Well Yea Forums?

Well Yea Forums?

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The only good Pokemon game ever made

Fuck, I'm an Eevee. Oh well, could be a lot worse I guess.

Doesn't this mean I'm going to get fucking murdered by Cresselia?

Not before you get caught and molested by a trainer.

Humans don't exist in that world though.

i hate not only that they removed friend areas but that they made the rest of the legendaries irrelevant. in red and blue all legendaries had a bit of story but in these games they are just shitty bosses at the end of some random dungeon that or bring this item to this floor to make it appear and the cafe makes you absurdly broken with the stat boosts that the drinks give you

Huh, mystery dungeon lore is much different than I thought it would be.

They did, at one point. Some of the Friend Areas allude to them in Rescue Team, and of course in Explorers you came from the future.

Oh God the FFTA flashbacks. Am I going to genocide everyone while ranting about the world not being real because I remember not being a pokemon?

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me beelining towards a salazzle filled mystery dungeon

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if im reborn a pokemon i better have a giant knot

>he's a Eevee
hey user~

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They do

>could be a lot worse
You literally cant get better than eevee

What the hell is that quote even a response to
Yea when I wake up in a Pokemon world the first thing I'm going to bring up is "What about Industrialized society"

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something like that

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Who the hell wants to live in PMD? The world is in a constant state of destruction, and as Super showed us with all the returning characters, this is all within one lifetime.

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its a meme user, use some imagination and just pretend all that talk happened

>The world is in a constant state of destruction
so our world except there are no dogs made of fire

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user we can't sustain any more eggs. You're destroying the ecosystem.

Dont worry when these eggs hatch I fuck their loli pokemon pusy too

>Fucking a pokemon so hard the entire dungeon is filled with their offspring

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I've been meaning to play PMD but never got around to it

It's comfy though.

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They're good!
Explorers of Sky is generally agreed upon as the best while DX is the most accessible/modernized if you're willing to pay $60 for a remake of a gba game

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how is the ds version pokemon mystery blue?

Don't bother, it's a special franchise for special people. Most end up hating it. If you're a weirdo it'll be the best thing you've ever played however.

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should i play gba or ds version?


Alternatively $0 if you have a somewhat decent pc

there is no real difference other than a second screen.

ur not using her right haha...

>Nintendo Power, the only one to give an actually good review
God I miss them so much bros

Eevee is Hard mode
Vulpix is Easy mode

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Ds for the better music quality.

God I want to comfort that lil chicken with my big penes

>Went back to remaking games to no fanfare
>PMD is going the route of AlphaDream


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i've been having a lot of fun playing rescue team dx lately. i kinda want to replay through explorers of sky again, though i still haven't played through gates to infinity and super mystery dungeon
god i want to see another mystery dungeon game on the switch

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Wtf chicken in pokemons real>???

It's a hint about the world not being real dumb dumb.

blessed artist

Is there anything to know before playing them that can royally fuck up a playthrough or are they generally all fine to play blind?

Bitch you haven't even played gates and super yet, shut the fuck up. I haven't had a new game since 2016. I want to die.

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They're fine. Just don't pick Eevee as a partner. Also pack food.

>pokemon mystery dungeon
>but SMT Chaos and Law type sides

keeping up with the request board is good to not be underleveled.
items are very very good so don't be afraid to use them.

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No these games are pretty easy (until you reach the postgame anyway).

Or, y'know, they could just make a SMT mystery dungeon game since Pokemon isn't the only Mystery Dungeon series. Though after Etrian Mystery Dungeon did horribly I assume ATLUS probably doesn't want to work with Chunsoft anymore.

Fuck anyone on this site who ever uses Metacritic. That Modojo is all kinds of fucked

>Even worse, the touch-screen controls are sloppy, with no option to use the good old d-pad to direct your Pokemon.
>or stop by the Wonder Mall S to do some shopping,


admittedly i have started gates to infinity on citra a while ago, but i want to try to transfer my save to my homebrewed 3ds but i didn't see a save file that i could transfer

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Man, friend areas are so cool.

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Are there any good PMD romhacks out there? I know skytemple's been out for a few years so I wonder if anything notable has come out of it.

only the balancing/qol ones on /vp/
other than that nothing substantial

ok this is epic

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is this emu still total garbage?

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I want to be Pikachu's boyfriend

How many more PMD games until they let you romance your partner?

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Remember when Darkrai was your usual Pokemon antagonist?

just as soon as they let you romance in animal crossing

You will get fucked in your eevee.

that raises a good point.
what pokemon is just rapebait. not even a coomer mon because gardevoir can handle themselves pretty well. but turning into what pokemon makes you think "well my life is just being raped now"

The music in Super gives me life. The music in Explorers make me feel nostalgic. The music in Gates makes me think of the future.

Dumb bot.

Probably the best OST in modern games, shared with Kid Icarus Uprising and Origami King. If only every game gave such detail to the soundtrack I'd never stop being happy.


I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe.

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don't remember which one it was, but i remember a 100 floor climb with the regi's and the chance to catch mew

that one was TOUGH for kid me.
i remember starving to death multiple times

Buried Relic. Screech users and Rollout don't fuck around if you're unprepared

>give up on human society and be a Pokemon
I'd miss my family, but I'd do it.

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Looks like Pokemelett is back on the menu boyz!
Is it racist if you say this to a Torchic?

Just get a new family. Step-sisters and a step-mom.

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You are literally a human being


honestly? some of the eeveelutions.

>Explorers of Sky is generally agreed upon as the best
It does NOT have friend ares. It will never be the best.
I also prefer the story of Rescue Team even if Explorers has better characters.

as someone that thinks EoS is the better game, I agree. The partner's a total doormat and the Darkrai subplot is totally unnecessary. RT at least knows when to cut to the chase.

How do pokemon without hands build houses and stuff? Do they have to become slave pets for bipedal pokemon?

Friendly reminder that Super works perfectly on citra and runs well even on shitty PCs.

also I have no idea where the get 3DS roms that even work in citra because it always complains about some DRM shit.

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i'm a meowth, what does that make me?

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Funny there's a PMD thread right now. I'm just starting my first playthrough of Gates, going in blind. I remember Rescue and Explorers at least starting out really friendly, but holy shit everyone acts like a megadick for no reason. Also it feels like there's more filler, at least in the beginning. The partner so far seems like the most interesting of the three, actually having a goal and some depth unlike the Rescue partner and not being a complete doormat like Explorers.

I guess my main gripe with the story of Explorers is that it is just aping Rescue Team's general plot structure while trying to "amp it up". You are not just fleeing, you are fleeing through the wasteland of the future! It's all a bit too over the top for me. I think Rescue Team had the right balance between being fantastical and being grounded. The town reluctantly turning against you due to deception is much more heartbreaking than some alternate future friend sacrificing himself by jumping into a portal or whatever.

Both are great games though, I'm really just nitpicking here.

the entire bellsprout line

honestly i'm long past the point of reading the plot. I pick a couple custom starters and play around with that and just hold B through the plot. Chatot's underrated as a character though

Pokemon society is more or less a caste system where all the humanoid pokemon do handiwork and all the retarded fish and butterflies basically just lounge around being useless.

>holy shit everyone acts like a megadick for no reason.
spoilers I guess but there's a reason

Why did Dusknoir do it?

Heh, the Machop one is pretty accurate, as Machop was my first playthrough. I generally cycle between Golduck and Cubone. Though Golduck was the one who taught me the omnipotence of mult-ihit moves, I kept Fury Swipes until level 100 because it is so good.

>Fury Swipes
imagine pairing this with Screech, which works outside the normal stat formula to where not even defense raising moves can undo it, and just 3 uses is enough to set you to 3% of your normal defenses

Why did this meme catch on? I don't think I've ever laughed at one

>Chatot's underrated as a character though
That's a valid opinion to hold.

I think the partner being a pushover is overhated. He grows throughout the story, being a pushover is more or less a set up for that. Your partner in Rescue Team is a character that can be accurately summarized as "optimistic" and "your friend", which is fine for the game but a bit dull compared to your partner in the sequel.

I don't think it is meant to be funny, but rather make you feel nostalgic for a simpler time. Or something. It's a doomer meme don't take it too seriously.

Gates is one hell of a wild ride but you should probably leave because it has tons of spoilers, including the IMO best plot twist of all time.

>I think the partner being a pushover is overhated
him simping for team charm is the reason i had to go to aegis cave. That's reason enough to get annoyed

I don't take it seriously, I just don't understand why everyone is like "wow, I have to save and share this image".
It's not even good

Because he's the one-dimensional henchman of an entity focused entirely on mindless self preservation.

Siding with Grovyle in the end will always be a cool moment, even though the bonus mission should have just ended with the future being completely erased.

If there no humans then who fucks pokemons

Drifblimdev is real.

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the PP-Zero traps

How do I achieve these levels of unburdened?

Toss away your item and you will know true power.
Or, you know, pick a chlorophyll mon and bring a Droughtmon along for the ride.

On a recent playthrough I realized Dunsparce from Gates had an early cameo there.

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>Who the hell wants to live in PMD?
i do

What do we think of the partner in Super? personally its my favourite one, their character development is pretty good and I actually kind of like games where you arguably aren't the protagonist

>wanting to live at the guild

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Twist at the end was completely unnecessary, raised more questions and answered none, and felt like cheap shock value.

Mew is my favorite Pokémon of all time so I was always hoping she would play an important role in the plot one day.

>btw I'm Mew
>Also I'm dying

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>riolu player
>complaining about getting an eevee

he wanted a shinx to be gay with i bet

>felt like cheap shock value.

desu that's just the end of every PMD game, Super just had the decency to put a twist on it for once.

Wouldn't bringing a Groudon mean that you'd be stuck with a Groudon chasing you around every floor at half your speed? It would suck if he were to suddenly trip a monster house.

chlorophyll doesn't double your movement speed. It makes every attack you perform come out twice in the same action.

Oh shit, my bad. I never really understood the speed mechanics in PMD.

>just make this face forever

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>ywn go on adventures with your pokemon husband

>Anti-social, picked Charmander Partner, and Picked Pikachu main


Some of these are really fucking stupid, is this some sort of Buzzfeed personality test?

What the fuck, do people actually ship in PMD? You know your partner is just your friend, right?

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tags: nakadashi, okayodon

yeah alright

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fuckin femboy

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>huh whats this pokemon
>vore bird

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It appears that space is mine to command.

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time for some correction

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terrible. thank god there isn't a laughingcrying edit.

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>pokemon is ghost/poison/dark type
>is a bad guy
When will this discrimination end?

>He doesn't play as a (female) Eevee for every MD game
Shame on you.

Luv me camp
Luv me mates
'Ate me legendaries
simple Arf.

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When you fucking spooks stop stealing the souls from children

> town bicycle
practically a walking cum jar.

You know, about those dark types and crime statistics...

> crit statistics

Your "reasons" (whatever they are, you certainly didn't give any) are probably shit and I discard them.

idk guys he sounds like a legendary

your legendary ass is too fucking fat for the caves. upon entering; rocks fall and you die. the end.

3 out of 4 ever are male

any pokemon is a girl if you have the type advantage

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>too fucking fat
But I literally control space! I can by as tiny as I want!
I don't even wanna go in your goddamn caves!

Every dinosaur fears the T. rex.

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if you're not careful you'll end up a major villain.



Imagine being reborn as a pokemon, being a riolu but you're a female so you don't even have a cute knot to drip while getting dommed by literally every other pokemon.

>Wow she's literally me!™

>but you're a female so you don't even have a cute knot to drip while getting dommed by literally every other pokemon
monkey's paw

>spoiler in the shape of an F

no haha i only have a womb to make baby riolus noooo damn haha


i think you mean aaaaaaaaaa

I can vibe with this.

Welp, off to hang myself

First ones were great and I loved having cubone as my starter
No idea why they shafted him in explorers or sky/time

that's the shit right there.
monster houses and an aggroed Kecleon are als o up there

>Fuck... an Eevee... a lot...
Copy that

my sperm cell brother
let us race to fertilize the egg, may the best man be born into a better world

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could this thread get ANY more based?

I mean, you get to be a pokemon so it evens out

i always pick treecko because i think his default pose is really cute and funny

I'm not familiar too much on the nu-mons

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What's the point of being a pokemon if you're not getting dommed so hard your dick drips without meaning too. What a waste of existence.

oh fugg
i'm not even a furry

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Congratulations, you are now the one pokemon that is never a dom.

becoming a living enemy spawner for a dungeon like in

Not the worst outcome. Anyone wanna team up and go on adventures?

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flame wheel for days

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>partner is a Meganium


I picked shinx because I thought being a thundercat was pretty cool. I also had a chikorita as the partner because I like her.

wouldn't it be painful when they pull it out of you?

>partner is charmander
spooky. love both rai and pika though.

GBA compression adds to the music, imo. Most DS tracks feel "emptier" as a result.

I actually played as Bulbasaur in PMD Red as a kid.

This is the only answer. If music is the factor then definitely go with GBA. Sounds so much better.

I'm going to let you in a little secret. This was all a trick, I deceived you.

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Ah fuck.

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guess I'm ugly

You got dem tentacles bruh.
Use ‘em!

Good luck with that

>Raichu alola

Pretty cool

Oh no

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b-but im not a girl!

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i'm gonna coom

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I like it.

the lore is that all the humans are isekai'd as pokemon but they have no memory of that happening.

Shit, I turned into the Pokémon I was hoping to bang. I hate it so much.

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I don't know how to feel about this, I'm too big to go anywhere and have no limbs, and I've got too many weaknesses to be tanky, but on the other hand I'm a giant metal motherfucking snake.

He didn't want to Disappear. He should have broken character and panicked when being sent back to the future(present); seeing stoic characters break always signals heavy shit going down.

>Dude just die, and kill everyone you've ever known to save a reality you know nothing about

Real question is, what the fuck was Groovyle thinking?

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In Pokemon Super Mystery dungeon humans are mentioned twice by non protagonist characters.
One set of characters mentions humans as a myth and the other character mentions that its very common for humans to become pokemon.

>Kill yourself because life isn't worth living

time to evolve

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Autistic, even more than any of the other partners.

I haven't played any PMD games, but they seem interesting. In your opinion, what is the best way to start the series? Should I just start at the first one and work my way through, or start at one of the best ones?

Is shiny Celebi really that much of a bitch?

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Sky and it's not even a question. The original Rescue team games do have the best post-game though and I like its pure rouguelike dungeon more than those in Explorers

Play explorers of darkness. Sky has more content but it also has a loooong pointless unskippable arc right in the middle of the story.

Start with Rescue Team.
Either the OG or the remake, doesn't matter.
Explorers improves on Rescue Team in many ways, but it has problems with excessive use of flashbacks and dragging out cutscenes with repetitive dialogue, making it painful to sit through at points.

PMD to the Pokémon franchise is basically XIV to Final Fantasy franchise

you HAVE beaten a level reset dungeon, right user?
you're not some kind of filthy casual, are you?

Yeah I beat Purity Forest with Alakazam and a warp scarf :)


good for you, user.
even a cheesy win is more than most people can say.

Doing that is easy and not that fun. I did it again with Poliwrath, Ledyba and a few others. Venomoth is decent but I died in floor 98 after I warped away from a monster house into a Parasect

Muscular Blazikens is a personal fetish of mine

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I just picked Phanphy cause the movies made Donphan look cool and special so he's always had a special place in my heart

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Machop, although I still like explorers/super (I ran Riolu in them to still have a fighting type, but it's just not the same).

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How's the mmo version? Is it good for play sessions with friends?

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actually smt mystery dungeon sounds fucking awesome
>star as some lvl 1 schmuck, probably foul slime or whatever
>classic first person dungeons with alternative top-down view toggle
>roguelike map generation
>gotta either capture enemy demons and forcefully fuse them with yourself or befriend them to change into stronger demon races

>Geodude alola form

I have a quarry to settle.

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I hate that PMD threads are full of animal fuckers.
It's the best take on the entire series, mechanically, and this is what you squander it on
You faggots even do this shit for Pokemon Snap.

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I'm literally cubone, that's what I got from answering the quizz
also cried like a bitch in the rescue team ending, god damn

What can I say, I like Mystery dungeon red rescue team but I also really want to be a Lucario getting knotted. I'm allowed to post about both.

every time

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>what pokemon is just rapebait
no such thing

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It keeps happening.

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i want to be dominated by a muscular female lucario

Based. Cubone players are chads.

Humans 100% exist. Off the top of my head, they made some of the friend camps like the abandoned lab, and you were a human that partnered with grovyle.

manually setting sunny day usually works better since drought wears off and other mons spawning with weather will stop you
but Vileplume is a fucking murderer regardless
I don't remember who my third was because I couldn't find exactly the right fit, but Camerupt is also a hard hitter

I don't understand, I took the quiz and got riolu, it's not like I was trying to be a edgy chuuni weeb.

I remember as a kid Sky tower was HELL because charizard could oneshot me and turtwig with half of its moveset and I'm pretty sure it had heat wave so if one just showed up in the same room I instadied.



Well this kinda sucks. At least I can chill with the bigass wishcash.

>turned off legendaries

>Got cacturne
Biped with the ability to pick up and manipulate tools, this is a straight upgrade to the fish.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is the reason why I buy knotted dragon dildos.

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I'm alright with this

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>sonic image
by the look of it, you were already too far gone

Lucario in the games is really strong, though. Take a break from the dagasi pictures, user.


The famous maractus drinking pee is male

Victreebell isn't that bad, the movepool and stats are mediocre to decent + silly sun/growth

next buy this

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>All of the Eeveelutions
>Both Vulpixes
>Scorbunny and any anthro starter that isn't retarded agent yaoi hands
>Roselia, Lurantis, Leavanny
Though if you're going for pure "can't fight back much," then probably just ones like Nickit. Even Shinx has volts that can stop a heart.

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The REAL question you should be asking is, which Pokemon has the best tasting poop? Is there one that even non-scat fetishists would find palatable? Even delicious? Is there Pokemon poop that would taste so good that the trainer would spend every hour eagery awaiting the next bowel movement so they could plant their lips firmly against their beloved pokemon's rim, even in public?

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I selected male retard

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the ice cream one

I despise you.
The answer is slurpuff however

How many anons got into roguelikes from these games?

I couldn't beat Kyogre

now I really like open world roguelikes like elona, caves of qud, dwarf fortress, cataclysm, etc
by the way do you have any recommendations for games like these

pokemon is for babies

>pokemon are for making babies with

I've been enjoying Tales of Maj'Eyal again, and the roguelike general in /vg/ might have more recommendations.

Why has no one tried to ape the aesthetic?

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i liked tales of middle earth 2 more to be honest
also the vg roguelike general sucks massive gorilla dick so no thanks

Phanpy was my first ever starter character. I kept re-starting the intro sequence to get a different character but, somehow I kept getting phanpy. Eventually I gave up and kept him.

I do listen to Dialga's fight to the finish a lot what the fuck?

>other jolly starters
>if you'd picked male: totodile

>I do listen to Dialga's fight to the finish a lot what the fuck?
Every PMD fan listens to that song a lot

Honestly, I don't really like it that much. But I seem to have an odd taste in music, Dark Ice Mountain is one of my favourite tracks from sky

they're both male retard


I fucking refuse.

I'm sure slowpokes get a few sessions because you can finish before they even notice it started.

what is this expression trying to convey

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>too cropped to get source
Provide it please and thank you.


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bootleg costanza face

Was it Arceus who saved them all?

>introduced the next game's continent
>still no game 7 years later

Alright fellas who wants to go fuck shit up with me

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Treasure Town...home.

>getting fucking bara fags and damsel bitches
>forced to jump through billions of hoops to get dom'd

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Wish they would knock it off with the exclusive male/female options. Was replaying Sky recently and was surprised Vulpix was female-exclusive. I just picked it and modified the parameters to make it male anyway. Also Shaymin has fucking garbage animations and gives me a headache.


It's not hard to find Alrighty e621.net/posts/3076816
Best Shinx image by far despite the human dick, it's actually on-model

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>Kids movie managed subvert expectations better that star wars

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>and the other character mentions that its very common for humans to become pokemon.
Is this Arceus doing? What an asshole.

I will. Let's fucking go.

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>Not a knotted dick Are artists just fucking cowards these days? Jesus christ. Thanks for the source user, you're pretty coolio.

>Are artists just fucking cowards these days
Minus8 refuses to draw lolis and shota so yeah, welcome to clown world.

flying sounds cool

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Bro can you hold this for me real quick

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Let us go do crime and steal bitches

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>7 years since super
>2 years since RTDX
>nothing announced during Pokemon Week this year
hope fading rapidly

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Hell yeah, brother.

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>only 7 years

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Fuck, I'm inflatable

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The beginning pacing of time never really got me and i dropped it. i love love loved super, though.

You should be more worried about the apple addiction that'll turn you into the town bicycle, slut.

Eevees make good companions :)

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How would that work without the "straw circles on the DS touchscreen" gimmick?

I feel like I'm missing some context, but I'm also getting flashbacks involving Raymond from animal crossing, and peaches

Very good game. The switch remake is bad though, I played like 10 minutes and uninstalled it again.

>without the "straw circles on the DS touchscreen"
Not exactly impossible with the Switch especially with shit like 1 2 Switch and Warioware existing. You'd just be drawing a circle at your tv and trying not break the shit around you.

not bad, I couldn't wait to be a walking tank

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wheres pokemon village, beach, and garden at?

First I put you to sleep
Then I turn you into a sock puppet

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Make up a stereotype about me, Yea Forums.

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You're probably evil.

i wrote the book on level reset dungeons

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whats her endgame

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don't we all just want to be tenderly held by grovyle

Being a Deus Ex Machina plot device


>mod ledyba in as a starter as a laugh
>mfw it's actually disgustingly OP and not even a little

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damn nigga did you take that picture with a flip phone or some shit

your not far off from the truth, it was an original model 3ds i didn't have a decent camera at the time, sue me

Well nice for Ledyba/Ledian to have one game it's not dogshit in

to elaborate on what makes it good
>supersonic has great accuracy, instantly cripples enemies hard
>comet punch early on
>silver wind which is Ominous Wind but with slightly worse accuracy
>mach punch
>a swap item that boosts its movement speed by 1 in clear weather so you move at 2x speed most of the time

>not even mentioning its obscene stat growth which outpaces the regular starters
for shame


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sit on my face homie

how did she get into this predicament

No, that’s gay

it's not gay if he's handsome

Follows what's popular to try and fit in, seethes inside at everyone's normie tastes

>You just know
They're gonna fuck, user.

>Is this Arceus doing? What an asshole.
100%, Arceus like Palutena and Hades love to fuck with their creations/Mortals.
every Nintendo God or Older Entity is either a fuckers bored to death or bent on cosmic destruction at either universal or multiversal scale.
only exceptions I can think off are Rosalina, the 3 golden goddesses from zelda and Aesir from Bayonetta

Can we just admit already mystery dungeon devs are out of ideas?
They don’t know what else do with the gameplay
They don’t know what else do with the story
There are too many Pokémon 3d models
Just admit only a dating will bust the sales

what if he was just totally definitely platonically holding you after you got hurt in a dungeon

no i want to be tenderly held by my partner

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doesn't need to be changed
after gen 6 pokemon jumped the shark and is now a multiverse with interdimensional travel and pokemon capable of it, that shit writes itself
>3d models
they already use the same ones that gamefreak does

becoming grovyle's wife

>100%, Arceus like Palutena and Hades love to fuck with their creations/Mortals.
Someone hasn't been keeping up.
Arceus didn't make humans. Arceus is god from another universe.

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I would have been happy if Super were the last one.

Always search for decrypted roms, that should do the trick, or decrypt them yourself

Go on e621 and type" eevee drool

Agreed I guess its really hard to think of a way to improve it from here unless they reboot the series which won't happen
In a way yes there are certainly similarities from game to game (Mystery of protagonists origins, partner, guild of some sort allowing for a cast of supporting characters) but I think you can pretty much write anything in the PMD universe.
>3d models
If they don't already use the 3D models gamefreak uses they had the entire generation 6 national dex in PSMD.

how is this thread not moved to /trash/ yet
post some pokemon tf

I wanted a whiscash in MD RedRescue as my partner because they were one of my favorites, quickly moved to Relicanth being my favorite when I first played Emerald though.

he deserves to be a starter

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>Final Boss is the Messiah who's been terrorising your demon pals for the whoke game
Oh nyo.......

Zorua deserves to be hugged for eternity

does this mean we get to fuck our pokemon now?

The only PMD I haven't finished despite trying it several times was Super.
Gates is just a total blur and I don't remember much of any of it despite beating it around the time it came out.

this guy really wants to hug a lot of pokemon

"(Chuckles) I'm in danger."

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You should post your favorite PMD songs, NOW

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So guys, be honest. If you were transported into a Mystery Dungeon game, would you fug the pokemon?

Kek good point

I picked Machop and Riolu, because I like Fighting types.
Kill me.

These games are all unrealistic because clearly the player character would want to stay in the pokemon world

I would want to be fucked. I'd go find the biggest monsterous pokemon and 'pretend' fight until it knocked me down and then give up and present my lucario asshole.

No, sex is gross and scares me

I would rather to be fucked

>rescue team
magma cavern or stop thief, can't decide
quicksand pit easily
gotta be holehills
fire island volcano

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not bad

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That just means you'll be targeted by stronger foes. All it takes is one bad battle and you're breeding stock for an angry earthquake spammer

This is why you ALWAYS make sure to be prepared before going into a dungeon. You don't want to end up like her!

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Can I have a donut, user?

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user please, you're making me regret that I never learned how to draw because now I really want to see that in comic form.
>tfw have buddies who can draw that won't also gladly do degenerate shit like that

everyone is getting raped


>Bashful Noctowl
at least I'm not a bird

>Reddit memes
why are pokefags so cringe?

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>Get to fuck Zoroark (female)
>Why would you want to live there?

these two still give me the impression that
1) I am in an old and undisturbed place
2) perhaps I shouldn't be here after all
the weird mixture of mons, clashing weathers, and whatever else just add to that



W-whats the disaster?

chikorita used razor leaf!


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>eevee is now the second coolest pokemon after pikachu

meowth chads...

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The weirdest meowth moment was seeing meowth in LGPE. Jessie and James acted normally but Meowth was just a normal meowth. It felt like they lobotomized him

sex with the partner!!

Only after pokemon marriage.

but the sex is the wedding?


what did you say about my mother

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Stop thinking about sex with Pokemon

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I demand you make me because I can't see any way I stop otherwise.



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make me

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give me one to sex and i will

how do i add e621 to 4chanx sauce?

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i too would like to know this

I'm fucked.

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find a rocky helmet ur good bruv

Just shove yourself directly into someones asshole, then they're fucked.

I just wanted to go dungeon crawling user.

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saucenao scrapes e621 md5s by default

Looks swell, no clue which game they're from tho.

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I don’t know how to feel about this…

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easy come easy go

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I can't find the sauce for using saucenao though

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Weird to me that swsh sold so well when I see a lot of pokepals have skipped that entry

>>>fucking paras
jesus fucking christ it's hard to get worse than that

I see. I bought a 2DS for Sun/Moon, but dropped it a couple of hours in. I could get over the transition to 3D, but holy fuck was it obnoxious.
Thievul looks kind of gallantly smug, the boots are snazzy. Have a good one user

at least i'm psychic and eventually float

If you think Sun/Moon was obnoxious wait until you see Sword/Shield.
Or better yet, don't.
Pokémon games have done nothing but get progressively worse starting with gen 6.

>Spore, Slash, Solar Beam/Giga Drain, and DIg isn't a bad set up.
Can even do aerial ace, psybeam, and sludge bomb, energy ball, X Scissor, brick break, cross poison in later gens
t. tried using Butterfree, Venomoth, and Parasect, and Farfetch'd in gen 1

>forgetting the fact paras has a parasitic mushroom that kills it when it evolves

Warned you about fungi bro

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you know i was just thinking and noticed how no one ever talks about how pokemon dont wear any clothing besides maybe a scarf. have you ever though how awkward it would be to be following your glaceon (female) leader while being a quadruped? you have your leader's butt right in front of you yet you must act natural as if nothing is happening. switch the roles around and you have her staring at your ballsack and dong i think that would be very awkward.and embarrassing.

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nothing weird with that

>Leader glaceon is naked

short answer yes

slightly longer answer it depends how its viewed over there

>no guild theme
rlly Yea Forums?

Yes, post-marriage sex with my partner (female)

it's okay because I would be pokemon too

I'm sure that it wouldn't be something you are just going to do to some random pokemon with your crew on the first day. I was more meaning casual sex with your partner. Though now I am thinking I'll ask this question.
>If you were transported to the Mystery Dungeon universe, would you want it to be an erotic version where anything goes?

Imagine your cowardly partner from Explorers following diligently behind you, biting their lip while they watch your balls bounce between your thighs with every step. They're too shy to actually say how much they want you, but they still can't help but indulge in the sight of your cute butt and the scent of your sweaty musk. Maybe they try to quicken their pace so they can get a better look, only to trip over themselves and wind up muzzle-deep in your taint

>out of town for days
>closest thing to a bath is probably crossing a river or being out in the rain
>following directly behind others
Imagine the smell


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wish there was more content of RT Absol

>If you were transported to the Mystery Dungeon universe, would you want it to be an erotic version where anything goes?

but really it's not gonna be that way but I doubt it's like our world either, I don't think they go for lifelong partners and probably sex is more casual considering
>you can get a egg as a reward for completing a rescue
>and its not even of the pokemon who gave you the egg
what the FUCK does that mean? they just found an egg and gave it to you? but then why give it as a reward? is that pokemon subservient to you now upon birth? is taking care of eggs fun? I dont???


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i want a big bayleef gf to cuddle and fug bros...

>what the FUCK does that mean? they just found an egg and gave it to you?
pmd equivalent of a doorstep baby lol

oh shit nigga, i'm a b2 bomber

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big bayleef facesitting


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bros where do I start with these games

Red/Blue rescue team
They hold up pretty nicely

play rescue team, the remake is okay and has a bit more stuff but the artstyle is divisive
then play sky
then try super, I don't personally recommend it even if I 99%'d it
gates is the least likely to be enjoyable even if some of its premises are okay

Have you played mystery dungeon games or literal 'similar to rouge' roguelikes with isometric turnbased combat on a grid system? Gameplay is a lot of spacing management, kiting, tracking your inventory and hunger level as you delve into deeper dungeons, and lining up missions to get work done efficiently.

Red/Blue hold up well and the DX remake on Switch is a lot of fun. Explorers is seen as the best (particularly Explorers of Sky) but it's on the DS and cartridges can be a pain to get a hold of. Super and Gates have problems, only do those if you're a diehard fan.

Ditto for obvious reasons

if/when you play gates, use a text speed hack to improve the game dramatically

>Red/Blue Rescue Team
If you want to start from the beginning.
>Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky
Considered the best by most, Sky has the most content of the three.
>Gates to Infinity
If you're a faggot.
If you want as many Pokémon as you can find (only up to gen 6 though)
>Rescue Team DX
A remake of the first two games.

Flashcarts are cheap as fuck.
I'm never getting the remake because I own the original but didn't they include the broken wand items from Super? I looked at someone play through Purity Forest and they had a team of like 8, wtf was that about?

You have you, your partner, up to two party members, if you've signed up for escort quests each of those will have a party member, and then depending on the game if you recruit someone in the dungeon they'll tag along with you during the rest of the dungeon. You can't access all their options in the menu so they aren't actual party members but it's still a warm body that'll beat shit up.

It seemed pretty broken for Purity Forest and somewhat antithetical to what the original was about. The special trait thing looked annoying as fuck too.

the party size is pretty much out of hand unless you're ???roleplaying??? with a team or solo pokemon that has some sort of hypnosis or other shenanigans since recruited mons and escort contracts all pile up into a huge conga line but absolutely no one has considered doing that besides me just now
anyway, the special traits can be really broken but kind of add to the teambuilding aspect if you ask me
like a rain team with rapid bullseye on seaking or kingdra is just silly, nothing in the game requries that amount of ass kicking

I always took it to mean that eggs were precious no matter what. Abandoned eggs just don't sit well with Pokemon and raising a child communally is probably a thing. So I guess they just feel that someone as responsible as a rescue team is the best people to give it too. Your reward is essentially a random pokemon that will join the community and help it grow.

sexual content, obviously

>Gets to register people as "Retard"

>impish nidorina
Wait a second

>only 4 pages long because the commissioner was a poorfag

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Oh no
No you can't do this to me

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I fail to see the problem here.

I'm not female

That's still not a problem. Hope you enjoy pushing eggs out though.

Imagine the smell

Not bad For my second rolOg roll was raticate. Which would be alright. I'd cut down trees and build a house

forrgot pic

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Behold: soon to be the bottom.

Lmao your body is shaped like a penis

are all of the mystery dungeon games worth playing? do they all emulate well?

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Rescue Team and Explorers of Sky are definitely worth it, and they're DS games, so you could probably emulate them with your toaster.

Even if your laptop is a toaster you can just do red rescue team as that's GBA not DS

Shinx is a feline so it'd actually make more sense to have the barbed, not-knotted dick

If you mean the non-pokemon ones as well, Shiren Mystery Dungeon is great and all of the games emulate well (except the 5th game but that's on Steam now)

jokes on you, sky wasn't even out when I got the game

This might be lore accurate but I'm still mad at you for making me picture that. God I hate barbs on my dicks. So aesthetically displeasing and makes me madder knowing that my drawfag friend loves drawing that kinda shit on warcraft futas.

RB and Sky are amazing, gameplay and story wise. Sky's story is perfect.
Gates is so-so but has a half decent story.
Super's story is mediocre but the gameplay is the best.

super's gameplay isn't the best contextually, because emeras and wands don't mesh with the rest of the series, in addition to the dumb fucking roster gating and recruitment
on its own however you are correct

Don't know this one, I think I'm just a dog.

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I can't be the only one who played it with a gay romance headcanon can I?
I don't even like homo shit
Thus said, Explorers BlazikenXEmpoleon and SUPER ChesnaughtXSwampert best ships

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>very few Reviver Seeds

oh they're hella gay

>the gameplay is the best
I don't know if I would say that. The difficulty is really unbalanced in that the game starts out somewhat hard but gets a lot easier the more you play. It also inherits the shitty dungeon floor layouts from gates where the floor are massive with loads of rooms but the rooms themselves are tiny, I hate that and find it really frustrating to spend most of your time in corridoors which includes most enemy encounters.
Once you get to a certain point in the game you'll notice that you've amassed a giant arsenal of broken wands that you can use with impunity to get through encounters you really shouldn't be able to. I beat the Regi dungeon with a really underlevelled team using gravelrocks and the pounce wand for instance.
That said, I do like the shiny stones that give you abilities and killing Mewtwo with curse and a ban seed was funny

ima go lurk /k/ after this thread

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a sexy dog

can we partner up? I'm a tentacle monster

>Another episode of user the hunter found a deer and FUCKED it.
Record it for us.

Vaporeon or Slyveon(male)? this is important. asking for a friend.

You get to decide between like 5 different hairstyles and all of them make you look like a faggot. You'll win all contests though. Maybe.

Just imagine the soft, flexible, sensitive, not realistic-and-make-you-bleed fantasy barbs, user. Full anatomically correct ones suck.

Yes, in fact I'd join the guild, disregard any and all combat training, and focus entirely on enhancing my sexual skills. I want to go to the board and get jobs like these every day. Males, females, it doesn't matter. I would spread my fame far and wide. Primal Dialga would be a sex battle instead of a real one. All conflict, darkness, and bad Pokemon would cease to be through the power of dick. Can't beat the cock, man.
Also you wouldn't have a choice anyway, there's only Pokemon to fuck and are you really gonna keep it in your pants for the rest of your life when almost none of them wear clothes? Uh uh

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Kek my sides

objectively speaking, bounsweet


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so true

I played with Riolu main and Eevee partner and had no problems

>riolu main and eevee partner

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chespin shows up and kicks you in the dick

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You are a human yourself, and all the pokemon, while shocked at that, clearly know what a human is

good luck with that

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Is there a problem with that? Eevee is cute, and if I was going to become a pokemon, I'd want to remain one with a humanoid shape