Why don't you like Elden Ring's OST? And don't say because it has a choir, that's not an argument

Why don't you like Elden Ring's OST? And don't say because it has a choir, that's not an argument.

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I couldn't tell you a single song from the game and I played the fucking thing for 100 hours

Its Dark Souls 2 levels of forgettable

It's good but not memorabele, it lacks identity.

It lacks cohesion with the boss.
The only ones I found to be cohesive with the boss fight are Radahn's and Radagon's+EB.
Look at Malenia for example, compare it to Lady Maria's fight or Emma's. The latter two had their OSTs mesh well with their theme as a character and the fight itself.
Meanwhile Malenia's sounds and feels bland for someone like her.

Dark Souls 2's OST was not forgettable. you just didn't like the game.

>its le generic
>i didnt remember it
>a bobdfosfpsdiojf

fucking mongoloids man

A lot of the ambient environmental music is good and it’s cool how some of the battle themes in the areas mesh well with the overall theme and certain elements like the oracles in Leyndell blowing their horns in tune with the music is really well done. I don’t remember a lot of boss themes though but I think they just couldn’t give it the same attention since they decided to do overworld music.

>why don't you like it?
>for these reasons
>hurrr they don't count
Cope and dilate OSTranny.

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You want to talk generic, look at every one made by Motoi Sakuraba and his cacophonous nonsense that all sound similar.

There ARE good tracks. More than in DS3, but the soundtrack is so big that it's still a relatively small selection.

i know you just started posting but these "complaints" crop up for every single game at release. 3, sekiro, bloodborne, 2, etc.

Music can be forgettable but adds to the theme and ambience perfectly

The Thing is a perfect example where the directors intention is to have the music blend in as much as possible while adding the necessary touch to the scene.

Music doesn't always need to be memorable

Are you stupid


Literally the only decent piece on the OST


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except it isn't, it sounds boring.

>Dark Souls 2 levels of of forgettable
>M-maybe if I randomly make fun of Dark Souls 2 they'll think I'm cool! Y-yea Soul Memory! Lava Elevator! Am I cool yet guys?

Shut the fuck up nigga and either form your own opinions of copy the opinion of someone who kills themself.


Because the ost is boooooooring
The dragon theme is just Gael's theme remixed
I can remember any boss theme beside Radagon's one and that's because it's the main theme song

>you must
No I mustn't. You're not the boss of me, faggot.
2's OST having shit boss music is widely maintained to this day. Bloodborne had OST threads on release and has always been looked upon favourably. You're talking shit again.

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>Implying the Godskin Apostles arrange is not one of the best songs in a Soulsborne game
Doesn't matter anyways because DaS has the best instrumental pieces and BB the best pseudo-classical pieces.

kino tracks

Only song I liked in the whole game was Maliketh’s fight.

many of the ambient music is good, leyndell is my favorite
falling star beast
godskin theme
rennala 2nd phase
haligtree town, but that might be the same as leyndall, havent spent too much time there

Only Radagon and the spirit ancestor themes are good. Everything else is generic as hell.

It's on the level of every Souls game. It serves its purpose, but outside of some tracks, you immediately forget it. The only tracks i can think that genuinely stands out for me, so far, are the ambient styled ones.

i feel a lot of this is because there's ambient music and there's no ambient music in any other souls game.
I feel like there were a lot of good ones. I especially liked this one

There are good tracks but the majority of it is ambient background music that doesnt really stick out.

its too short :(

lol what a faggot you are. I hope biden throws your ass in prison forever


that's the only song I remember liking

I love it.
The open world music is extremely fitting, out of the way yet eerily present.
The boss music is rousing but not attention-grabbing.

Then there are the memorable gems like that vampire singing in Latin.


Fucking love the Ruin Sentinel theme. There should be a horn section like that on more tracks.

I don't hate it, I don't love it. Most vidya soundtracks are largely forgetable because I'm focused on not dying to a cock sucking boss.

You only like it because you are a contrarian. Let me guess, you hate the rest of the soundtrack because it has a choir right?
You are all very predictable.

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Why do you think I didn't like Elden Ring's OST?
I thought it was mostly forgettable but nothing in it was downright bad

Radagons theme is extremely kino

I don’t remember anything else. And therein lies the problem

does anything in Elden Ring even come remotely close to this?

elden ring is forgettable...

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Speak for yourself, Rykard theme is dope.


>nothing happens: the soundtrack
faggot. actually post something good like the Shadows of Yharnam


Can someone please tell me why they gave one of the best tracks in the series to these two faggots? What a waste.

>make fun of ds2
>ds2 mentally ill defense force arrives and will spam the thread nonstop about how totally not shit and great their game was
every time

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This and Radagon/Elden Beast are pretty much the only tracks in the game I remember, and the latter is because it's the main theme of the game.

>i am silly!

stay on-topic please

I don't find the OST memorable in ANY souls game aside from the track that plays in the hub zones.

Shadows is actually one of the dullest tracks in the game, Gherman's theme actually has a melody going on in it

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how very original and bold of you to say that. Now kill yourself.


This particular part of Lichdragon Fortissax is fucking killer.

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It's cookie cutter "epic" orchestral shit.
The whole "Elden Ring is really Dark Souls 3.5" argument applies to Elden Ring's soundtrack as well, because a lot of ER and DS3's tracks could easily be interchanged and would work easily with each other.

>It lacks cohesion with the boss.
This too.
When you listen to Armor Spider's theme from DeS, it pretty much is music that can't be used for any other boss, because it sounds like the song for a spider, especially those opening few seconds that give off the feel of a creeping and sinister spider crawling around.
Similarly, when you listen to Tower Knight's theme, it's perfect for that boss (big, bombastic set piece theme for a big, bombastic set piece boss). You cannot interchange the songs of Armor Spider and Tower Knight and have them used for each other, because the songs describe specific moods that are exclusive to each boss.

It's the opposite case with Elden Ring, or at least most of the boss tracks.

>I got filtered by the skellies in the graveyard and didn't play past that.

>random epic orchestra
>some niggas going "OOOOOOHHHHH"
here goes 90% of the souls OST.

No I just don't think any of the tracks are memorable by themselves. They add a lot of ambience, yes, but I'd be hard-pressed to remember any of them standalone, again, outside of the music that plays in the downtime, which you only get in the hub zones in souls games. ER at least has ambient music in the overworld.
The most memorable track on the ER ost is the merchant violin in the frenzied flame proscription by the way.

I liked the ambient tracks, and I like Godrick and Godskin but that's it. No soundtrack has really stuck with me since Bloodborne. What changed? Bloodborne is also loud choirs and bombastic orchestras, so why is that soundtrack memorable and the others not? Sekiro was even worse. Aside from Folding Screen Monkeys, (I liked the quiet unsettling ambiance) the entire soundtrack was shit. The only good title screen music they ever had was for DeS and DaS imo, and they haven't had a good theme for the hub area since fucking Majula. The composer has also become completely obsessed with shoving a Cello everywhere since Bloodborne, and it sounds weak, aimless and unmemorable every time without fail.

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Fuck, that's actually pretty damn good. Shame I did 4-5 Adula's and the thing was dead, so I hadn't taken the time to listen.

While it's not the sort of music you hum to yourself, there are quite a few tracks that really work in the moment.
>Radagon's theme
>dragon boss theme
>Godslayer theme
>Radahn's theme
>Tibia Mariner's theme

The OST is so boring.
That fucking push over Ancient Deer Spirit or whatever had the best track in the entire game.

>It lacks cohesion with boss.
Thats because theres generic boss songs for open world encounters. Main boss musics are still tailor-made for the fight. Good examples Astel, Godfrey and especially Rykard:


only memorable songs were godskin apostle and radagon

>elden ring ost

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Whats the matter not enough WUB WUB for your liking?

It's fine to say ER's OST isn't memorable just think it's weird that people act like this isn't true for all souls games. Outside of a few boss tracks, it's not a very music centric series. You guys just bring up the same 2-3 boss themes from Bloodborne and DaS1

>elden ring has its own emoji
how the fuck?

>mfw 2nd phase

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Somehow the bleeps and bloops in BotW were more memorable than any track in Elden Ring.

I can't even tell where this plays and I have like 300 hours in Dark Souls 2.

it's just another forgettable LE SAD song on par with other forgettable tracks like rennala, moonlight butterfly and darklurker. simple as

I remember exactly 1 song after 85 hours of playing and it was just one long note

because it doesn't even play in the game :)

music just isn't the best in fromsoft's games.
all of their games will have like a handful of okay songs but by and large as soon as i beat them once i just turn the music off and play with my own.

yeah, usually youll have like maybe 2 or 3 memorable boss music pieces per game, or one nice ambient song, but that doesn't even necessarily mean they're good. I think most people remember Gwyn's theme, but it isn't something I'd ever want to listen to on my own, and it isn't something I think is particularly good outside of the context of the fight.

Pretty much had the same experience as most peoole here. I can only even remember a handful of tracks and, while not bad they certainly didnt stick with me. The amient music is nice when you actually stop to listen to it, but again its nothing youll be humming to yourself any time soon.

So what's your favorite track from ER?
I bet you think it just needs to be LOUD that makes it EPIC.

its undistinguishable from previous titles. Completely lacks identity
and yet somehow bloodbornes choir really stood out for me so maybe it just sucks