What do we think of the Fire Emblem series of games?

What do we think of the Fire Emblem series of games?

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Were decent for a short amount of time in the middle of it's life spawn. Kaga had really bad ideas early on and now it's just DLC cash grab trash waifu baiting. GBA and GC games are the only worth while entries.

Fates and Three Houses ruined it
>but muh Awakening
Awakening gave the the series a new lease on life and a chance to go anywhere.

That being said I like Berniebro

I like them. Need more srpgs in my life.

I enjoy it.
Always make the mistake of trying to discuss it however.
Of the SRPGs I played, FE fans are the most annoying. Probably since it's least niche

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I enjoy all the games despite some of them having flaws, but generally the gameplay is usually constantly good between all of the games. The theme song lives in my head rent free. The DLC shit from the new games needs to go die though.

Holy Wars and Thracia are the best. Thracia, all though being difficult for some unfair stuff at points, has the best looking maps, best looking face sprites, laid the ground for the GBA games, capture is fun and selling extra goods to earn money is really fun. The music in 4 and 5 are 10/10 and blow any of the GBA music out of the water by a long shot. And it's good that those 2 games have more of a mature setting and theme when the other games are such saturday morning anime cartoons.

Say what you want about Thracia's mechanics and maps, it absolutely nails it in presentation.
Great Art and Music

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I don't know about that, I think the GBA had better presentation, especially the sprites.

GBA sprites are flashy, but the SNES ones were more dynamic.
I was never a fan on units always returning to their starting positions during an attack animation.
SNES animations on the other hand had the units moving more

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They are peak and cause massive seething to people without taste

I like Ike.

Any other FE guys check out Triangle Strategy yet? Have been replaying the souls games, but am interested in checking it out once I'm done.

Would be curious to hear thoughts from an FE point of view. Do they borrow anything from FE, or is it more like a FFT spiritual successor?

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I will maintain that Awakening has the best all-round cast, they're are other characters that I can point to that are great, but Awakening has a base level of quality that other games lack.

I like how each game feels decently distinct from one another, it makes me appreciate FE as a whole compared to things like Pokemon.
Like, even Por and RD feel very different from one another despite being both part of the same duology.

I don't know man, I think it looks pretty choppy and awkward at times, like the Shadow Dragon models.

I like the story for some, others I like the gameplay.

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my personal opinion is that corrin's the coolest!

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Based Oifeyposter.

I started with Awakening and liked it a lot, then played Fates and loved BR and CQ but hated Rev. I found 3H very fun on a first run and then it gets way too repetitive to be fun again, and it's kind of overrated. FE Echoes is an abomination, a waste of my time and money. I then played FE7 and 8 and liked both, although the tutorial in FE7 pissed me off for some reason, I wish it were possible to skip it.

In terms of battle animations the snes games still do a wonderful job for the time but compared to the GBA, it was a different more "over the top" style... But presentation... I mean c'mon.... Thracia maps look like a work of art.

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No I agree with the map aspect of the SNES games. 4 and 5 felt like actual largescale conflicts because of the maps unlike say the GBA games or 3H.

I really enjoyed the ones I played. (6,7, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance)

These new ones like Awakening and Three Houses are somehow repulsive to me. Like the whole style is aimed at a completely different audience, and that audience is the slimiest, greasy haired, figurine collecting, "waifufag" type weeb lowlife with a boobie mousepad. I don't want to touch these games the same way I don't want to go to an anime expo. I know I wouldn't like it.

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Not quite Fire Emblem.
But did Symphony of War's demo disappear with the end of Steam's latest demo festival? For some reason I thought that game's demo was independent of that event but I can't find it now.

I was somewhat interested in it because parts of its mechanics looked reminiscent of Sengoku, Kichikuou, and Daibanchou and those games.
Did any of you try the demo before it disappeared?

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I like fire emblem thracia 776

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Peaked at Conquest.

cant think anymore im a gooning machine love the series big manuela titties want to frot with byleth gf (m)

Speak English or shut the fuck up forever.

The fuck

Pictures of fire emblem before the 3ds:
>In-game combat webms, spritework, maps

Pictures of fire emblem post 3ds:
>Some anime girl's tits or feet

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I got into the series recently and have been enjoying it a lot. Throughout the pandemic i have played through most of the series and really liked most of it. I cant wait for the new game, will be fun being part of new release hype here

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>>Some anime girl's tits or feet
user people have been doing that since the GBA days

Why is the music in these games so fucking good?

Three Houses is mediocre, prove me wrong

It's ok. It's not an amazing game but it entertained me when I played AM. CF was shit and I can't see myself replaying it since each route is basically the same maps, with slightly different units that have access to the same classes.

the fact that people actually say conquest is the peak of the series really shows how horrid fire emblem is as a whole

It would be like if pic related somehow became a 14 game series

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There's only one reason to play that game and its AM. 3H is one of those games where the devs really halfassed on the job and got away with it because 3H is the best selling game in the series.

See you in trash friend

It is mediocre but a pretty good step up from fates which was kind of a joke outside of a couple nice maps

It was nice they tried to fix the combat a bit so armors weren't useless and mymridons wern't just unstoppable god-beasts but it wasn't enough (and flyers were broken)

>3H better than Fates

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birthright is mega-dogshit, revelations is bland and shit

Conquest having a handful of good maps doesn't forgive 90% of the game being horrid (including having the worst story in fire emblem HISTORY)

Is it? I know Awakening had Don't Speak Her Name and Id (Purpose), but I can't recall specific music standing out from the other games.

Fates is a fucking mockery of FE my dude

When I played did VW and stopped a bit after timeskip. The reused shit soured me on the game more than I thought it would. Maybe I should give it another shot or something, but the maps really are boring.

Worst first post of all time

>(including having the worst story in fire emblem HISTORY)
>cares about story in a FE game
user....all of the stories in FE games are bad...

I don't give a fuck about FE as a series, I played Fates and found it more fun than 3H. Fates is a game that the devs gave a shit about and it shows, and 3H is so half assed that you can easily redo the same map three times in one run because of side quests reusing them all the time. For 60$ you either get Fates CQ and BR, which might as well be two games, or 3H, one game with the same route copypasted 4 times and with less maps and classes.

No, Rev is shit and BR is good, it's the reverse.

Faerghast made two Triangle Strategy videos.

>I don't give a fuck about FE as a series
Then I don't give a shit about this post. Fates is a fucking shitstain

From the ones I played

Echoes > Three Houses > Sacred Stones > Blazing Blade > Binding Blade > non-denominational Fates > Awakening > Path of Radiance > Radiant Dawn > New Mystery of the Emblem > Shadow Dragon

Have been playing them since Sacred Stones when I was 10.


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damn roy got cucked


Pokemon Sword/Shield is only decent for its DLC and is clearly half assed despite Pokemon being the most lucrative IP. FE Fates looks good for a 3DS game, had great music, has good maps, has a bunch of interesting weapons and classes, the story at least tries to do something even if you don't like it (unless you play with the American localization that made everyone ooc), and both BR and CQ are fun games on their own so DLCs aren't mandatory to have the full experience (no, Rev isn't a proper route it's just a shitty DLC). This guy is doing crack, played none of these games and just parrots opinions found on twitter, or had shit taste.

>Ghast the simp
>Not Mangs the chad
What is wrong with you

This is less about FE as a whole and moreso that CQfags didn't play anything pre-Awakening

Why are they like this

It wasn't degenerate enough despite having incest and crossdressing boys, so they latched on to 3H where you're bisexual.

>you're bisexual.
I take that back, just gay.

They're obsessed with social media and think it's normal to put all your personal, retarded information on their public profile.

how did fe fags defend warriors and why do you faggots want more?

>echoes above anything
is this peak /trash/?

He makes some good lore videos.

Can’t argue with that.

Went to shit after Kaga left

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>Mangs, who threatened suicide the moment he lost his twitter clout

Stupid tranny bitch

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Fates has the first bisexual MC, but it was 3H where it got real bad.

Lucina is for bully.

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Does anyone think a map editor could be a cool addition for a future FE?

I think it could be cool to make and then share maps online, players competing for LTC or something. Obviously, this would be easier to accomplish on a sprite-based game, but it could be manageable for a 3D one too.

One question would be, does the map creator pick the usable units, or does the challenger?

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>Does anyone think a map editor could be a cool addition for a future FE?
A map editor like Advance wars would be neat. Also Co-op mode maps would cool as well.


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Just make romhacks

Birthright plays out like a slightly more fleshed-out awakening, not offensive by any means. Conquest is "interesting" but a lot of the maps felt like ultra janky puzzles with very obvious solutions, which I suppose isn't anything new but it felt more overt and made it hard to get fully immersed. The fact that they made them split games is faggotry of the highest order, and Revelations is an insult.

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Would be cool, but that would take development effort away from the main game. The last thing I want is another half-baked title.

It's a shell of its former self. play triangle strategy for better gameplay and story.

I'm not a FE megafan despite liking the games I've played so far (the ones on GBA, the ones on 3DS except Echoes) and 3H less so, but I found Conquest fun in a Tetris way. No idea how to explain it but solving puzzles, even dumb ones, is just satisfying.

>The fact that they made them split games is faggotry of the highest order,
They're different enough to be 2 separate games, I find it annoying but can understand why they did that, especially after narrowly escaping bankruptcy. It's not like Pokemon's versions being slightly different.

>and Revelations is an insult.
True, it's awful. I just see it as a DLC, a bonus and don't just Fates based on that.

Mangs was a coomer, as bad as they get. His old content is unwatchable because of that.

Current day Mangs is a chad.

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I played Triangle Strategy and I thought it was better than any fire emblem game that came out in the last decade. You have to be ok with a lot of story in the beginning though, takes a few hours to get rolling.

>ywn have babies with Camilla

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>share maps online, players competing for LTC or something
I happen to be a LTCautist but the importance of LTC runs is almost entirely a meme, the amount of players that actually bother with it is far less than 0.01%. And if the maps are unofficial standalone things rather than an official fire emblem campaign the interest would be even less.
However there is quite a bit of interest in building and playing custom campaigns, so an improved version of srpg studio would satisfy some people.

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the fatesfag cope at work
>criticize its dogshit story and characters
crab in a bucket type shit

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>Current day is a chad
No? He's boring as shit now, when he played with the other guy his let's plays were funny,

>Hating Fates characters
You have incurred the wrath of teh pickle of doom. Prepare to be downvoted, my unwholesome friendo

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Were the localizers high when they were making this shit up? Or were they drunk?

Snes games and RD should be included, in the good games list

Berniebro is a harmless autist, I don't know how you couldn't like him

It doesn't play ay all like FE, with how the turns are staggered. TS is really good though, every character is unique, and does route splitting pretty well.
May also be worth testing out Valkyria Chronicles

For me that's Sacred Stones

Considering Saizo and Beruka's C support, I'd be surprised if they even turned up for work most days.

They legitimately thought they were doing the script a favor.
What's the full story? That the Gamecube localization Animal Crossing was fairly praised, so Treehouse was given more leeway to spice up future Ninten translations.
Fast forward to Fates, then you get epic memes, character personality changes, and some cases of completely erasing and altering dialogue.

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Which ones have you played so far, which one is next?

There is nothing wrong with FE5's story, 8's and 9's, 6, and FE4 Gen 1 are competent

>doesn't post the petite Chad of the series as an unironic display of peak Fates

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>That the Gamecube localization Animal Crossing was fairly praised, so Treehouse was given more leeway to spice up future Ninten translations.
Let me guess, the employees who did the GC Animal Crossing localization and the one who did the Fates' localization aren't the same people at all, they were just people who happened to be in the same company at different points in time?

>character personality changes
They completely butchered some of the most important characters to the point where some retards spread lies or wrong info on that on youtube. I swear to god whoever came up with the "xander has two different personalities" bullshit is clinically retarded, Xander just happened to not be a heroic family friendly character and it upset the losers at Treehouse, nothing more.

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Okay, I'll bite the Fatesfagging bait. What's the ideal way to play Fates undubbed and unmolested by Treehouse (and with the Japanese names restored too, if possible)? I use Luma + B9S for reference.

Just found out that they're casualising the English release of Vestaria 2. Fucking shitters complaining that Vestaria 1 was too hard when it wasn't

Some of his supports like his ones with Leo, Sakura, and Beruka were nice

Casualising it how? Can they not just leave it as ezpz difficulty option?

but as far as the localization goes, its true. its not really ghasts fault for making the observation, the localization was just that shit


Does this work with Physical English copies?

They're making it so you can save every turn instead of every 5 turns and they're combining the two difficulty modes into one, presumably it'll be easier than the previous orthodox and easier than clemency.
Look at the updates section here: store.steampowered.com/app/1811600/Vestaria_Saga_II_The_Sacred_Sword_of_Silvanister/

fe5's story is entirely filler. The good part about it is that the map objectives usually line up with the story, but the overall narrative is below average.

>The ability to save every 5 turns so that you can quickly undo any mistakes you've made during a battle
Huh? Still need to finish the first one though.

Map objectives lining up with the story is what makes it so good look at chapter 18-20, or chapters 4-7, and how they had all the different scenarios for chapter 5 covered

I don't remember who came up with this shit but the problem is that everyone I see saying this is saying it's all because of the actual writers. It's all because of the localizers. The characters are completely consistent in all the routes, until the localizers wanted to remove parts where they look morally ambiguous, but not even all the parts. So now you have faggotry like Xander saying in Eng and other Western languages that he was always against his father's orders while obeying him all the time, while he says the exact reverse in the original script.

If you look at the recent updates and announcements it says that they making it so you can save every turn as well as implementing an auto save function. It also says about condensing the two original difficulties into one

I'm so used to playing FE on handheld systems that I still haven't played Vestaria saga. Any idea if I could get it running on a steam deck if I get one of those? Or should I give up and play it on PC?
Likewise, could I emulate berwick saga on a steam deck?

It's a shame she's 30 post time skip

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I played Vestaria on a shitty Asus laptop from 2013 with no issues, I've no doubt the deck could run it, that system can also emulate PS2 games

Ran on my 2011 laptop fine

elibian nights makes me wish there were short side campaigns because missions curated around small squads with low customization and limited resources made a lot of maps feel more deliberate than often clunky unbalanced mid-late game maps in most fire emblems.

The two I like are GOTYAY, every other one is below fecal matter of awful.

Love them. Sometimes you can get absolutely screwed with stats in the older games. I think they fixed in newer games?? Haven't played any since gc.

Quite the opposite, my man. It truly is the very most based of takes, only ever uttered by absolute thads who have seen the eternal truth of the universe. Buried away deep in your heart you know he is correct and a godly figure amongst mere mortals.

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The more recent games introduced annoying faggots to the series like Tharjanon & Berniebitch, therefore they are bad.

The older games were better., Everything post Awakening is just waifu-simulator VN-lite crap that caters to normie weebs these days.

Don't recommend people who like tactics/strategy games Valkyria Chronicles, user. Those games are completely trail and error.

>crap that caters to normie weebs
It's always been like that since FE on the GBA you faggot

playing fire emblem for the story is like playing mario and kirby for the story

>that caters to normie weebs
user, FE games before Awakening had characters that look like they're straight out of a fucking shojo manga.

I get why someone would feel like this towards Fates but it's not the case with Awakening and 3h at all

Are there any other Tactical RPGs with permadeath? I've also already played Battle Brothers and XCOM.

It’s great because it has Edelgard !

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I see, I'm only at the desert level so far and I haven't had to retry levels, or lost anybody yet, maybe it gets worse later on

Edelgard is the worst lord of her own game and the reason why trannies are associated with 3H.

Radiant Dawn is a direct sequel to Path of Radiance, if that interests you. I prefer PoR to RD because RD has problems, but it's worth at least giving a shot as long as you emulate.

Femleth is for getting fucked senseless by a mentally unstable cyclops, not a goblina LARPing as Napoleon

And the cutest!

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>they look like shounen characters, therefore it's "normie"
Jesus Christ....

I think the mega tank is the very next chapter.

Revolverwing sucks except for the Celica NTR

There is nothing more normie than shounen manga.

used to be fun but the latest games seem too dumbed down and ezmode

user, I said they look like they're straight out of a SHOJO manga, learn out to read. And I was referencing the "weebs" part of the post.

claude exists

This, there is nothing that Edelgard can give Byleth that Dimitri can't match and exceed.

Keep arguing semantics, zoomzoom. I'm sure they'll help your """case""".

do you really think someone complaining about nu emblem being too anime would know the difference between shounen and shoujo

Not racist just don't like em. Simple as

They hated him because he spoke the truth

I fucking despise zoomers.

>ywn have the version of fates where there are twin corrins and the version you play decides which one you follow in the story
honestly seems like a missed opportunity, especially since the siblings wouldnt get along like erika and siscon-phram. it would also allow for corrin(s) to actually have a personality instead of being yet another self-insert

True, I overestimate them all the time, my bad.

Claude is miles higher on the character scale than Edelgard. Despite not having an arc like Dimitri, Claude does have charisma and likability, Edelgard on the other hand is a nutcase who is never allowed to be wrong and is the same terrible person she was from day one.

>complaining about nu emblem being too anime
I think the complaint leans more towards how it's too much like nu-anime as compared to retro anime.

If you want story, read a book. I'm here for waifu and Dorcas

Fags hate him because he isn't gay, so that puts him above Edelshit

The story would have been so different I don't know if it would have been a good thing.

Don't worry, that's what Ryoma is here for.:
>pretends to his step sister that they're biologically related
>proposes to her
>admits her lied through his teeth all this time to manipulate said step-sister
>in CQ, is a way bigger yandere than Camilla ever is, takes a teenage girl hostage to get step-sibling back even if it's a bad idea
>for some reason Camilla is the one treated like an incestuous degenerate and not him

Mega tank is where the trail and error starts to get really noticeable, you're likely gonna have to restart the level at some point because you have to position your units in very specific ways to be able to both ward off enemy infantry, prevent getting nailed by the gigatank and still get close enough to it to actually do damage. If you simply enjoy the aesthetic of the game then definitely keep playing, but just know that that's what levels are gonna be like from now on.

>Claude does have charisma and likability
lmfao, thanks for letting us know you watch marvel movies.
>newfag zoomers hate yuri
God this place got gay

He doesn't take Elise hostage but says he won't let you get the medicine to cure her if you don't go back with him. Then talks about your lack of honour when Zola captures him and his fmaily in ch 20

That's basically the same as taking her hostage at this point.

>Then talks about your lack of honour when Zola captures him and his fmaily in ch 20
Shit like this is exactly why I don't get people saying that the Hoshido royals are too perfect, and thus boring. Ryoma is so batshit crazy all by himself he makes the entire Nohr family look not mentally ill just by being on-screen. And he's PROUD of being mentally ill.

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Play romhacks.

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>lmfao, thanks for letting us know you watch marvel movies.
Nice to know Edelgardfags are still the brainless drones they always are. Here's a fact: CF is the worst route in the game and ground zero for some of 3H's worst parts and Edelgard will always be the worst major character of this game.

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>>newfag zoomers hate yuri
>God this place got gay
Get a real girlfriend & have sex, faggot.

>God this place got gay
FE got gayer because of faggots like you user. 3H is a shit FE.

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Is Edelgard really that bad? Is she worse than Aqua/Azura?

Huge lance, is he compensating for something?

I don't think the rest of the Hoshido royals are too bad, Takumi despises you but it's understandable after what happened, like with Hope in FFXIII being an idiot

edelgard is a perfect princess who causes endless seething jealousy.

Azura is stupid in a normal way. I can believe that someone irl would be like Azura for better or worse. Edelgard is like one guy wanted to make her a marketable kawaii waifu and another guy wanted to make her a ruthless dictator who gives no shit and she's now a combination of both, and not in a good way.

edelgard is worse because Azura is at least hot

been playing these games since sacred stones release and conquest is by far my favorite in the series
develop taste

One of those game series where I enjoy playing them but the general fanbase is so fucking awful that I would never admit to doing so

>Is Edelgard really that bad?
Yeah, unlike the other lords she never gets any serious character growth or learns an important lesson along the way in her own route. Not only that but there is literally no rational reason to join her because she is responsible for the many times the students fall in to danger and sneaked in the people who later kill your father.

The only reason anyone remembers her is because she's a female lord, she's bisexual and yurifcucks like want to be her wife.

Everything post-RD is crap. End of discussion.

Zoomers hate hard games, "user".

The only reasons people like her is...
>trolling haters on Yea Forums
That's it.

A character doesn't need development or to learn some kind of moral to be interesting or well-written, it's just that she's very one-dimensional so she's boring unless you pretend CF doesn't exist and like to see her as just one stylish looking antagonist.

Cute anime waifus.
Terrible game design.
Redeemed by absurd difficulty modes.


edelgard is universally considered an amazing character, she just causes seething by Yea Forums contrarians. nothing new or suprising

>The story would have been so different I don't know if it would have been a good thing
I mean i dont think it would change that much besides a few additional encounters with the other corrin and making certain characters route-restrictive (maybe felicia/azura/kaze for birthright and jakob/silas/mozu for conquest, you could swap silas and kaze though)
even if it does change though, is the story even worth keeping to begin with?

nice reverse psychology attempt faggot. edelgard is literally the most popular character in the series, only contrarian cucks hate her

>is the story even worth keeping to begin with?
Yes? What kind of stupid question is that? It's not a masterpiece but it gets the job done.

I'll say that while I'm disappointed, I can't say this is unheard of since FE10 and FE4 had similar features.

>A character doesn't need development or to learn some kind of moral to be interesting or well-written
Dimitri did it, why can't Edelgard?

>A character doesn't need development or to learn some kind of moral to be interesting or well-written
lmao fucking retard

And it makes those games worse, there's no reason to think in any of those games because you can just wind back to the start of the turn to undo your mistake and only lose a few minutes.
>Just don't use it then, it's optional
Fuck off, retard.

>proving my point
I see you, faggot.

I'm planning on going playing some fire emblem games for the first time is 7->6->8 a good order?

Because Dimitri is a character and Edelgard is an empty waifu. Jokes aside, I don't think you get what I mean. Edelgard could have been an irremediable antagonist through and through who doesn't give a shit about ethics and the well-being of her people and soldiers and still be a fun character, like Hubert. She simply isn't. Dimitri is fun because you see him grow, but him and Edelgard have very different roles and stories.

>edelgard is literally the most popular character in the series
Yeah, to reddit and twitter. In the polls where they take note of the most popular character in FE3H its Dimitri.

8 is also fine as a starting point

First time playing and she's not bad at all, just wants to end dragon zog control of humanity that use them as crest experiments
I honestly don't know why everyone hates her so much.

>"just use cavs" : the series
Tell me you haven't played all the games without telling me.

>to reddit and twitter.
user, modern Yea Forums encapsulates some of the worst aspects of plebbit in a nutshell. The people here are cucked beyond belief these days.

I found Hubert fun at first but that Edelgard A support really soured me on him.

Yea Forums hates her because she's antisemetic

zero days since dimitrifags last seethed about edelgard being the most popular lord

Unlike those shitholes, being gay and a woman isn't something that is coddled here.

How has a new game not been announced? Three Houses was like 2 years or more ago, and before that was a 4 year drought. Are they just taking longer to develop now?

Attached: 1648403000161.jpg (615x343, 38.67K)

6 is significantly more difficult than 7 or 8.
8 -> 7 -> 6 would be better.

I say they're both decently realistic, the main issue that Edelgard has is as you said, the tone whiplash of how she's portrayed, or the "gap moe".

someone on the development team tried to have their cake and eat it too, she's by far the most inconsistent red emperor archtype, which is an archtype that already has its issues for half of its members.

>i-its just reddit!!!!
nice try fujofag, your magazine where they survery 30 japs doesnt reflect reality

I feel bad for the normal people who like Edelgard who are associated with fags like you.

>In the polls where they take note of the most popular character in FE3H its Dimitri.
post some of those polls

I pray it's because they've listened to the complaints that 3H was obviously rushed in multiple departments and are taking their time, but I hold little hope it's the truth.

im trying to figure out if what im proposing would change the story that drastically and i dont see how it would besides having the whole traitor thing not be so one-note like in the normal games
i dont think fates' story is bad (not including revelations) but i just think it would be nice to see contrast in the siblings in their environments (male corrin is more hostile and uncertain despite being in hoshido, female corrin is more level-headed and reasonable despite being in nohr). i think it would help show how hoshido isnt some perfect nihongo land and nohr isnt an absolute shithole (that one user mentioned ryoma but it would be nice to see more imo)

If you asked 30 Japs, I legit bet most of them would say Dimitri over Edelgard on account of how frigid she is.

>a woman isn't something that is coddled here.
....this board's full of gay people?

3H to SoV was 2 years, SoV to Fates was 2 years, and Fates to Awakening was 3 years.

The majority of people like her so I don't think they would care.

>....this board's full of gay people?
The people who picked CF.

>i dont think fates' story is bad
correction, i dont think it's completely irredeemable trash but conquest is still pretty fucking bad

And since a new FE isn't announced now or leaked now, does that mean when there's announcement it'll be 1-2 more years before it's actually out?

The stories wouldn't really be "what if" scenarios, just two sides of the same story for one. And the mere fact that one sibling would get kidnapped while the other wouldn't be kidnapped would change the protagonists' relationship with Hoshido so much I don't even know where to begin. Mikoto dying would have led to a different outcome imo too.

The big brain would be 7 Lyn mode>8>rest of 7>6

Learn to read, faggot

Is your 3DS not hacked?

You have to dump it to patch it.

there's alot of ways you could fix the story of fates, it actually has similar issues with other games, with what i think is the biggest one, that also isn't discussed much, is plot teleportation.

fire emblem is no stranger to that, but rarely do HEROES have access to it, Leo has such powers but its never used outside of after he gives the tome to Corrin to visit the rainbow sage.

Thracia 776 Lil' Manster project.

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Asking a CFfag why he picked Edelgard is hilarious, its always because they're horny

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>Is your 3DS not hacked?
Do you want me to report you to Nintendo, faggot?

fates and awakening were fun

Learn to cope. Normal people wouldn't care about an anonymous stranger on the internet liking a popular fictional character.

to be absolutely fair, playing devil's advocate, thats the in-universe reason Byleth would have to side with her considering the lead up to that choice threw-out the entire game, he's a boring bland character but i can't say he's an inaccurate self insert.

My dad's boyfriend works for Nintendo faglord, I've got immunity.

People don't want to associated with certain fandoms or games because of the real life shame of being linked with suhumans like you Edelcuck, choke on it.

3H was only just over a year between announcement and release, though Nintendo have been a bit better recently with announcing things closer to release date.
The latest Kirby for example was only 6 months.

>Using pozzed trannylation
baka my head

if i were horny i would have picked this. i picked edelgard because shes the best character in the franchise.

Attached: rhea.jpg (949x1920, 160.22K)

God I hope so. Three Houses was half baked trash and I've been playing Triangle Strategy to scratch the srpg itch. No class swapping bullshit, grounded story with no evil shadow cult, demons, or dragons, and choices that change the gameplay and story.

People don't want to associate with fujo spergs like you having public mental breakdowns over your boyfriend not being the most popular character.

That's just the latest Japanese version, Kaga released a new version of VSG in December and they're just using that instead of the older one

Agree on all points, Awakaning was new and fun but the series clearly lost its way, I didn't mind SoV though. Berniebro is indeed fine as well.

>one sibling would get kidnapped while the other wouldn't be kidnapped
you know i was actually thinking they experience the same shit up until the split and they just react to it very differently (male corrin with the ganglari so he has even more reason to stay with hoshido and finding the dawn/dusk yato blades instead of just one sword)
now that i think about it i feel what im proposing works better for a fire emblem fates anime or some shit, it doesnt really work well for a medium with player's choice

The first few games before awakening were the very definition of niche weebs trash taht no one played, Awakening was great Fates was good 3H was painfully mediocre

>user thinks you have to be a fujo to shit on edelfags
LMAO anyone can trash Edelgard on account of being a garbage character, meanwhile Dimitri has the benefit of having the best route in the game and an absolute monster of a unit.

It may be a newer "Kaga approved" version but it's still casualised and I'm still disappointed.

>real life shame
get a fucking grip on reality holy shit. you need a life and some friends

Attached: obsession.png (433x554, 419.74K)

>umm i'm not a fujo
>now to gush about daddy dimitri uwu
okay fujo

edelgard is a better unit and can one turn maps. you dont even play the game. cope more fujosister

And just like that, Edelgardfags fall back on the "fujos" who are out to get them. What sad little rodents.

Attached: dave chapplle whiteface.gif (300x228, 1.73M)

Everyone can 1 turn maps, 3H is easy in that way

ITT: faggots pretend to not be gay and simp for their prefered 3H hero of choice.

imagine lying about your sexuality on the internet.

with that said i think my favorite of the two is "you can self insert gay with one of them, but we're the straight ones and fags are bad"

>find an FE thread
>everyone is shitting on my Emperor

Attached: bejita pic.jpg (720x588, 24.23K)

>dimitrifujos call edelchads trannies and cucks
>"noooo you cant just call me a fujo for wanting to be raped by my boar king"

What's your favorite then?

How the fuck do you losers care about these shitty fictional characters so much
Kill yourselves

>fags are bad
Always have been.

This thread is the perfect example of loud minorities, they make games sound better/more popular than they are

Attached: 1627387919876.png (798x835, 93.77K)

Some good games, some bad games.
Yeah, fuck off.

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It goes to show the sort of people Edelgard haters are.

The real question is do any of you think 3 Hopes will retain the playerbase of 3H? I doubt it.
Games that rely heavily on marketing aren't known for player retention. If the game turned out to be not good enough, people will leave and most likely not come back.

Then again the fact that 3H had no legs is pretty telling.

Attached: 1639059270791.png (1884x1053, 826.69K)

I may not like 3H, but you're a legit faggot my dude.
What a faggot

>completely revolutionized the series
>half the list is ports

You should also kill yourself

Meant for

>that pic
What "false advertising"? The trailers and gameplay showcases made it pretty clear what the game was going to be.

>Too retarded to (you) properly
Anything else to add big fella?

How do people like Three Houses? It's boring as fuck, the story is horribly told as well as being stupid and the maps are badly designed

His mom got raped by 3H, this is how he copes.

Screencapping your own posts is baby shit.

>They think I'm going to give them a (you)

Just posting some facts, no need to be so defensive

People wanted an FE game not some cheap persona knock off

This has gotta be fake right? No fucking way FE got BTFO'd this hard by fucking Splatoon of all things. Maybe I'm out of touch with the Switch audience but I know at least 5 regular-ass people that have played 3H and only 1 dude who played Splatoon.

>How do people like Three Houses?
Because I grew bored with the old FE and I wanted something new. The gameplay was never the strong part of this series nor the story or characters, so the attempt to put some effort into the characters and story was nice albeit flawed.
You're a legit retard if you think this game is anything like Persona.

>fujo having a meltdown because xe failed to defend daddy
lmoaing at your life

>Berniebro is a harmless autist, I don't know how you couldn't like him
Because he is a faggot who likes the most one dimensional character in the game and everybody hypes him up so they can get pictures for r/Yea Forums

>Splatoon of all things
Splatoon is huge though, it's perfectly reasonable for FE to be beaten by it.

All the games that come out on switch become the best seller of their respective series. Three Houses was massively underperforming compared to other Switch titles.

I said my 3DS was hacked earlier, I just wanted to know if I could run the patches on the fly like with ModMoon and Sm4sh.

>How do people like Three Houses? It's [lies], the story is [schizo headcanon] and the maps are [inane babble]
See? Done.

Attached: iwon.jpg (556x313, 19.11K)

>because i dont like fire emblem

To be fair it was advertised as a good game, which turned out to be false

>The gameplay was never the strong part of this series nor the story or characters
wtf was then?

Splatoon is one of the biggest successes Nintendo had in the last few years.

> The gameplay was never the strong part of this series nor the story or characters
Then what was you absolute tard, the fucking pixel art?

>Then what was you absolute tard, the fucking pixel art?

Attached: fire-emblem-gba[1].gif (640x426, 2.88M)

Fuck man, guess I really am out of touch with the zoomers. The game was alright but I couldn't really see anybody playing it for more than a couple hours.

Based retard

I wouldn't have asked mommy to buy me FE7 at the age of 11 if I didn't see the Elfire animation from Pent in the "what happened to Dorcas" advertisement

>Fuck man, guess I really am out of touch with the zoomers.
No user, that's the thing; Nintendo's audience is zoomers AND millennials who have money to spend.

Objectively correct.

I've heard they're working on a better translation, right now it uses an edited version of the project exile rewrite. But what makes LM great is the QoL stuff it adds.


FE died a little when it went 3D. A lot of character and wonder left with Shadow Dragon and there was nothing left with KT's hideous musoushit engine. In a perfect world, they would have built on the 2D spites which I honest to God think peaked with the GBA games.

Attached: fire emblem 3h gba.jpg (511x1024, 125.96K)


In the army you know a lot of people and you'll find every type from DnD groups, furrys, paradoxfags, channers and nintendo fans
I never met another person that plays fire emblem, not fucking one and almost everyone knew I played it.
It really isn't that popular at all.

>It really isn't that popular at al
It may be a surprise to some people on this thread, but SRPGs are niche as hell.

Based 3D hater

>The video game was never the strong part of the video GAME
Fucking hell...

>FE died a little when it went 3D
Not really. Path of Radiance was good. It's once it was revived on 3DS for normies that it lost its soul, although Shadows of Valentia was alright.

>mass replier is retarded
my nigga i beg you

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