It's So Fucking Ugly

What where they thinking? Between this and all the conehead plate armor, I'm starting to think From needs a new armor designer.

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>we want the Monster Hunter audience

My favorite armor set in the game

The actual steel parts look awesome. Wish they'd stop adding le quirky details to every armor.

it's even worse in motion

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>Bad Dragon Dildo Helm Set

There's some cool armors like the Twin Set, as well as Radahn's and Maliketh's armors. But then there's this.

Twin set is retarded looking

I like it. It reminds me of Dragon's Dogma for some reason.

It looks like it might be decent without the helmet. I've gone most of the game using the Commoner's Headband, so I can see my entire face but still have *something* in that slot

Can it be altered? If so, does it just get rid of the red scarf, or does it get rid of the entire dragonwing cape part?

>one bad set

It's part of the globohomo demoralisation agenda to make you think ugly is beautiful

>From needs a new armor designer.
Having one in the first place is the problem. Modellers copying historical armor designs is what they actually need. That cover fluted armor in Demon's Souls is literally what got me into the series. The retarded fantasy armor is nothing but an annoyance that gets worse with every game. The fact that the game draws so heavily draws from gothic art and yet continue to never put in a proper set of gothic armor annoys me to no end. Shit like that set is just salt in the wound.

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Malenia's is probably in top 5 in all of from games, the shimmery fabric in motion just makes it top tier

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No armor is best armor.

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They even managed to fuck up the standard knight set, fucking trash compared to the Dark Soul Knight sets.

Attached: Knight Set.png (397x838, 92.31K)

Why does it look so fat?

All armor IRL looks fat

maybe cause it's dragon armor

this is based off real armor and looks like total shit with clown shoes to boot

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>cover fluted armor in Demon's Souls is literally what got me into the series.
this, its also very telling that Demon's Souls has the most realistic depiction of an actual fight with a dragon at this point

I don't think it looks bad, it's just completely un-unique in its design- even for standard knight armor.

I had forgotten how awful farming armor is, but now there's an additional layer of equipping the armor to discover it's covered in rust and coffee stains . Any armor that enemies drop is likely to be ugly for no reason, can't I get Boc to give the helmet a quick wipe?

we need kino back

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Most annoying bit is that the legs will clip through the faulds constantly if you put it on. It annoys me to no end

There are no explicitly "dragon" armors in Dragon's Dogma though.

This is unironically my favorite set in the game. It's easily the cleanest set of knight armor we've had since Fluted. The Knight armors in DS1 and DS3 are just too dirty and scuffed.

I too enjoy female armor sets. They just look better!

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I just beat the twin crucible Knight fight.

Fuck was it hard but it was all worth it to get the armour.

Attached: Elden Ring Screenshot 2022.04.04 - (1920x1080, 2.24M)

I said copy, not based on. That armor is exactly the kind of over designed butchering their shitty designers need to stop.

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looks better altered imo

this looks awesome imo

What's wrong with it?

What is wrong with his hand?

Maybe if you're a realist autist

>Created the perfect fantasy sallet helm design in DS2.
>Proceed to completely shit it up in ER.

For what purpose?

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There's not a single good looking set in the whole game which is strange because ds3 was full of good sets.

darksilver from the og demon's souls is still the best armor in the series followed closely by domhnall's armor from das1.

>Muh realism.
I hate boring faggots

I like it, it matches the Grafted Dragon

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>the cleanrot armour isnt good looking
sorry for your shit taste user

I really enjoy the Vagabond Knight's armour, but the fact that there's no closed-visor variant for the helm ruins it for me. I hate open helms, and since every armour set has just a slightly different colouration or texture, no other helmet matches it. The scaled set also has that problem.

OP's helmet would fit with the Confessor set, I think, if only it wasn't for the horn shit. I really like the altered confessor armour. Kaiden set looks decent, and the Iron/scaled set you get in Weeping Peninsula is one of my favourites in the game. I wish Bernhal's armour had a better helmet. Honestly, the only non-standard armour that I really like so far is the Bloodhound Knight set.

>Not liking based conehead aesthetics

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I hope Haligtree Knight armor looks good with a great helm.

yeah it's ugly, even the cloth is an ugly color

The helm can be altered to be the cap and horn with no headwrap, and the chest can be altered to have no scarf, feathers, and wings.

Love it.

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armor is so boring in this game

every set looks better without a cape desu I'm glad we finally have the option to remove them at least

Realsimfags are the fucking worst, go play more Autism Kings II, and let us enjoy double bladed axes and spiky armor in peace

I play fantasy games for fantasy shit not for medieval jerkoff simulators.

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honestly looks better than 90% of the armor in ER

>Found the Drake Knight set
>Thought it'd be as kino as pic-related
>It's a Chinese mobile skin instead

Attached: drakeblood.jpg (1920x2400, 1.43M)

>every set has something retarded attached to it
>can only remove the capes and not the fucking fanny packs and other dumb shit
>mixing and matching is almost impossible when most sets have their own unique shade of coloring
fuck armor in this game

I might learn how to mod this game just to get pic related

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DS2 had the best fashion souls, you could mix and match everything. You could make something completely retarded looking or something really cool.

I love this set lol

Anything in Dark Souls 2 ported to ER would be welcomed.

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The banished knight set is awesome though, and even has a dick plate for how big your dick must be to wear it.

>mixing and matching is almost impossible when most sets have their own unique shade of coloring
"fashion souls" shit has always been a joke for this reason, literally every piece of equipment in these games clashes with everything outside of its own set

realismfags need to die in a fire
This being said I do miss the Alva and the Boreal Dancer Set
Crucible Knight, Raging Wolf, Blaidd, Night Cavalry, Tree Sentinel, Beast Champion all look fucking cool though

Not true at all, you could mix and match in BB and DS2 easily

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ER has no good looking armor sets. Everything looks so fucking stupid. Even after I finished the game and used a mod to give me every item so I could look at armor, none of the sets appealed to me as much as the sets from older From soft games. Another reason this game reeks of B-team.

I found the Exile armor set and decided I’d use it till I found better looking armor later in the game.
I never stopped using it… I don’t even like it that much but the alternative all looks like MH tier trash.

Back to WoW for you

Doesn't even really need REALISM, so much as some options that aren't full-on flamboyant fantasy aesthetic. My favourite sets in Dark Souls were the Elite Knight armour. It screamed "generic knight", but wasn't just standard steel plate. It had a colourful surcoat, little belts and straps around it, daggers and pouches - it looked pretty normal for fantasy standards, but it still had some personality to it. No fancy etchings in the armour, or massive pauldrons, or dragon horns sticking out of every angle, but it was still pretty recognizable. It's not that I don't want those types of armours in games, of course, but having some variety is nice.

On that note, Maliketh's armour is the ugliest set in Elden Ring.

Now this was another good one. Definitely one of my favourite sets in Dark Souls 2. I liked to swap the chest out for that one with the red and white surcoat.

Attached: dark-souls-knight.jpg (960x854, 511.44K)

there has to be a good alternative chestpiece for the default knight set, i hate the fat look of it.
and maybe a helmet as well

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>Muh fantasy
I hate boring faggots

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There are plenty of muted armors in elden ring, I don't understand why you have to shit on the few that look weird.