Dark Souls 2 is better than Dark Souls 1, and I'm tired of pretending its not

Dark Souls 2 is better than Dark Souls 1, and I'm tired of pretending its not.

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so instead you pretend to be a contrarian, very rich

Actually you

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Based king.

Dark Souls 2 is better than Elden Ring.

So what's all the dispute around Dark Souls II about? I've never played a souls game before, might change since I have the original Dark Souls now, but I haven't seen this kind of contention for a game since I asked about Halo 2.

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>im a newfag explain me everything
fuck off and lurk the archive

It’s combat is way better too. DS1 is too clunky imo. DS2 hits that balance between methodical and controlled yet smooth/fast enough to enjoy

DS2 essentially filtered every normie souls fan and they weren't happy about it

>no more free easy parries on every single enemy
>no more free iframes (cuck frames)
>no more hiding behind a shield all the time
>no more instant estus healing
>no more magic=ez mode
>no more ez mode 1v1 fights
>no more ez backstabs on every enemy

You should have seen the tears from the community at the time. Almost everyone got filtered by it, and then what does fromsoft do? It remakes it (sins of the first scholar) and makes it even harder

okay, retard

retard nobody liked it because it feels and plays like absolute shit with the worst animations in the entire series

it literally just feels like lords of the fallen or some other shitty soulsclone made by diff people

Ds1 fags were really mad that they got a long game that’s hard that also had exponentially more gear and build potential than the original game.

Also something about not being able to stun lock bosses and kill them without them fighting back was removed that made 1 fags seethe . And backstab cheese was removed by making the AI react better to the player circling them

Play the games, faggot.

>it feels and plays like absolute shit with the worst animations in the entire series

Don’t run it on a windows vista laptop poorfag


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Gank basedls II

I agree, in ds2 you actually have builds and playstyles unlike in ds1 where you are either o str backstab fisher or a katana ninja flip faggot

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An insane downgrade in visual quality soured everyone on release

This(Scholar) would already be the best even without the Crown triology dlc, but with it there's no comparison. 2 is the ultimate, hardcore, epic, true adventure-action rpg. 1 is great for a single playthrough but there isn't much depth or customization, not enough ring slots and fap and havels ring are just too good, suffers with really cheesable ai that fundamentally breaks the game, and the 2nd half is bad. The controls are very jerky and sluggish as well coming from DS2. Your sidestep is slow and unresponsive plus your roll doesn't give you enough precision.

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>ever pretended having an opinion because of groupthink
>thinks he's chad
Never were, never will be

am i the only one who just doesn't enjoy these games? they feel like a job to me.

right now i've started nioh 1 (i've killed that second boss woman) and i'm really enjoying. it's so fluid and cutting is enjoyable.

when i tried ds it felt as if i should get paid for playing that game. i think it mostly comes down to how movement slow is.

ive been literally doing that to all the fucking dragons in elden ring, just on horseback.

Everyone's butthurt about Dark Souls 2 because they still haven't gotten over the visual downgrade from the network test. Don't get me wrong, it's REALLY fucking bad, irredeemably ugly by any stretch of the imagination. Supposedly, and it seems reasonable, it was due to some areas being literally unplayable on PS3/360, which I can believe considering they were so revoltingly outdated when the game came out.

Personally I think it has the most down-to-earth gameplay in the series. It felt like somebody analyzed the things which clearly didn't work in Dark Souls 1 and made efforts to revamp them, the biggest change being is that you have to actually commit in a fight. There's no infinite full-heal sippies, farmable healing items regen your health extremely slowly, the game is stingy with i-frames by default, and everything costs a good amount of stamina without being unreasonable.

Ds2 runs incredible on toasters though. Kino should be enjoyable for all!

Meanwhile, DS3 gets 25 FPS on machines exponentially more powerful then the ps4 because it’s a trash horribly optimized port

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adventure ludo

People are/were harsher on DaS2 because Miyazaki didn't work on it and instead it got handed over to some B team. Doesn't help that it just isn't a good entry thanks to
>a notable graphic downgrade
>clunky and slow combat
>extremely hideous environments that were often nothing but a bunch of cubicle rooms with ugly textures
>sloppy and nonsensical lore
>levels that connect to each other in the most awkward ways
>easy and unimaginative bosses
>aggressive boss re-use
>cheap gank fights
>boring NPCs
>ugly character creator
>stupid opening cinematic that tells you nothing and has no substance to it other than looks cool and lol you'll die

>can't parry
>can't block
>can't dodge with i-frames
>can't dodge with positioning (lol shockwaves)
>while constantly fighting a half-dozen enemies

Well that sounds just fucking awful.

you didn't actually play it. It feels different from the others but you get used to it pretty soon

Git gud

Only Elden Ring and DS3 felt like a job but I get what you mean. You aren’t supposed to force through these games. The slower dark souls games are meant to be played like RPGs or adventure games while with Bloodborne you fuck around and enjoy side content or flexing on mobs. If you focus on clearing all the bosses it becomes a chore

Man that fucking boxart is kino. Way better than the shitty western crap.

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Jap's boxart for II is also very nice, haven't found it in a higher res yet.

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>There's no infinite full-heal sippies, farmable healing items regen your health extremely slowly

Biggest fucking laugh. DS2 apologists are now DS2 reality-deniers.

Using 2 lifegems is enough self heal to tank every enemy encounter and bossfights in the entire game. 3 and the player is unkillable. DS2 apologists will really outright ignore the fact that lifegems stack and that they're so cheap it's possible to have x99 of them the entire game.

Healing was balanced much better in Dark Souls 1, which actually limited healing items, and required players to find an opening in the fight rather than being able to crack lifegems in 1/10th the amount of time in never have to look for an opening

it's the easiest and most fair one by far
>>sloppy and nonsensical lore
who cares
>>levels that connect to each other in the most awkward ways
who cares
>>aggressive boss re-use
all two of them
>>cheap gank fights
cheap how? they're manageable and fun
>>stupid opening cinematic that tells you nothing and has no substance to it other than looks cool and lol you'll die
what kind of a person criticizes a game for its opening? are you retared

>Using 2 lifegems is enough self heal to tank every enemy encounter and bossfights in the entire game
You can spam radiant lifegems and you can't outheal Burnt Ivory Knight, Sir Allone, or Sinh.

>easiest and most fair one by far
Which makes the fact that it pushes the alleged difficulty by going as far as having a monument that tracks player's death, an achievement for your first death, and characters constantly insisting that you'll die over and over again even more ridiculous.

>and I'm tired of pretending its not.
good news, you don't have to pretend

Factually incorrect and lifegems are more powerful than estus in every scenario

>characters constantly insisting that you'll die over and over again
it's a single line right at the beginning of the game

I really liked DaS2. There's more mystery to anything on it. The ambience, characters and story. all DaS are good, even DaS3, I just like 2 much more.

It's the only one i've replayed from them all.

No, and it will never be even if you make thousand of memes it will always be the same shit.

No one is pretending that the game is bad
You’re pretending that the game is good

you're a memehead


Ok, so whats wrong with Dark Souls 2?

Play Dark Souls 2 for like 20 minutes and you'll understand why people hate it. Feels like you're wading through sludge to walk or attack, it's ugly, and enemy placement is cancer

It easily could have been if they spent more then 4 months working on it.

I honestly think it is.

t. platinumed them all without summons

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You saying characters constantly insisting you're going to die over and over again. The npc's in 2 are mostly nice and caring and don't want you to die. I don't know why you'd say something so false unless you actually haven't played the game.

That's fine, man.

It feels and controls a lot better than 1 does. It's quicker and more responsive. Especially when you're locked on to enemies.
>enemy placement is cancer
Doesn't actually mean anything. I don't think it's "cancer."


Look past that beauty isn't skin deep

Now show me the metacritic score instead of the paid reviews.

And I mean the USER score.

that's a cope

Canon rating

Demons Soul 10/10
Dark Souls 1 10/10
Dark Souls 2 10/10
Bloodborne 10/10
Dark Souls 3 10/10
Sekiro 10/10
Elden Ring 10/10

You can not refute this.

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Dark Souls 2 doesn't have bad enemy placement like 1 does, does everyone just forget about capra demon?

>Dark Souls 2 doesn't have bad enemy placement like 1 does, does everyone just forget about capra demon?
Dark Souls 2 has a lot more instances of "ha ha fucking GOTTEM", and I say this fully admitting that encounter design is generally better in 2.

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Name one. I can think of a few
"haha fuck you" moments in 1, but none in 2.

Suuure mate.

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DS2 is ugly as fuck but at the same time it has some weird charm to it, like some nostalgic ps2 game. I still love it. Weapon movesets are varied. It has some lowkey really immersing mechanics like weapons actually breaking forcing you to carry a side arm, ability to lit these sconce thingies with torch, hp regen resource management (provided you aren't a pleb buying infinite life gems), best HUB in the series (its satisfying to gather up your niggas, not all of them have some depressing ending where they kill themselves), top tier dlcs, best fashion, hexes are kino. Power stancing, bonfire ascetics, bone fists, new enemy encounters in ng+2 and beyond, weapon visibly becoming damaged over time, some really cool animations like spear backstab where you impale your enemy Malenia style and toss them like a trash. A lot of good features that were simply forgotten.

Yes, the game has a lot of jank too, but some of it gets too much hate. I like how panic rolling doesn't works well in this game. Adaptability could have been improved, but it feels good to engage with enemies instead of just rolling past everything like you did in ringed city and not engaging with content. Outspacing your enemies has never been better either, you can simply walk out of a lot of attacks which kinda feels cheesy and broken at times, but its better than rollfest that is DS3. For comparison you can roll about 3-4 times by default after you start game in ds2 and 7-8 times in ds3. Admittedly movement could have been better, it feels like your character is often sliding on ice (applies to a lot of enemies too), but I can live with that.
For all it flaws, I still prefer it to DS1 and DS3. Its on the same level as Elden Ring for me.

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Name 5 nostalgic PS2 games that play alike to Dark Soul 2.

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I swear DS2 fanboys literally played a different game from me.

Basedexcept id give the demon's souls remaster a 8/10 for completely butchering the atmosphere

>It feels and controls a lot better than 1 does. It's quicker and more responsive. Especially when you're locked on to enemies.
I can't tell if you're lying or genuinely retarded. You walk slower, the roll without ADP has zero momentum or i frames, and the attacks feel like shit with no weight. Go play DS 1 again and tell me with a straight face it feels worse than 2
Can't enjoy some nice features if the core of the game is rotten
Every encounter with enemies in DS 2 leads you getting jumped by 3+ enemies, sometimes literally dropped on top of you. Capra demon is a cake walk compared to the common bullshit in DS 2

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it's a meme game that was taylor-made for reddit

Same with Demon's Souls.

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Name just 1 fucking encounter dickass.

ah yes the 10/10 game kino kino kino

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lvl your ADP bro even if it is the most bullshit skill you have to waste your levels on for the game to be playable.
Imagine having an I-frame skill to fix the games horrible hitboxes.

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Dark Souls 2 has the best main story of all of these games.
Also, it has Aldia and Vendrick. The best characters in the series.

Based enjoyer.

skill issue

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DS2 isnt a Miyazaki kusoge so I like it a lot more

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fugg :DDD

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Nope. Go back to your mud pit shit flinging contest with DS3. You aren't on the same tier as DS1.

Every souls game has this same exact problem.

Seek strength.
The rest...will follow.

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>Every encounter in the spider domain
>Iron keep samurais pincer on the bridge area
>Constant ambushes in the poison windmill by manikins or fire bitches hidden in corners
>Room with 4 sentinels and 10 soldiers in Drangleic castle
>Fifty zombies in the harbor that come buildings + the long arm fuckers coming out of corners in the top building
>Fags literally coming out from behind paintings at the manor
>Bell ringers spawn 5+ ghosts in the crypt before you even figure out the spawn points
Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head, I'm sure there's plenty more but the suffering gave me PTSD. Man DS 2 is shit

Yea Forums's animosity towards DS2 comes 100% from Miyazaki not being director, which throws idolizing fanboys into a frenzy.

Just like how any Metal Gear that wasn't directed by Hideo Kojima is instant shit no matter what. It's pure cult behavior rooted in emotion.

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For how important adaptability is in DS2
DS2fags cant adapt to any other game

Thank you, was that so hard? I just assumed you were a dick-in-ass that just parrots what everyone else says without even thinking.


Dark Souls 2 was so soulful. Fun gimmick weapons. Hard Mode covenants. Challenge mode rewards.

all Metal Gear games are shit because they are Metal Gear

I don't particularly like DS2 either but you're right. As soon as it was found out Elden Ring was co-directed by Tanimura the opinion here shifted a bit

It's funny because all of this stuff gets blamed on people other than Miyazaki. Like the fucker had no control over the second half of the game, it's cultist fanboy cope.

If 10/10 is just you enjoying it then I cannot otherwise none of them are anywhere close to a 10

more like reddit souls fags can't play actual action games

>creates an immersive and groundbreaking dungeon crawler 1 year and 6 months BEFORE Doom

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>I didn't play the game but I want to be popular and regurgitate what i've seen other people say

oh nonono he doesn't know about the torch
>iron keep
can lure them one by one, the only problem are archers but you can trivialize them with poison arrows
they only attack you in pairs at most
>drangleic room
can easily fight all of them one by one and its easy to disengage them
>paintings at manor
they literally attack you one by one if you're talking about aldia keep
>bell ringers
just destroy the statues

name 7 more!

>roll directly into a 6 feet big sword thrust
>"uh moommy why did i die!! artificial difficulty!"

>not speccing into based adaptability
clearly its your fault

Only one that wasn't directed by Kojima and is disliked is PooPs. Everyone likes MGR (only counting people that played it).
Hideo and Kojima are both bad directors however the best games had other people that told them to shut the fuck up.

>You walk slower
You don't walk slower. Greater than 25% equip load and you move slow as shit and your sidestep is sluggish and much slower than it is in 2 across any weight class.
>roll without ADP has zero momentum or i frames
ADP doesn't govern momentum? I don't know what you're talking about. Drop your equip load and you can roll further than you can in 1, and away from attacks. You'll recover faster too than you could in 1 past 25%. It also speeds up stamina regen to free up more actions. iframes also don't affect how smooth or fast the game is either. iframes trivialized DS1 and the fast roll was goofy looking cartoonish shit. There was way too many. And plus even 3 adp has iframes.
>Go play DS 1 again and tell me with a straight face it feels worse than 2
I am playing it right now. Back and forth between 1 and Scholar and 1 feels much worse. 2 is a lot smoother. You don't get the jerky breaks between actions like you do in 1. Everything in that game flows a lot better.
>Every encounter with enemies in DS 2 leads you getting jumped by 3+ enemies
It really doesn't. You're rushing into areas because you're adhd and impatient. You're triggering traps and ambushes because you have bad awareness and don't know the enemy placements. It's punishing you for playing bad. Sounds like pretty good enemy placement and calling it "cancer" is filtered cope.

Godskin noble's instant transition into a rolling ball of death is literally something out of my childhood nightmares. I don't know why it's so fucking disturbing to me.

>>roll directly into a 6 feet big sword thrust
Never happened

The funny part is that you can dodge literally every pursuer attack without rolling or blocking
So it literally is a skill issue

Still my favorite game. Will be doing another playthrough very soon, maybe start it today in fact. Any build suggestions fellas?

i miss it

Do you seriously thing dark souls fanboys have even played King's Field? They don't even recognize Zin's name in the credits. As far as I was concerned, Zin and other senior devs and programmers was completely adequate as a replacement to Miyazaki

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Lol mimicfag got btfo

>Hideo and Kojima are both bad directors

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2>1>3, scholar is a badly made mod and you should feel bad for enjoying that garbage.

>none of them are anywhere close to a 10
Nice opinion bro. You will grow up eventually

>the game works perfectly fine if you just never block or roll

I wouldnt say that but its always been a good game that had some good ideas
I mean even elden ring took some notes bringing back some mechanics from 2

its horribly rushed, flawed and unfinished (more so than the usual from standard) then some bong made a video simping for the game and it became the cool new contrarian opinion to prove youre not an npc

>>>roll directly into a 6 feet big sword thrust
>Never happened
imagine if every single dark souls 3 baby would be put in any mass scale sword fight
their chests would be penetrated by a longsword and all they would do is scream "SHITTY HITBOXES! UNFAIR ENEMY PLACEMENT!" while coughing up blood and dying

>I am playing it right now. Back and forth between 1 and Scholar and 1 feels much worse.
Same. I forgot how bad ds1 controls are. You can only roll to the sides which feels shit.

>its horribly rushed, flawed and unfinished
So just like Elden Ring then

Don't suck? I don't know what to tell you...

I'm tired of pretending you're a woman so it seems we're at an impasse

>Room with 4 sentinels and 10 soldiers in Drangleic castle
The room where the enemies are statutes and only depetrify when you walk up to them? You really ran around the room, not thinking, and awoken every enemy there and that's your evidence of "cancer" enemy placement? Wow. So yeah it's 99% you walking into scenarios and triggering shit through your own actions and getting punished for it. Maybe they should have just not had enemies period so you wouldn't have to be observant of your surroundings.

ER also sucks, but I'm pretty sure it the dragons at least have some sort of legs-moving animation which is what is lacking in most das2 enemies

On any legitimate scale the highest the series gets is a 7.

retard pvp faggot

>real life
You wouldn't be forced into a shitty roll that makes no sense, you could just sidestep it

same could be said for your game
all it had to do was not suck
but here we are

You right 7 out of 7

>It feels and controls a lot better than 1 does
holy fuck fucking no you are retarded
imagine thinking being locked to a grid is better than anything
literally plays a pre-analogue stick ps1 game where they had to make 3d games work with a dpad

I actually like ds2 but at minimum the game REQUIRES either a custom deadzone set up or a third party program to make it tolerable

>you can now parry more bosses than ever
>horrible hitboxes shoehorn players into either putting points into ADP stat (retarded nonsense) or pretending their character is twice as large as they actually are because hitboxes are that terrible
>made a game about being a fantasy knight into a game about being a dual katana using anime reject
>returned to farmable healing items despite that being a chore for anyone that ever got stuck on a boss. thankfully you never, ever run out so go ahead and facetank every boss fuck it
>magic is still easy mode except pyromancy is cucked because from has no clue how to scale it
>gank squads are trials of patience more than anything, if you get bored of the fight and try to hurry it up you lose, instead wait ages for openings to boss fights that clearly had 0 effort put into them
>enemies can now rotate the floor beneath them to track you 360 degrees midswing
of course 2fags know all of this, they only like 2 for its pvp. you have to be a retard to love 2 and you have to be a retard to love souls pvp so it's a perfect match

Cancer enemy placement is such a fucking lousy argument. enemies are so fucking easy in this game except for shrine of anal

>its SUPPOSED to be shit!!
lmao DaSfags

You're on the wrong side of history.
So when do you dilate?

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like clockwork, ds2fag are like programmed drones repeating the same like of code

tell that to a roll souls 3 player
he would do the same thing like in that pursuer gif LOL

I miss DS2 ultra greatswords. That rock crushing sound as you swing it around was kino.

I see, this is why dark souls fags dont like playing other games, they only know how to do one thing over and over and when presented with a different way of handling something, they sperg out.

hitbox design hasn't changed in any of the games, yawn, go find something better to do with your time, retard.


Finally taken off the reddit goggles have we?

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How can you tell if someone is a DS2 fan?
Oh, don’t worry, they’ll tell you.


they lied about the game literally until release.

ok, so you admit you only play dark souls and lack problem solving skills.

is completely fine


>claims to have problem solving skills
>can't solve whats wrong with DS2

>Mobs don't pose any threat in 3 because they'll never touch you if you decide to just roll past them. I skipped most of the late game areas this way. There's a stairway in ringed city with half a dozen fat fucks and annoying spellcasters I just rolled through because i couldn't be bothered. Rolled past that swamp too. Do that in 2 and you'll run out of stamina quick and cope about gank squads because you aggrod every enemy in the level and got yourself cornered, oh and cope about not being able to iframe through fogwalls too.
dark souls 2 is the only game in the series where its sometimes easier to just kill things in your way, rather than running past everything.
not having i-frames during every action is so nice since it puts you in situations where you might have to play the game.

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yeah let's see what the footage has to say about that. ok, youtube's open, let's see "dark souls 2 hitboxes" yep this one looks good
not even going to watch it because i actually played that shitty game so i've seen it all before

I'm not locked to a grid. The deadzone only matters when you're just barely walking. So running around exploring, or in combat, the game has the same full movement as ever. It plays a lot better than 1 because it's a lot more responsive. You have better control of your roll and your sidestep when locked on is a lot faster. That's before bringing up the delayed input queuing in 1 which is atrocious. Your character will just do things 5 seconds after hitting the button. That doesn't happen in 2. That to me is a lot more important than how the deadzone is when you're just barely tilting the stick.

stay mad for all time

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>hitbox design never changed
>adaptability changes hitbox design

that would be a really great argument if it were true at all

sasuga shitposter kun

I'm playing through SotFS again, been powerstancing maces and murdering my way through everything. Just finished the shrine of amana.
Fixing the absolutely horrendous movement deadzones off the bat made the game feel 20 times better to play. The game is just as ugly in many places as I remember but I'm still having fun despite the complete lack of online.

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Sorry I don't have any advice on when you should pry your rot wound open and expel purge fluid, I'm too busy enjoying the classics like Dark Souls 1.

that's not what I've said or implied brainlet
Pvp was never good. It was never the main focus of the series. Retards that play these games for pvp are literally shiteaters.
The fun of the online comes from chaotic bullshit invasions, and not muh honorable duels
Though I'll admit that das2 is the one with the most enjoyable pvp. But it doesn't make it much better since these games are single player exploration action rpgs first and foremost, and 2 is literally shit in this regard

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>they are just didn't put points into adaptability
>this in no way reflects poorly on the game only the players

Mad because bad, and get new material

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Man you're retarded. I hope your transition goes well.

you can jump around like that?

you've gone full contrarian

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Hello fellow DS2 chads, I hope you will have a good day

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>le crazy anime move gives 50 iframes
wow huge surprise from the worst game in the series. so this is "gitting gud" huh? lmao

thats the L2 when you powerstance the majestic greatsword, i think

>has literal broken movement and controls
>"It's ok, it's supposed to be broken and shit :)"

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sad to say this journey to becoming a woman is one you'll have to embark on your own

dark souls 1 is like that

dark souls 2 is also the best looking game despite it having n64 woods

>shitter going for backstabs gets to eat his own shit
lmfao, eat shit retard

It might be really rough for you right now, but I'm sure with enough hormones and an operation or two you can have the lesbian girlfriend of your dreams.

all dark souls games have bad graphics, but ds2 had worst art direction, still somehow managed to have best fashion though

everyone in that vid is going for backstabs, lol

The hitboxes in this series piss me off not because they're amazing or because they're awful but because they'll vary wildly from awful to perfect in the same game, hell even in the same fight. At least if they're consistently awful I can play around that but how can I when its a 50/50 chance if the hitbox is amazing or awful and I have to correctly guess which it is

DS2 fags will eternally seethe over people not enjoying their shitty janky game, imagine spending your time like that kek

>Arcadey Need for Speed Combat
>Sim iracing combat

you just have poor taste user, going just by art direction 3 was by far the worst.

>>has literal broken hurtboxes
>>"It's ok, it's supposed to be broken and shit :)"

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dark souls are such babies
just say anything good about dark souls 2 and they shit their pants kek

it's like watching a grown man beat up a toddler

you just described adaptability

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>doesn't like game
>still enters threads about said game 8 years later

you didn't level up adaptability

well fought DS2tranny but we'll have to agree to disagree
at least we can both agree that Elden Ring is the worst game in the Soulsborne format and put our differences behind us

what atari game is this?

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you're alright

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2 has beautiful art direction, the game just got fucked last second when they removed all the lighting. 3 easily has the worst direction, every fucking scene looks like puke

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It was more fun but the theme of the first game along with its overall story was more interesting. I really liked the last boss, it really sold the entire game to me. Dark souls 3 was pretty neat with their ending, obviously the final boss is intended to be your original character in the first game

congrats, you found 1 of the 2 bosses in Dark Souls 1 with poor hurtbox design. Now can you find the other?

ughhh Miyazaki fanboys...?

nice to find another user with functioning eyeballs.

You see this? THIS is the crypt blacksword. It's one of many perfectly viable ultra greatswords in das2.
So tell me miyazaki worshippers, it elden ring is so great, why are ultra weapons almost unusable?

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There has yet to be a final boss better than Gwyn in these series. It’s sooo simplistic and there’s a lot of emotion to stir in the player. At first your ready for a really tough opponent, then the music plays and you guys square off and slowly throughout the fight you realize he’s totally weak, and then by the end of the fight you realize that will be you

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I mean just look at this puke versus a moving deep ink painting

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And then they totally undermine the entire structure in 3 when the soul of cinder is full blown warrior hybrid mage that still remembers all the tricks up his sleeve and can go toe to toe with yourself

I died like 20 times to gwyn lol.

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This is like looking at a toilet, and this is 60% of your dark souls 3 experience

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The lighting in 2 is beautiful. Damn what happened to it since? Not even Elden Ring looks like that. And plus the torch goes out when you enter water. It's been waterproof ever since. What a shame. This series lost its principals.

>imagine thinking being locked to a grid is better than anything
Niggers like you probably don't even know that DS1 dodges were limited to 4 directions when locked on and DS2 was the first one to lift that restriction.

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For me its Pursuer UGS

Holy shit dark Rollz 3 was such an abomination on both a visual and gameplay level it astounds me that Yea Forums ignores it's flaws and lasers in on 2.

gorgeous. so colorful

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I just hit 50 str and +10 weapons in dark souls 2, what should I do for the next power spike?

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stunning, truly stunning

Fume Knight is my favourite Dark Souls boss of all time. He's Artorias but better in every concievable way. It's a shame we get awful bosses like Malenia who feel like they're from the wrong game, with ridiculous attacks like the 8 combo waterfowl that looks like something out of Genshin Impact.

I can see why people complain about enemies ganking you in DS2. My first playtrough was painful was fuck, but when I played the game for second time I weirdly enough started enjoying it more. Now its my favorite game in series next to Elden ring.

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Ring of blades +2 :^)
make it x and cast the "x" weapon spell on it

good thing no one was talking about rolling then

Isss okay

being locked is better for gameplay because the shit game is reliant on stick thin platforms. dumb fuck. imagine falling off a bridge cause you pushed the stick 5 degrees left instead of perfectly straight. DS2 movement fixes this.

Dark Souls 2 is fun, but without online services it's tedious.
Bosses are easy, and more often than not you will spend a lot of minutes searching for good places to camp and snipe foes from afar with sorcery or arrows, unless you want to be gang raped.

I like DS2 but the fags defending it are insufferable.

For me its the ultimate chad - Smelter demon
Killed me so many times I know his moveset perfectly. Was pretty comfy to replay the game and to go through both of these cancerous runs (to standard one, as well to the blue one) just to kill both of them on first try

You can still run past just about everything. Yes, that includes the door in Iron keep

it's not the iframe that is the problem, it's the fact that a game that doesn't bother to explain itself, tells you to man up and figure it out on your own, still has even in elden ring many cases of things that can simply not be justified other than it being a mistake, for example shockwave hits

Nah, this game is fucking unplayable without a deadzone mod


I unironically agree. Anor Londo and a handful of bossfights are the only highlight of Dark Souls. Everything else in the game is a terrible slog in retrospect and the game overall doesn't measure up to any that follow it.

kek this is literally the catacombs in elden ring

imagine falling off a bridge because you wanted to go 5 degrees left but went perfectly straight

I'm back, with new hardware, and this thread is FUCKING pathetic. Kill yourself, brownie

Good thing there are no curved platforms then isn't it, retarded fuck.

yea, imagine, because this never actually happens

dark souls 2 sucks and i'm tired of seeing your threads

no mans wharf is dark souls at it's absolute peak

I dont know why, but lighting all these sconces in ds2 areas was satisfying as fuck to me, maybe its autism

90% less gankshit and better placed bonfires and it would be the perfect souls game

sotfs added in that lighting all the sconces in the Gutter wakes up a witch who gets pissy and invades you

If it wasn't called dark souls it would have gotten a 6/10

man ds2 sure looked like shit at the time but it sure is aging well

It's pretty simple
>known plagiarist miyaHACKi creates a game
>game gets a cult following
>sequel gets released
>the plagiarist isn't the director
>it's superior to the original
>everyone enjoys it more than the first one
>gets better reviews than the first one
>emotionally invested fanboys and contrarians pretend that it's bad and seethe about it in their containment website 24/7
You'll notice that when DS2 Chads are critiquing DS3 for example they always remain cool, calm and collected because they have no emotional involment whatsoever but when it's the other way around you'll see how angry and emotional DS1 and DS1 part 2 (AKA DS3) stans get

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>its okay when ds2 does it

yeah and Yea Forums would've loved it

>You'll notice that when DS2 Chads are critiquing DS3 for example they always remain cool, calm and collected
You guys want to see a DaS2fag meltdown? Watch this

I play it just fine without mods. Sounds like your problem.

where's he meltdown

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>cut content

Replayed the game recently killing all the bosses as str chad. Playing offline was kinda soulless but oh well
I played with covenant of champions but I dropped it after being two shot by Velstadt repeatedly kek. Honestly I really like playing with covenant of champions until the lategame. I mostly liked the part where it made pushover bosses tankier, it legit took me like 5 minutes to kill Freja, the spider thingy boss but it kinda got tedious later on with overinflated damage done by enemies
Weirdly enough I was able to beat entire Sunken King dlc while dying just once (to gank squad ofc), also killed fume knight with no deaths
10/10 was fun

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Name a single video game with no cut content.

yep, this guy has sex

Isn't that the dude that made an 8 hour long essay video telling how wrong you are for enjoying a videogame, yeah I feel pity for him.

Alley Cat

Now name a game that has 9/10 or better, considered best in series, with a rabid cancer fanbase that has lost at least 25% or more of it's content before release that isn't dark souls 2.

romanian steal haha albanian too dumb to steal

What I see is you fuming because people like the game.

Dark Souls 2 will always be the retarded black sheep of the series

Kojimchads can't stop winning

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Halo 2.

>it's the fact that a game that doesn't bother to explain itself
No its that no matter your build. Everyone has to pump ADP to have a functional character. It takes an action mostly based on reflex, which the devs always know has 3 variations and the fat roll is enough for any encounter. And makes it into one about pumping a stat till you are invincible, where the devs have no idea what level of ADP you'll have so had no idea how to balance around it.

All the games have had you just have to know things. Yet this one is especially hated as it locks up basic functionality. Lacking a damage stat means things take longer and defence stats change how vulnerable you are. ADP is all about making the game recognise your reflexes.

People like eating shit too. Doesn't mean it's the best thing ever.


>People like eating shit too.
Who does, you?

>if I say kek, the undeniable argument won't count!

this would be a powerful argument if there were any truth to it

>implying eat ass isn't a meme

I thought you were joking and the last thing I would do is defend halo series. But if you are going to be that assblasted please cite a source saying halo 2 lost 25% or more content before release.

if you are going to be that obsessed please cite a source saying Dark souls 2 lost 25% or more content before release.

dark souls 1 has not aged well. dark souls 2 is at least a finished game in all its slapshod jank.

>he doesn't know about Halo 2's development

I never said it did, I just pointed out that the answer can't be dark souls 2

Dark Souls 2 is unfinished
Dark Souls 2 is jank
Dark Souls 2 is ugly
But despite all this
Dark Souls 2 is pure soul

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>he can't prove it because it didn't happen
stay mad.

Gold star, retard.