Why do people love it so much?

why do people love it so much?

Attached: Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.png (512x374, 264.44K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's the reason why your favourite game exists.

it's the best of the pre-botw 3D Zeldas, and it was very innovative when it came out. It also aged really well, almost everything was near perfectly executed

It has a hookshot. There are no bad games that have a hookshot.


Miyazaki even said he gets embarrassed when Souls is compared to OOT because he considers it the holy grail of gaming and one of his primary influences.

it's a perfect adventure

Its comfy.

It's a great game and probably the best 3D Zelda

That's not what he said at all

it was most people at the times first 3d adventure game which was amazing but it's also great even in its own right
>ackchually I played x in 1993
Congrats on being a virgin and like 40 I guess

Because it was the first 3D Zelda game. There's nothing else extremely notable about it besides that, adult and kid link being playable, and the uses of the ocarina.

Godtier atmosphere

Attached: soul.png (960x720, 988.51K)

It's good :PepoG:

Nostalgia. It's aged poorly in nearly every aspect just like Golden Eye. It's remembered for the being the pioneer of 3D gaming but it fails to live up to expectations unlike Link to the Past, which could come out today and still be excellent.

Honestly? They were told to. It's just not very good.

>Tedious puzzles with obvious solutions reused in every dungeon from the start to the finish
>mediocre combat where enemies blatantly ignore your attacks when it's not your *turn*
>easy as hell bosses that allow as little experimentation as possible so the dungeon can justify it's item gimmick that often will have limited if any use outside of the dungeon (megaton hammer)
>half baked over-memed bosses like shadow link who blatantly reads your inputs and is intended to be cheesed with the hammer or din's fire because outside of the room they give you more than enough magic to fill your magic meter
>the most generic video game story imaginable that forces itself on you in unskippable cutscenes
>highest ranked score on metacritic, only 22 reviews, half the reviews are 404's which don't exist and some of the few that do gave it a literal score of 11/10

it's just so forced.

Attached: ocarinaepiccombat.webm (480x356, 2.9M)

Low-poly tiddy

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No lies detected

>It's the reason why your favourite game exists
>Chrono Trigger

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OOT is what adventure games still should be like. OoT has mystery,puzzles, bosses, variation, masterful soundtrack. It is just a overall a good game. OoT world still brutally mogs modern games

>slingshot on right c

It was one of the first fluid action games and it changed the standard of what an action game should be.
pd: fuck zoomers


This, OoT's world while small is rather condense and has lots of interesting side quests, its not a perfect game but for its era that it released I practically was, it wrote the book on the 3D 3rd person RPG.

Only people who are unable to feel soul can play it and not understand why it's so beloved.

I understand a lot of kids these days hate anything Nintendo on principle because it's not "mature" like their CoD and Madden, and they also hate anything before they were born, but OoT is a flawless masterpiece.

Leave the late 90s homeboys out of this though, they cool. It's the 2000s zoomzooms that need to get fucked.

The overworld is 100% padding and is a waste of time and space.

Because it's fun and has good music.
It's not rocket science, OP.

My favorite game is Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, which predates OoT by an entire year and has the exact same formula in a 3D world. Z-Targeting is literally the only unique aspect of the game.

>lots of grottos with secret items and puzzles
>multiple side quests that utilize the open world
nigger wat?

Even as a kid I thought it was boring as shit. Didn't care for zelda as a whole though I unironically thought they were shitty Landstalker knock offs

>secret items
yeah like 5 rupees lol great for a game where money has no use after the first 5 minutes of playing it

It was the game they played before their father left

It's extremely polished in all areas. Dungeon design, story, gameplay, character design. It never goes bad even if people missed a key like scrubs in water temple. Probably the single greatest jump to 3D any game ever made.

>straight up lying
ok cool user.
There are shops, fairy fountains, huge rupees, gold skulltulas, all within grottos in the overworld I have a feeling you never played OoT user.

>BOO HOO I can cheese this early game easy miniboss! Shit game!
Fuck off contrarian shitter cunt.

My favorite game is Ocarina of Time, so how does that work?

>There are shops
just progress you'll resupply
>fairy fountains
those are everywhere
>huge rupees
>gold skulltulas
so you can get the useless bigger wallet

The last reward for the Skulltulas is a Heart Piece

Attached: frogmeme.png (1106x1012, 557.79K)

very useful in a game where you can easily carry 4 full revives if you die


>those don't count because....... they doesn't okay your dumb!

>just progress you'll resupply
Except these are great stop and shops for you to continue on your journey.
>those are everywhere
Because they are in grottos they are everywhere yes.
>huge rupees useless
Wat? Only useless when you get full skulltulas
>so you can get the useless bigger wallet
Skulltula rewards are fine they give you infinite money its a worthy reward for the effort.

bad content is bad content :) its just criticism user its gonna be ok ;)

>great stop
why stop? Progressing and killing things resupplies you, it's rare to actually run out of anything in the game. Money has no utility after the first 5 minutes of the game.

>OoT gets made
>OoT exists

typical zoomer response

What's even the point of exploring in -any- Zelda game then? Since Heart Pieces are the most common way to reward you in all of them.

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Zoomers love OoT.

>potions, bombs, nuts, sticks
aren't found in every area and its much easier than grinding them.

some games are actually going to be a little challenging and don't give you 4 auto 100% revives. honestly the whole series is flawed, you're never going to need 20 hearts in any of them. the games are all too easy.

no they don't, they love Fortnite and PUBG they don't understand the concept of game legacy, they just zoom zoom zoooooom

potions are useless, just carry fairies. You'll never need to grind them, break nearby jars or kill enemies to resupply.

While not my favorite Zelda game (pic related is) it's still a very good game. Even compared to games made today OoT still beats a majority of new releases.

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Gen Z starts in 1995, they played it on the Gamecube and virtual console.

Zelda will always be loved by the mainstream.
Zelda will always be loved by those who like videogames
Zelda will always be on a standard of its own

There's nothing you contrarian retards can do about it except cry for years until the next game's out. And then you cry again.

conformist npc

Seems like it's just not to your tastes, tons of people seem to like it, you're the only one who's mad.

it's just criticism user, nothing to get offended over.

>liking good things is conformist

Gen z starts in 97


I don't know, i've heard both. Either way

Hating things is a sign of high iq.
Hating everything makes me a smart person

Not much criticism in saying a children's game has easy combat.

Hating things on principle is a sign of low IQ.

And braindead recycled puzzles
and pointless loot
and pointless busy work
and bad music
and a pointless economy
and pointless shops
the list goes on


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Nostalgia. No other reason. Ther rest of the 3D Zelda games each do a component of it better and literally all of them are better than the puzzles that literally tell you how to solve them.

must not be very important if it only has 22 reviews (1/4th of which are 404s)

>braindead recycled puzzles

Z targeting isn't even unique, iirc other games did a similar thing a while back.


block and eye switch puzzles

>coping even harder
>and pointless busy work
>and bad music
>and pointless loot
You mean the cools items used to progress that change how you play the game?

Based fellow CT Chad. But there's no reason we can't love OoT too, they're both 11/10.

That's gen alpha retard. The youngest zoomer is like 11 or something.

>they're both 11/10.
meh chrono trigger at least has a reason to get money. Ocarina has all this missed potential. It doesn't seem like they put much thought into it.

There's such a generation gap between early and late zoomers that they feel like different generations entirely to me.

I only agree with half of these.

Also aren't videogames literally just pointless busywork anyway?

It was a definitive experience for its time. Like the original Star Wars trilogy for boomers.

Glad you agree, Ocarina has some substantial flaws.

It’s a real shame they didn’t add achievements

>Overrated game is overrated
What a surprise.

Nostalgia. I'm playing through it now for the first time and it's aged like milk. N64 games in general age like milk now that I think about it. Nintendies are just obnoxiously vocal

Still the best game of all time, and it's not even my favorite game.

You should try thinking for yourself my conformist friend.

The music was an absolute retard complaint though, it's the best part of OoT

Most of those are iterative though.
In one dungeon it's simply pushing a block, but then in the next it's pushing a block and then having to navigate a maze-like room to push it in another direction, then pushing blocks on ice, then pushing blocks into the sunlight to activate a mechanism.
There are no puzzles in the game that are completely repeated without anything added to them.
Also the eye switches are just item checks so you can't do the other two dungeons without doing the Forest Temple first, notice how they're barely there in the Shadow and Spirit Temples cause those can't be unlocked without story progress.

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>Most of those are iterative though.
You mean recycled. The solution is always push the block along the tracks into its slot. Whether it's an indent in the ground or a switch, there's no puzzling involved, it's always obvious.

It doesn't play like shit compared to most of the competition at the time and it gets bonus points for being part of the first wave of 3D console games, play Castlevania 64 or Megaman Legends then go back to OOT/MM and the difference in how much control you have over Link is night and day compared to so many games.
Ocarina has a notoriously high amount of cut content and ideas that have been slowly been implemented into future zelda games, it might not be the best adventure game ever but it's up there as one of the most ambitious and to a lot people that counts for something

Yep... that's soul right there

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>Still the best game of all time
Imagine being proud of the fact that your IQ is lower than the room temperature during an Alaskan winter.

Should I play it on n64 and if so which is the best way to emulate it. Or play it on 3ds?

play the superior PC port. N64 and 3ds versions are now worthless.

Nice compelling argument faggots

it was the first 3D zelda and they nailed the transition (mostly), same as mario 64.

why was it so empty?

Nice coping, numbnuts

I think it has pretty rock solid pacing. Some dungeons are better than others but it's a tight experience. My one gripe is that Hyrule itself isn't that compelling to explore, but it's nowhere near the worst offender on that front. I think it remains the best of the 3D games.

>Ambition counts for something
In that case No Man's Sky is infinitely better than OoT

has there ever existed a more empty overworld?

Attached: hf.png (1053x650, 1.45M)

>The solution is always push the block along the tracks into its slot
No it isn't? Both the ice block puzzle and the sunlight block puzzle put them in completely open rooms where you have to figure out how and where to move them yourself.
Moreover, you got cases like the Water Temple where the challenge of the block puzzle comes from the navigation and progression of the dungeon, you can start the puzzle at the beginning of the dungeon but can only solve it towards the end - which, incidentally, ends up fucking over people who might forget or not know about said block.
It's called introducing and then evolving gameplay mechanics as you go further into the game.

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shadow of the colossus too. OoT is basically an adaptation of link to the past. even shares a gimmick.

A lot of zoomers will say that OOT's design has been built and improved upon over the decades, and in individual areas that's certainly true; but no game has ever given me the feeling of adventure OOT has.

It's a hard feeling to explain, but it really feels like a great journey, like you've experienced a lot when it ends. That moment when you go from child to adult link and the game basically says "You thought you had this game figured out? Nigger what you just played was just the appetizer." is so incredible. To me so many games feel like they show you their best aspects in the first couple of hours, then it's padding, and then it maybe gets a bit exciting towards the end again. But OOT always keeps shifting gears and maintains exciting throughout. It shouldn't be such a rare thing in video games but it is.

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the dungeons are too easy

Fun games are fun.

Not every game has to be Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels.

this game has no dungeons

Attached: CEMU Screenshot 2021.08.19 - (1920x1080, 3.16M)

Yeah most JRPGs with overworlds tend to have nothing in them.

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Genshin impact.


of course they are, they're the first of their kind for most people so they can't be too hard because loads of people would still be adjusting to navigating a game world in 3D.

He come to town.

>the game doesnt have to be good!

Hyrule Field being mostly empty is a good thing, it basically serves as some down time between the areas with the actual content. Nier Automata used the same trick for its overworld, a bit of emptiness can go a long way.

Yeah so it's kind of amazing that it was.

Yeah you play as link. It is a LoZ game, even if it's average.

you are conflating difficulty with quality. you want a hard game? go play IWBTG.

>OoT was above average
When did you last play it?

>aged well

>aged poorly
Nigger you're fucking dumb. LTTP is honestly probably the only Zelda game that has aged very badly. Take off the goggles. The game is boring as fuck.

What actual content are you referring to? The giant lake with nothing in it? The lost woods which is the same room over and over cobbled together in the facsimile of a 'maze'?

Because its the og darksouls. Anyone who disagrees is retarded.

I play racing sims but okay.

>What actual content are you referring to?

The game's dungeons, the meat of the game, are you retarded?

Attached: ugh.png (771x96, 8.46K)

If a game has zero difficulty it's not a good game. If any anyone who is even slightly good at games can beat it while only dying 1-3 times at most it's not a good game.

Horizon falls in this pit.
Fallout 3 and 4 fall in this pit.
OoT falls in this pit.
All of these games are average (except horizon, it's completely dogshit)

>t. 26/27 year old zoomer mad that he's literally a worthless garbage pile
It's okay. It's not your fault.

I actually played it for my girlfriend this last week, still as good as ever.

Attached: file.png (1015x759, 497.55K)

>The giant lake with nothing in it? The lost woods which is the same room over and over cobbled together in the facsimile of a 'maze'?
but enough about Zelda 1

Damn, did you glue the nostalgia googles to your face?


Only because you're a zoomer. To the rest of humanity you faggots are literally the same.

Mount&Blade was influenced by Zelda?
holy cow

>Max Hearts
you didn't beat the game

Zelda invented swords and horses.

No, I just stopped feeling the need to hate on everything that's popular once I was no longer 15.

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By the time you can get all 50 skultullas there's nothing else to do in the game. What's the point of spending hours running around hyrule when the reward is fighting ganon with 20 hearts instead of 19?

I disagree, Kirby games are pretty universally easy but still have enjoyable gameplay mechanics and levels. You just don't take much damage and deal loads of damage. This is entirely subjective though so I'll leave you to your difficulty hardon

Because it was one of the first ever 3D games I played of this magnitude. There was no adventure type of games this good before it. Its still to this day an absolutely amazing game worthy of all its praise and what it innovated and popularized. Its so good I even feel like plugging in my N64 right now just to play it.

And? They're still significantly harder than LTTP, and I bet your retarded ass loves that shit.

duh...ganon is so hard you need at least 80 hearts to win. It's just too hard otherwise...

How the hell is someone who grew up before smartphones supposed to relate to someone who never spent a second without them?

>played it for my girlfriend
wtf you said you were gonna take turns with her, i'm mad

My favorite game is Dragon Quest 3 though.

Both my favorite games precede OoT by a year.

>if you 100%ed the game, you didn't beat the game

>he didn't do a no shield 3 heart run using only deku sticks to kill every boss and enemy

Aryan King

>OoT is overrated
>"Why do you hate OoT, it's the best Zelda game"

>Harder than lttp

who are you quoting


Actually you can get 50 Skulltulas as early as the first adult dungeon, 44 before you pull out the Master Sword.

Attached: file.png (1015x765, 716.68K)

Gigantic semi-open world
Time travel
One of the first games of its kind
Fantastic dungeon design with intuitive puzzles that don't require a guide
Multiple waifus
Epic scope
Movement feels good, even kids knew rolling was slightly faster

Huge leap from previous 2D titles, yet didn't feel foreign
Fantastic graphics at the time
Catchy score

Dumb phoneposter thinks hitting a switch with a hammer is hard.

There's very little bullshit compared to other 3D Zeldas. No time resetting, no sailing, no bug hunts. no flying, it's just Link, the dungeons, and the world that connects them.

Again, give it another shot once you've got some hair on your chest, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Attached: link hi.png (492x557, 218.57K)

>Typical redditor GOTCHA comments
Only gollums like these shit on the game, which automatically makes it awesome

>The giant lake with nothing in it?
There's literally a whole ass dungeon in it fool

>Once you've got some hair on your chest
It's already aged poorly. How is someone waiting 2 years gonna fix that? Anyone who didn't play OoT or MM before the next 3D Zelda game came out already missed the chance to enjoy it.

This hard.

>retarded nig can't read

It's the reason for a lot of action-adventure games existing and none of those would go anywhere near my favorite game.

Medli was top tier cunny

>but no game has ever given me the feeling of adventure OOT has.
I think thats called nostalgia dude.

>n-no dungeons
He's talking about overworld nigger and he's right. It's empty, same goes for the other 3d Zelda games before BotW.

and what is on these open worlds?
well not for botw since it doesn't have any

People like it because of nostalgia. Everyone who praises it says so because it gave them an indescribable inexplicable feeling for which they write long blogs about () while most of its detractors will give a detailed response about why it is (mechanically) mediocre or plain bad. ()

>game is easy
>ergo it is bad

not that user but stop deflecting. He's talking about the overworld which is separate from dungeons.

>best of the pre-botw 3D Zeldas
TP does literally everything better.
That's a blender render.

>not the first post from this IP

>IP counting schizo

>Ha ha, this ip has multiple posts
Are you retarded or what?

Are you saying that no content in the overworld is good? It's okay to say OoT is not perfect.

>he doesn't have 4chanx
Newfag and a samefag all in one.

what would actually be the hardest way to beat oot?
pretty sure sticks would break, and don't they actually do good damage?

Attached: 601.jpg (657x527, 24.45K)

Shadow Link isn't early game, tf

He uses buzzwords, what did you expect

A lot of the criticisms made against Oot completely disregard that it was one of the first full on triple A quality 3d action games. Like what else was it drawing design inspiration or lessons from? These guys were just making shit up doing shit no dev had done before

>they give you infinite money its a worthy reward for the effort.
I love the game but the most expensive item is 200 rupees for a tunic you get for free dude.

>same fag
That wasn't my post you schizo.

why is OOT the only game where they made Link a chad? he has been a söyboy betacuck since

Your replying to a guy who got stuck in the second dungeon months ago and has been shitting up Yea Forums crying over it ever since.

Mario 64 is an action game.

>The only game where link is a Chad

That was my first post. You're really bad at pretending you know the basic functionality of the site.

God damn

Attached: i shiggy diggy.jpg (400x400, 19.11K)

>OoT map in TF2
Finally... TRUE soul.

Attached: image_proxy.jpg (1920x1080, 779.04K)

>That was my first post
Blatant lie. Anyone with 4chanx (aka not a newfag) can see it.

I fixed botw by putting ocarina of time inside of it

Attached: CEMU Screenshot 2021.04.26.jpg (1920x1080, 2.45M)

>TP does literally everything better.

Mario 64 was also just a 3d platformer. Ocarina of time clearly took cues from DnD and classic fantasy/rpgs with the item system, text speech for exposition, cut scenes, etc.
Dont get me wrong, I love SM64, but Oot is (For its time) a far more ambitious and mechanically deeper game. Purely because it has more mechanics in it. They're two different breeds of games altogether

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Talking about your half-assed webm. Checked out from your hyperbolic tirades.

Boo hoo, poor them. Who the fuck cares? Pointing a cursor at a yellow object 2 feet above you to open a door is just as much of an easy, trite addition to a game as it is today.

anonfiles com/13MaJ9Q1xe/Ocarina_of_Time_-_Ship_of_Harkinian_zip
Install this very malicious and scary crypto miner and you get a FREE copy of OOT PC!
It comes with all the files you need to run it and the separate tool you need to rebind controls (yes, it didn't release with one built-in) in case you want to do that.
Make sure your framerate is limited somehow or else it'll blow your ears out.

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first baby game

Eh, I'll still take it.

>Oot clearly took cues from DnD
TF you mean? It's the same as the other games inv.

There's blood in this game. It's not for babies.

they've already added a bunch of new features like a better save edtior and shit
this isn't updated I assume

>TP does literally everything better.
If by that you mean side stories that stop halfway through the game with no conclusion and plot holes... than sure.

which version of Zelda is the biggest slut?

>can beat the final boss with a bottle

I concede. I totally forgot I posted already (), my bad.
Also, 4chanX is bloat and you don't need it.

>TP does literally everything better.
>nearly hour long tutorial intro
>even larger Hyrule field that is still just as empty
>higher concentrate of tedious padding
ok chum

>light 4 torches to open a door in LTTP
>shoot eye to open a door in OoT
*autistic screeching for the past ten years*

Your dad.

Yes. Your dad is Princess Zelda.

You don't know what facsimile means stop using it

>took cues from DnD
Thats dragon quest not LoZ.

it aged like dogshit

>4chanX is bloat and you don't need it.
It's still strange to me that people use the built in extension. I remember back when it was implemented and everybody was making fun of it.

You gotta consider the time period. At the time just having an item called a bottle that could do multiple things and having it be one of like 40 items with varied uses was pretty huge

The issue is that that's an early game LTTP dungeon and a mid game OoT dungeon.

>*insert game here* is empty
Shit meme.

Not even close to the truth. LTTP has light the torches puzzles all the way through but nobody says shit because everybody just parrots the eye wall stuff they heard from a certain youtuber.

>this isn't updated I assume
Yeah, I haven't checked the github so I'm not sure what they've added. If there's been a new release version, I haven't heard of it.

Hyrule field is pretty fucking barren though. The only reason it isn't a major issue in OoT is because of how small it is and how little time you need to spend there

>Lttp has light the torches puzzles
Yes. But the one you mentioned is around dungeon 2 iirc. then dungeon 3 introduces "do this before you can light the torch"

That's different from "dungeon 4, shoot eye"

oh maybe it hasn't been pushed yet but on their discord they post updates on what people are working on

With one exception at the end of the game, they're all literally as simple as lighting the torch with the lantern or rod.

The final boss even has a torch lighting puzzle

can't wait for memetracing
all I want is oot assets and good lighting