Christians are spic subhumans

Christians are spic subhumans

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Christianity is the mental illness that mutated into the modern day cult of equality.

And people forget Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism

Nice samefag paganmutt.

So what if most christians are south american or south african? You just hate jesus.

And ironically cucktians are considered idolatrous pagans by those very jews they splintered from

cope more pedro cheng smith.

amerimutts are ugly af lol

>paganism literally says cuckism is important since Odin was a prime cuck
Do you ever wonder why the leaders of paganism are all jewish?

>cucktianity literally says cuckism is important since joseph was a prime cuck

>leaders of paganism are all jewish
Starting with cucktianity whose leader was jewish

Average /pol/ poster
Being a brown skinned mutt and being a white supremacist goes together like peanut butter and jelly or cookies and milk

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>Joseph was a cuck
Is this really the excuse of pagancucks when Odin literally turned into a girl so he could get inseminated by men?
>Jesus was jewish
That's literally from the talmud! Do pagans often quote talmud verses? Sounds like a rabbi to me.

Ok but what's this got to do with video games?


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That’s not being cucked. Odin wasn’t cucked. The man whose wife had someone else’s child, is.

>Odin wasn't cucked
>One of the original translated stories is how Odin allowed his wife to fuck and get impregnated by a mortal
Amazing. It's almost like pagancucks are just Christ hating atheists that realised atheism wasn't popular anymore.

So your best defense of cucktianity is that one pagan god might have been cucked(if the story is true). Wow.

Its more like a mix of things that could work as a non-excluyent religion, it took a lot of things from the cult of Mithra in Rome. Unlike other religions christianity is ver flexible an adapts to the times, like a virus

>Do you ever wonder why the leaders of paganism are all jewish?
watching vikangz on hbo, wearing a pentagram and behaving like a degenerate doesn't make you pagan.
most modern day pagans would end up like pic related.
of course certain individuals like to undermine, distort and poison our cause, but that's nothing new.

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Why are you coping so much, kike lover?

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>There's no hell, it's just a purgatory where Lucifer will have to be boiled alive forever
>The only thing that happens to you is you stare up at Heaven, not being able to go in
Enjoy never travelling to the Silver City, heathen.

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why do jews like to pretend Trump (Christian) is a zionist agent when they also do pic related?

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God never fucked Mary kiddo. But nice try. Meanwhile your pagancuck Odin is literally the prime cuck who would turn into a female to fuck guys frequently and replenished his power by sucking out semen from dead men.
You seem like a big nose since you seem to love using pilpul to deflect. Did they teach you that in rabbi class?
>Greeks white
>Jesus told the pharisees (Modern jews) that they were the literal children of Satan and devils wearing human skin
>Therefore Jesus is a jew
It's true that atheists really are the most retarded people on earth.

Retarded cucktian. Jews support both candidates. Why don’t you post instead a pic of trump wearing a kippah?

good thing i'm a catholic then


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triggered j*woid detected

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Christians are snakes, and Jews are Rats -Muslim man

>a jew of one sect told jews of other sect they're shit so he is not jew durrrr

fuck off and take your pastoral desert religion with you.

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>God never fucked Mary kiddo. But nice try.
is that the best you have? ”Oh no I’m not a cuck, my wife just got artificially insemenated by my friend and now I am raising his child haha”.

And you are retarded for calling me kike when you’re a cucktian kikeworshipper.

muslims and jews are the same trash semites controlled by loserfer
covert to the Bible or die

>y-you kike!!
Cucktian missionaries are mentally ill.

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