Why didn't they call it Elden Rune? Were they that desperate for the lord of the rings audience?

Why didn't they call it Elden Rune? Were they that desperate for the lord of the rings audience?

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Trees have rings

>He doesn't get it

You are no gidean that's for sure

"Ring" bears a semanthic of something that is "whole". Therefore, shattering something "whole" makes more sense.

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we never even see the Elden Ring. is it even real?

Marika is hanging off it right before the final boss fight

An eceleb made a video about this now i have to talk about it aswell

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thats not a ring.

We never see it because it's shattered. All the great runes you collect are parts of Elden Ring.

The Elden Rune's are mentioned in game as being the runes, or shards, held by the remaining demi-gods.
Morgott's is said to be the anchor Elden Rune that houses the base.
Marika's seals also state that her pose represents an Elden Rune, and many theories point to it being a perversion of the Elden Ring's natural cycle of death.

The Elden 'Ring' then, appears to be the entire system unified as one reality-codifying set of laws, acted out via the providence of the Edtree and the Elden Beast/Marika, also referred to as the 'Golden Order'
It makes sense because the game explicitly belabours the point about cycles, which befits a ring more than a rune.

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your mom is a bot

Is the raging wolf still alive during the events of the game or is it a time is convoluted thing?
he has the best set desu

>Cast's some sort of illusion using cosmic space magic depicting an immense field of Erdtree's

Was it just mocking you with the sheer scale of the Greater Will's dominion?

Yeah, it's even called The Lands Between, aka Middle-Earth.

The thing inside the broken husk of Radagon/Marika is the Elden Ring. You can clearly see it's shattered.

Yes, there haven't been any ER threads on Yea Forums before funny Niger man made a video on it.

Elden Beast is a weird boss. It's kind of serene with its movements, the music and atmosphere but it's intro cutscene is quite disturbing (the black smoke, it literally twists Radagon's flesh and skin into a sword).

How do you get this armor

Do the Volcano Manor assassinations.

>we never even see the Elden Ring
We do see the Elden Ring though. Pay attention g.

More like a shit boss

How come? I think it's fun. The only thing that's annoying about it are those pewpew lasers but that's easily countered.

>sword is a t-posing headless skeleton

The sword is actually Radagon. You see the GW turn his body into a sword in the cutscene and the sword's description says it was made from the body of a God, and the only Gods in the game are Marika and Radagon.

Which means the sword is actually Marika.

malenia turns into a goddess before your very eyes, so you actually meet three gods

>turned radagon/marika into a sword

damn, what a beast

Yes, Marika and Radagon share the same body.

The only thing Gideon knows is how to get his ass beat

Why didn't they just call it ds3 dlc since it reused literally every model and enemy and then rehashed the 5 nee ones for 50hr

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Apparently the original name or working title was "Great Rune"

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>we want the aot audience
Godamn, Miyazaki is such a hack.

i dont think you know what "literally" means

Why would they call it Elden Rune? The Elden Ring is a tangible thing constructed from the runes. It is not a rune in itself.

>only now just realizing this
lol, lmao

Because the word "rune" would probably be too confusing for amerimutts.

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Lol the same faggot posting the same image in every elden ring thread.
Even though there's been elden ring threads daily. Touch grace bro.

>Were they that desperate for the lord of the rings audience?
Marika came from "the lands of the Numen", and there are 9 Night's Cavalry (aka Nazghul) bosses. You tell me.


Kinda, you can invade him in Leyndell

>very identical worm from aot
>inside a huge tree lake
I bet that is what he got from it. My respect for this game decreased even more.

Filtered both by AoT and by Elden Ring, embarassing.

Damnit which one am I missing then?
>2 in Liurnia
>1 in Limgrave
>1 in Weeping Peninsula
>1 in Caelid
>1 in Altus
>1 in Dragonbarrow
>1 in Consecrated Snowfield
>1 in Forbidden Lands

consecrated snowfield is a 2 for 1

>1 in Consecrated Snowfield
2, they ride alongside eachother

>by aot or elden ring

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The fuck? Either I or my game is retarded because there was only one for me there.

Are there any perfumer cookbooks around limgrave/weeping peninsula?

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Why did the game and the characters keep saying you have to find/search for the Elden Ring, as if it's hidden away, when it was in the Erd Tree, behind a giant door, in the capital, the most obvious place it could be?

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I don't think Malenia is supposed to BE the rot god, more like an avatar or vessel, like how Mohg doesn't literally become to formless mother in his phase 2 but just taps into her power.
I think the God of Rot actually just looks like one of those flowers she blooms into. If the actual god were to appear I don't think we would last a second before succumbing to scarlet rot simply from being in it's presence.
Yes I know she's called "godess of rot" in phase 2 but nah. Everywhere else it's referenced to as "God of Rot", so I'm assuming becomes something like it's consort the same way Godfrey became the consort of Marika.

Nope three are in Altus and one is in Ainsel River

Ignore the extra dialogue bit but here is assembled the most relevant item descriptions about Malenia's swordmaster, the one who sealed the god of rot where the lake of rot currently lies.

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Because the individual pieces weren't in the tree. You need two just to get into Leyndell, and there are six in total.

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Appreciate it user. I guess you do need altus blooms for every perfume...

I'm on a new playthrough. Do you only need to collect 2 great runes to finish the game? if you skip everything you can possibly skip, do you still get to call for melina to burn the tree?

i didn't say she was the god of rot, I'm saying she became a goddess of rot. she's an empyrian, meaning she can ascend to godhood and the game quite literally refers to her as a "goddess"
mohg has the title of lord btw, not god

Yeah, you only need 2, doesn't matter which, to progress the story.

If Marika is "eternal" then why is her and radagon's body all crumbly? she's only going to get even more crumbly. and most importantly, can I still fuck her?

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no fucking way is that a real panel

Looks nothing like the worm, blind schizo

Marika explicitly says Radagon is not a god.
>O Radagon, leal hound of the Golden Order. Thou'rt yet to become me, thou'rt yet to become a god. Let us both be shattered, mine other half
And that's really all that's ever said on the matter. Killing the beast also brings up the God Slain message.
The sealed "God of Rot" is referenced as an outer god rather than just a mere god in the Scorpion Stinger.
>A ceremonial tool used by heretics, crafted from the relic of a sealed outer god.
Outer gods are different from gods. Demigods are implied to have the capacity to become gods, and Malenia becoming a goddess thanks to an outer gods' influence gels with that.

Her body got all cracked when she sharted the Elden Ring.

>she's an empyrian, meaning she can ascend to godhood
Doesn't Empyrean more mean that they can house the Elden Ring AKA be the effective god of the world, like Marika. Pretty sure Miquella Malenia and Ranni all had two fingers grooming them too. I won't say she hasn't become some form of God because the description on Scarlet Aeonia fits with the whole thing. Perhaps in this state she could replace Marika and usher in the Order of Rot that Gowry supports.

Night time you fight two on horse back and get their armor set

>tfw want DLC dedicated to information on God of Rot, pests, and the Order of Rot and maybe more into the nature of Outer Gods
>tfw I simultaneously don't want the God of Rot/Outer Gods and its lore to lose its current mystique
Surely we'll get some light info in the Miquella DLC right?

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there also seems to be a really big difference between a regular god like marika and an outer god like the GW. one seems to have ascended to godhood but is still relatively earthly, while something like the GW or formless mother is some cosmic incomprehensible being

>copy LOTR
>insert piss, shit and rape
Quintessintially American.

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there is no piss in the game
the dung eater eats figurative shit. there is only one shit item and it is gold.
only loosely implied/interpreted

He probably refered to his books, user.