Why was FF7 so good?

Why was FF7 so good?

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It actually wasn't, the internet has been lying to you this whole time.

It has crossdressing and BBC.

It hits a very good balance between development and pacing that most games don't reach plus materia was a great progression system

because I was 15 and impressionable when I played it.

This game boomed during the primitive internet era in a partially globalized world.
You have no clue what the fuck you're talking about. I'm guessing you weren't even born when this game was out

Because turn based mega bloks characters are the peak of what the PS1 was capable of in 1996

Why does Aeris look like Tina


kys you fucking faggot

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I'm 30 and played it for the first time last year because I never had a psx as a kid and never bothered with it until recently.

It was an amazing ride. I don't care about the plotholes. It oozes soul and I was immersed all throughout. I would say the game has a great sense of pace and variety of situations. Specially the beginning is just brilliant. It spits you right into the action with a kickass soundtrack and characterises very well each character so you want to know what happens to them.


>why was FF7 so good

The game was a quantum leap. Its like 5x better than anything that came before it. Like the best game was baldurs gate or something when FF7 came out. One would assume FF7 came out like a decade later when looking at them these days. Its way more advanced.

>the BLACKED cucks are hiding behind third eye again and raiding Yea Forums
>mods and jannies do nothing

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Look at this nigger

VII was the first modern JRPG so to speak and it was also the first JRPG to massive success in the west

Movie game for retards
Popular because braindead easy in an era where kids were beating "Crash Souls"

>cool attack animations
>cool summon cutscenes
>great story
>lots of combat variety
>great boss fights
>great music
I got filtered twice by it but once you get to Shinra tower it becomes kino

>I'm 30 and played it for the first time last year
Same. It was good.

>porn stars charge more for blacks

It's great if you love wasting hours of your time grinding. The game was fine for its time I guess but it's complete garbage by today's standards.

What? Are you saying the game is too difficult if you dont grind to level up?

I never really grinded. The encounter rate is too high though. I would go back and get enemy skill abilities after getting manipulate though. Particularly beta, big guard, white wind.

good ost
nice visuals
brand new technology

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How come? Its a common complaint here that its press x to win and that holds up on every other arpg and rpg that are made today. I can understand if its a graphical thing,sure the blocky models are outdated but that was 1997

Like 99% of turn based RPGs it just comes down to how large your numbers get, which you achieve by just wasting your time doing monotonous battles over and over again. A decent story is not worth dozens of hours of dog shit gameplay

The blocky models are kinda charming. I miss people embracing the limitations of tech to create a style. Now there's too much hyper-realism bereft of soul/style.

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I dont remember it being that hard bro. Pick up just a few good items and I dont think you need to grind. Ill admit its been a long time but usually these games are beatable with just some strategy and a few good items.

>dog shit gameplay

I guess thats our main disagreement. I prefer turn based to the new final fantasy games. Being able to play with one hand is part of the appeal of the games for me. I think going to real time was a huge mistake and its the reason everyone misses FF 7 8 9 10

Let's be honest for a second. If FFVII didn't have such amazing soundtrack, it would never be so fondly remembered.

It was everyone's first FF

It was a very personal story and it showed.

The remake was better overrall desu

Shut the fuck up and literally die in a fire. Troll

British Broadcasting Company?

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I didn't like it, they started to make the combat animations longer and that made the combat to drag on

It was a first in many regards, and it was the culmination of many skilled people doing what they do best.

Isn't the remake still fighting to even make it halfway in the story?

>he needed to grind
kek, the only part you have to grind for is the emerald weapon fight which is completely optional

ambition + music + new platform + waifu simulator
came out at the perfect time. also it's one of the few games where you can see where it's massive budget went, I think they had super bowl commercials for it

wrong, FF was my first FF

It wasn't. You just played it as a child.

>Its like 5x better than anything that came before it
Its not even better than the final fantasy that came before it.

The characters, story, and world.

Also the tech was amazing when the game came out. While I still think it is one of the best games of all time I know that timing had a lot to do with its popularity.

Fuck off fetishist, based Barret deserves better than to be associated with you single digit IQ spambot pisscord trannies.

Every part of the game was beautiful and meaningful. A true 11/10.

>All these bitter faggots saying it's only nostalgia
I played it for the first time two years ago and it's my favorite FF. I would've gotten utterly lost in this game as a kid. The worldbuilding, characters, materia system and music are some of the best the series has to offer.

Barret was unironically a Chad and deserves more respect than the homosexual obsession you Reddit trannies associate with him.

It isnt fighting. It is taking its time to let the dust settle as it moves forward.

The remake is better.

loads of character animations that embrace the limitations the low poly modes and gives each character personality
good use of sound effects that can create otherworldly atmosphere
load of actual fun minigames
loads of optional side content
certain situations means your actions have actual consequences.

What happened to not feeding the trolls?

Literally same. I had a small bit of knowledge in that I knew Aerith dies but I always thought Bizzaro Sephiroth was the final boss.

Like legit for years just assumed that was the end then I killed him and One Winged Angel came on.

This is either b8 or you haven't played any other FF games.

How is New Threat? I was thinking of using it when I get round to replaying it

it still has my favorite cast ever. even the most forgettable members have their moments like Cait Sith watching Cloud slap the shit out of Aerith
I got my best friend to play it a year or 2 ago and he loved it
>One Winged Angel came on
the spectacle of that song is insane since you never hear a voice in the game until the final boss has a chorus speaking Latin

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this isn't fark, dude. we love feeding them, here

Fucking amazing, I really enjoyed it. Turns into a whole new game and you really need to think about what you're doing. Don't make your characters into hybrids, specialise in magic or melee or you'll get raped at the end

PS1 was babbys first console for a generation and FF7 was babbys first rpg

They aren't trolls, they're cultists trying to proselytize. Like bronies back in the day, but way gayer.

oh, same. bit younger. I thought it had great atmosphere but the endless crappy minigames turned me off. the translation is undeniably shit too, though it has its charm. Also I think the materia combat system is a great idea in theory but to me there wasn't enough to distinguish individual party members from each other, and just slapping enemy skill on everyone and slorping up the most op abilities turns the combat into a pretty one note slog. I'm going to say I overall didn't like it. the best part is definitely just the slew of awesome 90s cgi prerendered backgrounds

actually pretty tough but the mod bugged out and skipped a huge part of the 3rd act.

Its just shitty fanfiction. Dont bother

At least try to be less obvious, dev-kun. Your shitty fanfiction will never be good.

I don't remember it making any changes to the plot whatsoever, it's a rebalancing mod. Are you mentally ill?

>changes the script and translation
Fuck off dev-kun

It really wasn't. It was the beginning of the end and showed people didn't really care about the actual quality of RPGs as much as they did marketing and memes.
At least the series went out with a bang thanks to IX.

I just checked and you're correct, some scenes were tweaked or retranslated. I've played this game dozens of times and didn't even notice, so I'm just gonna conclude you're mentally ill.
Also FF7's original translation is fucking trash and I'd recommend scrapping the entire thing and playing with the Reunion retranslation anyway

I don't understand the high praise for IX, it was good but combat was worse than VII(and way too slow), story goes off the rails in the final hour and never really takes off to begin with

>accepts hes a dev
I knew it, you bastards are remake fags as well. You poisoned my game. You are disgusting.

I absolutely did not "accept that I'm a dev", based retard. Also, mods existing does not "poison" your game, you are just unwell. Good luck!

>Attack while its tail is up!

IX does subtext on the nature of stories and the series the best it could. Combat's slow, sure, but it's far more strategic and actually has a degree of difficulty to it (unlike 90% of the series, including VII).
That plus cute little girl.

ff5 was the peak of the series

It was a rollercoaster ride of basically the coolest 90's anime/Hollywood had that was delivered in a single package. Of course, this story was later raped and bastardized by the likes of Nomura, Nojima and Toriyama into a melodramatic shounen anime.

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>and it'll counter with its tail laser!
there's no excalamation mark on your one btw

Fucking braindead zoomer faggot fucks.

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gotta be honest, i never bothered to play it

For once in my life I agree with nintenbab. FF7 is an exceptionally well paced game and it always throws new shit at your face to keep you engaged. It doesn't remain too long in melodrama and it doesn't trivialize itself too much either.

This is funny because the dog shit remake is basically a polar opposite video game. Awful pacing, melodrama, boring repetitive environments etc etc.

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anime grandpa...

FF6 is slightly better, but FF7 was amazing when it came out.

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>melodramatic shounen anime
just like the original.

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This nigga knows.

Not really no.

What an attention whore, needing to reply to everyone ITT

where's his dog?

Materia and its lore is really good, I dont think it would be as memorable without it.

>Not using magic or using the Hardedge
Not my fault a retard doesn't know how to play.

Missing the dog, Cloud is like 10 levels higher than he should be, Rufus has already been about halfway killed. I don't know how retards still fall for this in 2022.

people joke about this webm being cherrypicked but how many fights in JRPGs can be won by spamming the Attack command on all characters for all enemies?

he had to kill it and get past the shield part to make his disingenuous webm

>Not really no.
Denial isn't healthy. Nothing wrong with liking shonen anime.

Not him but I think there's something wrong with liking shounen anime. Its all shit.

it wasn't

It really shows, you pathetic faggot.

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if you're as overleveled as the webm than pretty much any fight

>I'm 30 and played it for the first time last year
I was 20 when I first beat it.
I don't know how to explain it, I just remember being thrown into the game with all the music and visuals and I felt nostalgic. I had no experience with FF7 other than that advent children movie, but I never watched it. I only saw clips of it on youtube because of AMVs.
I want to say the music really carries that game, and I hate how good it is because I can't stand the remake in comparison. A lot of tracks in the remake just sound like shitty youtube remixes. The only parts of the sound track I like are songs that were pretty much the same as the originals.

I hope 7R's apparent sequels were quietly canceled. Never forgiving them for censoring Tifa and Shiva.

>game allows the player to win fights blindfolded if you fought too much
and that's a problem

Oink oink

>he cut the part where he spammed the attack command on the dog to make the webm be shorter
>FF7tards will still defend it

I don't like how Shinra fades into the background once Sephiroth shows up. Someone as importamt to the story as Vincent also shouldn't have been optional, what the fuck

If that's how he did it, then why did he omit it? It would have only helped his point. He must not have done it like that, then.

Kino midi techno ost
Cyber/steampunk aesthetic
Nomure at his best
Fun relatable characters
Awesome active battle system
Weird ass memorable sidequests
Masterpiece summon sequences

Like even the character art for the menus was amazing. It has aged a lot but the stuff I mentioned above is eternal and was completely mindblowing in 1997.

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>Missing the dog
Which you'd have to kill by spamming like in the webm
>Cloud is like 10 levels higher than he should be
>Rufus has already been about halfway killed.
So the webm would have been twice its length with the same attack command being spammed.
More like it's amazing that retards still defend this embarrassing garbage in 2022, lel.

This gif is fraudulent. That Boss is accompanied by a bodyguard, which is absent in this gif. Where is Dark Nation?

>"Oh no! I've been found out to be a stupid liar! Better start calling people names!"

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Will Yea Forums ever forgive Square for leaving Nintendo?

Nah you just have embarrassing shit taste and are blinded by nostalgia. It's pretty pathetic.

Not an argument

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>the endless crappy minigames turned me off
I'm not sure how anyone could have this opinion, the game is turned based. The core gameplay is mash X until you get back to walking again.
The minigames break up the tedium and provide fresh experiences to players.
Are some of them poorly implemented? Yes. The tower defense minigame is really badly done, but none of that stuff will keep you from enjoying the actual game.
This mentality is why we have games that are 100 hours long of players doing the exact same thing from start to finish. There's absolutely nothing to break up the monotony anymore.

>I want to say the music really carries that game,
Absolutely. Uematsu absolutely carried the game on his back. All of the shortcomings in writing and graphics are made up for by exceptional music.

And like you say, the Remake butchers the music completely. The melodies are gone, instead replaced by senseless orchestra.

>posts retarded shilling argument
>receives counterargument

Most turn based fags are autistic and live in a limbo where if they arent upping those bing bing wahoo numbers, they are not playing anything.

Post him fighting the dog, then. Go on.

>There's absolutely nothing to break up the monotony anymore.
If the game is monotonous to the point you have to fill it with garbage minigames then the core gameplay is even more garbage to begin with, a common issue with FF.
Only bad games have to worry about feeling "monotonous".

It's pretty embarrassing that you're an adult in the current year and still think this outdated game is good. You're either a braindead moron with no good taste or a lying fanboy who seething because you know this game was always shit.

>Also I think the materia combat system is a great idea in theory but to me there wasn't enough to distinguish individual party members from each other
That's also the issue of the Esper system from FF6, in the end all party members feel the same with the same spells, just with a different second command but people will tend to get the most powerful/useful spells for all party members, and there's no element of choice of specialization of roles, it's just everyone gets everything, which is bland and also promotes grind

>no argument + fan art
just admit it was a having friends simulator for you to jerk off to. you don't have to keep pretending it was a good game user

>he clicked option 1 to win instead of clicking option 2 to win, what a retard!

The song crazy motorcycle chase in the remake was so fucking disappointing when I first heard it.
It's a shame because it's so fucking hype in FF7. It's so punchy and meaty. The remake doesn't do it any service.
>If the game is monotonous to the point you have to fill it with garbage minigames then the core gameplay is even more garbage to begin with
And OoT is still considered the best game of all time for how many years now?
>I dislike thing
Okay bud. Feel free to go to a thread about a game you like. I'm sure you'll have more productive conversation there.

See but replace Rufus with the dog.

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Prove it.

>And OoT is still considered the best game of all time for how many years now?
By who? An industry approved circlejerk of nostalgic casuals """journalists""" in their late 30's/40's?
What kind of nonsense is this?

tifa had sex with johny

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lol literally by every day video game players since 1998
who cares what journos think? is that really your metric for quality lmfao sad, but I guess for young kids like you, you definitely don't know better

Kill yourself, pedofag

The real issue here is that turn based combat without any sort of movement is just always shit. This includes all pokemon games and a lot of jrpga. There is just no way to make that combat style interesting

>lol literally by every day video game players since 1998
Nobody cares about OoT.
>who cares what journos think?
You since that's your argument.
Nobody but old hired pens cares about OoT.


Thete are many ways, it is just that people stopped wanting to make it interesting and its fans are just neardenthals that unironically want it to stay old and slow always

>Nobody cares about OoT.
Game just got released on PC and there more traction than ever to get the game modded.
>You since that's your argument.
>Nobody but old hired pens cares about OoT.
you brought up journos, not me so I guess its your argument

Not entirely true. PSX era dungeon crawlers like the SMT1/2 remakes get it right. Hell, the FF1 remake on the same platform VII is on does it really well.

>>he clicked option 1 to win instead of clicking option 2 to win, what a retard!
You want an option to lose?

Is this the new Morrowind stamina video?

>Game just got released on PC
It's a shitty unofficial port of a game that was emulated since decades, nobody but a tiny group of old people cares, it's all fake hype made up by journalists, the people you keep talking about.

Pokemon at least has the rock paper scissors and a whole lot of shit with abilities that can be interesting, the issue is when your game can be played with your eyes closed because the average battle is too easy to the point you can spam attack/X and win easy, it makes the game feel bland and if the average fight isn't interesting, challenging or engaging, why is it in the game?

But yes shit like positioning mattering really helps to make turn based combat interesting, the thing is when a JRPG has more elements to the combat, people end putting them in a different category, now they are Strategy RPGs. SHouldn't all turn based combat games have strategy to make the battling system good? Then people say "nonono Final Fantasy is a Light RPG, it's a different genre!", which sounds like a cope for hey this is a subset of games with shit combat and people are cool with shit braindead, tedious combat.

Some fans say, to justify how some of those games combat gets flak, that it's timeless because chess, but those games are more shallow than checkers

>It's a shitty unofficial port of a game that was emulated since decades, nobody but a tiny group of old people cares
>nobody cares!
> it's all fake hype made up by journalists, the people you keep talking about.
Once again, you brought up journos, not me lol
Once again you seem to follow journos a lot because apparently they're talking about this old game getting a port when I've never seen a single article about it. Really makes you think.
lmfao you're so asshurt over a game and I don't even know why
Was it too hard? lel

I just made a quick google search and the first page alone was just journalists talking about it, didn't even know about somebody doing such a thing, I'm also surprised Nintendo didn't send their dogs out like they usually do.
You can keep going with your circular logic all you want, you don't have any argument.
It's also interesting how you completely glossed over the original argument but I guess that's all you can handle.


>It's also interesting how you completely glossed over the original argument but I guess that's all you can handle.
You never had an argument.
You just call a game bad because it has minigames in it.
The best games of all time had stuff to break up the monotony. OoT is a perfect example of that.
You have yet to provide a counter argument other than journalists which I haven't once mentioned in my arguments until you did.
OoT is easily the greatest game ever made on a global spectrum, your personal opinion doesn't matter. And guess what, it has minigames to break up the monotony. So clearly minigames don't mean a game is bad and only add to the fun.
When you address my argument you can have a response.

>And OoT is still considered the best game of all time for how many years now?
nigger, OoT is way more entertaining to play than Final Fantasy VII, killing a shitty slime on it is more entertaining than FFVII's bland combat, it's not a case of turn based battles being bad, it's just that FF's way of doing it is

to be fair aren't OoT's minigames optional vs FF7 making you do stuff like the bike escape or the snowboarding
Not to say that either games' minigames are bad

Yeah one is turn based and the other is a 3D adventure game.
FF7 isn't bad because of minigames.
Good games also had minigames.
There's nothing wrong with minigames and the greatest game of all time has them.
You've yet to counter my argument.

>The best games of all time had stuff to break up the monotony.
Doesn't look like it when things like Minecraft exist, all the actual big, multimillion sellers aren't crammed with minigames, the actual industry defining games don't use minigames, things like DOOM didn't set the standards to whole genre because they had minigames, they did it because their core gameplay was that good and there were no issues about "monotony".
Then you mentioned OoT, a game that again, nobody cares about (not even Nintendo given how they didn't send a DCMA like they usually do for these things), FFVII was never a game praised for its engrossing gameplay, it was a moviegame that sold on graphical prowess alone, the entire series always had mediocre to gameplay.

>Doesn't look like it when things like Minecraft exist
Nigger people make the minigames on their own
Are you retarded? People make custom maps all the time.
You're so fucking dumb lmfao you BTFO yourself with your own example.

What argument, I'm not the other user, and that's why I quoted the post that really doesn't make sense to bring OoT to the discussion to me. It's a bad comparison on many levels, OoT's minigames like horse riding/racing, horseback archery, and aiming bombchus are very much a spin on activities you already to do in the game. Meanwhile FF7 it's a bunch of random shit to take people's attention that the base game is monotone shit

People make "minigames" in minecraft because the core gameplay is using functions to create systems to begin with, you are clearly mentally impaired if you can't understand something so basic, not surprising for a person who thinks FFVII is a good game.

>minigames means the game is bad!
>OoT the GOAT has minigames
You have no argument dude.

>minigames are bad
>here's this game where people are making games out of the game to break up the monotony just like I said bad games needed
>minecraft is industry defining
Okay dude. Keep going at it. You prove yourself wrong, but keep trying to convince me otherwise you're not full of shit.

I played it when I was a kid, and it had amazing graphics for the time. Now I don't permit any criticism of it, and zoomers have grown up seeing my mono-opinion everywhere without being able to question it, so they dutifully parrot it too, even if they never played the game.

I didn't say having minigames were bad, I said comparing Final Fantasy 7's stuff with Ocarina is dumb because they are nothing alike. A Link to the Past had minigames too but they were integrated with the game's activities, ie becoming good at using the bow in aLttP/OoT archery ranges helps you to kill shit faster outside of the archery range, later you'll use those skills in bosses/puzzles. Snowboarding in what is essentially a braindead turn based combat JRPG does nothing, it just is a distraction for the sake of being a distraction, so yes not all minigames are cut from the same cloth.

You don't make "minigames" in Minecraft to break the monotony, retard, you make them because the entire purpose of the game is to create complex systems out of functions, Minecraft is a game that is entirely about pushing its crafting system to the limit, it's a vehicle for your creativity, IF you wish to play it like that and not in other ways, like a survival game, or in a server with other people to run a pseudosim.
FFVII or OoT are nothing like that, you are severely mentally impaired if you do not understand the difference between these games.

>it only counts if the devs do it
Okay sweaty, whatever you say. I already knew you were intellectually dishonest so your response here was already foreseen.

Oh I bet you foresee a lot of things when you're off your meds.

And here you are still seething over a game that you never played that came out before you were born.
What's your point? If you don't like the game that much just add it to your filters.

So you have no point and your argument is that minigames aren't the same as minigames because no reason at all you just say so.
Cool. Thanks for your input. Really meaningful.

I'm 34 actually, I'm just tired to see idiots pontificate on things they know nothing about, how much does IGN pay you to say this bullshit?
No sane adult man would spout this kind of garbage without being paid.

>I'm just tired to see idiots pontificate on things they know nothing about
lmao do you open a new tab in-private browsing, read your own posts and get angry?
lmfao pure schizo energy
You're 34 and you're upset people like a game you don't lmfao act your age bud, shit like this is expected of children you should be embarrassed with yourself
don't like a game? don't talk about it
Here you are getting worked up tho because you can't beat ruby weapon and you've never seen knights of the round outside of a youtube video

of course they aren't the same, one minigame plays into what you do in the game, the other is some completely random one-note activity, sorry about your brain damage, you clearly cannot comprehend what that guy said that the minigames were distractions from a shitty tedious gameplay

notice that they never posted a webm of them fighting the dog

>Bro just keep reading my nonsense and take it as a gospel
Takes a schizo to know one, I guess.
Pretending that FFVII is a difficult "game" is the ultimate admission of mental illness on your part, really hope for you that your paycheck is fat enough to justify this pitiful show you're putting on, I dread to think you might be doing it for free.

What minigame is a turned based game going to play off of mechanically?
If you can answer that with sincerity, which I know you can't, you would have an argument.
The minigames are as much the gameplay as the turn based combat is. Complaining that the devs give you more game to play is asinine. Complaining about turn based gameplay for a game that came out in 1997 when turned based games were popular will always be a retarded opinion.
Players enjoy story driven games, and have for years. That's why Sony get shit on for movie games, but turn based RPGS are literally the prototype to those movie games.

Can I start with the remake?

>Pretending that FFVII is a difficult "game"
It's not and I never once have. Ruby weapon is easy to beat. I never once called the game hard. It's a turn based RPG, if it's too tough you grind until you beat something.
It's not rocket appliances.
Nothing I said is gospel, it's just nothing you say is important. That's why you're still seething over a game you still could never finish because it's too hard for you despite being a babby game.

That goes to almost any RPG.
Except those that have enemies leveling up with you which is retarded and makes leveling up pointless

Turn based RPGs usually don't have minigames at all, it was a japanese fad born in the mid 90's to pad playtime on low effort games with no thought put into their gameplay, such as FF, games that rely on visuals more than anything.
FFVII isn't even turn based anyway, it's ATB, and its gameplay was bad even back then.

you mean the shitty time travel sequel that shat all over the original?

>it was a japanese fad born in the mid 90's to pad playtime on low effort games
You must be on some crazy drugs if you think a developer is going to spend money to create a literal brand new gameplay loop that leagues more complicated than a literal turn based RPG.
FF7 had a massive budget at the time one of the biggest in the industry. This is how I know you're underage as fuck.
ATB is just turn based with more waiting. It's still turn based.
You don't know a single thing about what you're talking about. Underage kids please leave.


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Not every RPG has endless on-demand encounters that allow you to hit max level in the beginning via pure autismo, you know, and not every RPG can be played for a long time spamming X to confirm the same commands over and over again. Even the RPGs considered very casual like Witcher 3 and Skyrim, you cannot play that spamming the same key with your eyes closed. You can do that with Final Fantasy 7. It's a level of brain death that fans give a pass, and people who point that gotta hear that excuse that it's not made for them, which comes across as a big cope for lack of challenge that is unmatched even by what people consider the easiest games around.

It's not "the remake" it's Remake. It's a sequel. Did you even play it or did you somehow not get that?

FFVII's budget was mostly for the graphics and advertising, the gameplay is incredibly low effort and just slight tweak of the Esper system they used in FFVI, though that's not a surprise since FF as a whole is a low effort franchise.
>ATB is just turn based
Turn based games don't let enemies attack independently when you're selecting what to do with your PCs, ATB is not turn based in the slightest.
You FF fanboys are really pathetic, not only you call anyone who disagrees with you an underage, you're literally too stupid to even understand how your shitty games work.

>I still have no arguments and I'm still wrong about everything

Godtier OST and a cool setting for the time. Solid turn based system and you gain new abilities (materia, limit breaks) at a steady pace. Good character designs (although they're a bit gay these days). Lots of reasons user.

>no u
Keep screeching on Yea Forums I guess.

>i enter threads on games I don't like to start meaningless flame wars about things I don't understand
Okay ;)

>That's why Sony get shit on for movie games, but turn based RPGS are literally the prototype to those movie games.
I agree, Squaresoft is partly to blame for shitty cinematic games but they get a pass. FFVII was hyped by the gaming media for having FMV cutscenes that filled the entire CD, not because it had great gameplay.

What flame wars?
You're the one who's attacking multiple people because they're pointing out your bullshit.

>whining about ATB

Are you serious? Like genuinely serious?

those graphics have always been impressive

They fucked up the OST. It sounds great but FF7s OST was all about revealing its motif over the course of the game. They couldn't help but blurt out One Winged Angel 2 hours in.

They havent fucked up anything. The remake ost works better for remake and the og ost works better for the ost. It is just as simple as that. And before you think you can be clever, the og game is just slower, more cartoony and very static on everything it wants to do, thats why the music is like that. The only time it has dynamic, more varied music is during the cgs aka lots of camera changes and telling a story with cutscenes and not text boxes aka how remake tells the story.

"Attack while its tail is up
It's gonna counter attack with its laser"

There's no "and" you scum.

what do you mean? OG FF7 is piss-easy, you never had to grind at all

New Threat is fucking fantastic. In my opinion it's the ONLY way to replay the game after your first playthrough

Exposed as a casual for all the world to see

who cares? As long as she's coming home with me at the end of the night who really wins here?

>When you grind to like 50 and have ten All Materials maxed out because you kill thing in that alarm hallway for hours on end

I still understood not to attack while its tail was up as a 10 year old. If you get filtered by a grammatical error you're a loser.

>people reply to that guy angry over a game from '97 because it has turn based gameplay and some minigames
>somehow he's attacking people
What reality are you in?

Haha holy shit I thought I misread it but it turns out I got fucking tricked

>Statement literally tells you to attack while its tail is up.
>Second half reiterates this by making it seem as though the issue is now time sensitive.

>Use walkthrough because released in strategy guide era.
>Only grind was for Enemy Skills.


Listen how they massacred my boy

FFIX is like playing a book. If you can deal with the slow pace, it's great.

The real problem is the standard version of Oppressed People doesn't play in Wall Market
And as someone who thinks most of the remixed tracks are lame I think that's one of the good ones

I loved and I mean fucking adored XI when it released but I haven't been able to replay it because it just is that slow. Don't mind the slow paced story I mean literally the 15-20 second random encounter load times and slow ass animations.


It was too slow even for me and I like the idea of playing a book. Also felt like it had more “I don’t know where to go next” moments than any of the others. Despite being older and slightly less retarded I was lost more than 7 and 8. It was a slog to get through for me

loud vocal minority of hipsters started clinging to it once FF6 became "too popular"

Take me back there.

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