Can I get Serious Sam but without charm or challenge?

>can I get Serious Sam but without charm or challenge?

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have u played serious sam before? new doom has like 6 enemies on screen at once


plus they are kinda tanky in the new doom as opposed to very weak and numerous in serious sam. idk what you're trying to get at but it's clearly a not well thought out comparison

The monsters in Doom 2016 seem somewhat intelligent. They know you can move faster than them and they try to work around that fact.

Doesn't always help but it does show thoughtfulness on the part of the devs to at least make enemies that do more than just stare at you and try to come straight at you.

Based Serious Chad dabs on Doombabies

The other day one of your people asked my why I had a background of the Halo guy that says Doom. You zoomers need death.

Here you are bro.

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Thumbnail makes him look like master chief.

Is "zoomer" a state of mind more than an age range?

I'm 33 but I enjoy modern Doom. Yea Forums has a tendency to call me a "zoomer" when I say that, despite not knowing how old I am.

Any post containing 'oomer' can be ignored, nothing worthwhile has ever been said in one.

You're good. I'm 28. I love modern Doom. Zoomers are calling each other Zoomer as an insult to seem like they know more about older games. The new Doom filters them.

Serious Sam is one of those games I always think is going to be an absolute blast but then I play it for about an hour and get bored

Imagine the salt if Master Chief is in fighter pass 2.

Play on serious difficulty you numpty

>I'm 33 but I enjoy modern Doom
cringy boomer

>Serious Sam

>without charm

user, your brain is retarded.

>can I get Serious Sam but without charm or challenge?

Basically. It really just depends on how a person was raised, what memes were passed onto them, etc.

28, love nuDoom.
Doom 1/2 is a great game, but Quake smashed the fuck out of it. No idea why everyone is so fond of it still.

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Strange, user. I'm only two years older but I get bored of Doom 2016 almost immediately. Were your parents not able to afford a gaming PC when you were a kid or seomthing? How can you have lived through the 90s and not be burned out on run n gun FPS? Do you still play beat em ups too? I loved beat em ups, but such a shallow tedious genre to still be playing in 2020

>I loved beat em ups
Opinion discarded. What a braindead game genre.

24, been a Doom fan since 2004. Can't wait for Eternal

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very true, but in the 90s everyone was playing them. that's why there was a Double Dragon movie that came out back then even.

Serious Sam is not charming.

I like nudoom but it has plenty of problems that could've been approved on and have been done better by other fpses. Nudoom is like Halo where the people who call it gods gift to earth are just entry level faggots who've either never properly played the games of old or never touched them in the first place to realize why people think their new hotness is mediocre to begin with.

BTW serious sam second encounter is the best fps campaign of all time.

Since when did Serious Sam have challenge?

Serious Sam has no verticality and the enemy AI either stands and shoots at you, or walks straight towards you.
Which results in a game where you just strafe in circles forever on enormous flat fields. There is 0 challenge in Serious Sam.

>local moron pretends like he no deathed serious sam mode
You could put some effort in it at least.

That's not hard at all, just tedious, because the enemies have huge health bars.

Comix Zone was basically the last good beat em up and the nail on the coffin for the genre. It was weird and experimental and almost not even a beat em up anymore

>Huge health bar
t.never played the game

>enemies in SS not being bullet sponges

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>beat em ups
>Says he had a gamming pc as a kid
I forgot faggots progressed with us in the 90's

>what are scorpions, commandos, Reptiloids, elementals, golems, and mechaniods
At least play the game first user.

see above.

No their not, the worst are the red walkers that die in 4 rocket hits. Everything else dies fairly quick

>what are scorpions, commandos, Reptiloids, elementals, golems, and mechaniods
Static turrets and enemies that walk straight towards you.

>Even Civvie thinks Doom 2016 is a masterpiece

Go and watch this actual connoisseur of FPS games tell you why you're all fucking wrong.

>local moron can't figure out what weapon to use on which enemy.

At least play the game user.

No one cared about Beat em ups (except battle toads) in the 90's. Get fucked and go watch Wallace and Grommit.

Literally any encounter in SS is "walk sideways while aiming in the general direction of the blob of enemies". Repeat for 5-10 minutes.
No skill, no movement, no verticality, no map awareness. Nothing at all.

I have played SSFE and SSSE a million times. They can be fun with friends, but dear lord, such garbage game design overall.

Fair points. Enemies are not health sponges tho. Doom 2016 doesn't do anybetter and has less enemies. I wish it went back to the traditional pre-placed enemies instead of arena spawn rooms

If you think Doom 2016 is good you aren't an FPS connoisseur

>implying I'm trying to impress you

the music makes the difference
also SS has cooler weapons, double barrelled is more fun than super shotgun
its a horde shooter where you can just switch off and gib enemies en masse
its fun

I've played basically every FPS game that's come out in the last 30 years and Yea Forums's hatred of Doom 2016 is so hilarious and overdramatic and so obviously a contrarian attitude because it's been massively (and rightly) well received.

The game is fucking great. Get out your own arseholes and learn to enjoy shit.

>Doom 2016 doesn't do anybetter and has less enemies.
U wot m8.
Less enemies, maybe. But most SS enemies are just reskins of each other.
The Doom enemies jump around the map, flank and strafe. Completely incomparable. They don't just move in one large blob of brainless shit.

Kleer, reptiloids, and scorpions literally exist so that this doesn't happen. I swear to god you people just played the first level and never even got to the puzzle levels.

>even some faggot nu-celeb thinks Zoom 2016 is good
Whoa my opinion suddenly flipped because I hate thinking for myself!

What. All of those enemies just run at you/shoot at you, and it's incredibly easy to just walk out of their path.

I once thought of this vidya game idea that functioned off of combining both old and new FPS concepts into one game

Modern mechanics
>Cover system, just in case
>Option to go stealth or loud. Both work fine
>Carrying medkits if you so choose
>Good AI
>Mobility options like sliding
>Weapon reloading, which happens automatically to any non-used weapons
>Real-world guns.... Until you get to the experimental stuff.
>Some powers you can play around with

>Carrying everything at once
>Health and armor pickups.
>Fast movement speed
>Big maps with secrets
>Enemy varieties
>Cool experimental guns you slowly get your hands on

>3 movement speeds. Walk (More like slow jog), run, and sprint, which unlike most “sprints” in FPS games, totally lives up to its name and makes you haul ass like a fucking Olympic sprinter.
>You have a regenerating shield, which you can temporarily strengthen with the armor pickups in the game

Other elements
>The OST is weird as hell. Instead of triumphant orchestra music, techno, or metal, it's sort of this really weird, distorted, Drakengard-esque OST.
>The general tone of the game is really, really unsettling, as our protagonist is slowly going insane from isolation and exhaustion.

>serious sam

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Then can I ignore this post?

So you refuse to be open-minded, that's fine, but suck a cock.

as an afps nerd, the new doom was unironically one of the most boring games i‘ve ever played.
no movement, focus on melee, aiming and some very basic dodging only, nothing that has any depth for people that have played fps for a while.
no story to speak of either.
the entire game seems like a reel for people that want to pretend that they‘re into “hardcore“ fps games while ejaculating over demons, gore and metal.

i‘d honestly prefer a boring military fps over the new doom, because while those games are also mechanically boring, they at least sometimes have something of a story.

games like dusk suffer from similar issues, but i‘ve enjoyed that game much more than the new doom, even if it is just for the slight increase in depth in terms of movement.

>The game is fucking great.
Nah, it's just above average. You're right about Yea Forums being stupid about it though.

Its been a minute since i played 2016, but i dont remember being impressed with the enemies maybe since some where missing from the original line up. Some enemy combos can fuck up your day in Sam. Iike Kleers and werebulls bum rushing you why some lizard fucker is throwing homing fire orbs at you from a distance

Kleer are designed on higher levels to track players going in one direction and do tons of damage which requires proper strafing

Same with red reptiloids who throw homing comets which can either be dodged by circle strafing or shot but were generally spawned behind you and can kill you with one comet.

Scorpions are specifically placed on the top of houses in later levels to specifically punish you from just running around in the open like a moron

Once again I swear to god you people never played the game past easy.

It's just shitposting

>Some enemy combos can fuck up your day in Sam. Iike Kleers and werebulls bum rushing you why some lizard fucker is throwing homing fire orbs at you from a distance
Nigga, just like walk to the side. Either side is fine. Just walk slowly away.

>proper strafing

Im gay btw, not sure if that matters.

stop lying on the internet please

The zoomer fears the boomer!

>no argument
thanks for playing.

Anyone else just hates the glorykill system? Besides how gay and tiresome it looks to watch Doomguy (sorry, xx_DoomSLAYER_xx) bop his 9999th demon in the dick, it just breaks the flow of the game, and worse than that, in makes me care about monsters in a D O O M game of all things. The whole idea of mindless, violent carnage is contradicted by the system which forces me to pay careful attention to every heckin imperino until they start glowing so I can come close and press the magic buttom.

Why do you try to gatekeep something that know one cares about?

>implying that anyone would wanna lie about being an afps nerd now that the core community is just a scattered bunch of mentally ill druggies

Yeah, it's easily the worst part. But all the rest makes up for it.

I know this is bait, but Im not certain who its meant to bait.

yes that's exactly what I'm implying.

If the glorykill system was about twice as fast, didn't break flow, didn't give you iframes, and didn't interrupt music, but still gave you the glorykill rewards, the game would have been better.

>no movement
>focus on melee
>aiming and basic dodging only
>no story

It's just compulsive bullshit with you, isn't it?

You know what, I feel that this needs to be brought up for no reason. Quake 2 soundtrack > DOOM 2016 soundtrack

Q2 never needs to be brought up for any reason, other than to explain how it was a huge step in the wrong direction.

nudoom soundtrack is pretty bad overall
It fits the gameplay, but I would never listen to it out of the game.

Doom has a W key while Serious Sam doesn't.

Doom series as a whole can be desribed as "Quake but for casuals"

Serious Sam is braindead fps, they throw literal hordes of enemies at you and levels are huge, but there's little depth beyond picking the right weapon for a situation. It's not necessarily bad but it's the FPS equivalent of the kind of food you buy to sneak into a movie theater. Yes I did use a retarded food analogy.

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At least in SS, the thrill kills (or whatever they were called) were entirely optional.

You sound like the sort of retard who says robotron has no strategy because you can't jump.

>plays all new games on medium difficulty
>proceeds to bitchwhine that they're too easy
Truly a master critic

what advanced movement mechanics are there, user?
what is the glory kill system, if not something that shifts the focus to melee?
what intricate story does doom16 have?

the third point can be inferred from the other ones, hence i will not address it.

i unironically do not know a single seasoned fps player that liked the new doom.

True, but at least NuDoom moved closer to Quake.


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>i unironically do not know a single seasoned fps player that liked the new doom
It's not our fault you don't have friends, user.

We get it, you like things basic, simple and easy. You can let it rest now.

i thought of that joke before posting but i decided to keep it.

We get it, you're a disingenuous faggot who didn't play the games on the hard mode.

Playing games on hard mode is seldom hard, user. If you want a real challenge you play against other players. Stop using this shitty excuse for SS. Adding more health and damage doesn't make the game design good.

Thank you for admitting you're a retard.

>serious sam
It's a fucking deviantart OC tier character and monster design with some of the most uninspired fps maps I've ever seen.

Serious Sam (atleast some of them) is pretty hard on the hardest difficulties. You actually need to have a strategy on what enemies to kill first and with what weapons or you will just simply end up being underwhelmed. But I personally didn't like the series very much. The arenas were just flat boxes and enemies didn't have more brain than walking towards you.

Is that really the best you can do?
No wonder you like simple, braindead games.

I meant to say OVERwhelmed but you probably figured that out

It's Painkiller with worse design though.
Even the closed areas of Serious Sam were larger and had much more enemies than NuDoom.

doom is a series for people who are too bad for actually challenging fps games but still want to feel superior to game journalists that don’t even write articles about games

> Adding more health and damage doesn't make the game design good.
>aka I didn't play the game on serious mode but I'll assume this is true about it
Thank you, for admitting, you're a retard. Feel free to upload your no death run of serious mode to show all serious fans how simple their game is.

user, it is time to stop. This is embarrassing for us all.

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no its capped at 12 spawns

Glorykill should've been earned with some sort of rage gauge or damage intensity or whatever, not just press X to health

>local user doubles down on retardation and has no arguments
alrighty then.

ok im just another guy hijacking your discussion but I cannot stand it anymore. DIFFICULTIES DONT GIVE ENEMIES HEALTH IN THAT GAME. Thanks. Continue.

So you want to make it MORE like Brutal Doom then?

31, grew up on OG Doom, Doom 2 and Heretic.

Had a blast with Doom 2016.

They are. They will attempt flanks and taking higher ground. It's nothing incredible like Fear 1 AI, but it's more than just running at you like Serious Sam or Painkiller.

I don't think either model is superior, just different approaches.

>Didn't give iframes
That's a terrible idea. See: DNF.

Don't bother user, there's literally nothing wrong with games even upping health or armor. He's just an idiot parroting arguments for a game he's never truly played.

Daily reminder:
16 days left.

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Glory Kills not making you invincible would be a fucking chore. You are constantly being assaulted in battle. If Glory Kills made you vulnerable then they need to come up with a different way to get health because you are under constant attack. Getting hit is almost an inevitability and Doom Slayer doesn't take damage very well.

That's why glorykills should be at least twice as fast. You should be vulnerable, but only vulnerable for a very short time, and it would be a risk versus reward scenario. Do you want the rewards of the glorykill (which could include health) more than you want the risk of being attacked while performing it?

So you balance glory kills to make it worth it. Also, being vulnerable would incentivize the player to power through the battle and thin the crowd of monsters sufficiently to perform a glory kill in relative safety. This would also make them feel truly satisfying and earned, as opposed to mindlessly glorymurdering everything that blinks because there's no downside to it.

>The game is all about movement and prioritizing targets
>This bitch exists

What were they thinking?

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Problem is on higher difficulties standing still at all means instant death. It just wouldn't be a viable option unless it's the last enemy in the zone.

I'm a fan of the Serious Sam series and played SS3 again a few weeks ago.
SS and NuDoom have very different styles. People observe the more superficial similarity (arenas) and say that it is the same thing, when the feeling of each game is completely different.
NuDoom is a very unique game. It is a kind of mixture of FPS with action game. The logic of the levels follows more or less that of the old games, like beat'n ups, where the camera locks in a certain part and you have to deal with a group of enemies. NuDoom is pure action, reflexes and skill, without much room for strategy (something that is more common in Serious Sam).
Both games are good, but in my opinion Serious Sam is far superior.

Quake was already for casuals tho.

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Shut up

This bitch could be the Arch Ville of the game if she didn't paralyze the player. It could serve to create high-risk areas that the player needs to avoid while she is alive, or something like that, but in the end it only serves to make the game worse.

The only Serious Sam with charm was 2

This. Its an embarrassing buzzword that somehow stick.

They just do things at random . If you pay attention you will see the Imps always climbing on the same pillars regardless of what you are doing.

>That's why glorykills should be at least twice as fast.
The majority of them are already 1 second long. If you're gonna make them half a second, then just remove them entirely.
A better implementation would be that every enemy has to meet a certain requirement as well instead of simply lowering them down to a specific health threshold.

Like for example the Revenant, if it's flying and its under s specific health and you hit it with a stun from the plasma shot, then you have the option to glory kill it.

Same. You can't enjoy anything new on Yea Forums without ridicule unless it's Little Chinese Girl High School Panty Simulator 2020.

can't wait for eternal. ive played shit ton of every doom, bought two copies of 2016 one for pc and one for xbox because it's just a masterpiece that runs, funs and plays well on every fucking system, no bullshit just game.

not true at all, it was one of the most lucrative genres which is why there are so many double dragon clones both for console and arcade like battletoads, bad dudes, teenage mutant ninja turtles, the simpsons, golden axe, etc


>He doesn't play nightmare difficulty
Sure nightmare sucks balls at the start, Once you actually start getting upgrades though its the definitive experience.

I think you can extrapolate that from his video, since he mentions the games become easy mode later on.

It's be cool if he played it on Nightmare, but he's also gotta put in hours for every other boomershooter in existence.

For all the Samheads out there that might be interested in playing coop. We play other coop stuff too.

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> Only beaten it on Tourist difficulty

Serious Sam = simple and easy.
It is reading these things that make me rethink the fact that I still frequent this place.

Serious and Mental difficulties are a challenge though.

So I've played a few FPS games in my day, but Doom 2016 is the only one that ever really got me hype or that I loved since Perfect Dark on the N64, if you don't count games like Metroid Prime or Deus Ex.

Where do I go on with more classic style FPS games or games more in the style of 2016?

Unreal Tournament? You have to use the Epic Games Launcher, though.

People are just arguing whether Serious Sam has any strategy whatsoever not realizing the original complaint was the level of strategy it had relative to other FPS, especially DOOM 2016. You can spend hours discussing checkers but you're missing the point if you don't get why someone calls it a "dumb" game.

Not him, I love Doom but I never could get into Quake. I've played a fuckton of wads, but I've only played through Quake 1 once and barely remember anything about it and have no drive to replay it. I remember Heretic, Hexen or Unreal a ton more. The only thing I really remember about Quake was it feeling very spastic and messy, way too fast paced for my taste

Are there any classic arena-style fps multiplayer games that aren't dead as shit?

>Is "zoomer" a state of mind more than an age range?
No, but some folks apparently get brainwashed into the Zoomie-mentality after decades of exposing themselves to the cancerous nu-era trash.

nu-D44M was absolute garbage.

I enjoy video games a great deal. As long as they are GOOD.
The last few years have brought us some of the greatest games in the history of the whole media format. The latest Doom entries simply do not belong into this category, and are a prime example of over-shiIIed, overrated garbage, that only stain the IP's name they're carrying.

I do.
But that's still one of the lesser issues of the whole game.