Most of the comments make the "its ok when Nintendo does it" an actual thing and not a meme. You know its bad when the stereotype is true.
The amount of shills in the Twitter thread defending this is hilarious
Nintendo wants to be the quality brand and doesn't believe in devaluing it's main IP's.
I'm not saying it's right or that I would ever buy the games, but that's been nintendo's strategy since the gamecube days.
oh cool a twitter screenshot thread
Good games retain their value. Sorry you got scammed buying Death Strabding on release even it plummeted in price a month after release.
Literally who is this sage individual and what does he have to do with video games
That strategy is also why most of their home consoles didn't succeed outside of the US and Japan which is probably why the N64 and Gamecube flopped. You know how expensive it is buying first party Nintendo games in countries like Canada and Australia.
Square Enix and Activision Blizzard does this shit aswell, it isn't that uncommon.
its been 3 years since i bought a game for my switch?
i think i bought Mario oddysey but thats it.
I wish i had new shit to play on my switch.
Activision I agree, but Sqaure? I see FF15 on sale all the time both physically and digitally.
Square is kinda weird in that they keep some titles evergreen while some they let get discounts.
What? I bought the Croft Steelbook Edition of Rise of the Tomb Raider for $30 from Amazon. Kingdom Hearts 3 regularly goes for $20. Most of the Kingdom Hearts games regularly go for $20. Pretty much any new Final Fantasy game has been $20 in a couple of months, you can find WoFF Maxima right now for $20. They're one of the only companies that constantly, and I do mean constantly, throws their stuff on sales. I have seen FFXV Royal Edition, the season pass, and Deus Ex going for peanuts even digitally every couple of weeks. Even right now they're doing massive sales.
I'm sure they do okay enough in those regions, but Canada's entire population alone is less than the state of California so as bad as it sounds Nintendo probably isn't overly concerned they would be in last or second place there in terms of console sales.
Honestly a bigger issue (though not as prevalent as it use to be) is Nintendo short supplying NA and European region with games. They flat out would just not print more copies of pokemon games after a year or two in the west leading to new copies of soul silver being 80 dollars so quickly.
It's weird the only stuff they dont drop prices on is their more niche stuff like Nier.
I bought Nier for $20 years ago, the newer copies are $40 because of the reprints. Automata is $20 all over the place as well though usually it sits at $40 in some stores.
The Pokemon situation happened in my country as well. I remember when the 3DS come out people were selling used copies of HGSS for like $80.
That actually makes sense to not drop prices on niche products.
Oh those reprints may explain why I thought that.
What is this American mentality where you always bitch about prices of store bought games? I don't think anyone in Europe does that, you either buy it on release or wait a month or two and get it second hand, perfect condition, for probably 40$. BOTW is around 35-40 and not hard to get at all.
Sony: Bargin bin trash
MS: Bargin bin trash but also netflix sub
Steam: Literal trash bin hey I think someone threw an aaa console game from last year in here
Nintendo: Premium quality
But n64 and gc actually got price cuts to the games with the palyers choice selection. Base price was halfed to 30 and then goes lower from the stores sales.
Because games from other companies regularly drop in price at a steady rate even on new copies. As stated earlier, Square Enix games drop quite quickly. Nintendo games are the only ones that constantly stay at $60 unless you buy from Walmart who now sells everything brand new for $50 if they're not in sales/clearance, or the game flopped to such a ridiculous degree like Codename STEAM, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Pikmin 3DS, or Chibi Robo Zip Lash to the point that they overfill clearance sections for $5. People simply want prices to drop on games if they wait YEARS to get them. I think that's pretty reasonable, don't you?
Again, Nintendo is the only company out of all of them that keeps their prices at $60 outside of Player's Choice editions or those awful and ugly Nintendo Selects 3DS cases. Sony and Microsoft both drop to $40 within about a year and then $20 a couple years after "officially" with the exception of exclusive games that sell millions and get special rereleases. The same applies to Konami, Square Enix, Activision, Ubisoft, and so on.
Hell, they still charge you close to $5 for NES roms on the 3DS and Wii U.
it's not okay but Nintendo have been doing this for years, it's not a new concept, either buy it now because it won't get a reduction until the next console comes out or shut the fuck up and wait those five years for the price drop to come
lmao both drop their prices to 20 within 3 months.
Nintendo quality baby.
Sure, but not "officially". You won't find "official" price drops to $20 until a year or more after the fact. Most of those price drops are store-specific price drops because of extra stock.
nintendo is the Apple of videogames
>its because nintendo is quality!
No, if they were the Apple of video games they would charge every new game release for $120 and never drop the price.
They also just can do it because Nintendo exclusives just keep selling, unlike other company's games.
Nintendo is a luxury brand of video games.
Poorfags wouldn't understand.
>until the next console comes out
There's literally zero justification for why a three year old game should still be full price other than the publisher is greedy as fuck. BOTW has never dropped below $50 even during sales.
What about the Wii U. The only things that sold on that console were Mario, Zelda and Splatoon. Let’s be honest they got lucky with the Switch.
Square will charge extreme prices at launch, then drop off dramatically and finally bundle it all together. Square ALWAYS fucks over early buyers
It's that price because Nintendo games are ageless. I don't pay for games, but Nintendo games always stand the test of time.
>I pay more so it must be good!
A fool and his money...
I don’t even need to click the link to know that. I remember when ORAS came out and HGSS and BW2 were still full price. Nice to know that they know which Pokemon games are quality at least.
>You know its bad when the stereotype is true
Stereotypes always have an element of truth to them. That's why the exist in the first place.
One of their biggest games ever (Mario 64) definitely does not stand the test of time.
its very easy to understand, companies like them exist in every industry, see apple for example, where idiots come from all corners just to be ripped off by shitty hardware surrounded by designed plastic, where these same idiots will apologize and justify everything their "friend company" does, because it makes them feel like they are part of a luxury crew
They do in many countries though
>paying more for it makes the game better
I disagree.
Payed €47 for it on sale (+some gold points).
>outside of the US and Japan
Literally because of FIFA
this is the kind of person who buys chinese t-shirts for $200 because it has a certain logo on it
Nintendies are subhuman corp worshippers. There is a reason they're balding sóy chuggers
That's a lot of buzzwords in one sentence
he based
the justification is that it presumeably still sells at $60.
BotW only has to sell 1 copy to make $60 whereas a reduced FF15 has to sell 6 copies to make the same amount.
And the demand for FF15 is low which is why it's reduced to peanuts in the first place
>twitter thread
Its an exclusive. Its never going to come to PS5. Thus Nintendo can use that strat to jew out every drone. Not saying its right, but this is a legal business strat. Who gives a shit anyway when you can just buy used in ebay or facebook groups?
Not OP, BUT you can't stop me, faggot.
nigger what?
everyone who buys a nintendo switch goes to hell.
Nintendo is so god damn noncompetitive with their prices it's not even funny. I very rarely buy games at $60 and I don't think I've ever bought an old game at that price.
>still charging 60 bucks for a glorified tech demo
Yea, fuck Nintendo. I'm glad I pirated it.
>paying for nintendo games
>anti-phoneposter post
>phone filename
what did he meme by this
Got it for 45 on release.
It was a while ago but I remember being able to buy loads of wii games for cheap.
Nintendo is a small company they needs to make money somehow
The funny thing is all they will ever do is cry about it but still keep buying Nintendo trash no matter how broke they are or expensive and flawed the products are. Fucking brand-loyal whores deserve to be treated like the worthless paypigs and wallet holes they are.
Asking for easy (you)s like yours.
Keep seething kusonybro. You can just play those censored games and kerp licking that tranny hole.
Demand you fucking nigger. If it's still 60 bucks at least buy it new instead of uses for 58.
Fuck off shill faggot nigger. Kill yourself cocksucking retard.
shut up communist
Just pirate it.
Here, I found an image of you.
>switch games
>One of their biggest games ever (Mario 64) definitely does not stand the test of time.
I bought this game on the switch to make the censorfags seethe, and I was delightfully surprised.
>obsessed Nintendo hater came here to cry and seethe after getting fucking annihilated in the last Switch thread.
For shame lmao
Nintendo is always the first system to be crack so it evens out. You don't even have to feel bad pirating them.
Wojak image and SEETH in one post.
You are rare talent, user.
Does Burger-land not have retail outlets?
Australia has a mass electronics retail store called JB-HIFI that commonly sells Switch games for 10-20% cheaper than online at launch and almost all games drop to 30-50% cheaper eventually.
I got Fire Emblem: 3 Houses, a still pretty recent release for $50 AUS ($33 UD)
BOTW is $50 now. A lot of other first party switch games are too.
>It's still 60 dollars
Nice. If I paid $60 why wouldn't I want it to retain value? I have and will continue to periodically cash in on my games when I have a big expense like moving, a trip or buying a car. Nintendo games are the ones I actually get okay money back on while PlayStation and Xbox games are worthless in a couple of weeks.
SOTN is way superior than Bore of the Ubishit and way cheaper.
How is the Nintendo obsessed seether ever going to recover?
So this is what it means to be a nincel.
The Gamecube itself over here in Australia was maybe $100 when I got it. I remember Resident Evil 4 being more expensive than the console itself.
Nintendo developed games operate completely different from everyone else. Whereas most games make the majority of their money during the first week then deflate afterwards, Nintendo's games sell well over a long period of time. If people are still willing to pay full price for it, then why bother reducing the price.
If you want a good non-Nintendo example, just look how long GTA V stayed at $60.
>smug Nintendo reaction image
>is a massive retard
Every time
>SOTN is way superior than Bore of the Ubishit
>30-50% cheaper eventually.
>Thinking JB discounts Nintendo products this much
You poor deluded child
What's funny is that none of his factual points are debunked.
Costs 0 dollars for me since I pirated it on my hacked Switch. I uninstalled it about an hour after playing because the game felt like shit. Went back and replayed Hollow Knight and Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, two far superior games.
You dont refute any of those points tho and they still stand, instead you're pointing to an article by some game journo, possibly the least credible group of people on the planet.
>metacritic drone
Why are nincels like this?
And its actually a bit consumer friendly. Of you get games day 1, you can still sell them for good money
Not an argument.
Unless the games are shit like 1 2 Shitch. You're not getting shit for those despite being full price.
They're basically corporate cultists. Add to the fact that they never really grew up, and now it all adds up.
Nincelshit is peak manchildrencore
> Company makes game
> Sells a boat load then drops off the next month
> slashes price to drive sales
> Nintendo makes game
> Sells a boat load or modestly (depending on IP) and then CONTINUES TO SELL MONTHS LATER
Explain 1 2 Switch. Sold like garbage and still full price.
>Square Enix and Activision Blizzard does this shit aswell
As of now, Sekiro is still full price at £60 on the PSN store.
My favorite part is them posting random blog headlines written by literal whos as argument for anything.
I literally just said I got 3 houses for $50 which is easily 30%+ cheaper than other stores original retail price.
>main ips
what part didnt you read, wii has loads of shovelware
I always laugh at Nintendo fans during sales:
>wooow, on my birthday they gave me a voucher to buy 1 (one) Switch game from 2017 for 20% off, thank you Nintendo!
This is wht From is better working with Bamco than jews like Activision. DaS3 continues to sell great and is cheap despite that.
Sure ya did bud.
>The same applies to Konami, Square Enix, Activision, Ubisoft, and so on.
actually activision used to do the same thing nintendo did. it used to be really hard to buy cod brand new at a lower price a couple years after it would release
retard nintencel alert
you two on the image are perfect for eachother
just look what games you like fag
>people continue to buy.a product at full price
>nooooooo why aren't they PUTTING ON SALE!
It's funny that nincels on one hand praise overpriced games and on the other shit their paints in joy whenever they get an underwhelming eshop "sale".
jesus just look at that ogre hand
Nintendo NEVER dropped prices on NES games. They have never cut prices on first party software. And they shouldn't either. Only bad games need price cuts. BOTW is still worth $60 and always will be.
>Only bad games need price cuts.
So why haven't they price dropped 1 2 Switch, Labo or Mario 5 Hour Odyssey yet?
if only you had some taste at the very least
Breath Of Wild aka Game Of The Decade is still full price and sold 16 million and counting.
Based Nintendo
Bloodborne is $10 and way superior to 99% of Nintendo's overpriced library.
FACTS. Don't @ me nincels
Not having a good day huh Eric
if you aren't trolling you should get banned
Thank you :)
Why are you so jealous lol?
Keep seething
Three 3 years of Eric getting BTFO.
Why does this get me hard?
Like clockwork
>1000 people are representative of every person from every region
fucking lmaoing @ this thread, the nincel cult can't be this bad
>Using buzzwords like 'nincel'
You have to be over 18 to post on this website.
Not always true. Good and well known games retain their value. Divinity 2 (not Original Sin 2) is a good game you can buy for several dollars because nobody cares about it
Also there are a lot of good games you can buy for several dollars on PS1, Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, Wii, 360, PS3 that are very good but were well supplied and thus not in demand. Nintendo first party are always expensive because Nintendo NEVER prints enough of them
Federation Force is the better example. Everyone hated it on sight and it only sold 20,000 copies yet it's still full price 4 years later.
>buy game
>3 years have passed
Supply, meet demand
I picked up a switch lite, BOTW, a carry case and a 120 gb micro SD for $270 AUD brand new.
Seethe more pc nerds.
>all regions
Atlus only made it to sell idol culture shit though so I don't get what the 2000 IQ move was here. I don't even know if I'll end up playing this one and I'm eventually going to hit the bottom of the barrel with SMT spinoffs and start playing shit like Persona Q.
>buy remote
>6 years have passed while you were in a coma
A price doesn't need to be defended, if you're really so stingy that you can't afford 60 bucks over the course of 3 years then either pirate it or wait a few more.
BotW is worth twice the retail price. What an incredible game.
I can emulate all of that for free
Because Nintendo being obtuse for the sake of being exceptional appeals to deranged autistic bootlickers, it’s like the warhammer company.
click was made in 2006. 14 years ago.
They’re still $60 digital, games like Splatoon 1 for Wii U
>the amount of nintendo bootlicking in this thread
they do it for FREE
No you don’t get it, the points are true and user is still wrong and btfo
You've literally wasted your entire fucking life being OBSESSED with Nintendo. What a mentally ill loser lmao
It was $40 last Black Friday.
There's no reason it's price should go down. If you don't think its worth the price don't buy it.
>bargin bin trash
its called bargain bing trash :^)
Really? The only stores I'd expect to see cheap Nintendo shit would be EB game sales and Kmart/BigW/Target. JB have alway been Harvey Norman tier dear as poison in my experience when it comes to games.
This is why so many people don't have issues with pirating nintendo games.
Fuck, you can even emulate BoTW if you feel like it.
Except for stuff like Brawl, TP and SS which in some places is still 60
>only bad games need price cuts
Holy fuck there are literally hundreds of good games that have gotten discounts, are you crazy? How much of a delusional brand drone does one have to be to believe this?
>There's no reason it's price should go down
You're right, I guess there is no reason I should buy it. I'll pirate it on my hacked switch today, thanks user!
If you cannot afford it get the Wii U version
this right here
carry case, switch lite, glass screen protector 2 games and a controller for less then 3 bills, seethe more nintendo fags.
>He's mentally ill and obsessed with the price of games on systems he doesn't even own.
Good lord is there a name for this kind of psychosis?
nah Nintendo is a straight up dictatorship. You'll pay the price and you'll like it.
Also BOTW on Wii U > Switch Breath of the farts
EA used the same argument. Are EA as good as Nintendo now? They're equally Jewish.
>Taking a reasonable standpoint and over-priced garbage means you have psychosis.
I'd feel insulted. Then again I ain't insane enough to enjoy something this cringy. Hell I don't even enjoy birthdays at all. Fucking waste of my day I could spend gaming.
I would have put that money aside for rent or bought a fuck off huge SSD. Sounds like a phenomenal waste of money to buy a handheld console and a game for nearly $300. Can the Switch Lite at least be hacked so it can emulate games from better systems?
Until the sequel releases there would be zero point to low balling the price of the game, it still sells fairly well after 3 years. This shit isn’t rocket science
>14 years ago.
>everyone pay attention to me! i'm gonna pirate it! i'll show you all!
nobody fucking cares, attention whore. do what you want with your hardware and shut the fuck up about it
No, not yet.
But with all the controller drift issues, why would you buy something so poorly made?
>Nobody fucking cares
You cared enough to reply, you filthy fucking phoneposter.
No I'm just making an observation that you're mentally ill and obsessed with Nintendo.
You're so desperate to try and find a way to criticise them that you'll stoop to the most laughable shit imaginable.
You haven't made a thread about stocks or Yuzo in a while, how come? LOL!
>niggers are snoy exclusive
>I picked up a switch lite,
>a carry case
confirmed onions and gay
>and a 120 gb micro SD
You say micro but it's still bigger than your penis.
>Seethe more pc nerds.
stay cucked and bullpilled. Guess this is why Nintendo enjoys 2nd place. Not only are you okay with taking it up the ass might as go for that spit roast. Truly degenerate.
>discussing games and gaming related consoles on the video game board means your mentally ill
Only on Yea Forums - Video Games.
>why would you buy something so poorly made?
I ask myself the same question regarding adults who buy consoles for their personal use, in general, man.
was also available, desu.
good games don't lose value, but it's still scummy of nintendo not to reduce the price after this many years. it's not about the game still being popular enough to continue selling it at $60, it's the point that nintendo sees their customers as cattle, rather than valued members that should be appreciated.
i'll never understand why people defend nintendo so much.
That nigger was trying to steal the TV but everyone was watching.
>I ask myself the same question regarding adults
Thinks he knows what being an adult even means.
Dude you're part of the global problem ane why most humans are braindead. You are thinking in black and white terms. "This is this, so this MUST mean this!"
Im gonna have to spell it out for you, but they're not treating people like cattle because they keep botw at $60 the majority of the time. Its a fucking good buisness descision, why the fuck would they not. People get the game, they get the money. But no you simply couldn't think outside the box just a little bit and think everything is either evil or good. Not defending anything, and stop being a fucking retard.
I'm curious when Nintendo will do Selects line for switch like they've done with Wii, 3DS and Wii U. Stuff like ARMS, Mario Tennis, Kirby and 1 2 Switch could all probably benefit sales wise from a $20 price point.
>Nintendo doesn't drop their game prices after years
>Well duh that's because games retain their value :^)
>Some other company releases an oldass port on Switch at regular price
What Japanese dev isn't EA-tier by now?
Nintendo cult is like Apple cult, don't you dare to criticize them.
>Like Apple
>Console costs less than competitors at launch
>Big third party hardware support
Just like they rerelease the same product years later with small additions and raise the price, to never lower it again?
tell me why it shouldn't be
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-because it's more than 1 month old!!!
how does that matter?
the cult is the same you retard, holy shit
>>Console costs less than competitors at launch
Good thing time is nonlinear, because I would hate to compare two things as they are in the present.
>>Big third party hardware support
All of it is gimped to make Nintendo's overpriced peripherals the superior choice. And there still aren't any licensed docks, just the $90 hunk of plastic with a single board.
what? people still play this game religiously you snoyboy
nice meme
Based. Nintendo dabbed on the entire industry, especially the seething kiddies on Yea Forums who are still assblasted today.
No, speedrunners play it religiously. Not people.
Yup. If they set the precedent of the games being cheaper if you wait, they'll lose quick adoption. Everyone knows that Nintendo games never drop so there's no reason to not buy them day 1.
Then why do other games sell even more day 1, and then get price drops afterward?
It's kind of ironic that Nintendo games whose prices never drop sell for a long time, while games on other platforms usually sell most in the first couple of weeks. You'd think that lots of people would wait for price drops.
Putting games on sale and lowering their price after a certain amount of time has a proven track record with boosting sales of a title that's long past the major sales window. Even the most satanic of companies like EA understand this basic bit of business yet Nintendo somehow are even more Jewish than them. By never dropping prices you're encouraging people to pirate which is also why it's no coincidence that the fastest developed emulators are always Nintendo ones.
try buying in india.1/8th of your salary for one bing bing wahoo.
You only have yourself to blame for being a poo in loo.
If the cult's the same, then why does the company you compare it to matter?
>It's more expensive NOW
Yeah other consoles after being on the market for 4 years are cheaper than the new one. Color me surprised.
>All of it is gimped to make Nintendo's overpriced peripherals the superior choice.
Sounds like you don't look hard enough and want to settle for Nintendo's controllers. There are plenty of decent workarounds now. The only thing many of them are missing is HD Rumble and NFC.
>le costs more equals better meme
Than why did I find Gravity Rush 2 and Tekken 7 more fun than Mario Kart 8?
>the fastest developed emulators are always Nintendo ones.
Yeah people are always really thirsty for those sweetass Nintendo games. I wonder why?
>which is also why it's no coincidence that the fastest developed emulators are always Nintendo ones
No, that's because Nintendo used the same hardware as a base for the past 15 years. The Wii U was built off the Wii that was built off the Gamecube, just as pretty much every Nintendo handheld was built off the previous one.
The Switch is also using well-documented parts that you can just pick up off the shelf.
ok emigrating to your country then
not LITERALLY the same you fucking mong, jesus christ did twitterniggers invade again?
I think a better question is why the fuck Bethesda thinks pricing the Switch port of DOOM 2016 at $60 is okay
>The Switch is also using well-documented parts that you can just pick up off the shelf.
So is every other system you cry baby. People are desperate to emulate Nintendo games becuase nobody makes games like Nintendo.
Ok. Just get urself a Green Card and wait it out 6-8 years ;)
How does that contradict my post in any way?
>The Wii U was built off the Wii that was built off the Gamecube, just as pretty much every Nintendo handheld was built off the previous one.
>The Switch is also using well-documented parts that you can just pick up off the shelf.
The Switch is different from the Wii and Wii-U which is why they're unable to just port over the VC like last time, yet the Switch emulator was up and running in record time.
>Yeah other consoles after being on the market for 4 years are cheaper than the new one.
Nintendo was 9 years behind in terms of hardware anyway. Nintendo wasn't competing with other consoles as they released in 2013, they were competing with consoles as they existed in 2017.
>The only thing many of them are missing is HD Rumble and NFC.
Exactly, gimped. Nintendo doesn't allow third party peripherals to have full functionality in order to make their own controllers seem more "quality." Ever notice how there are no wireless joycons? They all need to be attached to the console at all times, and even then they lack motion controls, rumble, NFC, the IR camera, etc.
It was only a couple of years ago that Nintendo started allowing wireless controllers, and those you can't even plug in. They use AA batteries.
Because the Switch is practically just a Shield running a different OS.
>being mad because a private corporation decides it's not worth it to do sales
I'd like to buy a switch, but this is one of the main reasons I'm not getting one. I like Zelda, I like Mario, I like quite a few gaems they have but fuck me
>Switch itself 300€
>two games 120€
>Pro controller 60€ (In no way can my manhands handle Joycons, plus the drift issue so you end up needing one anyway)
>Nintendo Online 12 Months 20€
That's 500€ to play 2 fucking games. And sure, after that the Switch has a couple good games, but how many of them are really "must play" games? Maybe Smash, if I streeeeetch it Fire emblem? (I know FE is good, I just personally never got into it) Probably Pokemon because pokemon and then we're at 600€. And I certainly don't feel like Mario Kart, or Arms or whatever are games that one must have played.
>being mad because people criticize a private corporation
Who is mad exactly? by never dropping their prices I get most games either used or I just pirate. If they want to keep saving me money being retarded that's up to them.
>implying i wont just come in a boat with the somalis
Fuck me, You are wrong. Even casual players still enjoy Mario 64. I'm not a speedrunner and If I had an n64 here, I'd totally be up for getting 120 Stars in a couple sessions. And so would most of the people I know.
True. Why would I buy DOOM on Switch, a far worse port for full price when I can get it and more games on the PS4 or Steam for the same price as a subway sandwich? Anyone bothered to explain why I should buy it on Switch? You could say the same argument for Modern Warfare on the Wii.
I guess playing it on the go is worth the extra price?
People will buy Nintendo games full price because Nintendo knows people buy the Switch for Nintendo exclusives. Be it for kids or Nintendo fans. Even when the 3DS came out, Mario Kart DS was nearly full priced even used.
Was even for free on PS+ too last year.
>yet the Switch emulator was up and running in record time.
I suppose more people will pirate Nintendo games due to the unchaging price tag, but it didn't stop said games from selling well anyway. Don't really understand this piracy angle you've brought up, in regard to the Switch. Are you saying they could have made even more money by lowering prices?
>knew Death Stranding was gonna get jabbed on release, wasn't going to have as much mass appeal as Metal Gear in spite of the pedigree
>expected a rapid holiday drop to pick it up for $30 or $40
>maybe even get daring and wait for a spring sale/Golden Week sale to get it for even cheaper
>game crashed into the station on arrival
>tfw don't even want it anymore
its arriving on the piratebay in june get it then
Ahahahaha holy shit, lmao
>Are you saying they could have made even more money by lowering prices?
Yes. As I said it's a proven fact that sales spike when a sale is in place or prices lowered like Sony's Platinum line for the PS1/2/3 and Nintendo Selects line for 3DS.
might be awhile since it has denuvo, but you really never know with denuvo
>Most of the comments make the "it's ok when Nintendo does it" an actual thing and not a meme.
There's a reason why it was made a phrase dude, it's not a meme.
I think you forgot about these other creatures
IGN just updated the best games for the switch, and it's pathetic. I have a switch and never play it ever.
nintendo sold a mobile wii, kek.
>The year is 2020 and people still don't know Nintendo shares more in common with EA than any other company
>Nintendo wasn't competing with other consoles as they released in 2013, they were competing with consoles as they existed in 2017.
Which is a fair statement to make, but if the information about the cost of its production was correct, then they were barely making a profit on the Switch. After the Wii U, cutting the price down even further would probably be bad from the investors' standpoint. Compared to Apple's manufacturing cost to retail price, this isnt nearly as bad.
>Nintendo doesn't allow third party peripherals to have full functionality in order to make their own controllers seem more "quality."
I dunno if it's Nintendo specifically not allowing that stuff. The third party companies could be gutting the controllers themselves to make them more affordable.
Nah ea games go down in price, 1 year later and any of their sports games are like 15 dollars.
Jewtendo games should be pirated.
But Nintendo doesn't have lootboxes or microtransactions in their retail releases though?
Nintendo is just making money out of the cult that is their fanbase, nothing wrong with that. They are just like Apple.
I remember Super Mario Galaxy still costing $60 well into the mid 2010's.
SE is the total opposite, their shit goes cheap fast and commonly. Activision seems to be doing it more but never goes as deep
I hated Mario 64 at the time, I bought the virtual console version of it last year and I still hate it
Every other game drops it's price because otherwise it wouldn't sell. Nintendo doesn't drop prices if a game is still selling. I mean fuck, Mario Kart DS was $30 for an entire decade.
They do in their mobile releases though
>the cult that is their fanbase
trannies, manchildren, and children
By that logic Sony are just as EA like as Nintendo judging by how much they gain from Fate GO
You Sony fags know you don't have to buy a switch or any games right? Just continue watching your movies.
Ninturdies are the literal equivalent of Applefags.
They think if it costs more it must be better, regardless of any evidence to the contrary.
Switch cost at launch: 300 dollars
PS4 cost at launch: 400 dollars
Seems like Sony are the ones with overpriced shit in comparison.
Fate GO is successful because it's popular.
Also, Dragalia Lost has more aggressive lootboxes than FGO.
Why do Nigtendroids always deflect to other shitty companies?
Are you aware that normal people aren't this obsessively attached to their toy manufacturer of choice?
Why you talking about stuff that doesn't matter? That's all in the past, the reality of the present is that the Switch cost the most and has the most expensive games.
I admit, a better comparison would be Alienware
Classic nigger pickpockets.
Yeah alienware is ass too, idk why anyone would get into PC gaming and not just go for a costum rig.
>At launch
Who cares
It's 60$ because that's the price people are willing to pay for it.
Can't imagine why though the game is fucking awful.
>Nintendo controls retail prices
Based retard
yeah i fucking love walking at at a slug pace and being stunned for 6 hours everytime i get hit by a butterfly
it's free though, like every game
It does, yeah.
If they sell it for a higher price to retailers then that retailer needs to also go for high prices to make a profit.
Also, their own online shop still sells everything at full price, with only very rare sales on first party games.
You mean like anno1800 and handball 17?
There's been a 75% off sale for the past MONTH.
People think it’s 4D chess when it’s just Nintendo being retarded. Xenoblade 2 sold like shit compared to other Switch exclusives, but they refuse to lower the price or bundle it with Torna, or do anything that could be perceived as “devaluing the brand”. They’d rather keep it stagnated than do anything to boost its sales other than a single 30% discount during Black Friday or some shit.
It works for Zelda due to word of mouth, but there were plenty of Nintendo titles that sold much less, that are completely stagnant (ARMS, 1-2 Switch, Mario Tennis) and are stuck at full price for weird reasons.
Not on first party games you stupid retard.
BOTW still costs 69.99€ on the eshop ffs.
1-2 Switch being a full price game is still the biggest joke of the generation to me.
That shit should've been bundled with the console, it's a Wii Sports tier "game".
Fucking dumbass, holy shit.
yeah, just open youtube
>>Switch itself 300€
Theres been a few sales (in the states a least) be on the look out for one
>>two games 120€
It does such, I have seen both for $50 on amazon but thats not much of a reduction
>>Pro controller 60€ (In no way can my manhands handle Joycons, plus the drift issue so you end up needing one anyway)
They fix drift for free, but I understand the controllers being too small
>>Nintendo Online 12 Months 20€
You really dont need Nintendo online unless your going to play splat
nigga almost everything that game pioneered is still used in modern games
>Go on ebay to buy NES Zelda
>costs twice as much as it did in 1986
Damn those Nintendo games really hold their value huh? Wonder how much my BotW will be worth in years to come?
>They fix drift for free
Only in one country.
>Seething Xbro trying to falseflag with a lie
You love to see it
It was a perfect setup as a bundled party game that demonstrated the joycon features, but it being a seperate 60 dollar release fucking killed it hard.
>Can afford a Switch
>Can’t afford a full price AAA game that everyone and their mother says you should play
Legitimately confused, here. Wasn’t GTA 5 full price for a while, too? Hell, I remember NieR Automata only just recently dropped from 60 to 40, but I bought it before that because I wanted to play the game. How is this at all bad? Yeah sure paying less for shit is cool and all, but is the literal standard industry price too much, suddenly? It’s a difference of 20 bucks, just save for longer or something.
>NieR Automata only just recently dropped from 60 to 40
what? the last sale it was on for steam was $20
granted the pc port is apparently shit.
You mean America? I don't know where you guys got that delusion but it's simply a fucking lie, they do it virtually everywhere
>games journalists
Cringe post dude
>Hell, I remember NieR Automata only just recently dropped from 60 to 40
Uh I bought it physical last Christmas for $15 in some sale
They didn't want Switch to be seen as another Wii. Nintendo knew what they were doing. *I* knew what they were doing. Educate yourself.
Fucking shit game shouldn't be full price tho.
This. I like paying more for literally no reason. I mean yeah, literally everyone lowers prices, and yeah, the Steam Sale is usually where Valve makes the most money, but fuck it, I love paying 60$ for 3 year old games. Absolutely.
It's ok when Nintendo does it
those niggers look domesticated tho
like black soyboys harmless trash
meanwhile sony has actual violent niggers for you to play with
i bought nier for 5 dollars back in summer of 2013
also got mgs4 for literally 99 cents
>access your steam, origin, gog, uplay, epic store,battlenet etc games
>play all the emulators
>can install mods
>fucking internet browser
>all the programs you can have on a pc
yeah its more expensive but you earn it back very fast with the price of games
Just pirate and stop giving your money to Jewtendo.
>You know how expensive it is buying first party Nintendo games in countries like Canada and Australia.
Nobody cares about third world countries.
Nintendo's fanbase is the only one that would happily pay full price for a low budget game and not only defend Nintendo, but actually brag about it, and call the games premium products.
Is pretty much a moral obligation for Nintendo to take advantage of someone with such a cucked mentality, i'd do the same if i was them.
Actual real old Nintendo fan since 1986 here, you're a fucking idiot. Price drops retain sales frequency after initial release sales booms die off. If they wanted to retain good value for their product, and actually push penetration numbers of said product into as many homes as possible, they'd lower their prices. But they don't, they're fucking jews of the highest calibur and deserve whatever criticism they get. I defend a lot of Nintendo's bullshit decisions but a game should not be $60 5 or more years later, and no their $10 price drop after ten years doesn't cut it.
I expect the price to stay the same when the sequel comes out.
>Just because it's been succeeded doesn't mean it's lost value! $120 for both, goy!
>using YouTube to experience sports games and strategy games.
thoses people are truly beyond any hope
they "silently" updated the switch batery to be double the amount of charge it had at launch in the newer models
TFW I sold my day one switch and my collection of games for almost as much as I paid.
>one of the best games in history
I seriously played that aimless open world bullshit for two hours before quitting.
>people are just now waking up to Nintendo's retarded artificial supply
poorfags get fucked
I have a jailbroken Switch, but I'm tempted to buy a Switch Lite to play Animal Crossing, since a lot of my friends and coworkers are getting it. Are there any glaring problems with the Lite I should know about before dropping $200+$60?
can't hack
That doesn't discredit my post. Nintendo keeping their prices high is not only a poor business decision, its pure greed. Simply put, whether second hand shops like gamestop exist or not.
List of Overrated games of the 2010's
1. Zelda BOTW
2. The Last of Us
3. GTA V
4. ???
Video games are literally the only entertainment media form where people expect the value to drop once an arbitrary time after release has passed.
and then another 2000 for the 4K TV and another 500 on a sofa, fuck you nintendo
i will never regret buying a Nintendo game on launch because it becomes dirty cheap months later.
Steam has brainwashed poorfags
>That strategy is also why most of their home consoles didn't succeed outside of the US and Japan
Uh, no.
In fact that strategy is the only reason they've seen profit on their lowest selling systems.
>I remember NieR Automata only just recently dropped from 60 to 40
It's literally been $20 for over a year at least. Even the Game of the Yorha edition right now is $24 and that just recently came out. PC prices and digital prices are always idiotic and way too high, never look at those to judge a game's price on, always look at the physical copy.
Not surprising. The market for Switch is high and the demand of its first party games are high. Pure beautiful capitalism—surprised more of the /pol/tards here don’t respect Nintendo’s hussle.
Nintendo doesn't set retail prices. How is this hard to comprehend?
>botw over Uncharted: Zombies edition
This. Nintendo are pretty much the only games I feel comfortable buying at launch because it wont be $20 in a month
Pokemon is actually pay-to-win now.
fake hype.
You can't hack it until the hardmod from the SXOS guys come out which will take some time.
If you don't want to buy a another switch, you can just buy the game legit, set up auto-rcm and boot to sysnand to play online. Unless you start installing NSPs on sysnand or doing some real shit, you shouldn't be banned.
The whole reason I'd be buying it is to play online. I already have a hacked Switch, and have never bought a Switch game before now, so I'm really going to have to swallow my pride to buy AC.
>They flat out would just not print more copies of pokemon games after a year or two in the west leading to new copies of soul silver being 80 dollars so quickly
You can blame the pokewalker for that. I'm amazed they even managed 10m let alone about 12.
They do drop prices with greatest hits/nintendo selects, but by that point their next system is either about to come out or already is out. Like you can get a lot of the best 3DS games (3D Land, Triple Deluxe, OoT3D, ACNL) for like £15 as Nintendo Selects titles right now.
They do by the fact that they set their sell-to-retailer price so high. Retailers don't want to lose money, so because of how much it costs to resell the games from Nintendo they have to set high. You're literally trying to pass the buck here thinking people don't know how it works. Or did you have some weird delusion that they get the games for "Free" and just share the money with Nintendo? There's a reason Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft count numbers shipped with their products.
Fucking damage controlling paid shill.
>Nintendo keeping their prices high is not only a poor business
Ignoring the fact that no one in their right mind would lower the price on an item still hitting charts it's not Nintendo that set the prices, its the retailers.
Are you kidding? The price of movies drops within weeks of their home release. Heck, a lot of movie theaters do $5 Tuesdays for new movies.
And in the event he's banned, even more reason to go legit with a lite :^)
>They do by the fact that they set their sell-to-retailer price so high
Except they don't, more often than not its the standard or less.
>There's a reason Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft count numbers shipped with their products.
Except they all count sales not units shipped well except Sony. Third parties are usually the ones doing shipped numbers.
Their sales with all their products, like with any other videogame or console taper off, like every other company. They do not remain high selling through a consoles entire lifetime, they only stand to gain money by dropping the price to sell to a even wider audience. There's a reason piracy is rampant on Nintendo platforms.
Now here comes the "HAHA WAT R U POOR" comments not realizing Nintendo has always been the poor man's choice for hardware. Saying "keeping the price high retains the value" is literally only looking at a number and saying "ITS GOOD BECAUSE ITS HIGH PRICED". That's insipid retard think, like seriously.
>They do by the fact that they set their sell-to-retailer price so high
I'm calling bullshit on that, if they did then Nintendo games would have to be priced higher than any other system when they're all at the standard 60
>Their sales with all their products, like with any other videogame or console taper off,
user, have you seen the sales threads recently?
BoTW and Mk8d still chart in almost every region. There's a reason why people call them evergreen titles.
>it's good because it's expensive
no wonder the switch is made with nvidia hardware
>There's a reason why people call them evergreen titles.
Perpetuating a lie. They've given up waiting for price drops if they're new to N's bullshit, or knew from the beginning.
>There's a reason piracy is rampant on Nintendo platforms.
Its not, in fact in recent years its only lessened compared to the days of flashcarts.
Do you think it's the manufacturer that decides when the price is cut in half?
When you find a PS4 or an Xbox game in the bargain bin for $20 or less it's not because Sony and Microsoft changed the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price.
Most likely it's just because the retailer wants to clear out inventory to make room for new inventory.
No xenoblade? Shitty image user
I have a hacked switch too and AC is the only game i'll buy and play legit too bad i can't afford a 2nd switch.
It's not hard to crack a 3DS or 2DS, you can even do it on N2DS/3DS. As far as the new switch models its only a matter of time.
Lucky you, I actually forced myself to play through that garbage for over 50 hours.
implying anything outside the US or Japan matters LOL
look at all those pc games, thanks nintendo
>Perpetuating a lie.
Now you're just denying reality. Look in the archives for the last media create thread and tell me what you see.
Literally look up how game retailers work son. Sorry you had to have your disney fantasy ruined but yes, Nintendos outgoing pricing for their products to retailers is the reason its high.
Maybe you shouldnt elect a bunch of socialists who take all your income and then you could buy some stuff. Stupid fags.
They didn't fix the drift except now the controls are built into the console.
If the game is still selling well at that prince (despite being garbage) it is obviously not a poor decision.
>It's not hard to crack a 3DS or 2DS, you can even do it on N2DS/3DS
And yet less people are doing it now than they did before.
Hell the original switch model was hacked wide open in the first year and barely anyone actually did it.
You have to pay for online.
I enjoyed both games
Uh-huh. much did Activision's 0s and 1s cast Gabe?
>enjoying things
get the fuck out
>Literally look up how game retailers work son
user, game retailers aren't special retailers excempt from the rules of retail user. They all work the exact same way with their head office setting the prices of the product, not the manufacturer.
Have you ever worked a day in your life?
Is Arms still selling?
>not deleted
More than your single digit IQ.
This must be the poorfag cope thread
If you can't afford $60 for a fucking video game then you shouldn't be playing video games. Back in the 90's people made less and video games were ninety fucking dollars. You have no excuse or reason to complain about video games being expensive anymore.
Welcome to the thread friends! It's funny how you both resort to calling others poor instead of addressing the real problem!
Enjoy your stay!
>Nintendo wants to be the quality brand and doesn't believe in devaluing it's main IP's.
Three Houses, Sword/Shield, and their smartphone garbage prove otherwise.
because you like objectively bad games
there's nothing wrong with that, but you shouldn't be proud of having shit taste
Keep coping poorfag
Keep projecting larper :)
Doesn't change the fact that several games older than BOTW are still 60 bucks, while you turn a blind eye to them.
It's not okay, but I understand why they do it. People are convinced they get what they pay for, so Nintendo makes them pay a lot.
>several games
Get listing, buddy.
symphony of the night?
Snoy games
>90% cutscenes
>Half price two weeks after launch
>Forgotten after a few months
>Sell like shit
Nintendo games
>Gameplay focused
>Never dip in price
>Sell like crazy
>Remember ed as all time greats
I already listed them, retard
That sucks. I could buy a used Switch minus joycons, but those are only about $20 less than a new Lite. I'm afraid I'll have to buy a new Lite soon if I want one in case production slows down due to the coronavirus.
No, you didn't. You posted off-sale prices, and I responded with a pic of one's latest sales price.
I could do the same with a bunch of actual price dropped games as well and say as such. Steam's also not the only storefront you can buy games for Steam, further diversifying sale frequency.
Would it sell any more if they lowered the price
>and barely anyone actually did it.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it requires you to order something online and it auto-bans you the instant you go online until fairly recently? Even fairly recently it's still very risky even with emunand.
If it's not selling at 60, no harm in lowering the price to get additional potential sales.
I bought it at launch why should I care what price it is now
This is why I will never ever feel bad about pirating Nintendo games. No matter how mediocre or shitty the game is theu refuse to drop the price below 50%. Botw is a prime example of a garbage game costing way much when the other options do what it does better.
Here's ITAD's price history for Fallout 4 GOTY tracking 10+ storefronts (including regional variants) for the past year.
Just because the off sale price doesn't drop doesn't mean the "actual" price doesn't. Calling it a $60 purchase is ignorant, at best you caught the urge to buy it outside given windows.
They're still older than BOTW
They're still $60 in 2020
Why do they get a pass?
Because not everyone CONSOOMS like you.
I just bought ff15 royal edition for 25 bucks canadian, and the kh all in one package was 40 bucks the other day.
>there's a pejorative for people who buy video games and then enjoy them now
fucks sake
Soon to be cybercuck 2077 despite looking like a fucking shitstorm brewing
>calling a 60 dollar purchase a 60 dollar purchase is ignorant.
Tranny logic
I've seen Zelda on sale for 30$ too so that's not really an argument
you either talk suggested price when not on sale or sale prices
Zelda goes as low as 30 when on sale and stays at 60 when not.
It's in line with other succesful games that are selling even after years.
If people are buying them it's obvious that the suggested price won't drop.
>not being an idort
>not just pirating when possible
>shitposting on a Mongolian basket weaving forum
Hang in there user, I know someone will celebrate your birthday one day.
>ignore the price history
If you buy it for $60 when it's constantly on sale for less then you're the retard here.
You may have missed it since you clearly don't know what you're talking about, but in that image posted it's ALWAYS on sale somewhere. It's on sale right now. And those sales are never $60.
So sure, I guess it is a $60 purchase for, again, retards like you.
BOTW has been free for like 2 years now.
Nintendo games have been losing gameplay quality for fucking years and are no longer worth $60 all year every year. Atleast sony and microsoft get that idea and end up doing sales eventually once they realize the game is disappointing. Its as if nintendo encourages people to pirate their shit.
Stop defending old japanese men being stubborn fucks because they cant hand criticism that their games arent as good as they think.
Why are you coming here to tell me about what twitter niggers are saying?
If I wanted to know what people on twitter were saying then I'd get a twitter account.
Fuck off with your console war/twitter posting you triple nigger.
>get hit with facts and common sense
>resort to ad hom.
If you so vehemently refuse to admit your hypocrisy, have the decency to just post a wojak so I don't have to destroy my brain cells reading your petty insults and inane, hypocritical excuses.
Thanks for calling yourself out for me.
Yup. Pretty devilish but you can't deny it works. Imagine the returns they got on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Settle down buster, you don't need to use the thesaurus to sound smart. We already know you aren't.
I’m glad I got nier second hand before the automata hype started, shits probably worth 5x as much as I paid for it
They deserve to scam you tbqhfamily
>buy Nintendo game
>still worth 60 dollars 5 years later
>buy Sony game
>in a single year it depreciates to 15 dollars
No thank you
because you are stupid
Either Sony has games or they don't, what are you buying?
seethe harder, shill
>Nintendo fans
>spending 200 on clothing
Their entire outfit costs less than 20
Why don't Sony and MS keep their first party games at full price? Maybe they'd sell better and make more money. Imagine if Uncharted 4 was still $60 instead of dropping to $10 a few months later
Ah, delicious tears. Keep it up.
coping hands typed this post
>Nintendo wants to be the quality brand and doesn't believe in devaluing it's main IP's.
Thanks for sharing that with us, it must have took a lot out of you.
But your birthday party of like 12 people is?
outside of the Nintendo cult, friend, people expect prices to drop
Mario Kart is one of the worst cart racers though, outside of time trials the game is unbelievably dull
>n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no u!
Where's my Sonic ART Switch port, Sega?
>Nintendo dick suckers think a game that drops prices is bad
>It's ok when the publisher voted the worst company in the world does it so its okay when my small indie team run by my personal friends in Japan do it!
congrats on posting a game not made by nintendo.
being a nintendo fan doesnt necesarily make you intelligent user
game is still topping the charts everywhere. why the fuck would nintendo cut the price?
Your circular logic is still as bad as it was the first time through, champ. :)
Welcome to the thread. It helps to be informed before posting.
I'm not for games always being expensive or anything, but why should they be expected to drop in price simply over time?
You pay for the game, not the ability to play it sooner
the idea that paying full price for something is for the privilege of playing before other people is evident of a greater issue that you can't really blame the games for
The irony in this post is off the charts
You sure like exposing yourself for the benefit of others, I appreciate that about you.
>Not taking 5 minutes out of your time to look on Offerup/Ebay/Mercari for a used copy in good condtion for $30 or less
While you're on there post your extra chromosomes for sale.
>Sure, but not "officially".
What the fuck is the complaint if you agree they do lower in price, just not by Nintendo? Playstation store pretty much stays the same price outside of sales too.
>claim Nintendo was the only company to sell old games at full price
>get utterly BTFO
You can't refute a word I said.
You sure can't. :)
Literal children... like all nintenfags
Not really and when they do it's not even close to being nintendo tier
in my view when it comes to nintendo games I just dont expect them to go down in price so I buy them when I can, whereas Sony games I can wait a couple of monthd and BAM games go down half price or more, heck I bought the division 2 for 3 dollars 2 weeks ago.
I never sell my games, so depreciation after I buy it is irrelevant.
Not really and when they do it's not even close to being nintendo tier
So i guess every game ever is bad unless nintendo released it
Translation: it's ok when nintendo does it
sucks to be you guys. I thuroughly enjoyed it
everything is worth what it's purchaser will pay
>Zelda game without dungeons
fucking lol
OP said just said "its ok when Nintendo does it" an actual thing and not a meme.", nothing about Nintendo being the ONLY one. I didn't even defend Activision or Bethesda, it's bad that they do that shit too, smooth brain. You just wanted to use that copy pasta as a counter-argument, good job defending your favorite corporation
Only a bad game without staying power should drop it's price. Nintendo still being able to move copies at full price 3 years later proves the quality of the games and poorfags should just off themselves at this point if $60 after 3 years was too much for them to cough up
What? I thought you were talking about Sony and Microsoft doing it for some reason, I should have reread the post. Nintendo rarely drops their prices to $50 or, heaven forbid, $40 on the eShop, and you're only getting deals on the rare seasonal sales and Black Friday, otherwise you better pucker up for that $60 from Nintendo. PSN is also overpriced, don't get me wrong, but they at least permanently drop their prices after a couple of years. God of War is $20 even on Sony's own storefront for example.
>tekken 7
painfully based
Why should Nintendo lower the price for BOTW as long as the game ranks among the topsellers? People are clearly still willing to pay that much money for it. Selling it for less makes zero sense from a business point.
Don't forget the low quality $80 pro controller.
>I didn't even defend Activision or Bethesda
Now, you're lying lmbo jeff and todd must pay you good to throw your morals away.
Or paying for cardboard.
that shit sucked so much ass. The most ive ever spent on a controller is 180 and its the best controller ive ever owned
/thread and based
>What? I thought you were talking about Sony and Microsoft doing it for some reason
That was my first post, so you're thinking of someone else. I agree they should lower the price, but I can also see why they don't lower their price. People buy them anyway. But that's why you buy physical copies.
Wasn't it like 80 dollars at launch though?
When your system only has 3 good games what else are people supposed to buy. Based Nintendo ripping off single mothers and manchildren.
holy shit this got tendies riled up
Interestingly enough, in all of my years playing games, a huge amount of the Anglo centric gamers are more loyal to Nintendo then the non-Anglo.
If any person with a sense of integrity and maturity was seen touching a Nintendo game post 2015 (teenagers included), you wouldnt be seen very favourably and if anything, pitied.
But anytime I pop by America or England, its almost encouraged? I dont understand it.
Nincucks are easily the most despicable group on this board. No other fanbase says shit like this.
Sorry I don't speak third world.
No. It's just greed, pure and simple. Kill yourselves you retarded faggot trash.
People are not going to give you a return on gaming products
>Englandstan and Weimerica
>First world
Come again?
No, they've been keeping their main IPs at top price for decades. That's just how it goes.
SEETHING poorfag. Probably a third worlder from Eastern yurop or South America too.
Jesus fuck how?
Still 2 more than Bloodborne machine
it's a nintendo exclusive that's published, co-owned and supervised by nintendo. and they're 100% on board with the direction that the series is going in.
If people are stupid enough to pay full price for a 3 year old game, then from a business perspective, it's perfectly acceptable.
No, seriously, what do you play on PS4 or Xbox? No weeb games.
Why is Breath of the Wild worth less today than it was three years ago? Has it been succeeded by another entry in the series? Has it been made worse with updates? Has it sold poorly?
Except none of them are worth that. Period. These games do NOT retain or have that value, it's just Nintendo's greed.
I can't find it, mind posting the
No, it's seriously just good games retaining value, you bitter fuck. The reason Sony games are >20 dollars is because no one thinks about them the month after they're released, let alone buys them.
People like to use this one these days, but that's how it has been since the 90s and it took people a photo to realize that.
They're not starved for choice either...
>Why is Breath of the Wild worth less today than it was three years ago?
Because I can get any Switch game I want for free.
>they're not starved for choice either
Choice? No. Good games? Absolutely. I haven't fucking touched my PS4 since Gravity Rush 2, where are the fucking games Sony?
>good games retaining value
A game being "good" or not is entirely subjective.
That's not how any of this works you absolutely retarded drone. You are beyond pathetic.
>No, it's seriously just good games retaining value, you bitter fuck.
explain why 1-2 switch is $50 and super mario party and swsh are $60.
So what's the issue?
>things aren't worth anything because i can steal them
based retard
nintendo really wants games they publish to use one build worldwide. undoing the english censorship was never on the table, nor was having censorship only activate when you play in english. so this was where they arrived, and the game mostly existing to advertise concerts and music CDs undoubtedly helped rationalize releasing a shite version of the game no one wants to play.
Yet all I hear in switch threads is a similar rhetoric with the drought of first party/ish games.
What's coming up, Animal Fuckers Drama Island and Pokemon Mystery Rehash?
There are no good Switch games, meanwhile every PS4 exclusive and most multiplats are fantastic. Sent.
Then how does it work? Do games prices naturally drop due to some cosmic force or are they forced down because no one will buy NFL 18 when NFL 19 is out?
>Zelda game with vast exploration like Zelda 1
fucking nice
>stealing software
based retard
i don't care if they do that, they are charging the real value of the game and not putting microtransactions on it.
Games have no real value, they're for children.
It has four dungeons but in the form of the Power Rangers mechs.
At least there's generally always a big game on the horizon. Sony just got Dreams, a game in which you create inferior versions of Nintendo games, and already it's fallen out of public discourse. But yeah, Animal Fuckers, very amusing.
>have no real value
I'd like to say otherwise, but at the same time I don't expect people being into customer value.
>not putting microtransactions on it
Amiibo say otherwise.
>software comes into existence by itself, it isn't created by people who's labor I am enjoying without having paid the price of admission
based retard
Neither you stupid child, it's just what the publisher's decide to sell them for at any given time. And the market doesn't lie, games getting discounted sell far better long term than Nintendo's shit that they refuse to have sales on. Nintendo is losing money by being this stingy and averse to having sales, not the other way around. It's why most Nintendo shit sits unsold in stores for years.
Amiibo aren't microtransactions and no one buys them as such. There's a reason their utilization in fire party Nintendo software has reduced in scope significantly. Nintendo realized people just wanted a decent figurine of *obscure character with limited merchandise*.
Then why does every Nintendo game nowadays have season passes and DLC packs? Retarded shill.