Why is no one here talking about this game? It's freakin amazing
Why is no one here talking about this game? It's freakin amazing
Other urls found in this thread:
how does this compare to 3?
Kys shill, you have been making these threads for days now.
Kys Randy
borderlands stopped being good when first dlc got released to 2
Zanzibart hands typed this post.
1. 59.99 plus tax plus tip
2. ebin games exclusive for a year
3. tiny tina is legit awful and may god have mercy on your ears and eyes.
You telling me you didn't make a tranny retard to enjoy the borderland-type game play ran by crazy tiny tina? I'm convinced you guys just don't like having fun.
no crack no care
Playing this with my female gf who blows me daily, shit is so cash
How dare you (You) me, Randy?
i hated 3 but i'm liking this so far. Just hit level 16 today with my spellshot
No one was paid to post this... I was genuinely curious why no one was posting about this game. I'm having a blast with it.
Because like every Memelands game, you're better off waiting a couple years until you can grab for the actual final edition with all the DLC for $20.
this, I bought borderlands 3 at launch and it is one of my biggest regrets, gonna grab this on steam or GOG if it ever comes on sale.
Hi Randy.
I wish you would make a halfway decent game some day.
I'll never buy it, but these pathetic shill threads are kinda sad and wouldn't be necessary if your product wasn't terrible.
You can do it, big guy.
>Erm, why is noone playing le epic borderlands spinoff with lol teh random tiny tina. it's heckin amaze-balls
Please get new writers randy. Just fire everyone and start a new.
The ads alone made my fucking ears bleed, why would I pay money for several hours of that shit?
Fuck off Randy.
Give it a rest already, Randy
tranny game
I refuse to install epic games onto my computer because I am convinced it is chinese spyware, and even that aside I think sweeny is a prick.
Come back to me in a year after it goes on sale with the inevitable dlc already out and part of a semi-affordable bundle and I may consider it. May. bl3 was pretty ass so it left a bad taste y'see.
Few hours into the game and it's the same shit as BL3 but in a different setting, really.
I think Jack and clap-trap were the only remotely possible half average funny characters in the whole series.
Shills will tell you gameplay is better but you really see it (I guess) once you finish the game to have enough points to make a fun build.
They said LGBTWTFBBQ things were only a thing at the start with Paladin Mike but I had to help a lesbian in the mean time. And I just got a quest where I had the option to seduce the villains. They are all male and it happens 3 times in a row in 15 minutes.
On top of that you have the SW Rogue One annoying robot and tranny Tina talking about how people playing a game shouldn't be mean.
>It's freakin amazing
Ok everyone shut up and listen to me.
Alright so get this. A loot shooter based on Lupin the Third. Just think about it.
first quest is saving lesbians for a literal tranny.
wouldnt even pirate it.
Way more fun than BL3 and much better writing. i would put it on par with BL2. Bonus points for being able to make a catboy.
>first quest is saving lesbians for a literal tranny.
>lying like a fucking faggot
Lmao you try to help some farmer slut try and romance some alchemist bitch, it works, and then the farmer slut tells the alchemist bitch to fuck off and has sex with a literal painted goblin. It was a funny quest.
It sure is
Borderlands was so flash in the pan
The first one was great for the setting, art style, and looter shooter gameplay being fresh at the time
2 was only good because they stuck to what made 1 work and added more interesting classes
Everything after 2 was either actual cringe garbage or just boring/the exact same as prior releases
There is zero reason for this franchise to have more than 2 full games + their respective DLCs
>OC character tiny tina stole from the internet is voiced by the 11 year old she stole it from
lmao okay groomer, get the fuck off this site.
All right, I'm on board. It better be great, though. So is Zenigata on Lupin's team for some reason, or is this some sort of 4v1?
>EGS Exclusive
>Company behind it has been getting more and more SJW
>It's going to get tons of DLC that's going to be a GOTY edition for $20-30 eventually
>3 was shit compared to 1 and 2
I wonder why...
because Boredlands
I like the idea of mixing Diablo with a shooter but they never did it well. The fact the game is about a single active skills with 3 trees with 90 passive buffs makes it boring
He’s not voiced by Tom Holland? My friend said they got a lot of celebrities so I thought it was him kek
I don't play gearbox games.
nah he's voiced by some FtM tranny, which doesn't help my point i know. But in-universe, his voice is like that because he is supposed to be a child's cringe OC.
It's ok.
It's definitely a step in the right direction. But they went a bit to far down the saints row writing path. The main badguy is great, and some of the side stories are great fun. My favourite was pretty early on making the farmer fuck the goblin.
I absolutely hate the police robot thing, the whole butt stallion joke died before leaving the intro cut scene. Valentine does a good job, he reminds me of most the bards I have had the displeasure to know in game and that's oddly charming. The robot is just, annoying. No redeeming features.
Tina is annoying but acceptable.
Wish I could have chosen a robot head though.
>Paying randy top dollar
Now why would I want to be fucked in the mouth and forced to swallow parasite filled semen?
He's a DLC character with special dialogue options explaining why he's going along on their adventures.
I got it all figured out. Lupin has average stats with all weapon types and his special allows him to disguise as an enemy, confusing enemies in combat and making it so any enemy that hasn't been engaged yet won't attack you.
Jigen has high skill with magnums and sniper rifles, access to armor-piercing rounds, and his special causes all missed shots to ricochet to the nearest enemy.
Goemon has low skill with all guns but ungodly melee skill and the highest base speed. His special causes him to zip around and go absolutely ham with his sword.
Fujiko has skill with pistols, automatics, and heavy machineguns. Her special allows her to charm enemies and cause them to attack their comrades.
Zenigata has average skill with all weapon types and a jitte that can block certain attacks. His special is a thrown pair of handcuffs that completely disable enemies and cause them to take bonus damage until they free themselves.
Would you play it, Yea Forums?
Kirby rekt it.
the robot's character is basically "sassy black woman"
I will only play (pirate) the game if Tina gets blacked in the next DLC. That will show them raycis!
Yer and it's annoying.
I know me picking this out if pointless. But she starts by trying to play off as a murder hobo, does nothing but scream loot kill and pillage. Then insists we don't do anything evil, and then Valentine the guy who's supposed to be an idiot is the one making the most sense and being reasonable is forced to apologise. It's just crap.
She's still a kid in this one.
is he hwyte? You know, why...
A sidegrade to 3.
>Less Ava
>More Tina
>Less horrible exposition that goes on for hours (still plenty, just not as much)
>Excellent peon dialogue as they shoot at you/die
>Character customization is pretty cool, but player character(s) lost most of their identity in favor of just being generic protagonist, they also let you overcap the sliders if you wanna make an abomination
>Pronounshit is also present in customization (This/That body type instead of masculine/feminine or male/female and you literally get to pick your pronouns), but is otherwise not really present
>Epic exclusive for 6 months just like 3
>Shorter campaign
>Better endgame
>Significantly worse classes (each one only has 1 skill tree, but you get to slap 2 of them together, trees are all pretty forgettable), although you do get 4 skills to pick from
>Spells instead of grenades are cool
Are you implying this game is not progressive enough?
Dont forget, you can pick 2 classes, but each class is pretty much designed to be paired with a specific one.
Brr zerker and Clawbringer
wizard and rogue
Sporemancer and necro
There are definitely "intended" combos, but they can work outside those circles too.
Except Sporemancer.
Sporemancer is just really underwhelming all around.
I played clawbringer + stabbomancer. was fun shooting only crits and one-hitting enemies. too easy though
>sidegrade to 3
>lists 8 good things and 3 bad things
I would consider it a sidegrade to 2, 3 was an abomination.
>Pronounshit is also present in customization (This/That body type instead of masculine/feminine or male/female and you literally get to pick your pronouns), but is otherwise not really present
Honestly i liked this. I picked the female body type, male pronouns, and made a pretty good looking catboy character. i know it's tranny shit, but i'm not going to complain about customization options that remove nothing and solely exist for player immersion.
i would say pretty much all the combos can be stupid broken OP
i'm assuming that's spell slinger and spore warden? Why isn't it good? i would imagine having the shroom aggro and tank while you unload spells would be pretty good.
Line items can all be interpreted one way or another, hence why I didn't put a + or - next to them. Some people won't mind it and enjoy the "immersiveness" of it. Some will piss and shit and scream about it for months because they're autists on a Germanic hentai foundry.
I meant Spore Warden. It's hard to remember everything.
The class just has a really boring skill tree, an okay passive, and forgettable abilities (compared to other classes).
how gay am I for liking 3? I mean, characters are shit but god damn, I had fun shooting enemies which is something I cant say about BL2. gunplay really did save it in my eyes and its saving wonderlands too
Sounding good so far. Make sure there's a hot springs event + Monaco/French/Italian Rivera type campaign and you've got a deal. Though you've gotta get some sort of stealth/Payday2-but-better mechanic so it isn't just all random shooting all the time.
3 has by far the best gunplay.
Wonderlands has that same gunplay, yeah. Since they just copy-pasted most of the code.
>>Better endgame
Rooms full of generic mooks ad nauseam is such great endgame.
The Chaos Chamber rooms don't have nearly enough enemy density to be fun, and all you do is fight one of the old story bosses at the end afterwards.
The game needs a ton of DLC to flesh out chaos chambers, because right now they're fucking barebones.
Spore warden is ridiculously good though, especially if multiclassed with graveborn.
the actual gameplay was good, but the writing was so bad i had to mute the voice over dialogue. there are a lot of other issues i had with the game but it's been so long since i played all i can remember is that i played beat the game, grinded mayhem to fully see the game loop, and immediately quit and never played again. i'm a sucker for BL games (played the first one for hundreds of hours with my brother) so i can get into the "just loot and shoot" mindset and enjoy the games, but for me BL3 was a very, VERY low point.
So you're saying... You do it for free?
Triggered elden ring shill
its literally one gearbox shill getting paid to advertise it here
I agree it lacks "something", and the first thing I did after finishing BL3, I started yet another char in BL1. still, hoping that one day they will be able to combine good shooting with the soul of first games
i was boycotting the store for the longest time too, but now i don't care and know that nothing fucking matters anyway, so i buy my cheap distraction material from epic AND steam.
Tried to replay 2 and couldn't get into it. Replayed the first one and already at Lv.33. Not having visual aids of screen effects blurring your vision and characters yapping cringey memes every 10 seconds really does help the first one in being better. Also that only in the first one are snipers usable.
3 has the best core gameplay by far but the launch was rough (loot drop issues, bad graphics optimization, crashes) and it took time until Gearbox fixed those and released the DLCs that vastly improved the game's overall impression. The base game's story and dialogue style is also horrifyingly bad and hard to avoid.
Oh yeah stealth would definitely be a factor. I'm thinking the story would be some overarching mystery plot ala Hitman but the actual missions would be an episodic series of unrelated heists and combat sextions. Stealth would be preferable in certain circumstances but rarely would you be able to utilize it exclusively. Tons of ecchi style shenanigans and comedy not written by gearbox.
You mean absurdly overpowered? Getting a good Jakobs sniper or a good Justice revolver basically won you the entire campaign for the next 30 levels.
The future games sadly went in the opposite direction by gradually turning snipers into total shit.
1 had the best gun randomisation in the whole series.
>you don't pay to interface with everything you dislike?
Unironically suckstart a shotgun, you embarrassing halfwitted stooge.
glad finally someone on this god forsaken site agrees with me that loli is CP
>itt anons bump a paid post
Dont care all that much but who was responsible for the tonal shift between borderlands 1 and 2? I remember playing 1 a long ass time ago and characters like claptrap just had a normal toned voice and many of the quests were decently grounded and typical apoco-horror themed like finding a quest giver hanged in his own home and bandits jump you
Currently doing Mordecai Sniper and it's fun though often enough I feel like hits that should land don't.
On a sidenote which DLC are worth playing? And another sidenote, did they make the enhanced version easier? I think I remember having to grind for levels way back on the xbox version but now I'm currently 5 levels above the story mission just by doing all sidequests which I think I did back then as well.
How are legendary drop rates? I like how in this game you don't have to grind for them and can play with a lower weapon just fine but just wondering.
>Why is no one here talking about this game? It's freakin amazing
itt anons enjoy something you haven't for years, a videogame
>On a sidenote which DLC are worth playing?
I only played general Knoxx and I heard that one was alright. Apparently the Moxxi underdome DLC is shit but that's just word of mouth.
definitely play Dr. Ned
>dogpiling a desperate retard's kusoge shill
a game you can only play on Yea Forums
and that one's alright but I heard Moxxi underdome DLC is shit*
>often enough I feel like hits that should land don't.
this is half of the reason i don't go back to the original Borderlands, hit detection is bad.
Spore warden and clawguard combo was pretty fun to me, Dual pets and a high status damage build. Just need to graze my target and they Dot to death.
I really want to give a try but there is no torrent of it yet, and I refuse spending money on another borderlands before checking the game
Lolita is an anti pedo book. It shows the terrible consequences for the victim and displays the self deluding nature of pedoniggers
Yeah, dude, the game is heckin' great. I can't believe these Yea Forums lameos aren't talkin' about it more.
Took like 50 days for BL3 to get cracked, and that cracker has now retired. We'll see how long it takes for this one.
Not so bad that it's unplayabe and I wager if you play with the smg, assault rifle or shotgun it's not much of a problem. What's the other reason?
Don't feel like paying for the inevitable 2 or 3 season passes and side DLC to keep up with everyone else.
>>Better endgame
I disagree, Chaos chamber idea is good, but the actual implementation is lackluster and boring.
nice try randy, (You)'re not getting a (You) from me, much less a reaction
Yeah, the release price being 70 fucking dollarydoos is over the top. I'll consider it on some summer sale in four months or something.
The enemy density is too low, only the obelisk levels feel like you're actually getting swarmed. The "finish under 120s" is particularly AIDS because you have to actively look for enemies and hope they won't spawn as skeletons snipers who camp far away.
>much better writing
Reddit moment. The writing is still dogshit, can't believe people are unironically the writing in this shit is good.
Do you guys live in Morocco or something? It's 60$. Not that you should pay for it at all but I constantly see people complaining about prices but US and Europe have normal pricing.
Not American so I don't have the tolerance for this kind of obnoxious, stupid, grating nonsense.
pacing is garbage
game is tedious until it gets to Krom's Canyon and then there's only 1 hour left in the story.
>if you play with the weapons you don't NEED to aim it's okay!
you didn't think that through did you
based im doing my game+ with lilith almost finished the knoxx dlc
The writing IS objectively better though. It's still a Borderlands game so it was never going to have good writing, but it's certainly not as bad as 3 in that regard.
*in heavy’s voice
I can buy two cars for that.
you know 4chanX still shows this as a (you), right?
Is the DLC good? I hear something about having to travel by car a shit ton.
shut the fuck up randy
yes, there's only one checkpoint in the whole dlc, and you will curse a lot for that
less guns with retarded gimmicks
less non-gun items taking space in drop pools
guns being viable for more levels
better item rarity distribution
2 types of chests, more good chests.
After 1, white items almost disappear, but all you get are bad greens and blues with dumb gimmicks. Purples are colors/skins for your character half the time.
And your items are good for 2 levels max.
And good chests are rare.
And you have cringe and annoying characters talking non-stop.
>you're telling me i only get to keep one hand?
>fuck you, just take both of them. i want nothing if it isn't the best ever.
okay retard. enjoy malding at every videogame.
very convincing argument
>This pile of shit doesn't taste AS much like shit so you should definitely eat it
>mad janny deleting the proof Randys a pedo
$80 if you count the rest of the game (DLC)
>very convincing argument
About as convincing as someone saying a subjective thing is objective.
it's alright, the longer I play the worse the UI gets I swear. It's certainly better than 3 but it's not without flaws, the Nocean is pretty boring for example and there's still too much dialogue from quest NPCs before you're allowed to start the quest
no, it IS objective. Copy pasting meme text into your game as dialogue is trash. Making references that require a knowledge of the source material is based, even if it is occasionally cringy.
>much better nows means good
you're so eager to display how much you dislike things you have no knowledge of that you've forgotten how to read
>>you're telling me i only get to keep one hand?
More like one finger. The writing is still dogshit, arguing which one smells worse is pathetic.
dude everything is black and white, i see it now. You're so fucking cool and intelligent, could you tell me your opinions on other games?
>references that require a knowledge of the source material
So, memes.
Do you genuinely not understand what "objective" mean? Because it doesn't seem like you do.
>epic games
>it's just a borderlands dlc repackaged into a stand alone game
nothing new, shit platform, shit people doing it
maybe when a crack appears ill give it a pirate out of boredom and only if my backlog has been cleared
>i have to know about trollface and it's lore before i can find it funny
unironically fucking kill yourself. do it now.
>it's just a DLC made into a standalone game
what kind of DLC reworks the every class into new things and changes out entire base mechanics for new ones?
too busy playing it
Yeah but when you're playing as brick with akimbo no reload rocket launchers that frustration becomes negligible
you should take your own advice m8, you clearly seem to be miserable with your life if you're gonna get this worked up over a pretty inoffensive game
>The writing isn't that bad guys, I swear
>See if it's true or not
>ROLL WITH INITIATIVE SUCKERS *black ghetto woman noises*
So this is good writing according to Bordertrannies...huh...
>wife gets killed
>losses eyesight and a leg
>gets killed by bandits and hung up on a ceiling fan
>turns into a zombie
Poor guy had it hard.
>if you're gonna get this worked up over a pretty inoffensive game
you mean like you did, unprompted, before i ever replied to you?
nice, you picked the literally only new thing it brought. there are even copypasted bl3 weapons for christ sake. and I dont even blame the devs, why make completely new game. on the other hand, why call this a spinoff and charge full price for it
how about new Hitman style open-ended heist game with Lupin
Should have stopped at 2
This is what they're using to sell things now? "It's inoffensive"? Amazing, I definitely want to experience this "inoffensive" product. Maybe then I can go watch a movie that's "non-committal shrug and sigh"
not the same person, seems like we can add paranoia onto the list of reasons why you should end it
Remove Denuvo and I'll tell you
you replied to the wrong person dingus
yes user me telling someone to kill themselves is a marketing move and not my genuine opinion of the game, you are very very smart.
im on my second char now
going thru not getting any luck bonus(except when myth opens ill get that since you cant turn it off)
liked the game but my quest log is completely broken and no amount of restarts is fixing it. Glad i wasted 10 hours and 60$ on this. last borderlands i'm buying.
I have no idea how people didn't mute Tiny Tina off after the beginning area. She works in small doses, but having a whole game for herself was unbearable.
What's the point of the shift keys in 1, don't they just break the game?
She doesn't even work in small doses. First time I ever played BL2 I wanted to blow my brains out hearing the way she speaks.
did they even exist in 1?
you have to progress in a random quest to fix it
I always turn down the dialogue volume and turn up discord when I play any BL game with my friends
in-universe he is the cringe OC of a character from BL3 who is voiced by the same person
I bought it, played for a few hours but I kinda feel stuck. I don’t know if I should wait for all the patches + dlc to come out before diving in or if I should just play right away.
>1 thing
it added multiclassing, magic and all sorts of new legendaries and stuff man. Is this the part you go "iteration bad"?
>in-universe he is the cringe OC of a character from BL3 who is voiced by the same person
the dialogue specifically mentions the creator was a child.
But yeah what happened is it bitched and bitched until they let it voice a male character and they had to work around the obviously female voice.
hard pass
I choose elden ring as my $60 dick slap, so this one ain't happening till a sale comes along. Gotta fund my other hobbies too. Also, I'm still mad about 3's 2nd season pass content being shit.
Do we still know how long the exclusivity is going to be this time? 3 was for six months but didn't get a steam page until the very last month. Wonderlands already has a steam page and I thought the policy was if your game was released on another platform then it needs to be released on steam within a month if you made a page for it.
I've played all the borderlands but I don't use EGS so maybe in half a year
why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Damn lol the sporeguy is my primary class
I dont recall the dialogue saying a child, Tina just said it was a Barista she talked to
already did a chargeback. knew buying epic shit was a mistake.
fyi, you could combine 3 skill trees in previous games. now you can combine 2, big change
BL3 > BL2 > Wonderlands > Pre Sequel > 1
>Those sales numbers
you could combine only 3 trees per class, now you can pick and choose ANY combination of trees. feel free to try to explain how this new found customization freedom is bad
But you were locked to those 3 skill trees, in wonderlands you can combine 2 trees from a total of 6.
>blatant shill thread is still up
so, tranny mods, how much Randy paid you?
you may be right, i was a little drunk when i started the game. Oh well i'm still going off the headcanon that the voice is the original creators who is either a child or a female barista.
go to another thread and post about trannies or fags or something. nobody cares.
I mean, it's an Epin game store timed exclusive
When it hits Steam it'll at least x5 its sales
>a character from 3
BL3 was a timed Ebin exclusive too though.
Borderlands 3 sold a lot more than 2 in the same time period and it was also an Epic Exclusive. The game simply flopped
>looter shooter
>not a stealth game/immersive sim
probably Lorelei. the same tranny that voices mike is her VA.
Why? It's entirely relevant for this game and series (and fanbase)
Hopefully they hire better writers for BL4 though, because holy shit, the writing besides Tales is total trash.
because nobody cares
That's a poor comparison honestly.
>BL3 was a long up and coming sequel to a beloved (even if I am reticent to admit it) series and everyone expected the best, huge hype, and a hefty ad campaign complete with "free in-game shit if you check our news site weekly to see new stuff happening."
>Wonderlands is a "spinoff" game that received very little attention and fairly little marketing outside of their news site (which no random person is gonna visit, only preexisting fans)
The devs and the fanbase sure do
Oh, I guess I see the resemblance now. Sucks that coffee bitch gets to play but not Brick or Mordecai. I'd love to see an Amazon Siren voiced by Brick.
How is 3's endgame nowadays?
How is the level scaling as the game goes on? Is it still too early to judge? Even when I managed to deal with the awful dialogue and writing in 2 I couldn't get over the fact that the gameplay got shittier as you levelled up until every enemy was an unresponsove bullet sponge that made slag mandatory. I know they ditched slag at some point but the fact they kept making the issue worse with every update and DLC made me doubt they give a shit about balance at all
Brick and Mordy are practically forgotten after 2 because they're "a white musclehead male and a Hispanic male."
The two combined had less total voice/screen time than Ava in 3.
3 doesn’t have endgame. Wonderlands has proper endgame. Chaos Chambers + Raid bosses. It’s great.
Smallest scaling since BL1 I believe, especially since lvl 40 is the max.
Yeah, it was a real bummer. If Ava didn't exist and it was instead all the old VHs getting together with the new ones to stop the bandit cult, that would've been a way better story. Could've been fun walking in on conversations between them on sanctuary.
>he doesn't even know what it's a reference to
kek just fuck off, you are embarrassing yourself. at least when you poor retards can play a cracked version we get funny glitch images from the 1.0 version.
plus 3's base game was so bad I'm sure plenty of people are reluctant to buy another BL game on launch, which is totally understandable.
two free takedowns with raid bosses, then one more raid boss in dlc
that's it, unless you also count the trials of slaughter and proving grounds "endgame"
Epic reference brosis
3 circles of slaughter
2 raids/takedowns with 4-player scaling mode
3 free events (Cartels, Halloween, Broken hearts) that you can turn on/off anytime.
6 proving grounds that were in the base game now have a switch that makes the last boss have raid levels of health, but gives you a shitload of leggos (some of which is from DLC).
1 raid boss (hemovorous) in Director's Cut, it's basically Vermi but better in everyway (Vermi also spawns in that fight in Chaos 6 and above).
Ignore this retard
it's alright, I'm hoping DLC and updates will add more encounter maps and bosses. maybe even give us some one off invasions to run too
How is 3 nowadays?
BL3's keep on selling faster than BL2 thus far, so that's probably not the case.
Brick is in wonderlands though, just not as a player (narrator). he's the punchfather and his character is pretty funny.
Are the events really endgame? Broken hearts doesn't even have a zone associated with it. They can also be played at any time.
>White character voiced by non-White actress
Hard pass
user they aren't selling just the base game of BL3 anymore but a much updated version of it and with DLC
It is indeed a heckin' amazeballs game BatChest
where the fuck are you hearing they/them in-game?
Its just another boarderlands..
That and also it feels like they put less effort into 3 after the fact.
>People were instantly turned off by "We aren't adding any extra characters"
>Season Pass was underwhelming
>2nd Season Pass.. which only has 2 items, one of which is irredeemable garbage plus an extra skill tree for each character (which made people feel like the game wasn't worth playing until all content was released cause "muh options per character" (even though 2 of the trees ended up being very meh)
>And the other item of which was a side mode that felt totally disjointed from the rest of the game (some people liked it, some didn't)
>But the free content (which was mostly front-loaded in the timeline) was pretty gud
>And then the stupid "battle pass" thing which got dropped after 3 "seasons" and that stupid fucking giga loot room where you only get a small window.. to pick 1 item off each wall
no idea I never bought the season pass cus I disliked how shit BL3 was on launch. they supposedly added stuff that was better but I sure as hell wasn't going to buy a season pass after that campaign
Oh, cool. Is he like the pixies from two? How often does he show up?
>Are the events really endgame?
Broken hearts not really. Joey from Cartels and Haunt from Bloody Harvest are pretty beefy, pretty sure they got buffed last time I played
what makes you think they've played the game and aren't just making up things
just that quest line then i think hes gone forever
doesnt even hang out in the tavern after
American """humour"""
hes in like two quests total
Vault cards aren't really a battlepass. They're not time limited and you keep getting rewards from them. They're just more infinite level ups like guardian ranks but reward you with guns/currency rather than stat bonuses.
Cartel event is so good. How does borderlands (besides wonderlands I haven't played it yet to judge) have consistently have great music?
Lame. Hopefully he shows up in the dlc or something.
>Cartel event is so good. How does borderlands (besides wonderlands I haven't played it yet to judge) have consistently have great music?
jasper kyd helping with it
wonderland's OST is pretty underwhelming as it tries to fit the fantasy theme, so it's mostly generic fantasy shit or ambient tracks when exploring.
he's in the beanstalk quest in the nocean
aw fuck, really? That kind of sucks but it was fun to see him again. I would rather it be like that than they overuse him though.
You guys must fucking love Big Bang Theory and Rick and Morty
One of the original reveals of Vault Cards compared them to "battle passes that don't expire or run out." But yeah, you are at least right about that.
>>Season Pass was underwhelming
I disagree, BL3's Season Pass was better than BL2's season pass. The second season pass though, if you don't like cosmetics, is a bit pricey.
>(even though 2 of the trees ended up being very meh)
Only FL4K's was meh (and it's still amazing for pet builds), Moze's purple tree with half blue/green and red until the railgun augment is her new meta Iron Bear build. I think you're talking about Zane's green tree.
Fl4k and Amara's 4th trees are meh.
big bang theory? nah
rick and morty? yeah maybe, depends on how many substances i have consumed that day.
you know you're missing out on things you might enjoy just because people you dislike also enjoy them (and are also, as always, over vocal about them). You literally are using reddit mentality by hating things solely to fit in.
Her green and purple combo is meta for melee builds and her capstone is incredible (can freeze Wotan). Also, her ping pong ball is extremely busted, you can clear raid bosses in seconds.
I wouldn't call it underwhelming at all.
>Her green and purple combo is meta
yeah it is, thanks doc.
>you know you're missing out on things you might enjoy
[Doubt]. Played the first for a bit and it wasn't enjoyable on any level and everything I've seen of the games after has been completely embarrassing. Also do you expect me to give money to garbage western devs?
Did they ever fix the poor performance of 3?
sounds good enough, gonna wait for crack tho.
You're going to be waiting for the Steam release then, sadly.
why should anyone take you seriously when you admit you've only played one of 5 games while trying to claim they're all trash
hey man as long as you gave it a shot i'm not going to hate on you for not liking it. just tired of people parroting hate they have no actual investment in.
if he didn't like BL1 there's no way he'll like the rest. leave it alone.
I love how easy it is to see a paid thread, who unironically would use freaking instead of fucking here hahahaha faggot
kys redditor
Yeah. Most of the game's gameplay issues got fixed but you can't fix the base game's writing.
How is 3 in japanese?
nope. and wonderlands is even worse, crashing left and right
Curious as well. Though I doubt it has anything coming close to Japanese Gaige.
>less ava
>not no ava
They really didn't put her in did they?
she can't possibly be in the game because it takes place way before 3 while tina is still a kid
There's no Ava in Wonderlands. Only characters from former games are Tina, Torgue and Brick and the last one is basically a different character.
theres also Claptrap
EGS. Will play whenever it comes out in a normal store.
I don't know about japanese, but spanish tyreen sounds cute as fuck.
Sorry couldn't find it on steam, so must be some indie trash that not even steam wanted to accept, I'll pass on this one.
Not from my experience. I had about 50fps and frequent crashes with an RX480 when game launched, now I have approx 75fps in firefights and basically never crash anymore.
Her saying "Ay perro" near the end got me going and I don't know a lick of ess pan conola.
She's not in, 0 is less than 1 after all.
Japanese Lilith is the same voice as pic related.
fair enough, I havent played 3 in like a year but Wonderlands was pain in the ass. blank quests (like one user posted in this thread), crashes, infinite loadings and sometimes even extremely weird color rectangles that made me think my GPU is dying
Doesn't that just make her sound like even more of a bitch than she does in english?
Just wondering if there was a way to have jap voices and eng text like with 2.
I'd argue 2's snipers are still great by themselves, even the non-uniques up to UVHM. Obviously with Zer0 having a sniper build he nukes big hitboxes with b0re.
your GPU might actually be dying, only issues I've had with the game as of yet is the UI constantly breaking, allied healthbars don't display properly and item icons will not display in my inventory or bank, tooltip boxes vanishing when mousing over something like loot luck and loot luck not displaying properly either.
>blank quests (like one user posted in this thread)
I have this too sometimes but only in the inventory's quest log. I can see the quest marker during movement normally and advancing it always fixes the bug. It needs to be fixed, though. And the weapon icons disappearing in the inventory needs fixing too, as well as the scroll sensitivity on PC. Even BL3 UI wasn't this unpolished at launch.
>crashes, infinite loadings and sometimes even extremely weird color rectangles that made me think my GPU is dying
Can't say I had those but I believe you.
can i pirate it yet? I'm not giving money to randy ever again
Holy shit, Moze sounds so cute in japanese (and claptrap to an extend), I might actually play this with those voices.
Which new characters from 3 weren't unbearable? I can only think of Typhon, the nigga cowboy and Wainwright but they were just mid tier.
>Stop making them always online.
>Stop making them these weird pseudo mmo-lites.
>Stop removing content from them.
>Stop making terrible post-launch content.
>Stop making terrible story campaigns with annoying characters.
>Stop forcing us to listen to the story when replaying through the base game.
>Make decent endgame content that's fun to replay.
That's all you have to do to beat borderlands at its own game. The bar is so fucking low yet all these other attempts still fail and dig their own grave.
Alright i still like the game but now i'm starting to understand why people aren't believing the writing is better. Did they outsource the no-name NPCs to interns or something?
I liked Balex, Wainwright, Katagawa Jr, Mancubus and Tyreen (because she makes me rock hard). Troy also had potential to be a great villain, a shame.
and no, my GPU is fine in every other game
made you look!
try swapping to DX11 if you're on 12
I'll wait for it to show up on Gamepass.
I'm still waiting for BL 3 but I'm not in a hurry. These games are not worth paying for
What GPU and driver are you running? I had this issue with a 2070 and i got so frustrated i updated my drivers and the purple shit went away. no fucking clue what the skybox is doing though, never saw that.
When you make it, user. Be the change you wanna see.
Don't put periods at the end of meme-arrowed statements.
Diablo 2 endgame was not fun though
ok you got my attention
latest drivers on 3070. this went away after a restart but my gf had the same problem on 2070. will try swapping the DX if it happens again
Mancubus was god tier but honestly pointing to the DLCs is cheating, they feel completely separate from the base game to me in nearly every regard. Especially the western themed one.
Made me believe in Gearbox again. The power of kicking Randy Bitchford out.
BL3 sucked cock with the only saving grace being gameplay. Now the gameplay is followed up with gun things to shoot at and good set pieces also Chao Chamber is cool.
>they're not worth paying money, an infinite resource, for
>but they're worth paying time, an objectively limited resource, for
Worth getting 3 for those at least?
They were regular lines that I made into greentexts afterwards for clarity. Also who says they can't have periods??
Average “Waaa they said Gay” “Waaa same sex couple” “Waaa” poster
Depends on how willing you are to give money to Gearbox. Pirate it if you can or get it on a sale. Certainly not worth above 30 dollars for game + all DLCs in my opinion, but yeah all four DLCs are noticeably better than the main game in atmosphere/writing/level design.
Does this game have CHAOS? If not, I'm not interested.
>the bar is so low
So where can i buy your game? or a game you have worked on? a piece of media you have created maybe? i agree with your ideas, but i would like to know you actually know where the bar is before i give you praise.
If you like the rest of the series then yes, bl3's season one dlc is great. Krieg's dlc got cut short due to the virus unfortunately.
Seems like it's on sale right now on steam.
DLC and endgame is great
furfaggot likes it, game confirmed dogshit
I'd still pirate it but your choice. DLC2 is probably all around my favorite, it's basically Halloween meeting Lovecraft cult shit.
>not on steam yet
sorry Randy but my money is going to gaben first, not installing epic shit store
This, >, is a functional period and it has been this way longer than most posters on this site have been alive. The ! and the ? can still be used at the end regardless, but not the . If you have more than one sentence in a single line, it only replaces the final sentence's period if applicable.
next time put the title in the subject so this shitty thread gets filtered
This is how I feel about smashfaggots.
reference the chart newfriend
>tfw no gaige gf to give you deathgrip handjobs
feels bad
shame her shock build in 2 scales so poorly into lategame
>Responding to sub-zero bait
People have been calling Monstergirls/boys furries for years user.
5 and 6 descriptions should be swapped
I hear 3 has great music at least.
you're right, but also this thread will be gone when i wake up so why feel shame about it?
i urge you to reconsider
BL3 is my favorite so far. I personally thinks it improves upon every single thing from BL2 besides the writing, which is worse (somehow).
Get the ultimate edition on sale though
Probably one of my favorite tracks from the game.
>playing yet another borderlands
>actually giving your money to gearbox
>on EGS no less
you are correct
Both Borderlands 2 and 3 had Jesper Kyd composing the music, and he is pretty good
Should I get the BL3 season pass 2 if I don’t care much about the new trees?
I thought this was DLC for 3
>epic exclusive
Big nope.
I will eventually play it later when it's on sale on a better platform.
Does arms race, the vault cards, and one singular raid boss sound like it's worth the money to you?
it is but they want 60 bucks for it
Lol nope. Guess I’ll wait till it’s on sale for 5 bucks or something
It's on epic games store so u can just pirate it
Don't forget 4 skill trees.
re-read the first user's question
Moar liek Blunderlands
Ohh. My bad.
I saw someone listing off the content of SP2 and just jumped ahead.
In that case, Ava's shitty extra quests. Which are also part of that pack of trash.
But they have good legendaries!!!!!!11!
>implying good guns aren't a good feature
>in a game that is 80% guns
BL3's writing is frustrating because you could absolutely see that the game had the ability to not be nauseating, didn't have to be smothered in this constant fog of cringy dialogue and atmosphere of very annoying farce.
I remember the Carnivora boss being a good example. The whole game constantly throws eye-roll inducing dialogue at you, treats everything like a joke as if it's very cool to be very ironic about everything, is stuck in some unbearable miasma between not embracing its goofiness the right way but not being serious either. Enemies are way too easy, it's never hectic enough, Tannis is making extremely annoying memey speeches like she's Joss Whedon, etc.
Then the second phase of this boss begins, youtube.com
Unfortunately it lasts only about a minute. The fight ends and then the curtain is drawn back into the shitty post-ironic Randy humor that refuses to have an ounce of bite or weight to it, and 95% of the game is sadly like this.
3:41 for the part of the song I was referring to.
>nerf the legendary droprates (which was actually a good thing because they were being handed out like candy and could cause performance issues)
>add a legendary to the vault card dlc that ups the drop rates back to their pre-nerf value
bravo gearshift
Pirate DLC1-4, they're mostly free of this fog of farce you're referring to.
not gonna lie i only bought BL3 base edition and didn't bother buying the DLCs so i don't understand half of your post.
Still waiting for a crack...
Originally, BL3 had absurd legendary drop rates. You'd have so many orange items on screen after a fight that none of them would be alluring and they'd tank your FPS. Then the devs fixed these issues by making the droprates a lot more reasonable. But funnily enough, they later released a farmable rewards system that lets you equip an artifact that brings the legendary drop rates back to the shitty pre-fix mode.
>Then the second phase of this boss begins, youtube.com
i like to think that entire boss was an easter egg where you tolerate a bunch of bullshit and then get to see a glimpse of what the OG devs wanted the game to be. and then you win, and return to milquetoast BL3.
I don't buy games with trannies in them unless I can shoot them
They really should have made all the desirable legendaries into pearls so they would pop out in the sea of orange and actually feel special.
so a paid catch up mechanic?
There's more items in the rewards system than just that but yeah. Although I have no idea why anyone would want to equip that artifact, the current version of legendary drop rates is fine. Using it only lessens the experience.
you basically nailed exactly why I think borderlands as a franchise is so frustrating. On paper it's got a really strong setting, decent gameplay and mechanics that really succeed at making it feel like it's diablo with guns, but then the characters start talking and obliterate any mystery or tension that Diablo was known for to try to distinguish themselves from their inspiration. The games would be so much better if they let the gameplay breathe, Diablo II in particular is really good with separating the talky bits and the fighty bits, The Town and The Field are 2 gameplay styles and typically don't intersect too frequently, whereas in Borderlands quests everyone has a standup routine prepared and refuse to stop talking over the gameplay.
It seems the last year or maybe more games have been getting cracked super fast compared to just a few years ago. I don't know what changed, but I haven't had to wait longer than like a week for most released since 2020
its on Epic only. It's got denuvo, and its not cracked yet. Why do you think?
and it's a sequel to the worst campaign in the franchise. I'm sure BL3 vanilla has obliterated anyone's interest in buying another base game, opting to wait for the inevitable definitive edition.
i liked BL3's parody of stream culture and even if the writing was bad i still enjoyed it.
I bought borderlands 3 with the season pass but haven't played it since like 5 months after release. Didn't they come out with a new dlc that wasn't in the season pass or some shit? Might pirate it while I wait for this one to get cracked.
The disparity between legendaries is what gets on my nerves. You could get something like Malak's Bane which is worse than most green guns, and you could get something like the Plasma Coil that can obliterate anything even on M11. And they're allowed to be the same tier technically lmao
they did, read the thread, it's just the shitty Director's Cut thing
Some elements of the story were fun.
Like that one. It was extremely in your face, but it was about something that is naturally in your face, so it feels relevant instead of annoying.
Randy said they couldn't do it because of memory allocation or something like that. They would've had to sacrifice a manufacturer for a rarity tier, apparently, because of how the weapon system works.
That's what we call a "technical excuse."
You pretend like it's actually some big system problem when it's really, really not. It's just them being shit at coding.
It's 2022 how the fuck could they not add more rarities when their previous game has way more?
Revenge of the Cartels and Maliwan Blacksite in particular had god tier music. The Maliwan takedown is personally the peak of the franchise for me, short but very sweet.
>short but very sweet
too bad they didn't follow that rule when they made the guardian takedown
>release day guardian takedown mob health values
I hope we get a few of these in Tiny Tina's. Chaos gates are alright but there's no reason why we can't have big gauntlets with a boss at the end.
I played Guardian takedown once and never again.
They made it much easier to beat, buffed a couple of weapons here and there and removed some of the platforming segments, it's a lot better now IMO. Takes me around 40 minutes to beat instead of more than an hour.
It's definitely shorter now but the pain is still there.
The skeletons are hilarious and you can goomba stomp iron mushrooms.
>kill hyperion engineer
>his words are a plea to tell his wife she's a fucking bitch
back when bl was sometimes based
You know what REALLY gets on my nerves? Stuff behind the takedowns and raid bosses being weaker than stuff you can easily farm from a singular world boss. Or quest rewards (looking at you pearl).
So just with the original season pass I'll get w/e dlc added the extra perk tree?
first season pass should be all story dlcs, casino, gay wedding, western and krieg
second season pass should be director's and designer's cut - skill trees and some new mode
check the store page though, I might be wrong
>Or quest rewards (looking at you pearl).
To be fair, they improved on this front tremendously from BL2. In that game, the meta was pretty much almost quest rewards, while the meta in BL3 is mostly legendaries.
The extra skill trees are part of Designer's Cut, season 2 pass. You won't get them with the first four DLCs, it's bullshit. But none of the 4th skill trees are a big deal except for giving Zane a new way to be absurdly overpowered.
>timed epic exclusive
not giving that store a fucking cent
make another shitty thread when it comes to steam and then we can talk about it
i got this game 5 days ago
>BL3 is higher than all the other borderlands games combined despite the bad writing
BL2 sisters...we lost...
>i refuse to give money to rich fags #1
>i'll give my money to rich fags #2 instead except they're also lazy
Only pirates have the right to shittalk gamestores, steamies shittalking chinklovers is pot meets kettle.
>it's bullshit
Are you one of those who got mad when the season 2 pass was announced because its content wasn't included in the season 1 pass even though the season 1 pass didn't advertise anything outside of its included content? Or are you just mad it wasn't part of the base game? If it's the latter I could understand.
I like BL2 and all but BL3 really is just more fun mechanically. It's also old so of course less people are playing
The latter, I bought the game last year with all included on sale. I can understand campaign DLCs being behind a paywall but locking gameplay mechanics that apply to the whole campaign behind a paywall after a paywall is dumb.
I still play BL2, its atmosphere is much better and I don't have to turn the volume down to bear it.
BL2 was "THE" game for a short time. Over the years after BL1, it developed a following among teenagers who played BL1 on their Xbox 360 or PS3 at the time. And previews for it looked pretty damn good. On top of the PhysX stuff which was mostly unheard of in major modern games except for Battlefield.
Yeah, PhysX was pure nothing and wouldn't even make its way into Presequel, 3, etc. but we're talking then, not now.
That being said, BL3 would be higher because you're comparing Steam numbers, which isn't relevant for BL3 launch day. Had BL3 launched on Steam, the number would've been over 200k peak.
Who would have thought that having a game based on a cringeworthy memelands character doesn't spike up the interest of people
The campaign is far more tolerable but the skill trees and action skills feel lacking, great framework, needs more interesting classes
was shit compared to 1 and 2
The graphics and levels were great, the music was great. They filled it with such shit writing that it ruined everything, also they what did they do to my boy from Tales? Fucking travesty
the physX blood in KF2 is orgasmic and frankly i loved flooding the floor with gooey green liquid in BL2. too bad background "you aren't supposed to notice it, but it improves immersion" didn't catch on outside of VR.
Anyone else remember all those borderlands 2 shill threads?
I agree, sadly we live in a world where texture quality > aesthetics. And x10ing textures over and over requires increasingly more demand, so there's no room for fancy detail effects.
im sick of it, why do you dumbasses have to make every single thread about muh trannies
This was abominable, at least he's barely present.
>boo-hoo i had a wife and had sex with her on a regular basis oh woe is me :((
What are your opinions on trans rights
I unironically like it if only because it's finally a Borderlands that doesn't rely so heavily on all the characters from 1, and the world isn't unnecessarily gigantic to justify vehicles.
Really? I'd say the sporemancer is the best combo for spellshot considering it's a direct buff to gun damage
stabbo zerk is best if you want melee to be your focus IMO. claw doesn't really have that much melee shit compared to stabbo
borderlands 1 claptrap
>hello i am a cl4ptp unit and i will be your guide in this city, watch out for the bandits!
borderlands 2+3 claptrap
>hello fellow badass i am general claptrap of the crimson raiders and you must be the cool & brave vault haunter that's gonna super beat up the baddies, zing! don't die out there in the lair of the bad guys, death is actually bad and that is why i will stay behind and think of new cool jokes while you go deal with the super duper evil baddies. and by deal with i mean shoot them to death of course you silly goose! go team yowzah!
This franchise is allergic to not being retarded.
notice how zanzibart posting disappeared overnight once this turd came out?
I like sharp looking textures, the 7th gen of games was terrible visually because everything looked smudged to shit, then you had bloom and piss filters. I haven't played this game OP talks about nor I plan to, but things were much worse visually when textures looked like trash.
Textures + lighting are 2 key elements to making a game to look good
that's true. the game is like a 7/10 for me; not close to being worth $60 plus tax
i think you mean groove street idiot
Did they improve on the 3 hours of unskippable dialogue nr 3 had?
there's about 10 minutes of dialogue that you have to actively stand in front of over the course of maybe 20-35h of campaign (depending on if you do sidequests)
there's always talking but the game uses bl2's style of letting you mind your business while it happens
No? Theres tons of people subbing stabbo. Theres caster stabbos, claw stabbos. Theres spore literally anything. And sure people will eventually find the meta comps but that doesnt negate variety.
If you get too far away from whoever's talking you just magically start hearing them in your head, I never stand there just staring at a quest NPC
you can mix and match however you like
the problem is that spellshot's capstone is absurdly overpowered while the berzerker and clawbringer are useless lategame
spore warden, stabbo and graveborn are alright
It's pretty good. Loot feels better. Story is better too but that's not saying much.
Torgue should have been the DM.
I want Hercule yelling at me for a whole game.
Can't believe Lilith didn't let us blow up the ocean in 2.
Well she wasn't there in Wonderlands so he finally got to.
cos its for faggots
I think people grew out of Borderlands or the games were too stale to keep the larger public interested. Perhaps the PBUG-like games also picked up the slack when Gearbox took a while to make BL3, because those style of games, the Day Zs and Fortnites they really overlap with the style of game Borderlands is about.
It was just as amazing as I hoped it would be.
Bright good having a goddamn ICBM missile defense system made me laugh
>no vendor mimic
Extremely disappointing.
it probably wasnt even there until Torgue put it there