for me, it's phoenix wright 2001 objection gba version.
and trials and tribulations court trial
For me, it's phoenix wright 2001 objection gba version
Other urls found in this thread:
also, cross examination allegro... layton vs phoenix version.
For me it's Gyakuten Kenji 2 Pursuit.
how can a single franchise have so many good songs, it's unreal
For me, it's Ace Attorney Investigations Pursuit
Well the first ever guy to be a composer for the series was Masakazu Sugimori, so you know it's going to be good.
For me it's Athena Cykes Objection 2016
i always forget she was in that game. i really need to play it again
Her solo case was my favourite, SoJ has a terrible prosecutor but Blackquill returning as co counsel helps make up for it.
I really wish they'd give her a fucking game already.
Blackquill is great, easily my favorite prosecutor
anyone here played DGS? thinking about buying it, how does it compare to the rest of the titles?
I fucking love Blackquill, really wish he either got his own game or is an assistant to athena if she ever gets her own game.
dgs1 and 2 are a whole unit, you can't really consider them separately
and as a whole, they are pretty fucking good.
well yeah, I meant both 1 and 2 since they come as a single package. Will try 'em out, thanks user
>Ace Attorney Investigations 3 where you play as Blackquill, and logic chess is replaced by manipulative psychological tactics to change the witness's emotional state in order to draw out the right testimony, like the reverse of Athena's gimmick
Would play the fuck out of it. Also Kay could come back, I wanna see what's become of her.
It's a bit stylistically different from other AAs, I'd mostly compare it to Layton vs Wright, which is no surprise since that was the last Shu Takumi AA before DGS. It has some pretty great character arcs and twists. It's fucking long 'cause you'll be playing two games for one overarching story but there's a lot to enjoy. I particularly enjoy how the first case plays out.
Oh and if you enjoy Sherlock Holmes references you're going to have such a good time, I've never seen someone chop and screw parts of the stories together in interesting ways like this before. There's a reference to pretty much every single short story/novel, ranging from brief mentions to major plot points.
For me it's Allegro from Apollo Justice
>gba version.
Based. GBA GS is pure soul.
for me it's cross examination trials and tribulations
They're a bit easier and a bit wordier than the other titles, but they're cool as hell.
God the GBA's sound chip was so garbage.
For me it's
i hate apollo justice
The crossover had some damn good music
Better than the original trilogy, imo. As unbelievable as that sounds.
Capcom was firing on all cylinders with this game. Writing, music, characters and the presentation are all 10/10.
I'm honestly surprised Shu Takumi didn't include Moriarty in the game
For me, it's Turnabout Sisters.
Is that Sebastian on the right?
looks like it, yeah
Shit taste
For me, it's almost fucking anything from the TGAA games.
They're longer, and on the easy side, but they still got their amazing moments (DGS2 more than DGS1). I'd say it's worth it, even if I wasn't the most impressed with DGS1.
>start playin AA
>/v says "OMG it da best VN EVER so smart writing"
>The second case.
>Phoenix stole evidence from the crime scene, and then from the girl's hotel room. The court accepted this as evidence.
>The ghost posses psychic girl's body and passes on an important piece of evidence to complete the case.
Wtf. What a stupid trash.
For me, it's JFA pursuit orchestra.
>so smart writing
literally no one has ever said this about AA
>I'd mostly compare it to Layton vs Wright
Funny you say that, because I'm willing to bet Great Attorney Adventures stemmed from
>hey lets do another period piece but not a crossover
The trial sections of LxAA feel like a prototype for GAA.
>trilogy is great
>AA4 is really fun and different enough from the trilogy to be the start of an interesting story
>AAI is boring garbage
>AAI2 might be good but I won't even try it after AAI
>AA5 is just ok, looks more like a AA parody than a proper AA game at times
>AA6 is a fucking abomination
>TGAA1 and 2 are a masterpiece
Is there hope for a potential AA7 now that AA5 and 6's writer left Capcom?
pains me to say it but the ending was a flop. they needed to give Mia her moment in the sun obviously but the way they did it just deflated your efforts up to that point
Takumi should just write one or two games every decade or so.
And you should definitely play AAI2
I think it's fine, she only recently died and Phoenix is barely independent at that point, 1-4 largely compensate for Mia "stealing" the spotlight.
no I'm ok with her having the spotlight it's just kind of unsatisfying
>we lost the case but...we're going to blackmail you
Why did the guy in pink confess after reading the list of names?
>is there hope for a potential AA7
Maybe. There's a few thing I could see happen to the series now. You should definitely play AAI2, it's an actual masterpiece.
They threatened to release the list to the media, and he already implicated from the receipt.
>Redd White wears pink
The pun is even better now
This. It also sucks that Redd White is hyped up to be an untouchable antagonist, yet he goes down very quickly.
Because of a feeling of guilt? They all committed suicide so it's not like he planned their death, and even if he didn't admit anything it's a list that was read in court, and thus it means it's now public info. If Mia managed to investigate all this shit by herself and gave all these names anyone else could have continued to investigate anyway, like idk, maybe other people who are threatened by the guy or journalists looking for a scandal to explain in the news, whatever.
I counter the other user. AAI2 isn't worth playing. Very, very tedious. Unbelievably managed to make a big return to the DL-6 incident boring.
I like Bit Top Turnabout and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
>AA6 is a fucking abomination
Why do you like it less than AA5? I thought AA6 was a return to form.
Moe's development at the end was unexpected and probably the highlight of the case
Glad he wasn't just there to make jokes and got some progression at the end of big top. Though, nothing will ever get me to stop hating big top.
While it's certainly one of the weaker AA games, I can't find myself ever hating an AA game.
Rate my taste. I'm currently working on AAI1-5 but starting GAA2 at the same time since I1-5 is like a 7 hour case.
Layton was alright but the big twists at the end really made me mad.
They're the best Sherlock Holmes fanfics I've ever read.
What the hell is this shit?
a fan game about the game grumps
>Reunion and Turnabout that low
Moe is based and his gimmick wasn't that bad. Everyone else in that case fucking sucks
I spit in your face
>Kidnapped Turnabout in good
We need a loli kay game
You're going to need to remind me of which ones those are because I can't remember the names.
>2-3 in top 5
Forgive me for asking, but is it good?
parrots have been actual witnesses for court cases, that shit is whack. parrots are so cool
if you like game grumps, sure
it's just a single case, also features jacksepticeye as the prosecutor
just a silly fan thing
That's 2-2.
I liked it. It felt like 3-4 done better.
Also, it's weird that I couldn't stand GAA1-2 but I'm loving Edgeworth 1. I think Dance of Deduction was just so braindead that it felt more like I was playing a visual novel than a detective game, so an entire case centered around it bored me to tears.
I liked the characters and the murder method. I'd probably move it down lower if I played it again, but it's the only case I actually liked out of 2.
laarry butz theme
This is the exact reverse of a return to form. The trilogy characters are parodies of themselves and barely evolved from how they were in the very first game, it's like their character developments were negated, especially for Phoenix after everything that happened in AA4. The AA4 characters are straight up OOC. Klavier and Trucy are parodies of themselves and barely relevant. Apollo now has 10 dads and 5 backstories or some shit that explicitely contradict what was established in AA4: somehow, Klavier's lyrics for Guitar Serenade is all about Apollo's dad dying and his mom being heartbroken, it's like the writer forgot what happened in AA4 and that Klavier invented the entire song, not Lamiroir. Athena and Blackquill are fun in AA5 but barely relevant in AA6 so I guess they couldn't be butchered. Don't get me started on Khurain's family being a shitty copypaste of the Fey family and Apollo staying in Khurain because? Just because. I guess the writer didn't want to tell a story that happens to have over the top plot twists, he wanted to created memes and (shitty) plot twists for the sake of it and then wrote a story around that.
Meanwhile AA5 isn't perfect either but it's more grounded in reality with the spy story and space station, and it's a self contained story so I can easily ignore some of the parts I didn't like that much. AA6's ending retroactively ruined the previous cases of that game.
I'm probably being too harsh on it, but I figured out the twist halfway through the case when Hotti mentioned having a picture to reconstruct her face. I thought the whole plan was convoluted and the second twist of it was a British sport car was dumb.
Not him, but other than Franziska's debut and introducing plot points that are vital during the trilogy's climax, the overall episode feels underwhelming.
Nips love their reputation
If you're ever accused of murder or if people say you did something really bad your social standing dies
I think even if you're innocent people just look at you weird and no one hires you because of the rumors or whatever
It's also why hentai where blackmail is involved always have the most retarded storylines
Didn't Klavier and Lamiroir work on the song together?
That's the whole point of 1-4 too. The old guy was found not guilty of murder in a court of law for Gregory's murder but his life was still ruined by the accusation itself regardless of verdict. And then you have Maya and Mia's mother's reputation being so low she had to abandon her kids, and Von Karma doing all sorts of illegal shit to have a good reputation.
Even one of the actors for the live action AA movie got accused of doing drugs and his career was ruined before he was found not guilty.
>Apollo staying in Khurain because? Just because.
Now this part upset me. Why didn't they make it a choice like 2-4 or 4-4?
>I'm just gonna leave my life behind and start again in some new country with my foster brother that I haven't seen in a decade to honor my dead adoptive dad that I hated
On the topic of 6, jesus christ Maya really hit the wall hard. I guess her sister got all the good looks.
He says he's the one who wrote the song iirc because Daryan pretends to follow the lyrics' "instructions" to set up the crime scene so the lyrics become relevant. So even if Lamiroir worked on the lyrics it's really silly to pretend she wrote them for her first husband, and yet that what's happening in AA6 because the writer didn't give a shit.
>his career was ruined before he was found not guilty
So like Johnny Depp?
I haven't played SoJ but Tahrust seems pretty based. Is he?
Nips are fucking retarded innit
The two games are simultaneously the best and worst games in the series.
Johnny Depp's case is wayyy more complicated, not really comparable. For example he was still getting roles and modeling gigs for perfumes after the accusations. The actor I'm talking about was blacklisted after the accusation and received half baked apologies after being found not guilty but didn't want to go back to acting after being fucked over by actors, directors, producers, etc.
He killed himself to protect his wife and got the crime pinned on Maya since the D.C. act would fuck both him and his wife over. I'd say based.
Are those Maya's tattoos or the priest's tattos? I forgot.
Yeah, after that just play 6-4 and pretend the last case doesn't exist.
>Don't play Revolution
Makes sense, that's when the big dumb twists happen
>But do play Storyteller
Damn, Japan is really hardcore about that kinda thing, huh? No wonder their prosecutors have such high winning rates.
The priest's I'm pretty sure. I don't think we've ever seen Maya topless.
Storyteller is fun.
Storyteller is short, self-contained, it's fun, it has an interesting and likeable witness, Blackquill headbutts (you) in 3D. What's not to like?
i often wonder if all the retarded blackmail hentai are based off real events
What the fuck is wrong with Storyteller faggot
They're very serious with drug dealing and drug use, like most of east Asia. I guess it's indirectly because of the opium war or some shit idk.
NTA, but Storyteller is pretty fun, Blackquill and Uendo are delightful additions, and it's fun to see Blackquill put Nahyuta in his place.
Nahyuta wasn't even rude in a fun way like Fran or Godot, he was so obnoxious. What a waste, he's a pretty boy but with a shitty, unfunny personality and gimmick.
>I guess it's indirectly because of the opium war or some shit idk
Ah, that would make sense. I've heard from a Chinese acquaintance that it's still a sour subject there.
I'm surprised, I thought people didn't like Storyteller
The first 4 games were all done by a different composer. Even after that later games would have newer artists (co-)compose soundtracks. Many people got a chance to leave their mark on the series' music, preventing it from ever getting stale. Music from AA1 sounds so different from that of AAI2, AA6, or TGAA2. They all follow a similar formula that Masakazu Sugimori did such a good job of establishing with AA1, but all with their own instrumental spin and arrangement style.
Also, because Capcom makes Ace Attorney and Capcom make bangers.
There are people who don't like it but they don't like it for shit reasons. They'll argue that all cases must be part of a greater narrative/arc or "it doesn't count!!1!" and they'll tell you Apollo is well-written in 6-5 because "muh plot twists" they have no standards.
Some people dislike it for being filler. I personally think it was nice to have a break from the plot heavy case that came before it.
Same. It was pretty refreshing after playing through 6-3.
Never played the 3DS games. How high are the chances for a switch port?
but that's an u-unlucky number!
Probably better than you'd think, given the Great Ace Attorney games were also 3DS and seemed to do well.
I'd expect they'd first do a compilation of Apollo Justice and the Investigations games, however.
I get the feeling that the Investigations games are really likely to get a port. The first one has a mobile port and the second game is the only AA game that's never been officially localized.
That makes sense. AA Trilogy 2 with the AJ and Investigations games, and AA Trilogy 3 with 5, 6 and the Layton crossover I guess.
Very high. The First Trilogy and Great Ace Attorney Duology sold very well. The Second Trilogy port will probably see the light of day soon. Especially because the 3DS games in that second trilogy will soon not be available for purchase anymore as the eshop will close down.
doki doki
layton belongs to level-5 tho
but I guess they could use the money from capcom at this point
If 7 is written by Takumi, it'll most likely be great, especially considering the last games he wrote were both TGAA games and Ghost Trick. Definitely play AAI2, it's the second best in the series behind T&T.
>2-3 above 1-4
>2-4 that low
What drugs are you smoking and can I get some?
Didn't Takumi say that he was done writing Ace Attorneys after DGS2?
he said that after the original trilogy too
and AA4
if the man has a good idea for a game, why stop him
-3 above 1-4
I don't actually remember why I have 2-3 above 1-4 to be honest.
-4 that low
I liked the first half but didn't like the second half that much.
BASED. Somebody finally my entire thoughts on SoJ. Also the final case was really predictable at times and dragged on for way too long. No ace attorney case should be literally 12 hours long.
>No ace attorney case should be literally 12 hours long.
This. AA cases hit a sweet spot with 3 to 5 hours, and even 5 hours is pushing it at times. AAI1-5 is taking me so long to get through because it looks like it's an 8 hour case and I've barely made any progress in the first 2 hours.
Who's the worst recurring villain?
Updated Autopsy Report
Kristoph Gavin. So much potential wasted.
How many times is the autopsy report updated mid-trial besides Turnabout Sisters?
AA4 and AA5/6 are so different they're not really a trilogy.
waku waku
>worst games
I don't know, I never felt as bored playing them as I did during Investigations 1
Indeed. Plus the Investigations games take place before Apollo Justice, so they should appear sooner rather than later.
I kinda want a crossover between AA and DR
How would Phoenix fare against Nagito?
I love him. He has an unused backstory that's supposed to be sad but since it's not in the game because of crazy deadlines during development he's just a crazy, paranoid asshole who did all of this just for the money, fame and then for revenge. I wish there were more scenes with the brothers though.
I'd love to see an AAI3 set during AA4. There's a lot that could be expanded on.
That would be an unfair match because Phoenix is just an average adult using his wits and experience to overcome his trials whereas the DR cast are super smart teenagers who may act like bumbling fools but become 400IQ masterminds when the plot demands (e.g.gundham).
That does sound pretty good. I assume you mean shortly after the Gramarye trial.
Eh they're not really that smart, they're just talented.
I think DR with an "super high school level lawyer" could be really cool and mix up the gameplay considerably
>He has an unused backstory that's supposed to be sad
First time I heard about this. What was his unused backstory?
I want AAI3 to be about Klavier and Ema shit talking each other constantly. No offense but Edgeworth is a great rival and NPC but a mediocre protagonist, he's too perfect at his job and his inner monologues are always "I know what the answer is but I won't say it because I'm the playable character", Klavier is batshit crazy and Ema is good at shit talking everyone around her and pissing hil off specifically.
Nobody knows, although it was supposed to explain the scar on his hand
We know it's sad, it's about his scar and it involves Klavier as well. That's it. I bet they just have dead parents and the twist is that Kristoph also nearly died and just got his injury on his hand instead for some reason. Ace Attorney is all about dead parents and evil siblings after all.
>Ace Attorney is all about dead parents and evil siblings after all.
Don't forget things happening 7 years ago.
It's a shame we never got to learn more about it. I quite liked him in 4-1.
It's better than 2.
>GBA version of any music
Fuck off. GBA's soundchip is as horrible the Genesis. Yes, there are some exceptions like Golden Sun but most of its awful.
Rather, if Capcom forces him again to do more AA then he has no choice
he can just quit.
I wonder why he never went independent. He has been working at Capcom for 28 years now. That is extremely rare. Especially because he seems to still be directing games, rather than ascending to producer or executive role.
>He doesn't know about Law and Disorder
because look at the other capcom guys that went independent
kamiya? p* is close to being bankrupt, they won't survive another flop
inafune? embarrassed himself so hard that he disappeared into thin air, just like his kickstarter video promised
takumi is smarter than both of them
I guess mikami is doing "okay"
tell me about it please
Monokuma and Phoenix were a tag team in Silvagunner's KFAD Tournament of themed mixes. Their category covered everything from DR and Ace Attorney along with adjacent stuff like Ghost Trick and YTTD.
I have no idea what that is but it sounds cool, thanks user
Between 1 and 2, it has one of the best plots and some of the best characters but I think the execution's all over the place, and because they tried to split plots between 2 games there are massive detours in some cases that didn't really need to be there
Was there anything significant with Mcgilded using "Professor" as the password for the pawnbroker or was it just a little nod to future events?
Just a nod
>game is named "Apollo Justice"
>the plot is still about the guy who already had a whole trilogy to himself already
It's a shame how hard-carried by the music that game is because the plot is hell. Two grown adult men having a middle school fight for seven whole years. People seem to dislike 4-2 but I really enjoyed the style and flow of that case and I wish the rest of the game followed suit; Phoenix should've been a background character at most and the Gramaryes should've been written out of the story completely because holy shit what a stupid ass plotline.
>He has an unused backstory that's supposed to be sad but since it's not in the game because of crazy deadlines during development
4-2 was great. It had some of the best characters in the game.
Better file
4-2 hoarded all the good characters leaving 4-3 and 4-4 with next to nothing
>gramaryres should've be written out of the story
Agreed. Such a shit plot line.
Hard for me to believe that eldoon and Vera were the only 2 characters introduced in Apollo Justice that I enjoyed.
You didn't like Drew or Winfred?
The others I get, but not them?
For me it's this
The most smug theme in the series
I completely understand why they shot Genshin but I still strongly believe that shooting Drebber was the better option in the long run.
Why not shoot both?
I can't believe I forgot those 2. Yeah, they were pretty cool.
Where's AA7? That gigaleak presented a schedule where 4-6 collection and AA7 were slated for 2021. Takumi isn't doing anything at Capcom right now?
I'm phoneposting but there's a blog with a lot of interviews translated in English, try to google gyakuten saiban interview translation.
in the long run, perhaps
but in the short term, what would you do with his corpse? throw it into genshin's grave?
and at that point drebber was still "respected" and student, too many questions would be asked
Likely delayed due to the pandemic. Or quietly cancelled behind the scenes. We'll find out soon enough I think.
For me it's A Prosecutor, Revived.
Sucks though that the worst prosecutor in the series gets the best prosecutor theme.
He has daddy issues and looks hot, how can he be the worst prosecutor?
The real plot twist is that they're all related and Klavier flirting with Apollo non-stop instantly becomes even weirder than it already is.
I agree with you about everything except the music. I didn't think it was bad, just disappointing after 3's OST.
4-2 is the only case in the entire modern series that manages to capture the original trilogy's atmosphere. I love its environments.
Because despite all the build-up from how much Naruhodo and Susato talked about him being such a perfect guy, it turns out that in court he gets way too emotional and aggressive to the point where he comes off as a whiny child at times. The best part of G2-5 was Kazuma exploding at Daley Vigil over something in his testimony and Naruhodo putting him in his place and saying "Did you want me at this trial so badly so that I could see you act like this?" He's like a male Franziska wothout the whip.
>Interviewer: Is there a reason why Garyū Kirihito has a scar on his hand? Or was that just added mainly for design reasons?
>Nuri: That scar was added quite a long time after we had finished his initial design and his original artwork. I discussed the scar with Mr. Takumi. I wanted to have some story for it.
>Takumi: I asked for a scar so we’d have a mouth for the skull appearing on the back of his hand. The scenarios had already been finished by then. It does happens a lot that more is added to the story because of happenings like these. But this time… nothing came of it. There was no time anymore.
>Nuri: There was no place to add the story to.
>Takumi: I was afraid to make the story even longer than it already was by then. Sounds like a bad excuse maybe.
>Nuri: If only we had the time.
There's a bit more, but there's no implication of it being a result of "crazy deadlines". It seems that retroactively adding more story elements to justify mechanics/visual elements was also taken up before (Apollo's bracelet). It just so happens that by the time the scar was meant to be added for that perceive segment at the request of Takumi, they were at the end of development. The art director wanted a reason for it and it seems Takumi did manage to come up with a story for it, but it wasn't prior to this point or an essential element. It's off-handedly referred to as the following when the interviewer asks about it:
>Nuri: Something like a tear-jerking episode that happened in the past of the Garyū brothers.
Apparently there are other elements that receive similar world building by preference of the art director who mentions trying to come up with all kinds of explanations for the designs, one of which Takumi mentions not knowing about when it's expanded on as well (a hypothetical background of the badge/cam on Phoenix's beanie).
but it makes sense for him to be emotional considering the circumstances
Haven't played 2 yet, but AAI1 has a fantastic soundtrack.
It's been a while since I read all these interviews but it's kind of implied. That backstory would have been added if they had more time for that, but they had to rewrite a lot of things because they were forced to add Phoenix in the game for marketing reasons and then they were forced to add the jury system because of the government asking Capcom to do it. And rewriting stuff takes a lot of time.
>the government asks capcom to add the jury system
>drop it in all future games, unless the game takes place in early 1900s Great Britain
What the the Nipponese government mean by this?
The government failed to implement the jury system because Japanese citizens didn't want to be forced to be part of a jury or something like that, and Takumi got replaced by that retard Yamazaki for AA5, who thinks the series is better when it's full of shitty gimmicks and shitty, unfunny memes and when the characters and setting' developments are negated and ignored completely.
No, I remember this. The scenario wasn't put together when Capcom asked for the Jury thing and Phoenix's involvement. This was around the time when it was decided that Shu would take up the mantle again despite him intending to sit things out in the script-writer's/Director's role, which is even stated in the same interview. The conditions were given quite early on. Before production proper began, in fact. This interview seems to imply that the the backstory came incidental to the request of the art director at the point of putting together that final portion of the last case. It's not just mentioned by Nuri that there was no place to put said story, but Takumi also mentions he was afraid to make the game longer than it already was. It's only after that Nuri mentions "If only we had time" as a sentiment of disappointment that it didn't happen.
>implying the jury system wasn't just a gambit by Phoenix to get Kristoph convicted
They're two halves of one game. I know a lot of people who were underwhelmed back when 1 first launched, but after recently playing them back-to-back on Steam for the first time I thought they were really good. The best package AA has to offer in my opinion.
I like to think he made Edgeworth implement this because let's be real, Phoenix at that point was just a nobody and was disbarred. Edgeworth might as well be his sugar daddy at this point.
In-game, the Jurist system was meant to overcome certain realities of crime that the current justice system was unable to overcome. You can see this practically in that Phoenix effectively has to have forged evidence presented to get Gavin to implicate himself. Otherwise? No avenues towards justice. It can also be interpreted that the evidence wasn't technically summited to the actual (non-inventory) court record if you want to hold onto the idea that he didn't do something so underhanded, but that was pretty much the point that'd become clear by the end of things.
user it's the jury system, not the jurist system. A jury and a jurist are completely different thing.
just like ham and hamster
How do you guys feel about the Layton crossover? I was surprised at how short it was, finishing the main story in about 16 hours, but the last hour of the game almost ruined it for me with how stupid it got. I enjoyed it up until that point.
It's the system's given name in game. Correct the writer/localization team if you want, but the name is what it is.
For me, it's gotta be
Godot was a badass
Bought the TGA bundle on Steam recently and I gotta say, I really like it. Just beat the first game yesterday, and I don't really get why some people say it's wordy and drags on, with the exception of the latter half of case 5 the game flew by really fast. Case 3 was the best case in the game imo, introduction to the British court and the Irish guy absolutely nailed it for me
I played it in French so I have no idea what kind of fuckery the English localizers were up to. Jurists are experts in law: Apollo, Phoenix, Klavier, Kristoph and the judge are jurists. And clearly, Lamiroir isn't one.
The first game is good.
The second game is absolutely amazing.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I'm surprised it took this long for someone to post this.
I think there's a degree of conflating wordy with long. The cases are quite long, but they aren't overly verbose or reiterative. I like what I've gone through up to the middle of the second game baring a small handful of logic issues. It's gradual and organic progression of -generally- linearly connected stories that see the characters grow or become fleshed out in substantial ways. It's a different take on things for the series and it's pretty nice, I think.
Though Gina and Iris were absolutely fucking insufferable for me. Most other side characters were alright. Sherlock was gigabased, which is unexpected with how obnoxious they present him to be
They'll grow on you soon enough, especially Gina
Iris ends up being one of the most personable and straightforward characters despite the oddity of her age and intelligence.
Iris is unironically a better assistant than Sussy
Ah, that's a relief to know, since her character in the first game was pretty much just "I'm young and smart!" Gina was plain annoying with her constant tsundere act. Oh, also Gregson was very good, liked him a lot. The edgelord prosecutor was okay, I guess. Pretty reasonable actually, didn't even throw a single tantrum and called out the defense on their bullshit plenty of times. Really looking forward to play the second game
But Sussy gives you that disapproving look that makes me diamonds
I love Maya, but god damn Susato please
If you don't love Gina at the end of the second game you should kys. I never expected her to be one of the most interesting characters, yet she really is.
>and the Gramaryes should've been written out of the story completely because holy shit what a stupid ass plotline
It may have been stupid but it ended up giving us Trucy and 6-2 which was great
based Trucy enjoyer
gregson more like greatson
Trucy is okay but she barely feels like a character after 4.
Gregson more like Sulky Skulkin
I'd say that Iris would reasonably have grown on you by the end of the first game outside of her intelligence. Yes, she does bring up information that you'd expect from someone older, but her actual personality and maturity/level headedness are pretty much established by around then. I don't know if you'll like her in the second game, then. There is at least a moment or two where her youth comes through in the second game. I also won't detail it much, but there's also a surprising sort of tone change in the writing that comes up here and there that you might find fun.
Whatever happened to Sulky? Was that just the nickname the Skulkin bros gave Graydon?
Post characters that are literally you.
2nd game is super good. bear in mind that DGS1 didn't sell so well in japan so they got less budget and time to make the 2nd game.
they did a fantastic job with what they had.
to the guy that hasn't finished playing TGA2 yet, don't use the ace attorney fan wiki holy shit
>open character page
>first section is a fucking endgame spoiler
>then they bother to hide spoilers for cases before that last case
Not that user, but Youtube is really bad too. I look up songs in incognito mode specifically because otherwise it'll put spoilers all over my front page.
>look up Gumshoe's AAI1 theme
>spoiler in the sidebar for TGA2
Why the FUCK doesn't youtube have spoiler tags?
Me and my waifu
Why would one go to the wiki before finishing up the games?
The trivia section
I like it for getting sprites.
The same could be asked about coming into AA threads on Yea Forums before finishing the games.
>played through the early AA games as a teen
>currently in law school, suffering
Before you retards say "did you go to school because of a video game", yes
Promise me you'll show your attorney's badge to everyone you meet.
why would you want to study law of all things?
Of course, I need to hear what they have to say about it.
I wanted to help people, maybe even pro-bono but real life seems to really hammer down on people that do that.
Auchi > Winston > Gaspen >>>>> Flynch
Flynch somehow manages to know even less about the trial than you do. That's impressive.
In 20 years the entire judical system will consist of AA players
judges? played AA
lawyers? AA
prosecutors? AA
jury? TGA
criminals? AJ
>criminals? AJ
I studied law in university for one year, hated it for a shit ton of reasons I was dirt poor and surrounded by retarded spoiled brats who were treating me like like a leper for some reason, the teachers were talking about their personal lives more often than not, I had a bunch of health issues, etc. I went to study what I wanted to do to begin with despite my retarded teachers telling me not to and now I graduated with a masters and I'm doing ok.
Grats, what was your masters in?
It's freightening to know that there's a non-neglible amount of people who have gone into law because of Ace Attorney
No idea how to translate this in English, basically it's business management in French, English and Japanese, but unfortunately I was way too poor to study in Japan for a year with an exchange program so I'm not fluent and since then I forgot a bunch of words and kanji. I'll try to get the JLPT N3 this December and then I'll aim for N2. Now I'm a recruiter and if possible I'll try to get more skills in other branches of HR management to get more opportunities later. My company is ok and the work I do is kind of hard because of deadlines but it's super calm between two recruiting campaigns so it's ok. I've stayed at my parents' place after graduating and saved a shit ton of money, next step will be to get my own place soon.
I think it's cool. People have to figure out their path in life one way or another. Being inspired by video games isn't any less valid than any other way.
>ctrl+f cornered
>0 results
It had an ok start, amazing middle that blew me away, and completely shat the bed at the end, even for a layton game.
Only honest person in this thread desu
That's what you think, but I don't wear glasses.
For me, it's 5/4 and the sleigh bells.
This, but unironically.
I don't even like Layton games but the middle completely pulled me in. I think it works best if you approach it as a Layton game rather than an AA game so the magic and whimsy doesn't seem as foreign to you, which is exactly why the ending pissed me off.
Kek I was hoping someone saved this frame.
>AA4 is really fun and different enough from the trilogy to be the start of an interesting story
>AAI is boring garbage
Apollo's game is worst in the series and doesn't have a single good case and first investigations is way better than anything after trilogy not counting AAI2 and TGA.
Don't shit on Turnabout Corner like that
What the fuck is TGA?
For me it's
The only correct answer.
Post your reaction
The Great Ace Attorney
the great (ace) attorney
I thought the abbreviation was GAA for that.
The Great Ace Attorney, or DGS (Dai Gyakuten Saiban)
AKA slant-eyed yellow devils in bri'ish soil: the game
that's the japanese abbreviation, but we live in japanifornia. eat your burgers
Shit taste.
Defendant was insufferable little shit and all the side characters except noodle guy sucked.
It changes a lot, I've seen TGAAC, TGAA, TGA, GAA, and DGS
I really don't understand peoples' complaints about AAI1. Maybe I'm just blinded by the original trilogy pandering in it, but I've enjoyed everything up to 1-5 and I'm really looking forward to AAI2.
I also think it has the best character designs of all the games that came after the original trilogy.
I fucking love the music in this series. DGS's soundtrack has been stuck in my head for several months since I finished it.
>gba version
A man of taste I see
Where the english patches of the original GBA games ever finished? I remember the first game being complete I think.
Not sure why your link isn't embedding, but GAA has such a good soundtrack.
Same here, the London theme and the Pursuit are what stuck with me. I fucking love the accordion in the soundtrack
Courtroom Revolutionnaire is one of my favourites but I can't say I like the addition of guitars in this one.
>I also think it has the best character designs of all the games that came after the original trilogy.
Small caveat to my post:
Lang's sunglasses are both the greatest and stupidest thing I've ever seen.
love how grand DGS' music is
If you listen to GAA London Theme and then Layton's London 3 Theme you can hear direct parellels. Really cool how Layton left an influence on Ace Attorney after the crossover.
I really wanted to love the game, especially since the middle was incredibly promising. But the ending trying to be logical when it's a layton game just doesn't work and makes it feel much less satisfying than just saying magic is real.
Fun fact. The artist for Lang wanted him to have 2 eyepatches. He has been trying to get a topless double-eye-patch character into Ace Attorney for a really long time. The team thought it was too stupid. He compromised with the double-eye-patch-looking-sunglasses.
You're right, I never noticed that before
I never played the Layton vs AA game, but if there's one thing I know then it's that Layton would rather kill puppies and kittens before admitting anything magical.
After all these years I'm still reeling from the third Layton game that has a COMPLETE FAKE LONDON BENEATH THE REAL LONDON JUST TO JUSTIFY TIMETRAVEL
Exactly. I would've preferred a non-canon romp instead of Magic isn't real. We didn't actually time travel. This is a government experiment. These people were hypnotized. There's construction equipment everywhere to keep the illusion alive BUT IT'S ALL PAINTED PURE BLACK BECAUSE WE HYPNOTIZED YOU TO NOT SEE THE COLOR BLACK
That last point in the spoiler actually gets me fuming mad. Holy fuck.
What? Why are the Layton games like this?
it's a great game and story, honestly. very emotional
but that twist is just hilarious and one-of-a-kind
it's been over a decade, but the basic gist is that you end up in "the past" through some shenanigans, meet Layton's former lover etc etc and the spoiler is the big twist at the end.
Danganronpa wishes it could pull off an ending twist like that
Layton always had a tendency to be such retarded plot twists. The most logical you'll get is with Miracle Mask and the worst two are the crossover and Diabolical Box It's an empty town with hallucinogenic gas that makes you see people who don't exist and somehow makes the antagonist look young.
I should clarify, I don't hate the layton twists (i love the layton series) with the exception of the crossover one, but sometimes the twists just get too retarded for my tastes.
I can't help but love this ending theme.
It kinda adds to the charm of the games though
And nowadays if you start up a Layton game and see *anything* even slightly unorthodox you immediately put on your detective cap and go
>yeah alright, what's the trick here
>teleportation huh, let me guess, layton has a twin? it's that villain guy with the disguises? really big and precise mirrors? We never teleported but we fell asleep and got moved without noticing because it went dark for a second?
>You won't fool me again, I can see through your bullshit layton
I'm genuinely surprised by these twists. I always figured the series dabbled in the supernatural.
Oh yeah, there's something always charming about the layton games that always keeps me trying to guess what's going to happen next. It's something I do with the AA series aswell.
the best part of him is naruhodo getting increasingly frustrated at how much of a dumb idiot he is being
I was very convinced that Mikotaba was beneath the steel mask in TGA. I'm glad I was wrong
Wtf all three apply to me
I already miss Van Zieks posting
Whenever I hear JFA's cornered theme, I always think of this photo from the second case. It was fun as fuck going in blind and trying to figure things out myself.
The PC version has the 3 mainline games, and then there's the Chronicles games now right? What else is missing, with the exception of the Layton crossover?
Also, does the PC version of the 3 original PW titles have the standard "Japanifornia" localization from the DS days? I hear it has the option for JP audio, but is the text translation updated from the north american DS version? If there's nothing official, is there a custom fan translation of something that returns the original JP names and whatnot, avoiding the "eat your hamburgers, Apollo" situation?
>What else is missing, with the exception of the Layton crossover?
Apollo Trilogy and the Investigations games
>but is the text translation updated from the north american DS version?
I think so since there's a Fergie and Harlem Shake reference in it
I want to fuck Barok
Here are all the games:
Original trilogy (PC)
Apollo Justice (emulate it)
the two 3DS games (emulate it)
Ace Attorney Investigations 1 and 2 (emulate it)
The Great Ace Attorney 1 and 2 (PC)
Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney (emulate it)
I don't know about the translation but I would be seriously surprised if they changed the old one. The old one is great and has a lot of fans.
>What else is missing, with the exception of the Layton crossover?
There's 11 games total counting the Layton crossover.
>Modern Trilogy (all three are on 3DS)
>>Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice (Mainline #4)
>>Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (Mainline #5)
>>Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice (Mainline #6)
>Ace Attorney Investigations 1 (Nintendo DS, spinoff game starring Edgeworth that takes place right after T&T)
>Ace Attorney Investigations 2 (Nintendo DS)
AAI2 never got an official translation, so you'll have to emulate it with the unofficial translation patch if you want to play it.
>Also, does the PC version of the 3 original PW titles have the standard "Japanifornia" localization from the DS days?
Yeah. Good ol' Los Angeles. There's no voice acting, so the JP audio is just for objections and the like.
How can one man be so based?
they're good if your a big AA fan
like everyone else said play them as one big game because standing alone DGSQ1 is bottom 3 games in the series, no idea why they stretched this bitch out so much
Okay, good to know. Maybe some of the others will get PC versions officially. However, on the scripts I can get not removing the old one entirely, but it would be nice if they had one that kept as much of the original JP version (names, jokes etc) comprehension as possible, optional for those who want it.
Get in line bitch, I'm going to fuck him first.
>Also Kay could come back, I wanna see what's become of her
>wanting the worst assistant to return
That's genuinely fucking retarded. Why would he want that?
> but it would be nice if they had one that kept as much of the original JP version (names, jokes etc)
They're way too esoteric if you ask me. Just read the wiki for trivia like that
It's one thing to change onigiri or sushi to burgers, but if your japanese is already good enough to get the puns of the original games, just play the japenese version, is what I think
This is the japanese naming of Larry Butz
>"Yahari" (矢張), his Japanese surname, means "I knew it" or "of course" and "Masashi" (政志), his given name, comes from "Masashiku" which means "with certainty". Characters in the Japanese version will state that "when something happens, of course it's Yahari" (jiken no kage ni, yappari Yahari).
Because he's retarded.
>Characters in the Japanese version will state that "when something happens, of course it's Yahari" (jiken no kage ni, yappari Yahari).
Wow, they actually handled that really elegantly with the localization.
Play the Android versions of Apollo Justice, Dual Destines and Spirits of Justice. It's in HD while the 3DS version is low res. You can emulate it too
Ironically that was one of the better twists that actually had proper foreshadowing like how the lift can be seen throughout the entire game.
Whats really wacky about that game is the Giant fucking death tank that murders dozens in London by crushing them in their homes
I can't be the only one that thinks of Kakyoin whenever I see him, right?
I'm starting to see it now.
This is legitimately the stupidest thing I've ever read, not what I expected at all from Layton games
For me, it's Basics of the Case
According to Takumi, the first game was written with eventual localization in mind, which is why it's distinctly less japanese-y than the others, and I guess that made it easier to localize in general.
But when they decided against the localization of the GBA game, he went full hog with the japanese stuff with the second game, because he figured it would stay in japan.
And now we have spirit medium villages of kimono wearing people in the middle of california. iirc Maya's obsession with burgers also starts in the second game.
No, Turnabout Sisters mentions it, at least
There's a significant lack of Americanisms in the first game and I think the writing is better off for it as a result.
Honestly, 1 has my favorite writing in the series. It still feels a lot more grounded and serious despite how goofy it gets at times.
its like a weird old English children's comic on crack
they're legit great games though, fully recommended
Is every Layton game worth playing? Are there standouts, either good or bad?
>The PC version has the 3 mainline games, and then there's the Chronicles games now right? What else is missing, with the exception of the Layton crossover?
This is out of date but is a good reference in addition to all the other replies. Would recommend playing the original DS/3DS versions of all the games for maximum comfy, but emulation is fine.
>Also, does the PC version of the 3 original PW titles have the standard "Japanifornia" localization from the DS days? I hear it has the option for JP audio, but is the text translation updated from the north american DS version? If there's nothing official, is there a custom fan translation of something that returns the original JP names and whatnot, avoiding the "eat your hamburgers, Apollo" situation?
Don't worry about any of this bullshit, the original translations are great. The setting change from Japan to America has minor ripple effects in dialog and what country characters are from, but it literally doesn't matter and it's completely faithful in every other aspect.
Not him, but I did really like the puzzles in the crossover. I didn't 100% it, but I did go and play the extra episodes for the cut puzzles.
Play the first 3 by release date and stop there
I played the DS games and the switch game, never played the 3DS games
The DS games are fantastic. The switch game is good but you can tell that
a) it was an episodic iOS game first, which makes the story suffer a bit
b) the original dude that wrote the puzzles died, so the puzzle quality isn't as good as before
you get a cute waifu and you can give her cute outfits
These are objectively the best trial and character themes.
Good guide
I tried to emulate Hotel Dusk a few years but couldn't figure out how to get the screen to rotate properly on my emulator (I think it was Desmume). Need to try it out again
>those feet
I'm not even a footfag but what the heck
I liked Blackquill a LOT more than I expected to. His design made me roll my eyes at first because he looks like a total edgelord, but he ended up being on par with Edgeworth imo.
to bad she's a worse protagonist
i still can't believe that miles ended up being jailed for impregnating a teen.
it's hard to live up to Layton, but she is fun in her own right
For the layton games, the original trilogy is easily the one I'd recommend to people.. Unwound Future is the fan favorite (and for good reason). The prequel trilogy just isn't as good as the original trilogy. And Katrielle's game is pretty weak. As for spin-offs, besides the crossover, it has a mobile game spin off that's really damn good and kind of reminds me of an Ace Attorney game.
2-2 is gotta be one of the hardest cases in the series, if not the hardest.
2 as a whole is definitely the hardest game in the series. It doesn't help that your only means of regenerating health is through breaking psyche locks.
>best character theme
Based. Blackquill is such an awesome character. Really wish they use him more
>if not the hardest.
The hardest one for me was 1-5, especially those investigation segments. And that stupid vase puzzle that needed to be rotated perfectly
Replaying through JFA recently made me realize how much easier every game after the trilogy has been.
>And that stupid vase puzzle that needed to be rotated perfectly
God, fuck that puzzle. I almost got it right the first time, but the angle wasn't shallow enough.
I accidentally started the series with the second game long ago and was so confused that the tutorial was super easy I expected a plot twist, like Gumshoe also being an accomplice and then this case suddenly got longer and involved supernatural bullshit and actual plot twists.
2 is the only game I've ever outright felt like I needed a guide to play. I had to reference a guide occasionally for 3, but it typically made sense whenever I read the solution and I could logic it out from there.
2, on the other hand, usually left me confused and checking a guide would leave me even more confused.
If you never played Layton before, be warned that Layton might not be the character you imagine him to be. He's a fucking hardcore puzzle addict. If you were standing in a burning house with him, he wouldn't let you near the fire extinguisher until you solved a puzzle first. And it's the kind of puzzle where they give you 5 digits to write and the answer is 0. This man has only one priority, and it's solving puzzles. He's comedically psychotic at times. And this is like 1/3 of the enjoyment of the games if you ask me.
takumifags are absolutely braindead, holy fuck
4-1 is the best first case in the whole series
Mainly I'm wondering how good the second trilogy is.
What do you mean? I only know that AA5 and 6 aren't written by Takumi, are there any others?
AAI1 and 2
not sure what it is about the part that starts around 0:40 but I love that section
2-3 is hardest cause its such a slog that it makes you wanna stop playing the game altogether. AA2 in general is shit only saved by 2-4 being one of the best cases in the series. God I hate big top.
AA4 is written by takumeme and it's complete dogshit, the fact that user sucks it off while hating AAI and AA6 shows he's a huge takumifag
I see, that's why I'm called a Takumifag then despite not even knowing that kek.
Really good puzzles but mediocre story, the twist is stupid and boring and the environment is dull.
>Miracle Mask
It's ok and has nice environments but the story goes from unpredictable to the most obvious fucking twist in the world. Also starts a bad habit which azran will fully embrace in explaining laytons past which nobody needed to know
>Assran legaycy
For me, it's Cross-Examination ~ Allegro 2016
whats your unpopular AA opinion?
The Game Awards
Azran's Legacy is unironically the best game in the series
Really Capcom? I should've known what to expect with a line like this, but the 20 minute racial tirade following this was a little much.
2-3 is in my top 5 and I like AAI1.
Extraterritorial rights wasn't a problem and I enjoyed AAI-5 thoroughly.
2-3 and 4-3 are good and the hate for them is severely overblown.
People have nostalgia glasses for the original trilogy.
No, T&T isn't as good as you remember when there is shit like 3-2 and 3-3.
Apparently, it's that I like Apollo Justice.
Also, Spark is an okay guy
I can understand 3-3 since it's in my bottom 5, but what's wrong with 3-2?
3-2 is kino fag. AA3's main problem is Godot's motivation being retarded
You should really play Investigations 2 if you're the one who originally posted that list. 1 is my least favorite game in the series but 2 is great all the way through, and there's some payoff from playing 1 too
2-2 is better than 2-4, yes it's the best case in the game.
SOJ is great.
All the supernatural cases are amazing.
Yeah it's a meme at this point. I dislike 2-3 but I've seen WAY worse than this shit.
3-3 is way better than 3-2, don't even compare them.
AA5 isn't amazing but it's still fun. AA4 is great. AA6's last case is by far the worst one in the series. Klavier is a fun prosecutor.
My laptop is dying so not now. We'll see later.
I love Spirit of Justice. I think feeling that GAA1 is the weakest AA game might be more unpopular though.
The modern mainline games (AAI-AA6) are better than the original trilogy.
>All the supernatural cases are amazing.
I like all of them except 6-5. I despise 6-5 so much you wouldn't believe it.
>pic's significantly more complicated than that? Godot killed Mia's mother because she willingly summoned Dhalia to keep Pearl from being able to summon her. Dhalia was going to kill Maya if Godot hadn't killed her first. The only reason he killed her was to protect Maya since that was his only living connection to Mia until he realized that Wright was a protege, not an imposter.
Athena has a lot of great potential as a character and is only beaten by original trilogy Maya. Ray, and TGAA2 Susato in terms of assistants
>I think feeling that GAA1 is the weakest AA game might be more unpopular though.
Probably so, but I can see where that comes from. Felt like there were 3 tutorial cases
The problem is he fucking knew about the scheme beforehand from reading Morgen Fey's letter and did nothing to stop it
This case was utter fucking dogshit but I can't deny Moe is a great character.
What are these gay sluts doing?
What's the reverse of "don't stick your dick in crazy"? Because someone needed to say that to Mia at some point.
pic related
How did they do it? 20 years later, and Maya is still the best girl of all vidya and Phoenix/Maya is the best ship.
Fuck no, they're like brother and sister.
Phoenix/Edgeworth is canon, confirmed by Capcom.
Agreed, but specifically original trilogy Maya. Layton Maya is written in a really weird, mean-spirited way. 6 Maya is written like she's still 18, but it's a little weird for a 28 year old to be running around breaking stuff.
Based, god bless Kumiko Suekane.
It really bothers me that the entire cast of the original series is ancient by the end of the original series and all the development is related specifically to their careers.
I unironically like Apollo and his game and I want to kiss him because he's a cute dork and he's my favorite attorney
>it's a little weird for a 28 year old to be running around breaking stuff.
You forgot to mention she only gets accused of murder, gets kidnapped or summon ugly old farts so she's barely relevant unless you spend more money on the DLC
Apollo is a lot like Franziska imo. They're both okay in their main games, but they're significantly better as side characters in later games. I was neutral on him in 4 but I really liked him in 5.
get bent fujos
Yeah I don't get why there's hesitation to to develop and marry off some main characters. Fucking DBZ gets away with it, shipfags should have zero influence on a series.
Yeah when I think of ace attorney I mostly think of the original trilogy. The later games except DGS all feel like filler to me.
Absolutely not, Apollo getting shitty backstories that make no sense at all is horrible.AA5 was already pretty bad when it tried to make us give a fuck about a guy that never shows up on screen except when he's dead and bleeding all over the floor just because Apollo goes like "he... was my friend.... I'm edgy now...", and now he's a fucking war refugee.
I forgot all about his friend but I liked edgy Apollo's design a lot.
>6 Maya is written like she's still 18
I only ever felt that way in 6-DLC, that's where I felt like every returning character was truly written as a parody of themselves. I think the megaman guy wrote that one though.
What anime opening is that pic referencing? I forgot
>I only ever felt that way in 6-DLC
Fair. I was specifically thinking of the scene at the beginning of the dlc where she runs over to the radio and immediately breaks it. I agree with the other user that she doesn't have enough presence outside of the DLC.
Yotsuba, and it's a manga cover.
Fujos are too strong.
How new?
Really? I thought it was from something else, guess I'm just a dumbass. Thanks though
Trying to do this hurt my eyes.
>The Ryutaro pic
I couldn't do it at all
blackquill is more fun than edgeworth and he should be the protagonist of the next AAI game that will never come out