Why didn't any of you niggers tell me about this kino?

Why didn't any of you niggers tell me about this kino?
It's like FF5 on fucking crack, I'm loving it so much.
Are the sequels worth playing?

Attached: BDFF_Logo.jpg (256x230, 44.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Bravely Second
Yeah, go for it. Story is bad and Revo is no longer responsible for the soundtrack, but the gameplay is solid
>Bravely Default 2
Fuck no

What's wrong with the sequel?

Eh, it's okay. It doesnt jump the shark as much as the original bravelys in story, most people have an issue with its visuals.

Bravely Default 2 is apparently them intentionally going out of their way to remove everything that made the first two games good. Jobs feel much blander, characters and story aren't nearly as well-done as a whole, (though Seth is better than Tiz) there's a lot of things that were cool about Default and/or Second that're just inexplicably not around in 2, like the ability to fully customise spawn rates and shit for grinding.

It uses ATB, the weight system discourages equipping the best gear, the jobs are underwhelming, the characters are meh at best and the story is clearly unfinished
The only good thing about it is that they brought back Revo. I'm also probably overly harsh on it, but it has the Bravely Default name attached to it and I was sorely disappointed

Second is the sequel and it's different but still good.
Bravely Default 2 is unrelated to the first two games and probably the biggest complaint is it's too much like the first one but done more blandly. People were expecting massive graphical changes going to Switch but I don't think that's a fair argument at all and there's nothing wrong with maintaining the art style. It's a more by the book JRPG than the first game but still has great moments sprinkled in. The main cast is slightly weaker but it's dramatically overblown as much worse. I felt the gameplay was much better balanced than BD but still not perfect since there are a couple odd overpowered skills.

I'm on the water boss, no spoils about how to beat him but what level were you all? Is 30 enough?

We've had plenty of BD threads my guy, you missed them.
Glad you're having fun though brother

>it doesn’t need to be round-based
>it doesn’t need to have maps inside dungeons
>it doesn’t matter that it has meaningless “kill 5 goblins” sidequests
>it doesn’t need to keep track of sidequests
>it doesn’t matter that Casual, Normal, and Hard are nearly identical
>it doesn’t matter that you can’t manually change EXP gain, pg gain, JP gain, and encounter rate
>it doesn’t matter that you can’t save loadouts
>it doesn’t need auto-battle
>it doesn’t matter that you can’t manually continue Chain Battles
>it doesn’t matter that you can’t remap Brave and Default
>it doesn’t need to have a jukebox
>it doesn’t need to have any alternate outfits
>it doesn’t matter that you can’t rebuild Musa
>it doesn’t need Nemeses
>it doesn’t need Friend Summons
>it doesn’t need Abilink
>it doesn’t need Bravely Second
>it doesn’t need to be balanced
>it doesn’t matter that Speed is the only stat that matters
>it doesn’t matter that Weight affects Speed
>it doesn’t need to show damage modifiers on Skills beyond [nothing], “powerful”, “extremely powerful”, and “incredibly powerful”
>it doesn’t matter that enemies and bosses have hidden attributes such as resistances, immunities, absorbs, and counters
>it doesn’t matter that counters can activate from everything
>it doesn’t matter that counters defeat the purpose of the Job System
>it doesn’t matter that the Job outfits are too homogeneous
>it doesn’t matter that it has less Jobs than Bravely Second
>it doesn’t need any of the Jobs from Bravely Second
>it doesn’t need to look good
>it doesn’t matter that it has performance issues
>it doesn’t need to have a good story
>it doesn’t need to have good characters
>it doesn’t need Akihiko Yoshida
>it doesn’t need to have an accurate English translation
>it doesn’t need a patch

Attached: Shazam.jpg (675x860, 477.93K)

Elvis > Ringabel

because Yea Forums's opinions on things are usually wrong. contrarianism doesn't stop at popular things

>that moment when the last boss theme plays all the main characters' themes, the main theme and even the victory fanfare
fucking kino moment. i'd post a reaction pic but hiroshimoot rangebanned portugal AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>being a shazamtranny

It’s generic and it’s ugly.
Does it even have a title drop like the others?

I've been meaning to give this another shot. Does Citra deal with the "time elapsing while system shut down" thing yet? Awhile ago I looked into it and emulators generally had problems with it, requiring you to cheat certain things in. Its doable (ie to rebuild your settlement, get new settlers etc) through cheating but it wouild be nice if they had some real stand in for being in standby mode / street / spotpass etc.

and I picked up Bravely Default 2 on PC. Thankfully SE didn't massively fuck up and brought it to Steam; its definitely worth it if you like the original Bravely and/or some others like Octopath.

Stop making bait Spain threads in /vp/

Nope. Barely any fourth wall shit at all, actually. Only thing really is that you have to 'save over' the big final villain's file to be able to beat it and it's not really treated like anything other than "the characters just do a thing".

I didn't think that was possible, but Bravely Default 2 disappointed me as much if not more than Octoboring Travelers. Such a shame such great composers were wasted on such shit games.

Tiz > Seth
Agnes < Gloria
Ringabel < Elvis
Edea > Adelle
>Overall group dynamic
BD ≥ BD2 > BS

>Tiz > Seth
Genuinely how?

>the story is clearly unfinished
It's obvious this is because of Covid.
The entire game has a decent story, but drops the ball right at the end, which should be the last part of development and that's exactly when Covid started.

Because the game is shit. Faggot.

People say first BD was the best but the second part of the game was one of the shittiest gimmicks ever made to bloat and prolongue a game. FFIII and FFV are MUCH better games. Totally killed my interest to play Second and BDFFII.

the bravely games and octopath traveler as well have the best job systen gameplay in the entire final fantasy series. Their stories however are dreadfully fucking boring even by FF standards
>inb4 some retard tries to say these aren't FF games

Attached: edea ass.jpg (540x421, 16.32K)

I thought it was terrible. Don't let that stop you from enjoying it though

Second removes a lot of the repetitiveness of the first one, and it's honestly much more fun.
Music is kinda shit tho

Their called Bravely not Final Fantasy.

BD2 was a victim of covid. They ran out of development time, and you can tell because the last third of the game is rushed and the quality drops hard. The game is over with nothing left to do by the time you get your team set up entirely. The balance between jobs is bad, since some are a lot better and can cheese the bosses easily.

>I'm loving it so much.
Just you wait...
Bravely Default 2 was fucking stupid ass shit, haven't played End Layer but I'll get around to it.

Tbf, not like the previous games had much to do in post-game in the first place

Because the game completely falls apart by the time you hit Chapter 5 and by Chapter 8 you will be beyond fucking sick and disgusted of having to replay all the content from Chapters 1-4 for the FIFTH FUCKING TIME.

>Edea > Adelle
I'd fuck both their assholes though.
heh heh heh...oh man...

>It uses ATB
It. Fucking. Literally. Doesn't.
I hate that you retards that didn't play the game and looked at screenshots still think it.
It's literally the same system that FF10 used, except it doesn't show you the enemy turn order like FF10 did, instead only giving you a warning icon next to an enemy when it will be their turn next.
God I fucking hate you faggot spamming every fucking thread with this blatant fucking lie and having to explain this shit every time and you constantly ignoring it because you have some faggot agenda.

Best party member overall?

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Yeah it's great. Not fond of the censorship though, specially the protagonists being aged up in the western which makes no sense considering every adult NPC is much taller.

>Are the sequels worth playing?
No absolutely not. Second has horrible characters and writing and BD2 is just meh.

Are we talking in terms of gameplay, personality, or sex appeal?

>Are the sequels worth playing?

Sometimes Yea Forums feels like a time loop.

Character aging up is literally the least of the game's issues because their ages literally never come up during the game, not even once, the only way to even know their ages is to check it in their profile window, it's never important or ever referenced in the game.
If you want to complain about censorship, complain about actual issues like all the censored visual shit.
Anyway all three games (Default/Ballad/Second) on 3DS have uncensor patches.

>parroting e-celeb nonsense
You didn't play the game.

Are you retarded?

Tiz is a simple farmer whose home literally became a hole in the ground and just wants his life back.
Seth is an amnesiac with an unclear past who just washed up into the plot because Crystals.
I don't mind Seth but I find Tiz to be a more endearing setup and character. Also he takes the pope home to his farm for the simple life.

I can't even play it on my homebrew 3DS because apparently the 3ds file is too big.

Hacked 3DS can't play .3DS roms you retard, do your research. We're not going to spoonfeed you how to pirate.

There are zero fucking doujins. That should tell you how bad the games are.
Give me my damn fairy

I liked Seth more because Tiz doesn't really DO anything for almost all of 1 besides just be like "I'm following Agnes because".

I loved it until the second half came through.

Yeah? Well,
I liked Tiz more because Seth doesn't really DO anything for almost all of 2 besides just be like "I'm following Gloria because".

I was a big Ringabel fan since I just dumped SPD into him and raped people with Godspeed Strike. Tiz was also fun when I made him an Arcanist and nuked people end-game.
Ringabel after he realizes his real identity and Edea after she stopped being so naive was nice. Tiz was okay too, he wasn't anything explosive but I liked having somebody reasonable in the party that wasn't an utter stick in the mud like Agnes
>Sex appeal
Edea by far

Is this the game with the cunning fairy?

You must have not been on Yea Forums when this game got released because people would talk about it all the time back then.

There's nothing cunning about her! Fairies are always honest and truthful and we would never do anything to mislead people!

Japs and Westerners, for once, hate the games for pretty much the same valid reasons.
In the first game you can pinpoint with 100% accuracy the EXACT point where the game's budget ran out but they still wanted to continue and therefore force you to replay all the fucking dungeons and bosses FIVE times if you want to actually see the ending and get all the content.
And if that wasn't enough, the plot deliberately wants you to be an idiot because if you figure out the plot twist and try to finish the game early (which you 100% will unless your IQ is sub 80) by doing the thing the game wants you to do, it will punish you with the bad ending and force you to keep replaying five times never doing the thing it wants you to do until the exact specific moment at the end of 5th replay where it finally wants you to do it for plot reason so you can finally go fight the final boss and get the ending.
And "Second" is even worse, instead of replaying the all the same dungeons and bosses but with some new story scenes sprinkled inbetween, you needed to actually replay THE ENTIRE FUCKING GAME, WITH ALL THE SAME STORY, LIKE, LITERALLY REPLAY IT, a total of FOUR FUCKING TIMES to get all the content.
In Western release this was cut down to 2, and people still hate it, while a minority of retards actually complained that the grind was reduced from 4 to 2, which boggles my mind to this day, also literally everything about the game is basically a shameless asset flip of the first game, just as shameless as FF10-2 or FF4 After Years.
And then Bravely Default 2 feels like it was made by completely different people (it probably was, I never compared credits) and doesn't have any of that gay replay cancer that wastes your time, but instead the game itself is just painfully boring, "safe" and by the numbers while also doing extremely retarded things with gameplay mechanics and just isn't fun to play as a result while having very bland and uninteresting story and characters.
tl;dr shit series

>we're not going to spoonfeed you
Didn't ask for it faggot, I did that process back in 2015. I'll have to do it on PC

Is it possible to play the US release without censorship changes on original hardware?

Yes, hack your 3DS and use the uncensor patches

user is never hyperbolic

>And if that wasn't enough, the plot deliberately wants you to be an idiot because if you figure out the plot twist and try to finish the game early

we call this kind of analysis a midwit take

Honestly, the repetitiveness is very overstated.
The first two loops really are repetitive shite, but if you're not dumb enough to repeat all of the repeat sidequests, it can be knocked out in an hour or two, and loops 3 and 4 have new sidequests to freshen up the journey
Getting to the end is worth it.

Love this game even if some people dont like 2nd half of this game

What is better to play, bravely second or bravely default 2?

Braverly Second, easily.

After having played both, I like BS a little more.

Biggest issue with Second is that it has two different stories and you can tell they changed a lot due to how the Muskateers were received in the demo. Send Player shenanigans were cool, but Airy Lies and the originals fourth wall shit was better.

>tfw no edea gf

Attached: Edea.jpg (1280x1920, 500.39K)

Both are good, go for Second first since it follows up on BD's story.
They're very similar and fill the same role. I just think Tiz' motivation is better. Seth doesn't do anything remarkable to set himself apart.

I think Seth being the leader and overall more proactive sets him apart from Tiz.

The Brave/Default system is gay and manages to reduce the amount of meaningful choice you have in combat. Still better than most jarpigs though

Bravely Default Flying Fairy

Yeah but you don't HAVE to do everything in the loops if you dont want to. But of course everyone did because the first time playing you wanna max everything and redoing the dragons / sub bosses is the prime jp farming.

I hope you're playing the jap version and not the censored one

I was around level 18 or so on Hard Mode.

3 and 4 are very different from 1 and 2. 4 is really cool because you fight the entire group (ie all of the Skywings) at once. Then it has the Central Command rematches which are ball-busting. Especially the fucking fire battle.


The only midwit here is (You) for defending trash game design that is only there because money ran out and they had no sensibility to wrap shit up knowing they have no more money.

Put that babby shit down and play the real FF5 spiritual sequel.

Attached: Final_Fantasy_Legends_Logo.png (403x247, 98.93K)


I liked the loops in BD.

>Bravely Default
great ideas, regular execution, second half of the game is literally all rehashed content

>Bravely Second
better combat, everything else is absolute trash

>Bravely Default 2

this is the most worthless Square Enix IP

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Is it just the one guy that keeps shilling this mobile game in every FF thread?

Based, but I wish there were just a few more jobs. 16's a little low

BASED Dimensionschad.

Magnolia alone makes for 80% of my hatred for BS.
They went full anime cringe with that character.

The first two loops do have some new quests and alternate events too though, so it really does end up being a "do everything or risk missing out" situation.

The complaints ARE overblown and the groundhog day thing is actually pretty cool in practice, but they should have cut down the number of loops by one, making it just one "deja vu" loop before the two wild ones. Then it would have been a lot more bearable.

I've been shilling it for like a decade at this point.
It's the best FF game no ones every played and almost every single user that I talk into playing it will eventually post about how good the game is one of the next times I shill it. Like in this very thread.