On April 4th 1999, I arrived home from school
Yiikino thread
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is this game becoming somewhat of a cult classic?
No, it's just impressionable zoomers who can't pick up on the sarcasm of people who pretend to like this garbage game.
The reviews of the game are more entertaining than the game itself.
filtered by lemonade
t. impressionable zoomer
I genuinely like Yiik, but probably not for the reasons the creator wants me to. It's just really endearing to see someone put their heart and soul out there in all its blemishes and imperfections. On my worst day I couldn't fathom putting an Elisa Lam stand-in for my self-insert to pine over and think he could have been her hero, but the madman did it.
Game still has qualities.
Yeah I’m thinking this game made full circle and is now utterly based.
nah I just gave the game a fair chance when playing it
>On my worst day I couldn't fathom putting an Elisa Lam stand-in for my self-insert to pine over and think he could have been her hero, but the madman did it.
It's a bit funny too that I saw people getting mad over it. Countless women want to marry serial killers and terrorists with the idea that they can fix them. On the other hand, men have a savior fantasy. It would explain why Anne Frank is so popular other than unironic pedophiles.
It's definitely cringe to put out your hero fantasies for a real person who tragically died in a video game, but that also makes it interesting. The very fact that any real publisher would tell him that's a bad idea and it needs to be changed adds a level of sincerity that isn't often found anymore. Yiik guy is just some weirdo motherfucker who got his shot at making a game and that's refreshing.
>6 IPs
this is just sad. The dev is so desperate.
I think thats why I appreciate the game so much, despite its questionable quality it has a level of sincerity to it
I wish there was a way to say this without sounding mean. I don't want to make fun of the project or belittle them. I think it's fascinated to see so much talent and ideas go into a project and it just not turn out very well.
As someone working on long term projects and just art in general, it's like a sort of weird fear. It's like staring down the worse possible scenario of everything going right on a project and it being completely realized but it just sucks.
this scene is unironically good
When its the new update with all the new content or whatever coming? I'll legitimately give it a try then and see if its just some fart-sniffing attempt at pretentiousness (with a big ol wink to the camera) , worth playing, or something else entirely.
*ding ding ding ding ding ding*
yiikes is cringe kino, if I.V update will actually make it into a good game I'll replay it
sometime soon apparently
were you supposed to empathize with alex on this stuff? it's pretty tasteless to put a real person in your goofy golden alpaca game but I thought the whole point was that the dev was obsessed with trying to solve this case for a while and yiik was going for the same thing - that alex is too busy trying to deal with all this crazy mind dungeon shit to just hang out with his actual relationships
my issue with yiik was always the absolutely horrible combat and the bad pacing, not the actual story
>Were you supposed to empathize with Alex
According to the dev, no, he was made to be completely unlikable. And then the dev threw a tantrum when people didn't like Alex.
to be fair that tantrum was that people were disliking the game because of alex
give me a quick rundown on this game and the story, shills
imagine persona except all of the characters are unlikable and the gameplay sucks, and then it turns out that's because the main character is so self absorbed that he's responsible for everything bad that happens in every reality
Literally not one gamer has been able to dispute this.
What a tool.
>That's not an argument
He's trying to deflect the criticism of his shit game by saying that everyone else is just too insecure to understand this critique of their lifestyle.
I suppose that means he's projecting as well.
Yea I mean making unlikeable shit is in pretty bad form dude. He's right for all the wrong reasons. It's so fucking cringey watching retards make games like they're gonna be some fucking masterpiece movie or some shit. they're video games.
>No gamer has been able to dispute this
No, people have, Yea Forumstards like you just can't accept that a game could have a complex narrative, so you give non-arguments to try and deflect. This has happened 100s of times and it will happen 100s more.
WHEN'S YIIK I.V?!?!?!?!?
Get ready for kino, boys
mark my words its gonna drop tonight after the stream
Some of that tantrum was fair. So much drama was placed on the golden alpaca scene, but it properly conveyed what it was trying to convey. Often life doesn't wait for you to mourn someone and ridiculous shit is thrown your way in the middle of processing grief. Brainlets getting mad that the characters didn't get their requisite scene of being sad missed the point. The problem with Alex Yiik is he's supposed to go through a character arc and come out the other side a complete, much less shitty person, but the story needed to lean in harder on what a loser cunt he is. Instead he's basically the center of the universe, which undercuts so much of Alex being an unappealing mouthbreather.
It’s Andrew shilling his shitty game
Like what? Making every single character an unlikeable piece of shit?
no its me shilling andrews shitty game
>No, it's just impressionable zoomers who can't pick up on the sarcasm of people who pretend to like this garbage game.
In all fairness this has been a repeated phenomenon of newfags not understanding irony. Top that off with zoomers being literally retarded and not understanding facial expressions and a little irony is suddenly a foreign concept.
It’s not. I just want these fuckers to shut the fuck up already, and stop explaining shit. Why can’t they just leave some things up to the imagination?
thats what makes outsider artists so fun. they may be politically/morally incorrect (not in the in your face annoying way), but their art is 10x more interesting and sometimes better than what is being put out by the mainstream.
They’re not unlikeable. They’re boring, and they waste your time.
>Carrie alive
they're going to say the story for the new update takes place in another universe aren't they?
Only the protag is unlikable iirc. The other characters actually have justifiable motives and traits that are good, Alex just kinda wants to save a girl because he's a Redditor.
Art is supposed to invoke emotion. This game invoked emotions, but he’s just butthurt that everyone didn’t kiss his pretentious plagiarising ass.
This, it's a kind of bizarreness you can't really find anywhere else.
1 2 3 4
>whiny whining
Boy this man truly did make Yiik. Games started out as toys for children, so obviously there will be growing paints if you're looking to make some artsy fartsy shit. But you also have to accept sometimes you'll do a shit job and no one else but you appreciates your work.
Tales of the Abyss did this, Andrew's just a hack with yellow fever trying to "save" some bipolar asian chick who locked herself in a watertank and died
There have been multiple games with unlikeable protagonists. The difference between them and Alex is that they usually have some kind of quality about them that’s likeable, or at the very least interesting, that makes the audience want to continue playing the game.
>alex has a murakami book in his suitcase
Michael has nothing to him.
Vella is such a pussy that she ran away to another universe because Alex cheated on her.
Rory is a piece of shit who almost got everyone killed.
Claudio is just mostly used for otaku jokes that don’t even fit the time period.
Chondra cries about racism.
>camera guy who just turns into a bitter cunt after you get more party members
>useless whiny muh sister pacifist who matters so little to the story he can kill himself and nothing changes
>robot with annoying voice filter who dumps exposition
>black girl that exists
vella is the only decent party member
The Ends With You, No More Heroes, and Hotel Dusk are some other examples too.
another essensia form?
tales of the abyss had a main character who actually has reasons for why he's such a shithead that are made clear early on (sheltered noble with amnesia so he was too busy learning his parents faces to know common sense) even before the magic clone bullshit kicks in
alex yiik is just kind of a douchebag accross all of space/time, that's the actual plot.
The only audience the writer knew he could aim for are people who are completely incapable of picking up on anything without being told what it is they're meant to pick up on
What the fuck is this battle system
>People complained old battle system had too many bells and whistles
>They throw it away and make something even more convoluted
kek fucking yiik