The Chinese Room is making Bloodlines 2, thoughts?

"When I checked in with a buddy after Hangar 13’s project was cancelled last year, that’s who they told me have taken over the reigns. The Chinese Room are now under Sumo Digital and are essentially an entirely new studio, as the main dude laid everyone off a few years back. The team has the greenlit to massively overhaul Hardsuits assets however they see fit. The latter had reached alpha but was in rough state, so I wouldn’t even expect to see Mitsoda’s work in whatever finally ships. The game’s still like two years out, though interestingly even with the dev drama it remains one of the most wishlisted games on Steam."

Some additional info
>they have been hiring ex bioware and hogwarts legacy devs
>working on an unreal 4 project that "isn't theirs"
Interesting and seems more plausible than the current rumour of Harebrained Schemes making it as they are still hiring for Unity devs and not Unreal.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Chinese room is disappointing but I dont know any team that could do bloodlines 1 justice, even the original devs gave become washed up woke hacks.

Devs that could have made a cool bloodlines at somepoint
>witcher 2 cdpr
>DA:O bioware
>kotor 2 Obsidian
Yeah really have no idea who could do it now, maybe larian? They haven’t become total pozzed fags yet.

Some slav studio like warhorse could pull it off.
All western devs are pozzed to the point that they can no longer produce any works of art.

Dead before arrival
Note the lack of shills since the project got liquidated
If it ever even comes out (which it shouldn't) it will be a duke nukem forever for those fools who aren't aware of what the game and intellectual property is

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I thought Parajew said they had some well-known developer working on this, hence speculation it was Harebrained or something
>Chinese Room
the one and only game I know they made was that sequel to Amnesia. Which, in hindsight, probably wasn't as bad as the Amnesia sequel with the pregnant woman made by the original developers of the Dark Descent.

>his gloves are armour for his anxiety
Holy fuck, glad this autistic fuck is fired. Guaranteed anything he wrote was cringe garbage. Definitely not the same Mitsoda mentally that wrote bloodlines 1. This guy is seriously still saying shit like that in what his 40s-50s. Unhinged fuck.

>I thought Parajew said they had some well-known developer working on this, hence speculation it was Harebrained or something
I wouldn't say Harebrained are well-known. It was just PR speak, the CEO isn't going to say "the new dev is shit and unknown".

The manchildness gives Bloodlines its soul.

Maybe, I'm still undecided on Warhorse. Kingdom Come was cool and I'm glad they stuck to historical accuracy even when they were getting called racists but they are still unproven.

There's manchildness and then there's "I wear gloves to protect me". That isn't being a manchild, that's being SEVERELY autistic.

Like it or not, the thing that made World of Darkness what it is or rather what it was was unhinged retards just pouring out their surface-level passion for a bunch of different subjects and tying them all together
You have no options since you are powerless and Paradox has the reins to this corpfiction, but theoretically your options are unhinged industry tards like him and the other survivors of White Wolf, or the wonderful nameless interns that wrote this shit

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I don't believe any Troika devs could make a good bloodlines sequel today. They are all woke retards now. Maybe if they give it to some poor small studio full of mentally anguished schizos from Poland we would get a good sequel.

This guy is the embodiment of creepy pedo whenever I look at him.

In theory, I agree, but the deal with established properties is that you get held on a short leash and violating that is a termination of contract
Fundamentally the corpfiction that is the legal IP is already a dumpsterfire and Paradox is determined to not take a loss which to corporations means taking directorial control even if that's the opposite of what's needed

I still have faith that we might get a good VTM RPG from some no name studio some day. They seem to be going the route of Warhammer and licensing the IP out like whores. Since bloodlines 2s announcement we've had:
>4 or 5 chose your own adventures
>2 visual novels
>1 battle royale
>Swansong whatever that is (detective shit)
>werewolf action game
>wraith VR game
>werewolf VN
So far none of them have been spectacular but if they keep going this route eventually something good will be made. The only other problem is the source material for the games has become woke garbage now, just need 1 dev who keeps that shit to a minimum.

Based. Gatekeeping fascists is always correct. If you let them have something, they will take it.

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Swansong is a Telltale-like with RPG elements. Developers previously worked on The Council, which had a lot of good ideas and was basically an unofficial WoD game in how it mixed real history and politics with supernatural horror, but the execution fell flat. Hopefully it's better.

If anything they're silently about it in order not to out themselves, it's commie trannies who seize shit and make it garbo

Why did he kick that kind man out?

>Video games writers are autistic and beign made into the face of marketing induces anxiety in them
Is it really that surprising?
If anything, autism adds quality to the writing because of the details, pattern recofgnition obsession thing.

I'll give Mitsoda a pass.


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>nah you can't come in here
>Ok, I'll leave
>tell a black patron that we're out of frenchfries
>they completely destroy the bar and then are commended for it
I don't get this world at all

Brian shouldn't you be out begging The Chinese Room for your job back and not posting on Yea Forums

>tell a black patron that we're out of frenchfries
>they completely destroy the bar and then are commended for it
Am I missing something, wtf is this about. I also want to see a monkey ape out.

I typed "black man destroys bar over frenchfries" into google and got nothing. I'm severely disappointed now.
I'm sure there's one out there. You need to look hard. It is mostly in convenience stores I'll concede. But its usually one type of "person"

You jest but i genuinly hope they actually bring him back.
Him and maybe even Avallone, though he may still be getting buttfucked by the whole me too thing bullshit.

Hardsuit Labs straight up tossed out their writing so now with new dev team there is hope that the original script can be salvaged.

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VTMB shits on Bush and Republicans
Fallout 2 shits on Republicans
Destroy All Humans (both original and remake) shits on Bush and Republicans
Alex Rigopolus (founder of Harmonix, Guitar Hero and Rock Band) donates to ActBlue and Democrats
Mike Morhaime (one of Blizzard's original founders) donates to Democrats
Tim Schafer donated to Biden
Phil Spencer (Microsoft) donated 2800 to Biden and various Democrats
Marc Merrill (co-founder of Riot Games) donated to various Democrats
Derek Yu (Spelunky) donated to Beto O'Rourke
Robin Walker (Team Fortress, Half Life Alyx) donated to the House Democratic Campaign Committee on Washington and Sharon Shewmake (D)
Norman Nazaroff (programmer, project lead at Human Head) - donated to various Democrat candidates
Jason Rubin (co-founder of Naughty Dog, co-creator of Crash Bandicoot, now working on Oculus VR) - donated to various Democrat candidates, including 1k to Sara Gideon John Hickenlooper, Pete Buttigieg
Allan Alcorn (creator of Pong) - donated to Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Robert Altman CEO of Zenimax donated over $2800 to Biden and Harris
Duke Nukem VA Jon St. John supports trans rights
Sega has sponsored LGBT+ pride parades in Japan for multiple years
Rimworld dev opposes slurs, transmisogyny, and racism
Pokemon Company International made a 100k donation to the NAACP and 100k donation to BLM
Andrew Clifford Greenberg, co-creator of Wizardry, donated to $1600 to John Kerry, various donations to ActBlue (
Robert Woodhead, other co-creator of Wizardry, donated to Biden, $700 to ActBlue (
Dustin Browder, lead designer of Starcraft II, C&C Red Alert 2, donated $200 to ActBlue in 2020 (
Nioh and Nioh 2 feature Yasuke as a black samurai
Pathfinder Kingmaker/WOTR devs are pro-diversity and pro-LGBT
Vanillaware is pro-LGBT (13 Sentinels has gay couple as main characters, one of them crossdresses)
Deathloop received a 10/10

>burger politics

Why did that black woman trash the store. She keeps saying, "Say it again, it isn't so funny now huh". I bet this unhinged retard mistook the Chinese word Nàgè which is very commonly said. It means something like that and It sounds like Nigger. my Asian gf has gotten many foul looks speaking in public because of it.

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Where's the source? I liked their walking sims for the writing and music, and I remember years ago they talked about wanting to make an RPG, but they don't fit VTMB

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these are the people who libtards want to give creative license and dev money to

The source is just some dev on a forum saying he was told that's where it moved. It does line up with The Chinese Rooms hiring way more than Harebrained Schemes but I agree, It doesn't make sense that the "mystery pitch that saved the game being cancelled" came from The Chinese Room. Unless the owner is a huge bloodlines autist I have no idea how that came about.

>Unless the owner is a huge bloodlines autist I have no idea how that came about.
Considering they started out as Source modders that's more likely than you think.

>Total Dark actually started off as an RPG boardgame. A lot of the inspiration came from pen and paper and gamebook systems. Traveller, Paranoia, Twilight 2000. I've been looking at loads of paper-based RPGs and wargame systems.

The only sign of a possibility as far as I can tell

Well hopefully that's the case then. I disagree with some people in here who act like "ONLY MITSODA AND ORIGINAL TROIKA DEVS CAN MAKE BLOODLINES 2".
I think there's probably thousands of autistic bloodlines fans out there who are easily capable of making a faithful sequel maybe even more so than the original devs who might not even be in the correct mindset for this kind of project anymore.

>isometric RPG
>The team has the greenlit to massively overhaul Hardsuits assets however they see fit.
Are they turning bloodlines 2 into a redemption sequel?

>This rumour says The Chinese Room got the green light to overhaul the assets. The other rumour previously said the story was completely scrapped. Both have stated that Bloodlines 2 needed at least two more years in the oven.

Interesting, I love hearing about troubled developments and seeing how the end product is. Weirdly this is my most anticipated game and I have no delusions that it will be good or anything but with projects this troubled when they come out its one of two things:
>complete dogshit
>flawed masterpiece
Rarely anything in-between, that's why these ones interest me so much because its a coinflip for a new cult classic or dogshit.

Have you heard of the s&box vtmb being worked on? It's just a remaster/port of the original game, i believe, with attempts to make hubs one world as much as possible instead of having loading screens, and with lots of little stuff being touched up. Not exactly a sequel on its own, but seems like the sorta thing you're talking about.

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Not the same writer so who cares

Damn thats really cool and I would be keen to play that. Has s&box come out yet? Where can I follow this project?

What?Nobody stands up and claps at the end?

SeeWhy do you think only one autist with fingerless gloves can write bloodlines?

Interesting, I wonder if this would open up more modding potential for the game.

lol this woke garbage will be so fun to watch flop

>ex hogwarts legacy devs
Why would you hire castoff members of a team working on a game that isn't even finished yet? Its a bunch of people who quit because Rowling is problematic isn't it?

>its a bunch of people who quit because Rowling is problematic isn't it?
or its the people who were based rowling supporters who got fired. Seems more likely given Hogwarts Legacy looks pozzed as fuck.

No, and I've seen no good indications for when it will release, they keep seeming to push back the release. It *is* at least a bit more functionally there, with more frameworks for stuff like addons being made, so i'll hesitantly say it might release within this year?

as for finding it, look for atrblizzard on twitter. Now that I just checked though, I'm not sure if he's still around... seems like he hasn't posted since january. He did have his GPU die so maybe it's just that, but it seems abnormally long to be quiet for. I actually noticed it from seeing the game while scraping sandbox gamemodes being worked on off their website, but they fixed the way I was doing that so I have no idea if it's still getting updated.

welp i guess that's another one struck by the vtmb curse.

Yeah, I've been loving using source 2. You just make so much progress once you get into the flow of it, and all the tools are really well integrated with each other. I sadly don't have access to s&box but the HLA hammer editor is still quite good (though they've changed shit like how doors and elevators work in s&box, so it is annoying). Gonna be amazing for modding and mapping, it barely took me any time at all to start getting really fast with it.

Its Rowling's flavor of progressive though, racially diverse and whatnot.

fuck you brian mitsoda deserve better than this so fuck you stupid fuck and fuck you parajew!!

>Rowling's flavor of progressive though
>racially diverse

Did you miss out on the whole Black Hermione thing?


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>The Chinese Room
SJW retards

>LGBT+ pride parades in Japan
holy shit holy fuck

Rowling trying to shove 1 black character in years after the fact doesn't change that the books and movies had 1-2 black people in it. Infact I'm pretty sure in the books only 1 character is explicitly black, even dean was ambiguous.

>The Chinese Room
>SJW retards
Is this true? Can you show me some proof? I'm genuinely asking, I have no idea what they have made and I want to know what kind of hands bl2 is in.

Because he already did it once, duh
it's not even about the team beign exacly the same but writers and writing in general are soul of any project.

Chinese Room or Harebrained, which one fucking is it Yea Forums?

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John Mccormick now is a dev at The Chinese Room

>writers and writing in general are soul of any project.
and i've seen no proof Mitsoda is capable of writing anything worthwhile anymore. What has the guy actually worked on since bloodlines 1? The fact is its been almost 20 years and hes probably changed from the edge lord who wrote bloodlines 1. I doubt he would be able to do sequel justice at the current time in his life. You would need another young unknown edgy autist who loves the source material to capture the feeling of 1 again.

>John Mccormick
Looked him up and pretty much all hes done that is noteworthy is the art for fable. Doesn't seem like a bad track record. Am I missing something?


>crustpunk bar
Crusties don't go to bars, let alone own bars. They panhandle at intersections and drink 40oz of old english. Why do twitter retards larp so much?

I just checked out his twitter and seems like he bought a 3090. Weird that hes gone silent but maybe he got hired somewhere and stopped working on the mod.

Brian was picked specifically to be the marketing face but there was also the second OG writer, Chris Avellone and i think he retained alot of his old edge
But it seems that neither his or Mitsoda's work was used by Harsuits so we don't really know if it was good or bad.
I know i'd take it over whatever abomination HL was brewing.

And there's also the whole me too thing Avellone has going on so he's in a bit of a pickle.
Dunno if anything moved for him tho.

It's 100% not Harebrained Schemes. That was just some youtubers theory he put out because they work under paradox. Harebrained are working on 2 new IPs and are still to this day hiring for Unity projects only. Chinese room on the other hand are hiring Unreal Engine devs for an RPG that isn't theirs. Idk 1 doesn't make sense at all and the other lines up perfectly. It's most likely The Chinese Room.

He's the one who made up that elaborate story of shouting at his bosses and telling them all how fucking evil they were for not putting a black woman on the cover. Just the caliber of people who get hired at the Chinese room.

>there was also the second OG writer, Chris Avellone
Chris Avellone never worked on VTMB 1.

If they're basically scrapping the game completely and just reusing assets they could easily switch from unreal to unity, I doubt there is anything really about Bloodlines 2 that Unity couldn't handle.

Nevermind then, i remembered it wrongly.
I could have swear he did.

Well, he'd still make sure there would be edge in the writing.
He's a veteran writer.

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I love Dear Esther but I really don’t know if this is a good decision, if it is real. Amnesia a Machine For Pigs was an attempt to break away from walking sims into horror and that wasn’t very good. What makes them think they can handle a big rpg?

>"Paradox Interactive had prior to this considered cancelling the project, but decided to continue development with a new partner and to retain much of what had been produced for it until that point."
They aren't scrapping everything, especially not given the new turnover time is 2 years. I'll admit I don't know a lot about game development but I would assume that given Unity and Unreal use different languages that a lot of it wouldn't be easy to transfer over.

>Why would you hire castoff members of a team working on a game that isn't even finished yet?
People move between projects, user.

It doesnt matter anyway. Everyone who worked on Dear Esther and Machine for Pigs was fired. It's a brand new team entirely. It's essentially another no name team making bloodlines 2 but this time they can pretend like they have shipped games before it.

>He's the one who made up that elaborate story of shouting at his bosses and telling them all how fucking evil they were for not putting a black woman on the cover.
What do you mean "made up"? Is that a reference to the crap MS pulled with Fable 2? Because literally nobody disputes that happened.

>shouting at his bosses and telling them all how fucking evil they were for not putting a black woman on the cover
So he should, what the fuck is wrong with having a black woman on the cover?

>They aren't scrapping everything, especially not given the new turnover time is 2 years. I'll admit I don't know a lot about game development but I would assume that given Unity and Unreal use different languages that a lot of it wouldn't be easy to transfer over.

From my limited knowledge reusing assets like music and 3d models is quite easy. But having another team take over the code is often a nightmare, especially when there's poor documentation for what the code is for, and programmers love skipping that shit. I'm gonna assume the code base is new if they're changing teams. Maybe porting 3d models from Unreal to Unity is a hassle, but I doubt its impossible.

Fable 3 and it's complete bullshit story used just to virtue signal 8 years later.

Because they are both black and women. Also nobody believes that happened.

>So he should

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