Is the end game content worth doing? I have beat it a couple times be never bothered playing that.
Dragons Dogma
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Some people may like it more than the base game. Even if you don't enjoy the grind, it still adds a good story, has some great encounters, music and level design.
What's the endgame content in Dragon's Dogma? Bitterblack Isle?
You could apply that to both BBI and the Everfall
It's kind of sad that BBi effectively made the Everfall pointless outside of seeing what it's about
i liked the "base" game much more desu.
I didn't care too much. Beat the new unique bosses and did the ending, then jumped straight into new game + to do BBI.
Defeat Daimon (final boss of BBI) twice and you can consider the game beat. I like Dragon Dogma but to me 70% of the game is worthless. BBI is where most of the fun is.
The transition from Everfall and BBI feel awkward. You can't just go in and start grinding BBI after finishing Everfall.
It's like there's a pre-grind to the post-game grind, which turned me off from the game in the end.
>You can't just go in and start grinding BBI after finishing Everfall
That's exactly what I did every time.
I have so much trouble with this game. I just finished the wyrm hunt and I slowly stopped playing again. When does it get challenging? Hard mode is too absurdly hard and normal just feels like we're breezing through everything. Also is it worth doing every little quest?
As did I.
I would have liked BBI a lot more if it was less cramped copypaste hallways and more like the last city level, or Duskmoon Tower areas.
Not that I think it's bad overall, it's fine as hell.
For most people BBI is a huge difficulty spike. If you know how to game the damage system it's no problem, but anyone who's been playing the game normally is going to have issues.
DD is a game of big difficulty spikes and then long periods of relative ease until you get to BBI and then it can always jack you up unless you're abusing exploits
No user don’t do every side quest as they’re mostly time waster that give garbage rewards , you’ll just get burnt out like i did. Only a few of them are worth doing. The most important one is the Fournival quest which will give you access to usable items that make you OP. Keep Fournival alive. Other than that i guess there is the questline with the village girl which will give you the marriage ring. The marriage ring is a guaranteed way of avoiding to have sex with the blacksmith. Anyway the meat of the game is the Everfall and BBI which are after the main quest’s final boss (though you can get to BBI before but i don’t recommend it) Try to get there.
That's because you're meant to do
>offline ur-dragon
>bitterblack isle
>online ur-dragon
Though the last one is pointless. BBI feels way better with the offline Ur weapons.
BBI can push your shit in until you acclimatise to it.
Granted, it's often achieved with cheesy shit like a literal mystery nigga teleporting in and nothing personneling your pawns forcing you to reset your run.
I don't really know what your problems is, usually on BBI 1.0 I only run from death and early gore cyclopes. The rest is entirely doable. It's certainly harder than the Everfall and the wakestones farmed from that place are needed. But that's somewhat expected.
This is wrong because BBI didn't exist in the original DD but the Ur-Dragon did
>started a new game
>very early, still only level 12 or so
>"your pawn has returned"
>get 120k RC
W-what kind of service did they have my loli provide for such payment?
How do I get offline ur? Does he have his own room, or do I need to disconnect?
How many nuts did she recieve?
Thanks anons, firin' it up. I've got a lot of play time for being just after the wyrm hunt but I have literally started and restarted the game multiple times after getting burnt out. Gonna truck the main story and dabble with a bit of the side quests.
>do I need to disconnect?
2 I think
Oh, I never did that. The gear you get from Gregori is well and good enough for BBI. Think I only killed online Ur twice, once in 2016 just to have done so, and once recently as I streamer I had on the background saw that it was close to die.
It did help that /mhg/ kept posting whenver Ur was low back then
Yes, and?
BBI was made after the fact to fit in where I put it.
Everfall and the post-dragon world is high tier kino and I'm sad that every new player rushes BBI
If you're getting burnt out THAT quickly, I'd say you have ADHD brain.
And I don't mean that insultingly exactly, just make a very fast playstyle to suit you. Make a tiny loli, and play either strider or magic archer. You'll love it.
You can even play MA without using the bow, and that's fun as shit too thanks to Immolate.
Yeah same, it's just a pity there's nothing to DO out there.
>everfall has like 9 rooms and enemies respawn REALLY fucking slowly for its tiny size
>outside in the world there's one wyrm and one wyvern, nothing else of remote interest at all
Welp, guess it's BBI then.
am I the only one that thinks dragon's dogma would have been better as a turn-based game?
Finding and fighting all these stray dragons was great, just wish the entire overworld did change, not just a few specific places.
Bitterblack is basically a huge dungeon crawl, if you enjoyed those parts of the game you will enjoy it too. It's also more challenging than the base game
What the FUCK
>climbing enemies
>all these real-time interactions like stunning a massive enemy and trying to make it fall down
>steering harpies
>jumping off the cyclops face JUST in the nick of time
>literally the entire way every dragon fight and Daimon work
Is there a reason to do BBI in ng+ instead of end of ng?
I just bought this cheap because Ive heard so much about it over time from so many different people
What am I in for?
Imma start a sorc playthorugh, want to team up with some tank pawn.
Best idea would be fighter, but what inclinations? medicant so he uses buffs/shieldtaunt and then focus smaller enmies so they dont climb?
Also how I online pawn renting going atm? Wondering If I should just cheat in bestiary knowledge.
No, but you should be doing BBI twice in the same NG.
Don't use fire or ice against goblins, they resist those
Wolves always show up alone
Don't bother with the stuff the blacksmith sells, none of it is good
If you want to get to Gran Soren you'll have to go out of the roads
Anyone playing with mods? Wondering how good that world difficutly is, maye coupled with more rewards to make side quests more intresting and some way to get more RC
i bought this game on sale but i stopped playing it because i hate killing endless amounts of animals in games. just give me humanoid or insectoid enemies for god’s sakes. it hurts my heart to be forced to hurt majestic animals that are just trying to live their little lives.
Wrong again.
When Dark Arisen released you had a good chunk of DD players who had level 200 characters that had beaten online Urdy multiple times. Even Urdy weapons are weaker than level 1 cursed gear. BBI was the new endgame content, as demonstrated by people throughout this thread agreeing on that.
Last one, this one contains mechanics spoilers but might get you hyped.
Well, yeah. But you're not fucking expected to do solo online Ur dragon before BBI these fucking days, retard.
Just take a fighter pawn from other arisens. That's what this entire system is for. Make a sorcerer or mage pawn yourself, who doesn't get shit behavior and inclinations from you staying back and channeling spells.
Also, medicant is a shit inclination that creates unfavorable behavior, just like guardian and nexus. You want the pawn to stay away from you, drawing enemies towards himself. Loot for scather/mitigator/utilitarian.
I prefer scather/challenger with a couple of pioneer potions on the side to increase his "leash" distance.
Pioneer does make a pawn run off to hoover up random loot or mine at all the worst possible moments, though, so take care not to overdo it.
Not him but why twice?
Something you might not be into if you don't vibe with the aesthetic and second-to-second gameplay
People getting filtered in the first few hours because they don't like the early pacing or balancing or just bounced off the basic mechanics is a very common occurrence
No one "solos" online Ur-Dragon, retard. Unless you mean grace period in which case people have been doing that since before BBI existed, because otherwise what would be the point?
Because it resets with new content after you beat it once, as hinted at by the cutscene
Its not an insult, its just simply true lol. but I have had a lot of fun with mystick knight. Being able to swap to a staff if needed has been a blast, and the guard counter spells I really dig.
>the rantings of an upjumped zealot make for tedious listening
For a character that only shows up a couple of time for a few minutes in a hundred hour plus game, Grigori utterly stole the show.
If you want to play as a sorcerer, make your pawn a sorcerer too. She will help out casting the bigger spells, and you can leach on her cast bar, it's great. Just hire fighter pawns
You want your Pawn to be the same as you so they learn shit from you properly.
It's the other Pawn that you get from other players that you use to fill your weakness.
>Instinctually refers to pawn as a she
If you don't make your Pawn in the likeness of Schierke then you're doing it wrong.
Idk who that is, I made my pawn look like Frodo and my Arisen look like Gandalf. I sat in the back and fucked around while he faced dangers far beyond what he should reasonably handle, which I felt was pretty accurate to the books.
This has always been weird as hell to me
Your pawn works better if it can learn from you directly, but then the game is also more boring if your pawn is just going to be doing the exact same thing you are
Whats up with the Ur-Dragon, fought it 4 fucking times and every time it flies away
Fucking bullshit, nobody is fighting it anyways so I guess this online WOW COMMUNITY DRIVEN! Boss is undefeateable/broken
BBI is the best part of the game user what the fuck?
The thing I've always been doing is switching vocations around. Pawn plays warrior while I do fighter, then switch around, do this several times through all the vocations you want to play until you find those that you want to settle.
No, but I wanted to properly end the main game before venturing into DLC.
>You want your Pawn to be the same as you so they learn shit from you properly.
Isn't that just a myth? I remember datamining my save back on PC release trying to figure out how PAWN AI works and how I can "improve" it by setting certain flags. For example I wanted to teach my pawn to only every use focused holy bolt and spend like a whole weekend spamming nothing but holy bolt, it didnt change anything.
But as far as I know, there's only inclinations, beastiary knowledge and then its skills/augmentation that determine its AI.
So more bow augments means more bow usage, No spells, no upgraded core skills, boosted core attack means lots of focused holy bolts.
It would astonish me if DD actually has an AI system that says," my master used lots of focused holy bolts, I will too from now one". I think its more like setting up all variables so focused holy bolt has the highest probability of happening.
Why have we been having a ton of Dragon Dogma threads recently and getting nearly full replies? Is the foil and wishing of a second game that strong now that Elden Ring has been out for over a month?
>idk who that is
Read Berserk you uncultured swine.
Your mistake is doing BBI online rather than offline.
Re-lighting lanterns is the evergreen example of something the AI will pick up from you, but that could easily just be a specifically scripted piece of knowledge it can learn, like monster weaknesses
Like other user said, you can at the very least teach them lanterns and torches.
DDON private server progress and the potential announcement of a sequel at its 10th anniversary in May. Plus I think it was on sale a week or two ago.
it's a raid boss
you have 7 or 8 minutes to do as much damage as you can to the "hearts" on it's body and then it flies away
you can see it's life bar at the top of the creen and when a player finally does enough damage to kill it there's a "grace period" of about half an hour where anyone who fights it only has to do a decent amount of damage to kill it as well
after grace is over you go back to the room and you'll get rewards based upon how much damage you've done, which includes exclusive armor and masks, one of 3 standard holy imbued weapons and a chance to get advanced and expert class holy imbued weapons
as is you should probably just go into your settings and fight the offline Ur-Dragon instead unless people on PC are still fighting him
That seems likely
Either way, I'm happy we're getting threads
I'm so fucking horny right now it's almost unreal.
BBI seemed insanely hard, even after I finished the story the bosses would 1 shot you in there and your weapons would chip such tiny amounts off you could barely see it. People said it was good but I couldn't see it personally
We know that certain arisen behavior can affect how the own pawn acts as well, pushing certain inclinations. Staying back for ranged fighting and spells pushes the pawn to doing this as well, going aggressively into melee and climbing on enemies pushes the pawn to do that as well (which is how you end up with mage pawns climbing golems, they likely have a fighter or strider arisen).
Also, if you play the same or a similar vocation then you can easier show them certain strategies that certain are flagged as bestiary knowledge, like freezing lizards, you can do this on your own as a spellcaster instead of playing a fighter and waiting for your mage pawn to realize that on his own.
I'm on the fence about if there are deeper aspects of pawn behavior and ai, but we know that these things affect pawn behavior and it's easier to control it by playing a similar vocation on your own instead of force-feeding them inclination potions.
Nah, never really interested me
>play the game literally based on Berserk
>it doesn't interest me
You're not only an uncultured swine, but you're also literally retarded.
user, please
It's inspired by Berserk
It is based on DnD
>reads story literally based on the myth of Isis and Osiris
>it doesn't interest me
If you "beat it a couple times" then that must mean you like the game. If you like the game then why the fuck would you not want play an entire expansion of new content? Yes you should play it, it's one of the best parts of Dragon's Dogma and is focused heavily on dungeon crawling.
Berserkfags are cancer.
How the fuck is it based on Berserk, it's a completely different story with completely different themes and ideas explored. It's at most kinda inspired by it.
It's been 10 years and I wonder if by now anyone made some really deep datamining or analysize tofigoure out how it works.
Maybe there are some hidden flags, but I remember back then scouering my save files for those and only found beasstiary knowledge.
This game and Souls series would literally never exist without Berserk, cope.
You need to rush BBI weapons and armors ASAP.
>it's easier to control it by playing a similar vocation on your own instead of force-feeding them inclination potions.
no user, giving them a few poitons that takes a minute is alot easier than playing a vocation yourself that you dont even want to play.
Guess I really did just PREP the dragon for some niggers that's gonna take the loot
Ill try offline again and post the results (If I dont get my ass handed to me since I'm not level 200)
BBI is exceedingly difficult if you're not familiar with everything in it. Once you get to the point of being able to grind it for cursed gear it's not hard at all but people tend to forget that it takes a lot of knowledge, grinding or abusing exploits to get there. You can always brute force your way through the game by relying on wakestones and curatives, which is what I love about DD in that while it is sometimes unfairly challenging at some points in the game you can always just drag along enough resources with you to weather the storm and eventually you'll get good enough to not have to rely on them as much or at all
>This game and Souls series would literally never exist without Berserk,
The cursed gear? I just reinstalled it before but then I remembered how tedious some of the game is and can't really be bothered to level to where BBI is viable. I got a mod that increases the drop rate there
It was on sale for very cheap until recently.
There is your mistake: you model your pawn after yourself, not the other way around.
Berserk wouldn't exist without Hellraiser or Conan does that mean every Berserk fan can't complain about Conan or Hellraiser?
you'll get some basic loot just for showing up, but you'll have to wait for someone to beat him to collect
normally it's a bunch of wakestones and one of the standard holy weapons (sword, knives, mage staff)
>knowledge, grinding or abusing exploits
I take it it is designed specifically around that? Yeah I've never been able to exploit games or realize whats broken or what systems can be abused, I just can't see it so it's probably not for me. I can really only play games normally
Correct. Respect your ancestors.
Just use dinput and give yourself a level one BBI level 1 weapon/armor. Rolling for loot in this game is too painful and BBI is sitting there waiting for you to beat it. Upgrade and enhance whenever you feel like you need more umph.
What the fuck do you mean you beat it but didnt get to endgame content, did you beat it or not?
If you haven't done Everfall then you unironically didn't beat the game, if you haven't been to BBI then you only skipped the best 3rd person dungeon crawl experience there is.
Hmm good idea. I think I backed up my old endgame save too so I might just carry on
You'll gain the knowledge of how to properly navigate BBI through experience as long as you try to learn how to mitigate difficulty rather than break at the first instance of resistance.
I'm not that great at action games but I am arguably okay at Ninja Gaiden and Dragon's Dogma because both games allow you to dodge away from anything at any time. If you get your muscle memory in a spot where you can feel the attacks coming and instinctively roll out of the way you'll be untouchable.
It's almost like a major medieval-fantasy action brawler came out that sold 13 million copies and people with taste were reminded of a much better game.
There's some incredibly heavy inspirations though. Gran Soren is literally Berserk's Wyndham, and is even ruled by a king who goes mad with jealousy and sends his greatest hero out to be imprisoned forever in a mad lust for his princess once he sees his hero in the same room. There's the theme about fighting against predestined fate by an unknowable grand godly being who isn't a creator but who manipulates the mc regardless, and the forming of the everfall and the transformation of the world after killing Grigori is essentially the fantasia transformation berserk's world goes through after Ganishka's defeat, or the closest approximation anyway. Dragon's Dogma is as much of a copy of the world of berserk as anyone has ever made in a videogame.
user, you're replying to someone who explicitly said he never read Berserk and doesn't care, so you wasted your breath so to speak, but you're not wrong.
im pretty upset im missing out on the best of pawn mechanics because im running this on a 360 and i dont have gold anymore
The 360's server got shut down years ago anyway. All those poor pawns are stranded.
I decided to finally start this game as a mage/sorc after playing it couple times as a fighter or a mystic knight. I dont know anything about the magic stuff in this game so any augments, items etc. should I get to make things more, dare I say, fun?
>a king who goes mad with jealousy and sends his greatest hero out to be imprisoned forever in a mad lust for his princess once he sees his hero in the same room
Completely optional scene that isn't necessary for DD's narrative. Can you imagine Berserk not having that plot point? Nevermind the Duke going crazy is less about Aelinore and more about his actual "beloved" that he sacrificed. Edmun doesn't care about Aelinore cheating on him, he cares about his skeletons being exposed and once he feels the issue is "resolved" after the Arisen is punished he acts as if it never happened.
>There's the theme about fighting against predestined fate
That's more Griffith's deal, and Griffith isn't the protagonist
>the forming of the everfall and the transformation of the world
You're comparing Griffith's "dreamland" to Gran Soren being constantly shrouded in darkness? That's clear reaching.
If Itsuno wanted to make a Berserk game I'm sure Capcom could have gotten the license and would have likely made it way more popular than DD is currently. Why waste time trying to "convert" a game into Berserk when you could just have it be Berserk?
This. Did the guy like Berserk and include a couple references? Yes. Is it "based on" Berserk? Fuck no.
These games are much more heavily descended from Wizardry than Berserk.
also to add on to , DD isn't about destiny, it's about the eternal cycle. The Arisen isn't destined to become the Senschal, in fact there are multitudes of Arisen who never amount to anything and the Seneschal must give up on them and wait for the Dragon to mark a new Arisen. Even if (You) don't become the next Seneschal the cycle continues until one is found. It's less fighting fate and more running towards it.
there is a way to make your sorcerer pawn cast syncronized with you but i don't know exactly how to do it, but that must be fun
sorcerer has stupid good spells at the end of the vocation curve, so many "fuck you" spells
I really like BBI, because even though it has an actual dungeon crawling experience and it's very non linear once you realize how it works, there are a lot of little mechanics to play the game differently there
>nooo you can't make a freudian slip
You know damn well what I meant, if you scroll up you'll see we were talking about Everfall and BBI and it's just a simple freudian slip on my part.
>Abandons you when you need him the most
>DDON private server progress
They'll never make even half a game
I still always do some of everfall before touching BBI.
Calm down, fool
Is there a reason to play mage before sorcerer?
Should I finish the game before departing for the DLC island?
Does finishing the game leyt me complete other quests/explore the world before NG+?
Did anyone else managed to use Eroquis’ pawn for their adventures?
Also, is there still an online Ur-Dragon? I haven’t played it since I got it for the PS3.
lmao rent free
It's better to do the island before finishing the game, I finished the game and then in NG+ everfall was closed which can be a pain in the ass, however the ending is worth it to watch out so maybe you can do a backup save beforehand and after the ending or something
in the other hand the portalcrystals you get in NG+ to put everywhere you want are extremely handy and useful for certain items so idk