I know PvP in Elden Ring is broken as fuck, but really?

I know PvP in Elden Ring is broken as fuck, but really?

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Gankers on suicide watch if this is real

>cue instead of queue
Why can no one spell this word?

big if true

>if this is real
It's not, I found it being downvoted on plebbit and thought it was funny
he also forgot about the arena in leyndell

>Fingerprint Shield buffed.
Greatshield chads, will we ever stop winning?

>downvoted on plebbit
No wonder, it shits all over the “NOO INVADERS DONT GRIEF MY GAMEEE” fags

I think that means if you block with it YOU get madness built up

>no source


>ash of war that copies what that snow knight does
>works on players

Rune arcs acting as taunter tongues is a dead giveaway, but that is just outlandish.

>pic related
this is fake as shit

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>Rune arcs acting as taunter tongues
That should be true though, it’s obvious that they used to be the ember/humanity item.

Rune arcs letting you be invaded is the only intelligent thing there

too bad this is a larp, that Spirit of Order concept sounds really kino

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fixing carian retaliation is by far the most important thing on that list.

>get invaded by purple spirit as you're fighting a 2v3 with your invader bro
>he kills all five of you with fucking dragon rot breath
>he gets three rune arcs and leaves
That sounds absolutely retarded
Where does it say that?

That sounds absolutely great what’s wrong with you?


>Fixed a bug that caused reflected spell damage, such as from Carian Retaliation, to be incorrectly inflated
Read nigga

Here's the actual patch notes, which you can find by going to Bandai Namco's site, where they always post patch notes.
And yes, people were right: you didn't beat Radahn

Attached: actual_patch.png (999x784, 61.44K)

imagine paying for beta-testing instead of getting paid for it

This, I would invade with the cannon and snipe any and all RoBitches.

Why the fuck would you discourage invading even more? There's no reason to invade right now beyond being a dick for fun.
>but rune arcs!
It's easier to just co-op a boss.

>this would suck for ganks
>this would suck for invaders
You can’t BOTH be right

I beat Radahn both pre-nerf and post nerf and the one thing that I had some trouble with the first time around posed the same problem the second time around (the gravity infused overhead slam in phase2/3 still 1-shots). Made me wonder what they even nerfed until I saw someone else get hit by the meteors in third phase and they didn't even do 50% of his HP while pre-nerf those basically 1-shot you.
I hope the new patch makes those actually lethal again.

>Can use torrent on the final boss
thank god

>Hyper armor on great sword
STRbros lets go

Yes we can retard.
Maybe if you watch some Rick and Morty you can gain enough IQ points to figure out why we're both right.

>it’s obvious that they used to be the ember/humanity item
Was it the same animation upon use that gave it away? Or the active indicator being in the exact same place as the last 4 souls games?

>can't walk around with an active Great Rune anymore because I'm inviting gankers
Awesome, now there's LITERALLY no reason to ever use Great Runes. Thanks, Mitsubishi-sama, yet another mechanic in your game I'll have to avoid.

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That sounds hilarious.
Souls pvp thrives on wacky bullshit like that. People who take it seriously are autistic.

>inviting gankers
Taunter’s tongue only invites one invader unless you summon a phantom

There's no way From is gonna bring back solo invasions after being a dumpster fire for four games straight.

How about it inviting no invaders?
And yes, I know those are fake notes, but I really wish they'd fix Malenia's utterly underwhelming Great Rune and I know it would probably be accompanied by retarded shit like that.

>in the internet of equality and order, I’ll fucking kill all of you

If you can’t beat someone when you have 30% more hp and twice the heals, I don’t know how you survived the other souls games

Solo invasions were fun

>rune arcs engage multiplayer
imagine the butthurt pvp shitter who wrote this

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>solo hosts can be invaded now
>that means more hosts can be invaded
>everybody gets invaded less as a result
>including you

>torrent on Elden Beast
You didn't beat it if you use it.

Or they can leave it as is and only people who want to get invaded can get invaded.
And I don't ever have to worry about a metaslave tryhard showing up with endgame gear at SL10 to ruin my game.

>only people who want to get invaded can get invaded.
I fucking wish from did that, then I could play with my bros without constantly getting harassed by retards who want to ruin my game

>multiplayer limit increased to six
>being killed by the Dunge Eater when he invades gives the player a cosmetic effect
>PvP arenas
>Great Runes now apply to summoned phantoms
Based. I wonder if I should just wait half a year to play the definitive version of Elden Ring rather than finish my current playthrough?

>Greatswords now give hyperarmor when two-handed.

It’s fake and you will always be the worst weapon class.

>you will always be the worst weapon class.

Wait a minute
>password summoned phantom debuff
>gank debuff
>greatsword buff
>status effect debuff
>bloodhound debuff
>ash of war where you instantly close distance to the host
>covenant where you can kill every player in the world and use rune arcs
Jeenine made this didn’t he

I mean, if you want to play multiplayer, you have to play multiplayer with all that entails.
But I only ever play solo, so I shouldn't be getting any cunts in my game. If they ever tied PvP to Rune Arcs I think I'd just straight up stop playing this.

some really good ideas in here but the invaders dropping 1/2 runes for the host would make ganksquad faggotry erupt even further

>30% more hp and twice the heals
The fuck're you talking about? That's not what Malenia's rune does.

>he couldn’t play dark souls
>he couldn’t play dark souls 2
>he couldn’t play bloodborne
>he couldn’t play dark souls 3
>he couldn’t play demon souls
>he can’t play elden ring without a constant extra 40 levels
must suck to be you

I haven't bought the game yet but judging from all the stuff I see does this patch stop you from getting one shot at the later areas like an idiot and are these changes even good at all?

Getting invaded is a counterbalance for you trivializing pve with summons.

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Fuck the people that make these fake notes. Some of those changes looked really cool

>Some of those changes looked really cool
Like what, invader gank squads and chaos blues?

Its fake, by the way.

>bloodhound step nerfs

can someone explain why PvP just doesn;'t scale levels down if someone is too high or maybe add some area level scaling? or just scale to whatever level the host is. why the fuck did no one add this option. literally just lower all base stats if you are scaling down.

They had it in DS3, I really wish it had returned.
>help host clear an entire level and unlock bonfires, murder him in cold blood right before the boss door and then do the "I'M SORRY" noise

My Great Rune of choice is not Godrick, it's Malenia, because it's one that actually necessitates you change your playstyle and become more aggressive.
And I could, in fact, play the other Dark Souls games: I just had to walk around in hollow form/unembered/whatever. That's how you opt out of PvP in those games, and in ER you opt out by not summoning. It makes sense. Human form is not the same as a great rune, it doesn't change the gameplay, it just opens you up for multiplayer.

He has to have known that. What kind of idiot couldn’t read to ?

Increase the player cap to six for christs sake

Multiplayer limit increase, the "Multiplayer Item Golden Cipher Ring", and Rune Arcs operating like Humanity in DS1 (I didn't play 2 or 3) in which you get buffed but can get invaded sounded fun.

The only reason you’d ever do that is to give invaders even more of an advantage.
Just say
>I enjoy ruining peoples fun
and be done with it

Humanities didn't buff you, they just gave you more item discovery. They were cosmetic at best.

Stop whining like a bitch in heat

>that first month after launch where purples weren't kill-on-sight and PVP was complete unhinged chaos
DS3 ended up being my least favorite of the trilogy overall but goddamn if that wasn't a beautiful time, easily peak souls for me

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Turning human in ds1 did nothing but allowed you to summon phantoms, LARPer.

Whose feet do I have to lick to get the golden boys of ultimate order in the game?

oh how I want this to be real

They fully healed you

>he didn't know

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>Like what, invader gank squads and chaos blues?
Absolutely. Fuck hosts. Dark Souls 1 had the best invasions. I had so much fun invading Undead Burg with my +10 armor juggernauts.

So if I pop a flask with two healing pearls I should get ganked? Fuck off.

That's exactly how I feel. The online in that game was great.
It had the best PVP for sure; even with most people at launch using that dark straight sword or whatever

Really? I could have sworn it increased max health. Was that Demon's Souls that had something like that? My memory isn't that bad, is it..

Didn't know what? You don't need to be in human form to receive benefits from soft humanity, you double retard.