Which series is overall better, Classic or X?
Which series is overall better, Classic or X?
The one that doesn't have more bad games than it does good.
Classic was absolutely more consistent with it's quality
Zero is the only correct answer
Good Classic games
>1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
Good X games
>1, 2, 4, 5, 8
I think we have a winner
>X series
4 out of 8 games are good
>Zero series
2 out of 4 games are good
In other words, they're on par.
x has like one okayish game
classic is great even if it's a bit too samey game-to-game.
is GOATed and the true pinnacle of the series along with BN and SF
Oh yeah include 11 on that list of good Classic games too.
X hasn't had a good game since 1997.
Star Force > Legends > Battle Network > ZX > X > Zero > Classic
Battle Network
saying anything less than 3/4 of zero being fantastic is a wild stretch. 2 is the absolute pinnacle of action platforming while 3 and 4 are just great games altogether. that give the only conclusive ending to a mega man character arc I can recall. 1 isn't a bad game but it's the only one that has a significantly different level of quality
>is the absolute pinnacle of action platforming
lol what? 2 is the worst of the 4
i prefer X peaks but i would say classic because of the consistency.
tried this one but was too different, only finishe the first game, the rank system made me drop the game, whats the point of unlocking new weapons via rank? the shitty player need more tools, not the guy speedrunning the stage without getting hit.
Ok calm down user
Mega man 1 is not a good game and it's a miracle it spawned a franchise
I mean points for originality but good lord
what an earthshatteringly shitty opinion. Aside from shitposting I can't even think of where you would start with that idea
>whats the point of unlocking new weapons via rank?
Incentive to play and replay and replay and replay until your senses are honed and you're a red whirlwind of violence and mayhem that clears out levels in under a minute without getting hit.
Classic, X series was raped so many times with rushed moneygrab games so many times.
I love x1,2 and 4 but holy shit I can't even comprehend what they were thinking while making 6 and 7.
BNbros, just finished 5. How's the postgame look or should I move onto 6?
For 6 I have a Falzar (Restored) and a Gregar english patched, is there a difference?
You people are such disingenuous faggots. X3 may not have been as good as X1 or X2 but it's still a good game. X8 was mediocre and barely salvaged the complete clusterfuck that was X7 in the transition to 3D.
What's wrong with it aside from wonky physics when falling? It's always seemed perfectly good to me.
I've always felt like x3 was better than 2. The level design was just more fun to playthrough. I don't have any objective way to put it I just really found the stages to be great
Idk what to tell you, it's poorly designed and inferior to all of the other Zero games in every way.
X2 was already a pretty big step down from 1 so 3 being a step down from 2 just made it not very fun.
X gameplay and robot designs with Classic's simplicity in its story.
Fuck this game.
Classic > X > Legends > Battle Network > Zero > ZX > Star Force
Overall better is classic no doubt, all of them are good. Rockman and Forte is my favorite classic game. It's not the best but it's my favorite, forte/bass is so underrated. X1-4 is good and I personally enjoy X8. On the fence about X5 and 6+7 are bad.
Faggots on Yea Forums really love to pretend they played the Zero games OP, more than they love to pretend they played Demons Souls and God Hand. They're actually bad and full of bullshit "difficulty," 1 and 2 are OBJECTIVELY worse than any classic MegaMan game and 3&4 are playable at least. But yeah ignore the zero spammers they're just trying to be contrarian cool guys.
Idk if you count Command Mission as an X series game since it was released between X7 and X8, but I personally enjoy that game too.
>stages all designed for Bass
>Mega Man struggles to do most of the game
>the absolute retarded CD bullshit
MM1 is a good game. just replayed
X has the highest highs. But Classic is just better overall, much more consistent. X just went to utter shit after X4
Well put it this way, there aren't really any games in the classic series I wouldn't want to play, even weaker entries like 5, 7, and 8 (and I'm particularly fond of 7/8).
Filtered. MegaMan Speedrun is faster than Bass Speedrun so suck a dick shitters.
Actual factually correct take. Surprised to see that on Yea Forums
hated this game, i think i dropped at the very end, i forgot you cant save between final stages.
why they had such a boner for disappearing blocks?
and some of the OSTs were suicide inducing.
This game becames far more bearable when you patch it to allow multi-equipping stuff.
It really helps with some of the balancing issues.
It doesn't fix that boss weapons are practically required for Bass due to ridiculously long i-frames on bosses.
X is my favorite series because of the dash and walljump mechanics which allows you to have a momentum based playstyle which makes boss encounters a lot more engaging.
The X serie's flaw, looking back and reflecting after having played every game, is that out of all of the 8 mainline X games, not a lot of them are particularly good. The first one is a timeless masterpiece, the second one is just a re-serving of the first one, the third one tries to improve upon the previous two without much success, the fourth one doesn't improve upon anything except graphics and playable Zero, 5 is a rushed mess with way too much dialogue and abyssmal level design, 6 has tons of potential, but is unfinished and completely fucked balance and level design wise. 7 has absolutely no redeemong qualities and I was fooled into liking it as a teenager because I had no other X game than X7 and the SNES trilogy, but replaying it today is a literal torture and while I can appreciate the effort put into X8 to try to revive the genre, the game was everything but impressive and putting X7 aside, I'd say X8 is the worst of the bunch.
Also fuck Axl.
Megaman Classic, however, is consistently good and every game tries to put something new on the table. Even the worst entries in the mainline series are still great games that I never mind replaying from start to finish. Yes, even 8 and MM&B.
I will always be a X fan at heart since X is what got be into Megaman initially, but classic is superior in execution.
>putting X7 aside, I'd say X8 is the worst of the bunch.
Okay I'm going to need you to elaborate on that because I HEAVILY disagree.
X8 isn't anywhere near a masterpiece, but on what terms can you rank it below the shitshows that are X5 and X6?
Fuck you this is the best boss theme in classic MM
I played every single Zero game for at least a hundred hours each and you are wrpng about them being shit, but right about them being bullshit hard.
They are nice for a self-imposed challenge if you aim for a S rank on every mission, but starting up in all of them is EXTREMELLY tedious because you are weak as FUCK and you have to grind levels on your weapons in 1 and 2 if you want to be able to use aber combos and chargw shots, which was an inexcusably bad idea, but by the endgame you're fucking invincible. I remember my first file in Z3 with all EX moves, all Elfs upgrades equipped giving you full double health bars, 4 subtanks and buffs, you can just mow down through the game like it's fucking nothing.
That being said, Zero has the best narrative and aesthetic of all of the Megaman games even if that is more of an opinion than a fact.
The movement physics being objectively inferior to those of previous games along with a grindy upgrade system relying on currency that forces you into a grind if you want all weapons and upgrades.
The final boss being even less memorable than "Sigma for the 40th time" and the fact that they still tried to fake you out with it by putting Sigma as the fake final boss.
Being the 4th game after X4 and STILL having a fucking jetbike railshooting segment which happens to be the worst in all of the 4 games it's in because they made the ENTIRE level being this retarded jetbike timed chase segment.
Overall unmemorable bosses.
That being said, X5 and 6 are trully not aeons above X8, they're all pretty close in quality in my opinion, although to X8's credit, it's actually a completed game.
quality > quantity
Too bad X has neither.
Completed X1 for the first time yesterday. Which ones should i skip?
all the remaining games
Just replay X1 again bro.
I will agree that the Jetbike segments are unfiltered garbage, and the 2nd worst ones in the series only surpassed by X7's. It's by far the worst thing in X8.
The level design tho, even if too gimmicky for my liking I would say is more solid than the one in X5 and X6. I also take extra issue in those games being so poorly done because they were lifting everything from X4 and still managed to fuck up. X8 was at least trying something of it's own with the 2.5D thing (which they refined a lot in Maverick Hunter X).
the ones you(you, yourself) dont like.
ZX >>>>>>>>>> Zero.
X2 is the only other good one. 3 + 4 are ok. 5 and 8 are bad, but playable. 6 + 7 are dogshit.
X6 is underrated.
Only X7 is objectively bad.
X6 has bullshit level design, think of it as Kaizo Mega Man.
All the others are ok at worst.
2 and 3 are literally the only good Mega Man games
Hey at least the weapons were cool
How about we start with the unskippable cutscenes and the unfair screen crunch level design
Megaman 6 is the best of the NES games but nobody ever wants to even acknowledge it
X has X7. Classic wins.
Classic 100% I will die on this hill
classic and its not even a contest, even if X1-3 are amazing games as well
>what about X4?
X4 is only ok and is probably the most overrated Mega Man game, even beyond MM2.
>not including megaman and bass
zoom zoom
It's fun but not as good as 4.
I did include it, just not in the list of good games.
classic and its not even a contest, even if X1-3 are amazing games as well
>what about X4?
X4 is only ok and is probably the most overrated Mega Man game, even beyond MM2.
There will never again be a wealth of varied Megaman titles like there were from 1993-2007 and it's all YOUR fault
only zoomers who just discovered the game think it's any good
This is the year of X9, I can feel it.
Classic or Zero, X isn't worth the effort
Nah, it's Capcom's fault. Mega Man 11 instantly became one of the best selling in the series even after the long drought, and they've done absolute nothing since with Mega Man. Not a single new game in any of the sub series
No Mega Man Games are worth skipping
Yes even DOS Mega Man
How is not partially the fault of gachafags for having no standards and proving to Capcom that the fanbase will eat up whatever watered-down excuse for a game they release?
I can say that all of the Gameboy games are worth skipping. Even the 5th one.
>heh im so special and hardcore for pretending to like the less popular game
grow up.
>They don't support the gacha? Well I guess people just don't want Megaman anymore. Shut everything down.
X is good until 3
Classic is good until 7
X has less good games but it has the better core mechanics.
Looks like this meme still aged well
Ah, the Capcom Philosophy.
Is Capcom just like EA nowadays? Will they only milk RE and MH until the end of time, with the generational SF game being the only variety outside that?
They could do more but I've seen worse.
And old ROM collections.
I'm not willing to count Pragmata until there is some proof that game actually exists and it's not pure vaporware. So far it's been dangerously close to being the new Deep Down. Just a fake announcement to sell the PS5
How do people feel about 11?
I'll always be mad they left Powered UP and Maverick Hunter X to rot on the PSP. Ports and proper remakes of other old MM sidescrollers never. They ignored all the demand for it.
I bet we'd have them all if they just went with the DS.
Classic far and away, X's good ones are 1, 2 and parts of 4 and 6
>all 12 games are good to varying degrees
>literally half of the series is good while the other one is actual shit
>all four games are good and play better then the previous two sub-series
I think the winner is clear here.
>that give the only conclusive ending to a mega man character arc that I can recall
And Battle Network.
I just can't fathom why they didn't include PU and MHX on the Legacy Collections. They would have been complete wiyh them.
XLC2 specially could have really benefited from the extra value.
>I want more idolshit in my platformers!
The future you chose, coomers.
X Corrupted any year now, I can almost taste it.
I liked X cuz of the armor upgrades.
None of them are long, retard. Just play all of them and decide which ones you like yourself.
I'm gonna be playing the Zero games pretty soon. Any tips for a total noob?
Honestly, Vile mode was the main reason I picked up MHX. It was a good time, and I wish more of the games had allowed opportunities to play as one of the villains like that.
Should've posted this.
Classic, and that isn't even a contest. X1 and X4 are literally my first 2 Megaman games but half the X series can't even measure up to MM5, and that's like the one classic entry that's utterly soulless but still less flawed than games like X3, X5, X6 and X7.
Game quality consistency wise, classic wins. The only real duds classic has is 1 and 8.
But in terms of more interesting story/potential and designs? X by a long shot.
Classic is the best Mega Man series by 20 miles. The only great X game is the first one with the second one being decent and everything after an underwhelming mess with warped priorities.
Fine by me, pretty hyped for Gunvolt 3 desu:
Speaking of, was there ever any agreed upon tier list when it comes to X's armors? Aesthetically?
Classic has more games
Falcon, X8's armor and Shadow armor are my top three.
Overall? Classic by a mile. It's more consistent.
X4 mostly had its priorities in a good place, it was just too easy and cinematic. Nowhere near as bogged down in excess as the other post-X2 entries though. X8 was also a good step towards unfucking things, albeit far from the correct answer.
It's easily top 5 in the Classic series.
The gear system is super fun.
Can i say something as someone who started this series a year ago? How the fuck did they perfect the movement since the late 80's? I could swear Mega Man games controls better than a lot of modern 2D action platformers, whoever said the old games are outdated are a big fucking liar.
The Zero games are ass.
Falcon > First > Second > Ultimate > Force > MAX > Neutral > Blade > Shadow > Gaia > whatever the fuck X7 had
Why do Megaman fans always cry about Capcom not making more games when their franchise has more games in it than the vast majority of them?
It's quieted down in recent years but I remember their whining used to be the loudest.
In my personal top three classic series entries, number is MM9, still not fully sure what's second place between M11 and MM3 though.
Sorry guys, made a typo.
>y peepo who like thing want more of thing????
It is a mystery...
No, just the normal ass.
One of, if not the definite, best classic game. The special weapons are all really fun to use, the gear system is a really nice crutch for new players but also fun to tinker with by experienced players (especially for its damage capabilities with charged special weapons). The music is very good (assuming you use the piano remixes and not the original songs).
The only real downside it has, is the amount of content, something that ever since &Bass classic has been trying to improve on.
Yeah but megaman fans always act like they were these starved victims who never got any games when most series would wish they had that many.
why they stopped? there is clearly a public, gunvolt is pumping games non-stop while capcom sleeps on megaman.
>Falcon at the top
As should be expected.
Because the only new game in the last 12 years has been Mega Man 11. The series being over saturated in the past doesn't change the fact that they've completely gone in the opposite direction and almost completely abandoned it
Muh Monster Hunter and Resident Evil.
They're too damn lazy.
I liked it. I'm not sure I'd put it in even my top 5 Mega Man games, but it delivered. I wasn't disappointed.
5 is blander than white rice with nothing else
Command Mission X is the best looking X.
Almost as good as 9, which is the best Megaman game ever made. The special weapons are incredibly well designed and the right stick select is such an obvious QOL design leap that I wonder how even X8 never got around to implementing it.
I like MMZ1 the best because of pogo stick lance and it has a kino Final Boss
8 is the best classic Mega Man game and second best overall Mega Man game after X4, I am so sick and fucking tired of reading these dogshit opinions from these fucking children on this fucking website.
I gotta say, those long crimson scards are always fucking great to look at. It's one of the reasons why I remember Shinobi so fondly.
Why was there never a Pirateman.EXE?
You'd think he'd be the most obvious choice
As iconic as First Armor is, it suffers greatly from the lack of air dash so I temd to leam towards Second/Fourth
This. The only game that could be argued to be not amazing is the first one, but even that isn't bad. The ZX games are good too, but have minor things that drag them down a little, the map being one of them, and in ZXA the amount of useless transformations that don't have much use.
of the games I played, 9 was the only one I ever got into in a big way
It's up so high because it can do this.
Is Second that high because it can do the Shoryuken then?
The only X games I don't like are 6, 7, and 4. 4 isn't bad like 6 and 7, I just can't seem to enjoy it and find it the most overrated X game.
The classic games are kind of samey for the most part but are still Decent games. I prefer X's gameplay and designs way more though.
Tips for Zero? Grind for crystals. Grind like your life depends on it and upgrade your Cyber Elves as soon as possible.
>classic has mostly good games and only a couple stinkers
>x has some fantastic games, but at least half of it is either shit or good games that have a couple big flaws
Classic easily.
Unironically git gud because spikes and life system.
In Z1 theres a place where you can grind the fuck out of saber/buster xp in seconds
Also remember that the 2nd and 3rd slash/charge shots give more xp than the 1st slash/lemons
2 is the X6 of Zero, it was fucking ass and I save stated to beat it, without any regret of doing so.
>8 is the best
pretty damn good. I also appreciate that bosses have more attacks in the hardest difficulty.
what in tardation?
When I first played command mission I thought the red scarf-like shit looked terrible, but it quickly grew on me.
Rank doesn't do anything in 1 besides let you open the door to Ciel's room to get one Cyber-Elf.
Rank is based on your average rank across stages so playing well at the start will let you slip up or use Cyber-Elves later on and not sweat it, if you care anyway because it still doesn't do much.
If you do care, you need to go INTO a stage with A/S to get the boss ability for 2/3. In 4 you pick the weather that makes the stage harder.
There's a priority system for chaining your attacks into other attacks to bypass invincibility frames on bosses if you want to try and maximize your damage against them.
Lemme fix that for you.
Good Classic games
>3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, Bass, PU
Good X games
>1, 2, 4, 5, 8, Xtreme, MHX
But yes, Classic is still the winner.
>Any tips for a total noob?
The triple slash is your best friend, sometimes it's better to use it than the elemental weakness (faster and it's a combo, so it ignores iframes). Also yeah Zero has a combo systems but you don't need to worry about that as a beginner.
When playing zero 2, make sure you shoot for the form you want and specifically grind for it. Rise form is generally seen as the best one, it has a better triple slash that strikes upwards and does ever so slightly more damage.
Especially since this is your first time playing, ignore about your rank. It isn't important.
Elves are there to help new players have a more comfortable time tackling the game, use them.
Elemental weaknesses are usually as follows:
Electric -> Fire -> Ice -> Electric (and it loops around from here)
>2 is the X6 of Zero
How hard did it kick your ass?
Not that user but
>Rank is based on your average rank across stages
Oh shit, so that's why I had to give up my A rank playthrough on Harpuia's mission. I couldn't get A for the life of me despite other missions feeling lenient in still handing me As. Its the only Zero game I liked enough to bother trying to care about ranks, but damn that really sucks that its checking every mission and just progressively lowers over time.
They better make LAiX3 after this
This spin-off is way more faithful to MMX than any of gacha trash that Capcom keep milking in past recent years
Appreciate the advice anons. Looking forward to getting into it.
I resorted to using savestates. For reference in how bad that is, I enjoy playing Ghosts n Goblins games and without any sort of cheating and have beaten a couple.
I love Battle Network but the Network Transmission Navi designs felt... off.
First two Zero games have a retarded weapon level up system, I suggest going back to the intro stage and grinding both the saber and buster until can at least charge them, thankfully that was dropped from Zero 3 onwards.
>Also remember that the 2nd and 3rd slash/charge shots give more xp than the 1st slash/lemons
I had no idea, are you serious?
It at least made sense with the story in Z1, but I really have no clue what the fuck they were thinking with it in Z2.
Zero was busted as fuck at the beginning of Z2, so here's your story excuse I guess.
Does anyone have that mspaint comic of Zero constantly helping X and calling him a massive fuckup all the while?
That's not necessarily how it works but specific attacks give more EXP to specific skills.
Like you won't always learn the spin slash for the same saber rank, each skill has it's own EXP value and your saber rank increases when you meet the threshold for that skill. I don't remember the exact numbers but its like if you use jumping slashes a lot, you'll be getting like +4 EXP to the spin slash while only getting +1 EXP to all other skills, similarly hitting with the second slash of your combo will give you like +4 to the third slash EXP and +1 to all other skills, while the first slash only gives like +2 EXP to the third slash skill and +1 to everything else.
Battle network
I don't see why they would stop after iX2, I mean the fact that they made a sequel alone solidifies it as a sub-series. Hopefully they'll make Blade a playable character in the third one.
Classic series is like the original Dragon Ball. Whimsical, fun, an more consistent. X is like Z. Melodramatic, serious, higher highs, but lower lows.
Thank you user.
My one bit of advice is unlock the charged slash/shot as soon as possible and don't get discouraged if some bosses take a few tries as you learn their attack patterns.
I remember playing the first Azure Striker on the 3DS, though I don't remember beating it. I should look into picking it up and iX also. Am I right in thinking that iX is to AS as Zero is to X?
Pretty much, it stars the red rival character who's more beloved by fans because he's more fun to play as. Though I like playing as X and GV as well.
X1 through 4 are all good, although X3 is the weakest of them. Mega Man 4 is probably the only game in the classic series that I feel doesn't have any sort of glaring issue holding it back. I think it's a fucking great entry.
Pretty much, iX gameplay is too much fun compared to GV
No. iX is a separate timeline, it's closer to how battle network is with megaman classic.
Zero is legit awful and attracts people who do not like the megaman games.
The only really good X games were X1 and X4.
Wait for some reason I thought you meant in terms of story.
Gameplay wise iX is just a more refined Copen from gunvolt 2, so yeah it's an "evolution" of an alt play style like zero and x.
How will Gunvolt suffer this time?
X, because it perfected and improved upon the classic formula. The classic games play very stiff once you try the X series beforehand.
Pretty much. The thing is GV2 has the perfect mix of both gameplay styles so it's also their take on Mega Man and Bass.
Classic is overall better, but X has some really cool stuff.
But yeah, Classic has more good games overall.
>>all 12 games are good to varying degrees
There are way more than 12 classic Mega Man games.
>Not liking V
The GB games don't count.
why not?
X series is like 66% garbage, though.
Because the Xtreme games exist.
X. And I'm sick of pretending otherwise.
NTA but for me the X series pretty much ends at 5. X1-5 are all solid games.
We can already see how.
>gets so powerful he needs to be sealed and turned into a dog
>gameplay wise he's relegated to a temporary God mode tag in for the new protagonist
>he also fucks over scorefags because he doesn't earn kudos meaning they'll never EVER want to switch to him
Only hope he has for the second and third points is if he gets an unlockable stand alone campaign.
Talking about mainline here.
X3 and X5 fucking such, dude.
play x2 3 4
play 5 6 if you feel curious, they have bangers tho
Thanks Battle Network chad
No they don't.
X3 had the MAX armor and X5 introduced the Falcon armor. They have their merits.
Good Classic games
>1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, & Bass (Super Famicom version), III, IV, V
Good X games
>1, 3, 4, 5, 8, Xtreme 1, Command Mission
>every megaman series has at least ONE bad game
>except for this guy, with a perfect track record
I think we have a winner
Use the fucking weapons. Use the fucking shop, I'm tired of shitters that get filtered because they don't use weapons out of fear of "but what if I need them laaaaaaater" and this goes for every other game.
What was wrong with 3 and 8 in the classic series?
That just goes without saying.
He will go full villain route in next game just like in gv2 early concept
even the cell phone game?
Legend's fuck up was getting the 3rd one cancelled
As a kid, I always saved my weapons for bosses. It didn't matter who the boss was or what their weaknesses were I only shot lemons at enemies.
Boy, does it feel weird to destroy games using the weapons as intended.
megaman 3 is my favorite
>glitches out the ass
>uninteresting robot master stages and fights
>effectively nonexistent wily stages
>shitty wily bosses
>broken Rush Jet
>bad weapons
>an OST with few good tracks
>slower feeling base movement (7 never had this problem and I have no clue why people think so)
>level gimmicks almost never work out
>visual style that ranges from great (Frost) to vomit-inducing (Clown)
>the bolt system and shop are ruined
>Rush is useless
>decent at best, terrible at worst stages
>bosses that make 5's seem like legitimate threats
>an OST with few good tracks
>hated this game on my GBA as a kid
>see people shit on it for years
>finally in 2021 after marathoning all classic games, decide to give the SNES version a go
>its fucking amazing and I 100% it
Legit, one of my favorite Classic games. Playing as Bass kinda sucks though, I guess you could consider him hard mode, dude has no defensive support unlike what Megaman gets.
You could at least play the game before you shitpost about it
Speak for yourself, it's the fucking truth. MM3 is buggy as hell.
There are 10 good tracks in total between both 3 and 8.
>Bass kinda sucks though
>I guess you could consider him hard mode
Are you out of your mind? The game's clearly designed with Bass in mind, while Mega Man's the afterthought.
>he can't ice wall jump
You can do that with Bass too, and get an extra jump on top of that.
I had no trouble getting through the game with Megaman, it was challenging but fair. Bass on the other hand was just frustrating his double jump made some stages easier, but just about every boss is a nightmare with him.
The game felt more designed around Megaman than around Bass. Hell, I even grabbed like 85 of the CDs in just my Megaman playthrough.
the one with roll-chan in it
Always classic.
Yea Forums, what would you say your favorite weapons are in both Classic and X?
Classic but X1 and 4 are my all time favorites.
Git gud faggot
>I can't into basic platforming
It's not difficult. It just isn't any good.
>Classic, a series where most people have their own personal favorite entry in the series
>X, a series where everyone universally agrees that 2 of the games are great while arguing over which of the remaining entries are the least worst
Mega man Speedrun is faster than Bass Speedrun. I strongly feel like the game was designed with MegaMan in mind, and having to stand still while shooting makes Bass a little trickier to play at first. The double jump really helps on flame's stage (you can jump through the holes in the floor if you know where they are) and can get you out of a tight spot but he doesn't feel either overpowered or underpowered compared to mega man, except when you kill the first boss buster only it's way slower with bass than mega man. I think for a dual character game it's just as balanced as X4.
>Not good
Vague and meaningless complaint
Classic as a whole, but X1 is better than all of them
Zero and ZX have no bad games and better gameplay.
Both series s and series x suck, xbot
Yes. Every Inti game sans their classic entries are 9/10 or higher
More like 7/10 at best. Zero series is vastly overrated.
Nah, they keeps the fast-paced action of the X series and the tight platforming of classic. The only significant flaw any of them have is a bit of backtracking in the first ZX game.
Metal Blade
Speed Burner
Why does she has those stupid horns?
ZX is unironically the most fun for me out of any of them. Screen crunch is a real issue in Zero, and Zero's moveset is lackluster and doesn't feel that good to use compared to how he was in X. The saber feels lacking in range and instead of cool flashy special moves you get some element cards and shitty extremely situationally useful alternative weapons that feel like ass to use. The EX skills are the only thing to help how boring Zero feels to play here, except they're locked behind rank nonsense in Z2 and Z3
Not him, I think you're wrong about the Z Saber. Especially with the spin slash, its range is exceptional. Its charged attack has more than enough reach. The rods' charged attack is its only really good feature, but the recoil rod is a legit weapon. The EX skills are my favorite part of his moveset and having them attainable with high ranks make them even more rewarding to use, especially since you don't even get to see the bosses use their EX moves without it.
I do however agree with you on ZX because for me unlocking Model X to use along with the rest of the biometals is the most satisfying gameplay experience of any of these games.
its impossible to exclude 2 yet include 3 in a list of good mega man games.
Alright then take 3 off of Classic's list, and to be fair, take X8 of of X's list.