Video game phrases you utterly despise

>'gameplay loop'
>'trash mobs'
>"It's aged like milk"
>"It's fun with friends"
>"Sendai, Saga, Obama and Tsu are must have faction packs"
>"It's fun if you turn your brain off"
>"Costing far too many Charlemagnes"
>'unit diversity'

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unit diversity?

Complete retardation, OP. Stop huffing paint.

>>"Costing far too many Charlemagnes"
What do those mean?

yooooo is that squid game?

>"It's fun if you turn your brain off"
>"It's fun with friends"
big red flag when you see these sentiments spammed for a game


What's with all these autistic threads, tonight? Is the board being raided by some sonic the hedgehog forum or something?

"tech demo" has become the most meaningless complaint on this board

This reminds me of those spooky images that mention people around the world see them in their dreams with no explicable reason

>It's a good game, just not a good x game

>thought provoking

there is no fucking way that shogun dlc thing is common enough to be a "video game phrase"

It usually just means shit design

>it's fun with friends
Most sony fans don't understand this

>"it gets good 30 hours in"

"janky" and "clunky" are pretty good words to say about game that you like but you know it works like absolute piece of shit garbage that was coded by some fucking troglodites in a cave deep in Amazon rainforest. The game that is really damn bad mechanically, but is just so good that you don't care and don't want to badmouth it too hard - most of the Fallout franchise, Dark Souls 1-2, WoW, you fucking name 'em.

Also trash mobs are literally just that, trash mobs. People only use this in MMOs and i don't fucking know how the fuck do you even despise something THAT simple. It's not even a pretentious phrase like the rest of your list, how on earth do you even call these mobs if not trash? Le lower quality mobs? Le grey masses mobs? Go fuck yourself.

>"bread and butter"
>abbreviating everything in mmos
>corpos using "gamers"
>aloof betterthanu trash talk
>"ummmm sweaty are you gonna turn on your tank stance? '^_^"

I look like this and say all these things.

>>"Sendai, Saga, Obama and Tsu are must have faction packs"


Shut the fuck up you jaded cunt, noone cares

I can sort of kind of see an argument for the other ones, but what could possibly be the issue with this?

A hornyposting thread died for this, good work OP

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What exactly is wrong with these?

every undertalevania game

usually refers to the controls not being instantly responsive

I hate with a passion videogame categories that include other videogames in the name. (ex: Metroidvanias, Souls-like)

>"ummmm sweaty are you gonna turn on your tank stance? '^_^"
so? are you gonna?

i like your words kid

>"It's fun with friends"
whats wrong with this

>fullfill gameplay fantasy
>'I wanted to like it, I really did'
>'I won't discuss realism in universe with [absurd description of things going on in game]
As a sidenote I also can't stand all those minor youtubers going on about shit, when I look for gameplay I want to see the fucking game not your ugly mug and options menu for fucks sake

>artificial difficulty
People keep throwing this term around when they should be using fake difficulty instead

>it does to [genre] what jaws did to the ocean

>dark souls of

>the xbox/playstation ecosystem


>”For new fans and old”
Another way of saying they’ve watered down what made it good and unique for mass appeal.

>having official discord server

agree with most of these and I really hate "gameplay loop" but there's nothing wrong with "atmosphere"

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I don't understand your autism, OP. Why do you choose to hate? These are terms that describe concepts that require knowledge of the concept beforehand. Therefore they condense information. Therefore they are useful terms. Imagine instead of saying "spearmanii" you'd have to write entire paragraphs about spear units in total war games.

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>"video game phrases you utterly despise"

Thats literally stardew valley

>inherently competitive game in an inherently competitive genre
>devs: want said competitive game to be inclusive, non-toxic and fun for everyone

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So you're a humourless git who doesn't play video games, got it

how are niggas falling for this bait when he has terms like "popamole" here

>"Immersive Sim"

i will continue to use the term just to spite you
pretend i also attached an image of gigachad to this post

WoW is the opposite of janky or clunky. What the fuck?

The combat was absolutely delightful at the time, and still is compared to many other MMOs. There were virtually no animation locks and you could always cancel out of everything. You could also turn around at will while using skills.

Maybe it's just that I understand the words differently, but to me janky/clunky is about needlessly long animation locks, shitty movement, tank controls... that type of thing. WoW sucked in many other ways but had none of that.

best thread ever

>"It's fun if you turn your brain off"
Yeah, that ones dumb.

>'gameplay loop'
>"It's fun with friends"
what's frong with these?


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>emergent gameplay
>aoe (everyone thinks age of empires, not area of effect, just call it damage zone you goddam zoomers)

>micro as in micromanagement

>gameplay loop
getting mad over these is actual shizo tier, literally just commonly used words. rest are dumb as shit i agree

What the hell does Theme Park even mean?
>the game is bad because the main campaign shows you a bunch of cool set pieces and locations
????????? Do these people lose their shit when they see an ice world, a sky world and a lava world when they play Mario?

>"is it worth it?"
Is a video game worth what? Youre time? Your money? Both? I have no idea. Im not you. Make your own decisions. Stop reading/ listening to reviews.
Fuckin hate people who ask this question. Think for yourselves for once.

I get what it means and I agree it's an integral element to a game but I first heard every single person overusing it to fuck when I first discovered Leddit years ago and it instantly made me dislike the term.

gameplay loop
trash mobs
It's aged like milk
it's fun with friends
Sendai, Saga, Obama and Tsu are must have faction packs
It's fun if you turn your brain off
Costing far too many Charlemagnes
unit diversity

I think it’s a dumb criticism but what they’re trying to say is “this game feels very video gamey and is less immersive as a result”. It’s bullshit though, because immersion is entirely about atmosphere.

>Character Action
Stupid fucking biurger renaming of the Stylish Hard Action genre. It already had a name.

It means that the world eschews realistic world building in favour of having all the cool setpieces within walking distance with no thought as to how they fit together logically. Something cool around every corner. Press button for awesome.

for me it's "pvm"

i really don't get why player vs mongolians is even a term

female protag
"players" with weird adjectives attached as a way to go out of their way to not say gamers
gameplay loop
battle royale

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>great wall any% run