Why is called "Live a Live" when the title clearly says "Live a Evil"?
Why is called "Live a Live" when the title clearly says "Live a Evil"?
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⅃ isn't a letter dumb dumb, it's a mirrored Live
shut the fuck up
Because the main character is evil and you play as him.
The man that, unironically, did nothing wrong. Seriously, I can't think another example of this applying unironically.
He did nothing wrong until he was pushed to do wrong for the misdeads done to him. None of the heroes of each chapter did wrong either, but still had to suffer thanks to his own sufferring
But, at some point, he truly "did nothing wrong" and tgat cannot be refute.
Yeah, you are 100% right on that. All of his actions prior to going full nuclear were all objectively right and just
Watch how this remake sells more than SoP, OTfags and TAfags will jump into it by the artstyle alone.
Joke's on you, I love Triangle Strategy but I love live a live a hell of a lot more and im very glad this team got to work on it over some soulless mobile UI remake like FFV and FFVI got
I heard anons saying that ignorant reviewers will rape this game but I think the favt the chapters are very sgort for modern RPG standards will play in te game favor with ignorant reviewers.
My post was against Stranger of Paradise, not TA.
My point is that I think hardcore squarefags that bought into those games already know what live-a-live is. I could be wrong though. Will probably sell at least 1 million copies like OT did
user, I am sure most of the sales OT and TA got are unironically from newfags.
Also, will LAL get a demo too? Although I can't imagine how make a demo out of this game.
You could just have the demo be the most rounded chapter of the bunch, which is the Monk or Mecha chapter id say
Whyvdo you say TA instead of TS?
Which Inheritor you choose and why?
>OT and TA got are unironically from newfags.
Nah there is no way. The people that bought into them are the ones that are more familiar with older works, especially TA and the comparisons to final fantasy tactics
>Watch how this remake sells more than SoP
You make it sound like it's a bad thing.
For SoPfags it is.
It clearly says LIVEA3VIJ though
I dont get why people jerk that game off so hard. The gameplay systems are solid but not even as good as other team ninja games, and the plot when put under scrutiny isnt all that enjoyable. Especially since it is a prequel meme game instead of its own thing.
When the official site will update? It has been 2 months.
Chaos memes are literally the only thing carrying that game.
>My point is that I think hardcore squarefags that bought into those games already know what live-a-live is.
This is true. One of my first thoughts about Octopath was actually it being some off-brand reboot Live-a-Live because the spritework looked similar and the SaGa-like "each character has their own story" gimmick but played more one-on-one like LaL's.
And I mean hey, the game had a lot of odd decisions and arguably mistakes, but I enjoyed it well enough. If absolutely nothing else, I'll always forgive it for letting me get an honest-to-god LaL remake.
Octopath was definitely good for what it was, but it was missing a bit. The gimmick didn't feel like it played a big enough role for how it was set up for, but all the individual stories were enjoyable and the gameplay was serviceable, so I can give it a pass. The fact it lead to one of my favorite JRPGs getting the recognition it deserves though is fantastic
OT tried to be LAL and failed, why the fuck the final chapter was a fucking sidequest? And the characters never interacting is bullshit though, LAL has small interactions and the team feels like a true team unlike in OT.
That's ƎVI⅃ you retard
I wish the art was done by someone with a more "SRW" style.
>I heard anons saying that ignorant reviewers will rape this game
You mean the same anons who tried to paint Metacritic as some diabolically corrupt website for giving their hyped up piece of shit game, SoP, bad reviews?
Uh, no.
Nigga got cucked so hard that turn into satan and kill everythig
>A cuck that actually takes revenge.
The NTRfags can't get off from this.
They're talking about one of the main characters, not the main character.
His chapter shows him being betrayed by everyone, his fiancee included, due to the machinations of his """""best friend"""""" and the only people who didn't betray him died or suffered a grim fate. He loses all hope and becomes the main antagonist, a demon hoping through space and time.
Calling him a NTR fag is a very simplistic way to see his story and his revenge is an empty one.
Holy live!
Fuck NTR
I like how he, somehow, can capture the spirits of his fiance and best friend and put them in the mind dungeon to suffer forever, this means he somehow cpuld break into the afterlife.
Yeah, if this game doesn't teach Yea Forums that NTR is not funny or hot then nothing will.
This is your brain on porn.
The fiance's betrayal is just the final blow; it was more about losing hope and how clinging to people that believe on you rather than believing on yourself is harmful.
I really really hope they rebalance Akira, they clearly didn't try with him because his final fights are on the mech anyway but that meant he was fucking useless in the final chapter
>You and your bro show up for a fight tournament to test your skills and win the hand of the princess
>You win
>You reassure your future wife that you'll be there for her sake as you talk, she tells you the same, and that she believes in you
>Suddenly demon lord steals her away
>Go after it with the help of two old heroes
>Find the demon and kill it, but no sign of the princess, and one of the older heroes die from sickness he was holding at bay until now
>The place starts to crumble, your bro is too late to get out and gets crushed to death
>Go back to the castle dejected, trying to figure out where your princess could be
>Suddenly the demon lord shows up in the throne room, you 1v1 him and kill him
>Turns out it was the king under an illusion spell, and now everyone thinks you went insane and was possessed by the demon lord
>Locked in jail, the other hero shows up and believes you aren't to blame, and frees you
>Everyone, even your old friends and family think you're a monster, and want nothing to do with you
>Venture back into the demon castle and explore further, reach a rock hiding the culprit
>It was your bro, was so mad jealous of always being weaker than you, and then losing the princess, he took heed to the demon's power to screw you over, and now tries to kill you
>Kill him in self defense
>Your princess was there too, except she doesn't want you to come close
>Was saved by your now dead friend, they lived together a while and he talked about his life and how much of misery he felt being always under your shadow, and that you most likely did it on purpose, not knowing the guy set up her own father's death, or that he's even dead
>Kills herself right in front of you to be with him in the afterlife
>You finally break having lost the last person who could have surely stuck by your, and then your best friend betraying you
>Become the new demon, wanting to genocide all of humanity out of sheer hatred
He didn't deserve any of this shit.
It's clearly LIVE A 3VIJ
>the man who did nothing wrong
he literally did nothing right
The other characters had someone to still rely when things when to shit, Oersted had nobody and his mind broke.
>The fiance's betrayal is just the final blow
It was the critical blow, however. Oersted could persist so long as one person believed in him, and he believed Alicia was that one.
they already said that they're fixing the problems the original had.
The worst thing is that there was atill someone who believe in Oersted: that little kid, even killed and trapped in the mind dungeon he STILL believes in him.
Until she finds that he killed her father, that's it.
She never does, ironically, she off herself before that because Oersted killed the traitor.
No, that's my point. Even if she hadn't betray him and hadn't killed herself at the mountain, her faith would be shattered once she would have found about him killing her father.
why is it called super mario brothers when the title clearly says super mario bros.?
Nakamura bros...
>Strawbow clearly tells Oersted during the tournament to give his all of he will never forgive him.
>"Waaaaaaah! Your torture me in the tournament! Oh how I suffered that night!"
This guy is unbelievable.
Look, Oersted had it PRETTY bad, but it wasn't the end of the world in any sense. He was like 20 years old, just move to the next castle town and try again. The Princess was a dumb bitch and his "buddy" was a total snake, big loss. Why does he have to go so far to attempt to rewrite history and have evil reign across every reality?
Because he was mentally ill too.
Dude, he had literally the worst day anybody can have and was barely sane at the end, Alice killing herself broke his mind and he when full Joker but without an insane laugh, the remake should add one, the final of his chapter is perfect to do it.
Just take this but imagine that Joker is Oersted and is looking down the corpses of Alice and Strawbow.
Three Jokers made The Killing Joke non-canon.
You need a godlike willpower to suffer that massive BS and even so remain sane, Oersted had a weak heart and couldn't do it.
>Implying I fucking care.
Is the scene what matters.
>caring about capeshit canon
they'll just revive and kill off whatever characters they want because fuck you infinite universes
>The princess has to like me because I won a fighting tournament
dude put pussy on the pedastal, everything fell apart for him just because some bitch didn't like him
The conversation they had before the "demon king" kidnapped hwr suggested that she did like him.
Wait, this game has NTR?
Post your protagonist for the final chapter
Is generally accepted by the Japanese that Akira is the canon main characters just because his boss statue is in the middle of the room by default.
What? That's kinda stupid when that room changes to fit whoever you picked.
But he kinda sucks.
Additionally, who did you pick as the Shin Shan Quan inheritor?
Yes, but in Oersted chapter, the room always has akira's statue in the middle.
Li because otherwise the game becomes FFXV.
Where are those Masaru edits when you finally need one?
The boxart says ライブ・ア・ライブ. Raibu A Raibu. Live A Live.
based as fuck
From a distance I thought that the 'A' was the timber wolf from the mechwarrior 3 logo so now im disappointed.
fat guy
Wait for the game toncome oit, then artists will flown into it.
What do you mean?
Is it even possible to beat Pure Odio without the ariel gear? saint Alicia has a huge attack radius and petrifies anyone it hits
>Masaru is Ryu and Domon's love child, two of my favourite characters
>Game is a mixture between JRPG and fighting games with Street Fighter being it's biggest inspiration
>Music was done by the same composure too
Wrestler will always be favourite chapter