up the comp boogeyman
playing the objective on a casual server is not competitive. fags who enjoy roleplaying and chatting with kids in the CTF maps need to be shot.

>wanting to play the objective in an objective-based shooter is danefaggotry now
>wanting to play the objective in an objective-based shooter is no-crit faggotry now
Is making strawmen all you know how to do?

Fun maps for deathmatch. If I wanted objectives I would be playing other maps.

I played the game before compfags shat all over it. CTF is good.

didnt realize I had already posted itt

No one says you can't enjoy other modes too sichzo

2fort is popular because it simplifies the more complicated parts of the game.
>Snipers have nowhere to function but the battlements, which are easily accessible right out of both spawns
>Soldiers have nowhere to do any fancy rocket jumping- at most a surf in the sewers or a pogo across the bridge- so they mostly do splash damage at chokes
>Engineers just set up in one of the dozens of chokes
>Spies just go after engineers

>is making strawmen all you know how to do
lol ironic coming from a compfag that still thinks said anything about friendlyfags

I remember practically living in the enemy vents as zato demoknight way back when
I could wipe out the entire enemy team in there if just one scout was dumb enough to run up to me

i miss the old caber, sticky jumping to the enemy battlements and one shoting the enemy snipers before flying back to safety was fun as hell

Valve screwed over the Gay Sex fanbase by cancelling the Gay Sex 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices

fuck i miss when that thing could crit, fucking could go mad one eyed samurai on the enemy teams asses

Playing 2fort as a sniper was some of the best time i had in the game.

You're talking to two anons. I never said about friendlies either.

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2fort is based as fuck
turbine is based as fuck
good maps for when you just want to run around and shoot people instead of being a gay comp fag and carrying about MUH OBJECTIVE!!!

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Only turbine is a shitheap because snipers in mid are unflankable, at lest 2fort lets you take a different route on the sewers.

That and is right, 2fort is mad fun for dm

There were sniper wars, there were people changing class just to get tome, fun times.

Can I help?

dont forget that engineer can lock mid too on turbine by putting a sentry at containters

That is still somehow possible but it's mainly abusing the Caber's jank ass explosion because it turns out that the blast radius comes from Demo's head, so if you aim the caber swing at the sniper's feet, you get to do 127 damage. Janky as balls but the sniper terririzing is still there, but we're talking caber so jank is part of the game by default.

For me it's Caberknight with a grenade launcher to fucking atomize clusters of players.

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tf2 is legit one of the best games of all time

Turbine's main room is great for skirmishing. There's enough shit to hide behind you can roam around and just kill.

except when this asshole comes into the server

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2fort is a great comfy map for relaxing and casual gameplay.

Turbine is a lovely chaotic action packed map, also needs proper team coordination to defend properly

You have a lot in common with OP then.

>"Wait, is our scout doing Rock-Paper-Scissors emote with enemy after they both botched their shots?"
>"Can someone kick our Scout? They aren't using VC and playing as a team."
>"Well it's not my fault you aren't playing the fucking objective in objective-based shooter. Just go to play Mario Party or something I want to play this game like a serious gamer I am"
>"Also can our Heavy switch to Sandvich please? Fat scout isn't good for capping the objective and your Medic might appreciate the medium healthpack"
>"You are premade? Well still we are playing the objective, so stop messing around"
The thing is user, that some people just wanna play. Playing objective in CTF and Hightower is kinda meme, especially these days when you get the minute long voting and map restart everytime the round ends.

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What part of says anything about erp and not killing, faggot?

What part of any of my posts says anything about it either, faggot?

There was once was a land where normalniggers, lazy assholes, and compfags could all get along and play together

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Then stop butting in cunt.

i like to cloak and dagger hang out in the enemies spawn in turbine emerging only like once every few mins to randomly stab someone then hide and repeat and generally be an annoyance

Is there a way to make this game run better? I cannot get more than 80 fps during fights on my RTX 3070

You literally responded to me.

>more strawmen
Voice comms are for fags and bitching about people not playing optimally is retarded. But I still want to actually play the game

Your false dichotomy of "fun" vs. "compnigger" is falling apart.

It's an ancient turd full of a million badly optimized cosmetics. CPU is way more important than graphics card.

You responded to me. To reiterate. Compfaggots want to win at the utmost efficiency and not have fun killing the other team.

how does 1 man make so many chuds seethe kek


Download no hats mod
instant +100 FPS boost


Funfags are degenerates

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These people are genuinely mentally ill at this point. They'll support ANYTHING that they see as being anti-comp, anti-tranny, anti-Reddit, anti-Uncle Dane, etc. Common buzzwords they throw out are "fun", because they co-opted the word to be the antithesis of the compniggertranny boogeyman.

there are perfectly suitable games for them to play like VR chat, gmod, and second life. they don't need to fuck around in tf2.

nice framerate

It's mindblowing how we've gotten to the point where just simply wanting to play the fucking game makes someone a tryhard compfag.

I don’t mind ignoring the objective, it’s the closest thing the game has to TDM or just something synonymous with screwing around guns blazing
Thing is, Turbine is fucking boring for me, most experiences has one team control the mid section while the other team is stuck taking potshots from spawn/hallways doors. 2fort is a little better but again, that mid section means a Sniper can deny most movement. At least the fight can come to either side in each other’s bases, always fun to hold back a tide of enemy players who are nested right in your base and I’m not being sarcastic
I wish Sawmill was more popular, I have more fun on that map than the other CTF maps

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IS TF2 worth getting into at this point?

Ok so you go capture your gay objective while i throw sandwiches at the corner and let's see who gets kicked first.

yeah it's fun, learn to use the server browser

It's still one of the best PC shooters out there. Mechanically it has tons of depth, 2nd only to games like Quake. I've played 5000 hours in the game, and I'm still learning how to master classes like Spy. Ignore the retards that just sit in TF2 threads to complain. Bots infest Casual Mode, so search for "Uncletopia" servers in the server list and enjoy. They're always populated, all hours of the day in the US and Europe. I suggest playing a combat class to start out like Soldier or Heavy until you learn some of the maps and gamemodes and earn weapons. If the bot situation ever gets fixed, then you can try Casual Mode again.

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Then play. Stop whining about people not playing objective or thinking playing objective is fucking silly in maps like highertower

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2fort and turbine are bad maps, doing the objective on them is a waste of time and not really worth the effort because of how badly designed they are. Same goes for Hightower AKA the sniper heaven. You are better off just fucking around and playing deathmatch.

>Stop whining about people not playing objective
nice strawman, it's always the opposite

2fort is great, utter classic that encapsulates everything good about the class system and the words 'team fortess'. aesthetics are 10/10 and the only problem is casualfags stinking up the server with friendlys and crying whenever someone caps. two teams actually trying is balls to the wall fun.
turbine is shit. it's 2fort but worse in every single way and the aesthetics are garbage, it looks like a low-tier custom-map.

Alright besides that I agree, and frankly it’s astonishing how radio silent Valve has been on the bot problem. How this hasn’t become a PR crisis that forces them to bring some human backup to the one guy still monitoring the game files is beyond me

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For me? It's 24/7 16v16 insta-respawn no time limit 2FORT

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Some of my most memorable games were on 2fort with both teams trying their hearts out to win, and their Scout barely getting their 3rd cap before we could. This was all after like 2-3 hours and probably 100 ubers from both sides. Playing the objective is how I have fun.

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Both are part of my fa-vo-rite maps for fucking around.
But nothing beats dm_store.

I think it's the same kinda situation with Epic Games not paying attention to their Unreal Tournament reboot after Fortnite took off when they added a BR mode. TF2 is the best game Valve has, but it's not remotely their priority anymore.

Also just an addition, I have seen enough people kicking new players in 2fort because they were exploring map or being confused with controls.
I hate tryhards more than anything.

I have had many times some people get angry that I didn't take briefcase after killing enemy engie, or that I took the briefcase back down to their base.
Some people get angry over capping because you have to sit through the minute long map restart thanks to the retarded matchmaking system.
Even last night we had some Heavy put aimbot on to cap the intelligence after I didn't wanna uber him to cap. We managed to kick him and keep playing tho, which was much nicer. It makes me sad that many reddittopians doesn't understand that the game can be fun by itself and not by the exp you get after the match.

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Post a better server IP right now
inb4 >lol like I'd tell Yea Forums my epic server I found, stay gatekept fag

For me? It's ctf_doublecross

>less cramped
>less turtle prone
>better looking
>actually has an alternate route through the map where a sniper can't easily see everything at once

CTF is a terrible gamemode but the soul of TF2, the fact it's easy as fuck to cause a permanent stalemate reminds you to not play this game like a fucking compfag

>be that one cuntsman sniper that stalks the vents and headshots everyone who came in

>This was all after like 2-3 hours and probably 100 ubers from both sides
That's the thing, a round that lasts very long tends to get very tedious, this is actually one of the issues people have with CTF in general. KOTH on the other hand is usually a series of short rounds where chokepoints aren't an issue
2fort is infamous for its ridiculous sentry placements, tight corridors and being generally very cramped, making the map near unplayable for some classes (mostly spy).
I was playing sniper on 2fort yesterday and doing really well against scouts because they just couldn't rush me down indoors, they had no room to remain evasive.


literally any server with good ping and no faggy custom rules.