Now stop complaining about end-game being too hard

Now stop complaining about end-game being too hard.

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Thanks nigger

now look up "catch n cook mudcrab" and get hungry because that's some juicy crab. Never met someone with a taste for crab I couldn't trust.

>eating mutated crab
No thanks

Attached: Crab.jpg (1920x1080, 663.26K)

>Crab has free godflesh in it
No wonder it beefs you up, if anything Bogbro should be charging more for it.
Does crab stack with the phys reduction talisman? Seems like stacking those would be a no brainer.

You know you're eating people, right?

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>if anything Bogbro should be charging more for it.
There's so much excess stock bogbro needs to under price it to keep the stock count from becoming overwhelming

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>dung eater killed boggart
>boggarts bell bearing never spawned

>freeing dung eater when crab nigga specifically talks about him

man that reminds me.
>fighting Dungeater at the moat
>get hit by a crab and him at the same time
>the crab kills him as I fade away
>I don't get his sword

le peepeepoopoo man doesn't mind death, the only way to actually fuck him over is giving him the daterape potion, and that requires letting him out

It's specifically Godwyn

He never died when I let dung eater out. He literally was just staring at me in the background when dung water invaded. He never mentioned the fight either.

Nice idea but
>can't use this and Exhalted Flesh, "Flame, Grant Me Strength!" or many other body buffs because that's how the game works
Just stick with Golden Vow

>can lock yourself out of this
nice game

>using consumables, magic, arts of war, or rune arcs
You didn’t beat the game btw

Stop complaining about missable content. Are you seriously a one-and-done person? The game's are designed with multiple playthroughs in mind.

Obviously the crab took it. He earned it.

You didin't beat him therefore you don't get his sword

Uses it to fight maliketh
>Dies to holy+fixed HP% damage
Use it to fight Radagon
>Dies to holy damage


>stacking physical defense against elemental bosses
What did you expect

You realize there's other damage type reducers, right?

yeah he does, he is a bitchboy who wants to make other people feel bad, him dying means his mission has failed

Can I craft these?

Just parry Maliketh lmao

I really want to taste it myself. I have bought a full stock of them and distributed them to my friends because both of them missed his quest. Feels nice helping my nigga and make his cuisine tasted by more people.
>letting it happen
Dumbass. I killed that edgelord as soon as I could because I just don't like him. Which is odd because I usually like villain character. But this one is just trying too hard and not interesting in anyway except for poop I guess.

How do I assign an item like flasks or meats to a direction on the pad?

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>see pic
>instantly think of stuffy anime pussy steam
i am unhinged

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>60 vigor
>morgott's rune
>bull-goat armor
>dragoncrest greatshield talisman
>krabby patty

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I love kani

I would cum on those teeth

You can still get it by killing his real body in the sewers

Translator’s note: Kani means Crab in eigo

Press start then press Right on the d-pad then press 8 to select which direction.

>not ironjar aromatic

Are you seriously a
> I have no life so I can spare going through the exact same content for dozens of hours again and again

Kind of person?

I can't fucking take it
I literally NEED kani right this second

>multiple playthroughs
>90+ hour open world game
not everyone has unlimited time on their hands lmao

So play the game when you have the time.

once I assign it to a direction, how do I use it? When I press Up or Down it still just scrolls through my magic

Hold y, then press that direction.
They really need to implement this same system for casting spells. Hold your catalyst button, then press a face button you've assigned the spell to so you can have 4 attuned spells that you don't have to cycle between.

When, when I'm old and frail and no one wants to be around me anymore?

Pass. I'll just maximize the balance of games to life that I can.

I love Souls games but I have no intention of staying maidenless for it.

yeah, no, I'm saying that not everyone has the time in their day-to-day to play a game more than once user. there's games to play that exist other than elden ring as well.

Elden Ring isn't designed around multiple playthroughs at all. It's far and away the worst Souls game for that.

So are complaining that it's too obtuse or that you're too busy?

I can't eat the crab or the prawn because I never talked to zorayas before volcano manor

>Which is odd because I usually like villain character
Me too, honestly. When I was reading his lore, I loved how depraved and fucked up he was, but actually hearing him talk about what he wanted to do to people just kinda rubbed me the wrong way. I'm not very sensitive to fictional stuff like this, but the Dung Eater was just a fucking degenerate through and through, killing him is one of the only times I think I've ever felt genuinely morally righteous in a video game. Still like him conceptually, though. His armor looking like shit with corn in it is beautiful.

Attached: dung eater.png (1000x1415, 1.38M)

From the sounds of things, you two seem to have sub-par time management skills. Don't make it out like I'm the loser here, none of us are. I'm simply saying; play the game, do what you want, and then come back to it when you have the time. Complaining about missing content is simply foolish; otherwise we just have the same issue as the 7th Gen; games take 3-4 hours to beat with little-to-no reason to ever touch them again.

i'm countering your "stop complaining about missable content, just play it again" argument. if someone has played through a huge ass game like that once to see everything there is to see, they shouldn't have to play it again just because they missed something that was easily missable like the user you replied to had. most normal people don't have the time and have other shit to play.

dude I have over 100 hours played and I'm not even finished with my first playthrough and I still feel like I missed half the game.

>"complaining about stuff you don't like is foolish"
ok, le redditor lmao

That's not me, this is me

i'm still countering that argument regardless

I can’t fucking beat Malenia, even with. +10 Tiche or Mimic, her first phase is easy but she one shots me every time as soon as her second phase begins, even if I have full health. I think I’m just gonna go to NG+ and try her again next time.

>Carian Knight Set
yes OP, tell us more about your daily dose of semen

>"D-don't make it out like I'm the loser here guys! I'm really cool, I play Elden Ring for days straight!"
Another fromdrone thread. Can we let these die already?

Just roll the moment she dives and then sprint out. You get a few seconds to get some ranged damage in if you have any options too. I spammed blasphemous blade's art during this period and by the time P2 "properly" started she was already 50% each time.

OK, then let me reiterate in a way that you may understand it:
You're missing out on slaying so much pussy because you're replying to me right now. Loser.

You're really not. There's not even an argument here. I'm simply stating to play the game when you have the time and all you keep saying is "bro, I'm super busy dude I'm posting on Yea Forums but also living life, every second of my time counts"

Use bloodhound step.
Summon some dude who can solo him.

items for anything except removing rot/poison is cheating.

why are you so mad lmao, i just browse this board occasionally. looks like i've made a mistake this time though, all of you drones are still crying about criticism weeks after your game launched. in this case, i wasn't even arguing with you lmao

Do I roll towards her or away?

Why is “prawn” in quotation marks?

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Based. Thank you for your service chief

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The way you're talking makes you sound like a massive faggot

Because it's actually crayfish.

Will this help me against Godfrey?

What does crab taste like?

*delicious people

If you’re stuck on him the greatshield ashes work really good, you don’t even have to fully upgrade them.

Imagine shrimp except not shit.

>give people sea bugs
>"we shall rip its ass of and eat it with butter"
>give people land bugs
>"how dare you lower my expectations on what to eat"

Fuck off, retard


no. cry more

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That's just your imagination, schizo

lmao imagine being this upset over being called out for sounding like a redditor

Sorry, no deeper meaning. The guy that sells it is a fucking chav, it's unsurprising he just calls 'em "prawns" (either by habit or because he just doesn't care) and not Crayfish. or Yabbys

Wait a second...did Raya just want crab all along? And was too shy to ask?!