If I was a metacritic game reviewer I would rate Elden Ring 75% out of spite for this including fight alone

If I was a metacritic game reviewer I would rate Elden Ring 75% out of spite for this including fight alone.

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it would be okay if it were something like malenia, a bonus fight for dedicated autists. but you actually need it for some story progression.

No? You don't need to go through the Deeproot Depths to reach the part of Ainsel River Main where Nokstella, and therefore the Lake of Rot, is. Give the Fingerslayer Blade to Ranni and take the sending gate from the top of Renna's Rise nearby and you'll end up at exactly the same spot you would if you got there from the Deeproot Depths.

there's absolutely nothing redeeming about it, I could maybe excuse it without the poison, but it's just a irredeemable shitfest with no summons.

Then use summons

fias quest, deeproot depths

>huge area aoe poison damage+status
>aoe overlaps
>D-jr is a retard
fun fight regardless

no, the whole point of the progression is that you shouldn't have to ask D's brother for help.

You don't need to do Fia's Quest to beat the game. And if you are, you can summon D's brother for the fight after giving him D's armor. He's also RIGHT FUCKING THERE before the boss room so it's impossible to miss.

this is yet another fight that doesn't belong in this game but I also have no idea what they would replace it with. why create such a massive boss arena when they're just gonna fill it with copy pasted enemies we fought earlier?

This boss was actually the hardest one for me. Even with summons it the most amount of tries than any other boss. Fuck these twin fagoyles

>cures your gaming addiction in your path by boring you to death with twin boss autism

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>game gives you a summon for a two-on-one fight because they knew it would be hard for people
>ItS NoT THe WaY the DEveLoPers InteDED!
your such a fucking idiot, if your suffering by yourself then swallow your pride and summon, don't complain just because you couldn't figure it out

I don't want Fia to die though

no because if you use the guy it alters your story

Then don't do her quest. D's brother doesn't "kill" her until she gestates the Rune of the Death-Prince, and she dies doing that so D's brother is just beating a corpse to stick it to another brainless corpse.

And if you don't do Fia's quest, then you have no story reason to ever visit the Deeproot Depths.

Beat this boss 1st try with no problems. Killed the first one before the other one spawbed. I have no idea why people think these dudes are hard.

>just dont explore the game bro

>he cares about the meaningless and barely present story in fromsoft games
oh your one of THOSE people, you would have trouble with that fight

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if you beat them before all the overpowered shit was patched out maybe

>"but you actually need it for some story progression"
>>moving the goalposts

No? I just threw rocks at them with my meteorite staff I got at the beginning of the game. Does a ton of damage to thede vig fucks who do not dodge

The gargoyles in ds1 are harder than this. You have so much more room to move around here and their moves are all easy to dodge.

>op staff+spell
you didn't beat the game

It's just demon from below/in pain again.

Why do so many of you struggle vs these?

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Tough boss but really not the worst. Go level up one or two times, you'll kick their ass.

>elegant design and satisfying move sets
>incredibly telegraphed attacks, zero unfair bullshit
>you can take down more than half the hp of the first one before other arrives
>other will just chill in the back and throw poison (very slow effect compared to rot)
>you can even summon D's bro if you're that much of a shitter
love these guys

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Fia dies at the end one way or another. Giving d’s bro the armor just means you get the sword later. Also you can reach deeproot through the frenzy flame room

ok I laughed

Is there any way I can save Fia? She is my wife

That fight was actually good, so were mystery niggas in Bloodborne and double rape ape in Sekiro because they actually put thought into the fight design.
godskin duo and gargoyle twins suck.

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>gargoyles in DS1

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Don't do her quest then. She desires to save Godwyn by reincarnating him through her deathbed companion business, and does so at the end through the Mending Rune of the Death-Prince, which is Godwyn's soul. The process of doing this kills her.

There's one in Caelid and 2 in the Capital so you should already know their movesets. Kindred outside the Sanctum is probably the most fun I've had with a boss in the game.

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just level up. The entire game's difficulty melts by being level 100-150, and this is 100% by design. What sucks about this design is that they don't make farming FUN.

godskin duo is better than fagoyles, at least you can fight the fat man 1v1 most of the time and only be on the lookout for fireballs
and you have pillars to hide behind

this one is fun, two of them and poison breath is totally lame, shit design, not fun, do not pass go

i have no idea how to summon whatever quest npc is supposed to be there but whenever the game throws this kind of stuff at me is one of the rare occasions i will summon the jellyfish.
i can get one of the gargoyals to like 40-50% hp before the other spawns, like that fight in dark souls 1. then i just summon the jellyfish to tank for 20 sec while i finish off the low hp one. the jellyfish dies because i never leveled it and then i can 1v1 the other garg.
of all the 2v1 fights i don't really see this one as a major problem.

Because it's like people are getting 2 different AIs.
On one hand you have people like you who apparently don't have any issues with them and usually claim only one of they really attacks while the other stay away.
On the other hand you have people like me who kept dying because both of them keep staying with each other, usually half-clipping in each other and always attack though their models. And when it seems like they finally separating, I run up to one, get a poison laser to the back and while staggered the other smack me down and I die again.
Both side vehemently deny the other actually exists.

You can use summons? breh

You really think dual apes is a good fight?

>>other will just chill in the back and throw poison (very slow effect compared to rot)
i hate you, froglet

Total whack balance. You have to handicap yourself to make it difficult. Rather unless you enjoy attacking a statue with a sharp little sword because you think it's the right way to play. Every class type has access to strike or magic scaled damage and you can do it without even altering your build thanks to talismans.
actual good fight

>A shit double-boss fight in a FromSoft game
would be more suprised if there wasn't one tbqh

Pretty easy fight desu. i beat it with like 15 vigor

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Yeah and with 60+ Int it seems since you're using Rennala's staff.

1.- Hug the waterfall to the right
2.- Lure the first Gargoyle to fight in that place
3.- Get it half health, which would trigger the arrival of the second Gargoyle.
4.- Do fast and enough damage to kill the first Gargoyle before the second Gargoyle arrives where you both are (The second Gargoyle will slowly walk after landing)
5.- If you did it right, you will 1vs1 both Gargoyles.
6.- Less whining, more git gud.

PS: The Gargoyles can even fall down the waterfall if you bait their flying attacks.




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Imagine struggling on the fucking gargoyles if anything. Fucking pathetic.

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What the fuck are you retards smoking, Twin gargoyles is literally the only dual boss fight in the game that's tolerable besides the few fights with joke enemies like Misbegotten, since it's the only one where From put 5 seconds of effort in to retool the AI and have one hang back while the other pushes you. Just keep one behind the other and the most you have to deal with is some piss easy to avoid ranged attacks every once in a while. The only way I can fathom getting filtered by this fight is if you're a roll spamming monkey and constantly putting yourself between them.

people literally only hate this fight because the gargoyles are immune to both frost and bleed and that means they're impossible for kiddies that relied on cheese to beat the game.

>follow a questline that lead me to gargoyles
>do shit for damage all of a sudden
>go explore the other side of the map
>forget about the questline
>return with better weapons
>first try
garbage fight, and it highlights how busted the difficulty curve is.
elden ring would have been better off with the old formula, cut the empty open world with its garbage crafting materials.

also, their poison attack should not be in the game, the fact that they spam it just drags out the fight. its not hard to avoid it, its just so fucking slow

idk man, im using frost and bleed and just relied on magic damage to kill em. Its not rocket science just diversify, game still easy.

Wait, really?

>finally get through the gargoyles
>next area has big ass ants everywhere

help me Yea Forums

i fucking hate ants

>Go to level 30 area once you're level 80

Easiest mode for gargoyles:
Summon Putrid Corpse Ashes in the beginning of the fight and fight the first gargoyle near the entrance. Putrid corpses will spawn next to the summoning obelisk so they're not gonna aggro the first gargoyle, but they WILL aggro the second one which spawns next to them and keep it busy as long as you kill the first one, those guys are tanky af.

>Abudla's moonblade
you didn't beat it

they're completely optional and the fight is not that bad
and if you still really want to go to deeproot you can skip this fight by going there through the illusory walls at the room with the three fingers door

Yeah, I did this. I got to Deeproot at level 99. Problem? No one said I couldn't do it.The gargoyle bosses were easy as fuck and I only summoned my spirit ashes, no one else.

The Gargoyle in front of the Bestial Sanctum is harder than this fight is, can never beat it without cheesing it through the door

that one is overtuned troll shit, if you try him at the supposed lvl 60 zone recommendation he is really hard but if you are lvl 100+ he is easy

I couldn't even beat him at level 130 without door-cheesing him
"Overtuned" is right

It's been over 12 years and Fromsoft is still filtering people with 2gargoyle. Now that's wholesome

there are many moments in the game that just made me want to quit, the birds in mohgs place, consecrated snow field, rykard to name a few

no idea why I'm still playing this piece of shit, just want to finish it and then bury it in the ground forever and never touch it again

the dragonbarrow is way higher level than the rest of Caelid. Just fight the putrid tree spirit next to Limgrave and then the one on the north end of Caelid. Deals three times as much damage, has three times as much health.

lmao this

>It's just demon from below/in pain again.
Demon's switch their aggression, there's only ever one enemy right in your face while the other one stays back and uses ranged attacks

nta but it is
The second ape has a very small health bar, is very vulnerable to fire and fire crackers, isn't very aggressive, and just fucks off if you kill the first. That combined with the giant arena make it more than manageable, but still challenging, which makes it a good fight by my metric.

>that hp

This is for melee solo.

But if you use summons or magic, this fight should be a cakewalk.

>giant asshole monster spins around and dumps AOEs everywhere
guess it's time for spirits

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>roll up into his asshole
There, I just beat every boss in this game except one.

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>find this boss while doing Ranni's questline
>throw Poop Muncher at them
>drink my Flask of Fuck You, whip out my Kamehameha
>gargoyle does some crazy flipping spinny shit and flies around until my beam ends
>lands directly on top of me

I don't need to be there, I'm just going to come back later.

I'm glad that happened to you

>Have no issues with this
>Have no issues with the godskin duo
>Rage at pre-nerf Malenia and Radhan
I'm pretty sure duo fights were just a pain for turtle/magic builds.

You can get to deeproot depths without fighting the gargoyles

>not using the summon because you don't want Fia to die
The quests are clearly all set in stone tragedies that you're not intended to roleplay around beyond the two that give you explicit aid/invade options.

It's like not talking to Alexander because you don't want to duel him when his story very clearly has a specific ending.

Ironically that's exactly what the game deserves. It's a solid 7.5 / 10. Great game but far from a masterpiece

>Level 30
How is it a level 30 area? No genuinely, what makes you think that.

I haven't met Alexander since Radahn and I just beat Fire Giant, wonder where the fuck the asshole is

one shot him, y'all just bad. The second garg takes forever to reach you

Every time

He goes back to Jarburg and gets stuck in the ground again.

>much twin gargoyles
Why are Fromsoft a bunch of one trick ponies?
>poison swamp
>O&S clones
>hefty jolly NPC

i was severely undergeared for this fight and spent 6 hours beating my head against the wall with my mimic.

it's beautiful and the gameplay is fluid but the balancing is absolutely horrendous and FromSoft has scarcely ever made a game that is as rewarding as it is challenging

the DS1 twin gargoyle's don't spew poison puke everywhere and use anime attacks

This is where I stopped caring about beating the game and got the mimic tier.


bro 99% of MC reviewers got to Tree Sentinel, got cucked, and called it a masterpiece to avoid backlash

just dodge lmao

I lined them near the wall at the start and spammed the shit out of Fallingstar Beast Jaw WA.
Still a shit bossfight tho.

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If you're int why bother going for the op endgame stuff?
Meteor staff + rock sling rapes them

I didn't progress Rogier's questline beyond talking to him in the church, now he's snoozing in the Roundtable. Is there any way to get his set?