you aren't this guy, are you Yea Forums?
You aren't this guy, are you Yea Forums?
Of course not, why would I want to pick up girls who are human garbage
>dyed hair
bet you like tattoos also you fucking degenerate
>picking up w*men with warning coloration
>implying I'll let a roastoid sully my island
Yeah no
>playing video games will impress a woman
kek that's the real meme faggot
I hope to god they mean a rainbow colour and not "she dyed her hair chestnut brown! HARLOT!!"
Love nipple piercings
Love belly piercings
Love minor face piercings so long as they arebt septum rings
Meh on tattoos, bad ones will always be bad and good ones will always be good
Hate colored hair
didn't Steven Spielber rape Heather O'Rourke to death?
I don't care about Animal Crossing.
Do you mean an unnatural colour? Because youll find most women dye their hair.
simple as
Dude, that guys daughter, I want to see the porn lol
no they don't, not into neon colours at least
Yeah of course. Platinum blonde looks better when their eyebrows are darker a d dont match it, in my opinion anyways.
I hate men who say "meh" or type "XD"
I hate men who drink energy drinks
I hate men who play fortnite, or stream
I hate men who like Rick and Morty
I hate men with video game themed clothing/tattoos
I hate men who enjoy superhero movies
6/6 visit me any time faggot
>hating arthoes
Cring of the highest calibers
You are gold.
Never change
>Love red/pink/blue hair, most others are meh. Green is bad
>Love tattoos
>Love tasting cigarette smoke and smelling it (I don't smoke)
>Don't like face piercings. Nipples are meh
Rate my degeneracy
This woman sounds like she fucks Chad in a monogamous relationship
>dyed hair is bad now
The absolute state of unironic incels
I bought someone a ds and animal crossing so we could go on edates and a few months later they moved in with me so yeah that's me except I genuinely like animal crossing
who gives a fuck, you do you user
i mean ive met dudes who change their entire taste in music just based on whatever the chick they wanted to fuck at the time listened to
weirdest part is how do you even convince someone that you actually like something or why should you even have to?
on an unrelated note anyone knows whats up with chicks who try to constantly dictate who hooks up with who all the fucking time?
>never played animal crossing before
>get new leaf so I could get closer to girl I had a crush on
>actually get into the game
I'm imaging them actually putting there fingers on my soggy diaper
I like dyed hair
I like tattoos
I like the half-shaven hairstyle
I like piercings on lips, tongue and nose (not the septum ones tho)
I just dislike the personality type they're usually attached to
this. its a fucking red flag, i don't fuck with damaged goods, most of them are fat fucks anyway.
it has always been a mental illness flag (see: suicide girls) and that's why it's both attractive and disgusting
I wish I did.
>girl I get along with super well on a personal level
>obviously into me
>looks pretty alright
>but covered in tattoos from head to toe which is just a massive turnoff for me
No I just like AC
>not wanting a yandere gf with bpd who will make you her entire world before abruptly losing interest and ruining your life
Yea Forums is overrun with normalfags
only a real animal crossing fan would know 5 villagers that dont have porn
>on an unrelated note anyone knows whats up with chicks who try to constantly dictate who hooks up with who all the fucking time?
socialite gossip machines
Those are just normal Yea Forums opinions
ears are the only place where I like piercings, but there it is the more the merrier
was this a joke or did you really think anyone here ticked even one of those boxes
even if you hate all of that, thinking that it's the company you keep still makes me wary of you
animals crossing is dogshit
Nigger, 90% of women have dyed hair, and that’s a conservative number.
No, I pretend to like gay punk bands to get those girls.
>emo scene will never come back
fucking shoot me already the future holds nothing bright
>art hoes are the only alt girls
>hating on XD
i bet you think saying lol is not cool
Women don't like video games and even if they did I sure as hell wouldn't ever discuss it with them. It's all about the attention for invading another hobby
>user you actually listen to some fossils like Hawthorne Heights?
I am the dyed hair girl playing animal crossing.
>warcraft tattoos
Why has no one made ryona of this ugly piece of shit OC yet
why does a cute anime girl make you so mad
But you pretend to
user, he literally named his image "get_mad_please".
Don't stop me
I'm almost enjoying my anger
>screeching record sound plays
Yup, that's me. You may be wondering how actor Harrisson Ford and directors Steven Speilberg and George Lucas ended up accusing me of being an Animal Crossing player. It all began a few weeks back when I ...
>be quiet guy
>qt shows interest in me
>she thought i had cool hobbys like play instruments
>she's disappointed to find out i shitpost and vidya all day
Kill me
You're not supposed to lay every unflattering thing about you bare for every new person you meet.
I hope you'll learn from this.
Arthoes are the easiest alt girls
The other ones need you to pretend to know a hobby way too much to get the pussy
Is it true? Can I actually get a gf by telling her how much I want Ankha to sit on my face?
Yeah, but their aesthetic is ugly.
Short bowlcut and clothes that a 5 year old girl would wear.
Where did you get this statistic? Your ass?
Missed the train dude.
What's wrong with energy drinks XD?
>raised by old school peasants who worked their way to higher class and being doctors
>taught that tattoos and anything quirky is for junkies and degenerate shits
>only attracted to BPD girls with nipple piercings/tattoos
i'm sorry dad
>I hate men who say "meh" or type "XD"
>I hate men who drink energy drinks
Only girls should do it, anyway.
Imagine being such a fucking beta you care about what some literal nobody, some random gash thinks about you. Think about how much power a random girl has over you.
It always cracks me up when faggots like you think they have to go all out and beyond to "impress" some cunt while she sits back. Next time maybe what her hobbies are, chances are she's as equally bored and uninteresting as you.
Back to the gutter with you.
A-user I...
you are a dyed haired man
My parents were also very prim and proper when I was growing up but my dad's warmed up for all kinds of raunchy shit in his older age.
I only pick up bois with dyed hair
Didn’t really miss much except an egotistical, selfish, drug addicted attention whore who will ruin your fucking life.
Cute in photos, terrible individuals though.
fads that aged like an elephant carcass
get out
Rawr means I love you in dinosaur! ^_^
Rawr I'm a dinosaur ^w^
Rawrr!!! :3
I rawr you, you rawr me, we're a dino family, with a great big rawr and a rawr from me to you, won't you say you rawr me too?
Rawr! xD
imma scary dinorawrr! D:< jkjkkj imma cuddlesawr
Not at all.
Seeing women.
It’s not my fault neon pink is the only thing you associate with hair dye because you only see women on the internet
Literally me then.
Kys animenigger.
I'm not mad, I'm sad those days are long gone...
no thank you
2007-2012 was the best time to be a little piece of shit kid
>playing MW
>and chugging down Monster energy drinks one after another with the boys
BLOPS2 was the last good cod
Someone post the video of that blonde emo girl singing the entire copypasta.
Peak 2000s cringekino.
I'm pretty silly online and irl, and I'm sad to see stupid, silly and wholesome is gone from the internet. People my age are either into politics and shitting on everyone else, and people younger are passionless gen z that think things like "pog" and dabbing to be cool.
I just want to go back where we can be stupid and have fun with no consequences and no ill will towards each other.
>dyed my hair black, wore eyeliner and painted my nails for emo, goth and scene chicks
>it worked back then, but now all I feel is cringe whenever I remember I ever did that
Just b urselfs, but also do some squat thrusts bros
Pussy is temporary, self-fulfilment is ascension
The 2000s are aging fine because of how horrible the 2010s were.
the internet is an entire generation user
it's just that we all grew up, now everything has to be post-ironic depressive sarcasm
No I play it to pick up cute femboys
wow, you must have some super feminist arthoes.
Arthoes in my town usually have long hair
I do none of these, let me suck your dick
>bought something for his significant other
congrats on partaking in prostitution bro
I knew a guy like that in highschool, ran into him years later and you'd never guess he led that kind of lifestyle as a teenager.
The aesthetic was just too feminine.
It looked gay as hell in dudes.
I dont know a single guy that pretends to like a video game, however, I've met dozens of girls that will.
>>not wanting a yandere gf with bpd who will make you her entire world before abruptly losing interest and ruining your life
i hate how fucking real this is
Literally just go outside. Most chicks at least have some kind of natural color highlights
>arguing semantics now
Obviously we're talking about blue haired dykes
That's not how the scientific method is proven.
plus the amount of fucking work it must take to get it to look like that EVERY morning. it just aint manly i tell you what
What's better that getting blowjob from an emo girl? Getting one from her and her boyfriend.
It's mostly a matter of frying your hair until it gets into that shape.
Wait, why do we hate energy drinks again?
Most people grow out of such fads when they mature and they cringe at that shit when they remember it. What’s really dangerous is the current “transtrender” fad where a lot of those youths become trans because it’s popular. Those who just dress up and pretend to be queer are not that bad, who really worry me are the people who take all those medicaments and fuck their whole body because of some stupid fad until they grow up and realize what a mistake they made
How did we lose fun so fast?
Honestly don't mind them if they look nice
Yea Forums had cuter emos.
I needed this. Thanks.
I thought it was for picking up underage girls. Have I been doing it wrong?
No, I only want to pick up Rover.
he was too cute for this world
It's a shame this guy didnt at least film himself humping a pillow before he an heroed. Waste of a good twink.
You can hate or like whatever you want faggot.
fuck im horny
Do you think the current E-Boy generation is better off?
I can’t post pictures because Goot banned my region but simply google e-boy and you’ll see that it’s basically emo 2.0
>posts a girl instead
femboys are just trannies in the making and your shitty fetish allowed autogynephiles to get as bad as they are today in the first place
>00's/10's emo
bet you like anime you fucking degenerate
>I hate men who drink energy drinks
Oh come on what's wrong with energy drinks
fuck you nigger they were feminine and cute at least
Ah yes, I heard of you 3, the man who is forced to play childhood roles for the rest of his life, the man who's daughter is a porn star and shilled the kinect and the man who sells other peoples movie ideas to white slavers.
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>more anxiety for you: in a can!
that's what's wrong with those bull semen drinks user
tranny enabler kys
I recognize this Youtube profile.
It's funny because the part of killing being one of her hobbies turned out to be true.
I just don't like tattoos that don't mean anything or are something from popular entertainment like capeshit
*chop* *chop*
I like Yea Forums talking about AC a lo but I also recognize it's only because Nintendo is popular now and AC is the only big game so Yea Forums is latching on as the "Hype" game and Flavor of the Month.
Ill be glad after AC comes out so Yea Forums stops talking about it.
emo guys weren't trannies because hormone replacement wasn't known about and kids sure as fuck couldn't access it.
It doesn't matter what way a kid finds to fuck with their life while growing up - atempting suicide as emo or taking estrogen as a growing boy
If you take away the estrogen pills from the kids they will just start killing themselves instead of having surgeries and then killing themselves
If you get anxiety from energy drinks then that is a (You) problem and nothing else
anxiety isn't real
it's a funny word for "i'm a scaredy bitch"
There's still one.
Why do you care so much about other peoples lives, get over yourself
joke would be on her, there's nothing left to ruin.
lol no you’ll forget the perpetual Yea Forums circle.
Hype before it comes out > love the game on release > majority of people love the game afterwards > hate the game simply for contrarian reasons
>caffeine doesn't increase anxiety levels bro it's your fault trust me goy buy my drinks you want to get wings from your red bull ah?
Yes user your narrow-minded take is correct and not the millions poured into mental health research. Get fucked retarded wetback.
80's/90's Indimos were superior
No, when it launches they go "what went wrong"
What's weird is the amount of emo girls who talked about wanting to be dudes.
i was. then i realized i fucking hate them even more than i hate animal crossing.
Get your shit sorted out, schizo.
I don't like unwashed druggies
At least we got to see them making out with each other constantly.
Yeah, of course women want to be a hot guy kissing hot guys.
Literally the same things as niggers with anime profiles talking about wanting to be/fuck a trap
funny, i am a wetback, and guess how many people over here suffer from "anxiety attacks" or "panic attacks" or "triggerings" or "ptsd"?
fucking zero
all of those "illnesses" are made up faggotry made up by first worlders who have never faced actual adversity in their entire lives so they have to invent problems for themselves
no i just unironically like animal crossing
>it actually worked
>every new meme from Yea Forums is just a variation of this
what's it like kissing someone so passionately
Then why do you like 00's/10's emos? They were the epitome of drugged-up-xaned-out whores.
Must feel good, considering the girl on the left tried to continue it when the other tried breaking the kiss.
is that the skeleton bitch? did she gain weight or is that an old pic?
Log off paco you're a jaded fuck incapable of empathy, which is to be expected from a subhuman beaner like you.
Who said I am the same person, you bluebox of despair?
>OP doesn't like Goth/Emo/Scene girls
Aye more for me.
Fair enough
oh no user don't talk to me like that i'm, like, literally, like, going to have like a LITERAL #panic #attack???? user like come on this is 2020 please like helloooo bernie is going to change this!!!
fuck off, you're like a fucking child
From a vid she uploaded a week ago.
She went to rehab a year ago, but I fear she might be losing weight again.
nigga no one has those diagnoses because there arent enough of you to diagnose, cos you all get beheaded or shot infront of a cartel dudes 240p camera
>you aren't this person who has fun and gets cute girls because some 14 year old idiot on 4channel posted a picture from r*dd*t
Why do 5channelers (despite talking about the sekrit club and how alpha people are) excipt this beta behavior of wanting to belong (to 5channel)?
You wanna know how I know you unironically watch cringe comps and FEMINIST OWNED FREAKOUT videos?
Damn, she's looking much better. I hope she doesn't relapse.
Just, like, eat
How hard can it be
1st world niggers dude...
Haha, silly gamer boys.
I hope she does not have a relapse and continues to do well
i was an alpha emo faggot when i was 19. dyed blue hair. gay little hitler haircut. side lip piercing. studded belt and "girl jeans" (before all blokes' jeans became "girl jeans"), played in a shitty local band, the works.
i was the absolute most desirable emo fag in the whole town. literally had my pick of just about any girl with a dyed fringe within a 100 mile radius. my myspace was like a celebrity worship page.
are the pictures embarassing to look back on? of course, but fucking hell it was worth it. at least that was before everyone made video of everything.
this makes my pp hard
awful taste, prescription addicted whores are top tier
good for her. eat a fuckin hamburger for fucks sake
It's implied by a lot of people who know her that it's her mom's fault, that she encourages her to do so.
Pretty sure he's talking about girls with those really bright neon pink/green/blue/red hair colors, more than he's talking about the girls that swap from brown to blonde/natural red/black. But at the same time, if your eyebrows stay the same color as before, won't it just look out of place and odd that you have said hair color?
I know there's a follow up where dudes make fun of this bitch and one of them ends it with "daddy issues"
God I miss her, Morgan was this bitch's name and she was all over emo/alt groups on fb, she was a fucking lolcow on normiebook but if you treated her like shit with a sprinkle of kindness when she was expecting otherwise, you would get nudes and skype sex with her so easily.
>thinking deleting helps
I saw that shitty triforce
I don't, actually, but there's no denying that mental illnesses are much more prevalent in first world countries.
Now I did exaggerate about mental illnesses not being real but drinking one little can of energy drink isn't going to trigger anxiety on you, faggot, don't drink too much though because it's bad for your heart and has too many calories
There is more soul in these two people than any all zoomers combined.
I bet it was enjoyable you fucking shitter.
wet and stinky
Someone posted her twitter a few months ago.
She's still into vidya, she has red hair now and she has an autistic skinny boyfriend.
It doesn't trigger anxiety but it's been proven that caffeine has a link to anxiety, Handy Manny. It increases the likelihood of getting anxious.
based jewfro bro
god i miss the shitty webcam aesthetic
Because mexico is a country of manlets run by drug lords who desperately cling to their macho culture as means of compensating. Which in turn enables the cartel to entice your retarded youth before burning them in oil drums
( ˘ω˘)スヤァ
Based emochad.
Some tattoos can look fine. But I don't recall seeing them too often.
you'll unsee it
holy shit she moved to twitter? I still know her full name and could probably find her on normiebook again, tempted to try and get wins from the crazy cunt all over again.
hhahaha i love you v never change
delete it again nigger
not that different from today's e thots 2bh
Are emos the same as goths?
they all love fucking up the ass so yeah
>Yep, P!ATD was a good band...
The Jewfro was based af, simple T-shirt, not baggy pants but loose fitted, some sandals. Good shit.
I miss the post hardcore scene
No, it's just there's punks who are like an overlap of both.
one can is not going to make any actual effect
everything in moderation
sounds pretty based to me
I don't live in Mexico though
>tfw was too brown to be emo so i couldn't delight myself in emo pussy back when i was a teenager
They were cuter.
Plus, they weren't squinting their eyes 24/7 as if they were high all the time.
That's a cheap excuse, there were latina and even black emo girls.
I'll never get the hate for meh. Just some old harmless internet lingo.
Emos just evolved into depressed weebs
Kinda like punk and rock style getting combined? Not sure I've seen a girl with a punk mohawk in the real world. Just characters in movies games, and some pictures.
It's very dismissive. It's like saying, "whatever".
Yeah, but no latino emo boys. It just was not allowed, it looked ridiculous.
The only latino emo boys were the white ones. Fucking lucky motherfuckers.
For me it's like "y'all".
It's harmless, but I fucking hate it.
No, goth girls are more insane and more angry.
whenever i see stuff like this the only thing i can think of is that she must ride dick like a wild beast
How much time does it take to even do this? Probably why it's not common, you'd have to sleep on your side at all times so you don't ruin it.
come and see me any time baby as long as you dont mind BBC
Yall belongs to the south and now everyone says it because it's gender inclusive. They're appropriating MY culture
That's just a meme stereotype image, most punk girls have similarities with emos but they are more likely to have tattoos and piercings, and gravitated more towards dark attire.
I want this back instead of all humor being boiled down to a variation of "OH NO NO NO LOOK AT THIS DUDE". What happened to just having fun instead of trying to tear each other down and denigrate whoever you come across?
go to a punk show and you will get your fill.
It keeps predators (like you) away so it works :3
When did Michael Jackson learn spanish?
This. I barely used it, because it felt uncouth; however, now I feel violated.
>angle + darkness
i wouldn't be suprissed if irl "she's" a 300lbs african man
Dude, I've seen so many hispanic women who openly talk about having anxiety issues. That includes the normie, "pretty girl" ones too.
I didn't know trannies stole this from us. Well, FUCK. Thanks for ruining my morning.
Quick question, is asking for recommendations in a particular genre allowed here?
>that angle
>can't see shit
>likes cheesecake
her weight starts with 200 I GUARANTEE it
who are you stealing internet from, Pocahontas
>girls with dyed hair
if im gonna be picking up girls with animal crossing im gonna be picking up girls under the age of 16
That's a good start.
>tfw no cuddlesawr GF
mother earth grants me access
Most men shit their pants when the cartel rolls in as well, they only start acting tough agaij after hopping the border.
There's nothing wrong with having some fun when you're young. I don't know where did this mindset come from that you have to be miserable and beaten down no matter what. Have some fucking fun when you're a god damn teen, because there's plenty of misery to come in the future, what is it with older people and their contempt for youthful exuberance? Or is it just plain old jealousy?
Please reply
>believing women
Is everyone afraid of the cartel? Is there anyone in Mexico who is so chad and rich that they don't give a fuck? Like normal people, not politicians.
rawr rawr, user.
>anons in this thread acting like they have the pick of the litter
>implying you faggots wouldn't be beggin for a pity-fuck from the most fugly emo bitch
imagine coming back home after a hard day at work and your cuddlesawr gf sits down next to you and cuddles your pain away
I recall a girl like that I think dressed like that, used to talk to her, she came over to hang out with a common friend and wanted to meet up, I never did, since I had to get ready for something important to deal with.
Just ask the damn question
if you're rich in mexico, you are part of the cartel
if you are rich in mexico and you are not part of the cartel, the cartel will soon make you part of it
i'd like to have a girlfriend but im not desperate enough to get one that'd make my life miserable
Why not just stop being such a beta that you can't just take pussy.
Arthoes are fucking dumpster fires
Something something sex with spinelli
I had an advantage since the emo I used to bang was my cousin and she thought it was hot to fuck a family member.
Last I rememeber she apparently hooked up with some edgy guy that got her in to drugs and shoved it up her back door. The friend I learned about her from broke contanct after that, I never really talked to her after a certain point before that so it didn't affect me as much, still kinda sad to hear.
>fantasizes about having relationships with humans
never gonna make it
nice illiteracy bro
I know a lot of them (sub)consciously do it because it's a way to make themselves look "colorful". While not to say that I haven't seen Hispanic girls shutdown or freak out, I'm just saying they accept it exists as opposed to the claim of non-existence from the guy I was replying to.
I will say, the more honest cases come "daddy's princesses" who can't handle outside forces without their dad and the anime nerds.
again, see
you are somehow attracted by the idea of carnal/social relations with people, might aswell of yourself now faggot
Actually based but still post your tits.
nice illiteracy bro
Once in highschool, at the highschool dance this cute blonde girl in my class that was always nice and friendly to me, asked me to dance, but I was really anti social and scared of people, or people looking at me, stuff like that, due to how I grew up. So I told her that, it's okay, I don't know how to dance all that well and I'd just embarrass us both, she insisted and tried alot to get me to dance with her but I refused. She let it go in the end and was still nice to me even after. I never asked her out or anything tho. I felt like no one would ever be interested iin going out with me.
Whats the comic say, someone translate it
if only
>"Im better then basic human instincts" "sex is overrated"
>"Sup, 2ch/Dvach" "So there's this one girl...."
go masturbate or something dude, christ
do you also listen to doomer music too ?
Instead of saying "I've known guys" just say "I" or "I have changed my entire taste in music based on the chick I wanted to fuck"
Not really, I'm normally more of a bloomer, just not when it comes to ever finding a gilr that will love me back.
>picking up women through Animal Crossing
Is that something people are actually set on doing or have done in the past? They stroll up to their local barcade and whip out New Horizons which'll cause women to wet their panties in excitement? Only time I ever see them excited for video games is if Mario Kart, CTR or any fighting game or beat em ups are involved.
>>what flavor of rage comic are you this week ?
Nah man I whip out harvest moon
real panty dropper
same. it was more fun when you didn't have to justify yourself for everything you did.
>Rage comics
Hah, forever alone guy, how long ago was that.
Too long, we are old, very fucking old.
you always say the things that hurt the most, user
Just put on your cool face
Literally me.
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
huh, I forgot how annoying this was.
Carry on
Still more entertaining than borderlands writing
Ahoy there, maties! The name be katy, but all ye scallywags may referr to me as the Penguinbeard of doom!!! YEARHARHAR!! as ye can see before ye, I am extremely unpredictable! Wich is why I've sailed here, to meet scallywags and cutthroats of the same caliber!! I've seen a total of 13 years, but I'm also extremely mature and pirate-like, given me age ye see. Upon the high seas, I tend to gaze upon invader Zim with frequency with my personal wench (I bye wenches both male and female, approach this topic immaturly if ye dare!) It is a favorite pass time for both me and she! Mainly due to it's unpredictable and ocean like nature, yar! The wench be unpredictable as the sea as well of course, but I desire more wenches and cutthroats of an unpredictable nature! As they say, the more crew the better the ship, yarharharhar! Anyway, we hope to recruit many new crewmembers, so respond to us with frequency! DOOOOMMM!!! Yarharharhar, t'was me acting in the most unpredictable fashion once more! Now off with ye!
Rum and tobacco,
The Penguinbeard of Doom
my gf doesn't play vidya, she has a PS4 she uses for netflix.
don't forget to add that she also has bpd and does drugs
Emos preceed you and your 2010 movie, zoomer.
All those things are bad though, do you happen to work at....umm the based department?
Well yeah, you can't fuck Borderlands writing.
>scott pilgrim created alt girls
err nah, next to no girls watched that film either it was targeted towards young lads
Based. What brand you wearing? Teddy V2 here.
That fucking hair is defying gravity.
This was a different generation entirely user.
Why are you strawmanning an argument I didn't make?
It is a funny song which is a great discussion example.
>Cera plays a faggy loser who obsesses over some used goods worthless cunt
>does battle with her body count
An example != invented
but seethe more
the movie is shit and should disgust any man
>Yea Forumsirgins
>picking up girls
Literally no one knows that movie exists beyond you, it was a massive flop.
>It is a funny song which is a great discussion example.
No, you actively came to me telling me that emos exist because of your little zoomer movie, when the whole emo thing began in the early 2000s, probably with Avril Lavigne.
Keep your filthy art hoes to yourself, no ones talking about them.
I like fictional girls with dyed hair and tattoos, is that bad?
>tfw i was a skater kid when in highschool
>making fun of punks and emos
>spend all day at the skatepark listening to sum41 while skating or getting high and reenacting jackass skits with my firends
>listening to rock, really obscure hiphop and heavy metal
>somehow become a magnet for goth chicks
i miss highschool everything was so much easier.
i thought as goth chicks got older theyd all turn into morticia addams but instead theyd get either horribly normie or morbidly obese.
It is bad since there's a much better girl in the same game.
Northshore Purples
Yeah I'm sorry but no user.
But it's okay, you can take flattie mcflatface and keep her, I don't mind.
I don't even play the game, I just like the girls and watch the cool cinematics. Might get the fighting game if it includes champions I like though
Look at this retard
I like tattoos and some dyed hair.
I don't like facial piercings though.
>been talking to a girl and playing vidya with her
>she's awkward but a sweetheart
>buys the same game just to play with me
>makes very obvious hints at wanting to play New Horizons with me
I liked Wild World, so why not.
I never would have expected a girl might fall for me.
Don't fuck it up, user.
Arthoes should be turned into fertilizer tbqh
This thread is giving me cancer, but i also miss those times.
wtf is wrong with me.
cum inside her the first day after her period
it rewires their brains
Literally where the fuck do you go to meet girls if you don't live in the fucking city?
L I T E R A L L Y fucking chad right now
But was the cancer really that bad?
they don't have the words to describe the problem, which is different from not having the problem. you are using ignorance as an argument. i'm embarrassed for you thinking this post would accomplish anything other than showing why you aren't part of the first world.
I'd unironically rather die a virgin than taint my life with one of these mentally unstable neon hair bitches
Great, the zoomers are here to ruin the thread.
Shouldn't you go pretend you are saving the world by discussing the box office of stupid superhero movies?
>meet girls if you don't live in the fucking city
hobby activites. meet them at sports clubs, the library, some sort of youth centers. stay away from women you meet in bars. they are one dimensional. the best women you can find is a woman who has a hobby and actively pursues that hobby. shows you that she isnt vein or self centered and cares for something besides herself thus making her able to care for you.
i was just taking a shot at user m8 calm down
There's nothing more laughable than someone who posts in fucking Yea Forums pretending to have values or morals.
Hits too close to home. I rejected girls in highschool due to non-existent self esteem and I'm still a KHV years into my 20s
>Youth centers
I'm 28
>unnatural hair color
>mental illness headshave
>problem glasses
Instance pass.
I don't know who's mind you think you're changing. If you make yourself less attractive to men, then you have to deal with being less attractive to men.
>tfw my crush got tattoos all over her over the summer
>tfw a girl that came onto me recently already had piercings, tattoos, and shit just dyed her hair purple
Life is suffering
I don't want to stick my dick in crazy, what's wrong with that? These chicks have serious issues and can ruin your life
Then don't complain if girls only fuck "chad", everyone has a bare minimum.
hobby things still apply. maybe volunteer for something. does your workplace have mixers or holiday parties?
stay away from online dating. best case you can have your friends introduce you to someone.
Pff, i've spent my entire life banging them and the most I got was one who left my back bleeding from her retardedly long nails.
I'll do my best. I'm nervous, but it's a nice feeling too.
How so?
She's a virgin.
at least you had girls hit on you so you know you're not utterly irredeemable
I didn't exactly set a high bar. At any rate, I don't really have problems getting attention from women. If you're not feminine, this masculine guy has no attention to spare you.
I 50% on the last two and 0% on all the others.
Just a word of advice, never follow any advice given here when it comes to dating, people here know as much as you, it's just some have taken a liking to pretending they know what they are talking about.
Ask friends, parents, or in another website if you need help.
Just drink coffee you fucking 12 year old
Maybe the girl will be the one to fuck it up.
>this masculine guy
How did we go in only 10 years from posting the "My name is John" copypasta to people pretending to be John unironically.
And it'll be up to him to choose what to do if that happens.
What i'm talking about is not fucking it up by things like innaction or not making moves.
Basically, not waste the chance.
Tattoos and piercings are The trashiest things possible, no wonder white trashy women love them
Better than sex.
Trashy people do trashy stuff, a very astute observation, user.
People who like piercings are also disgusting trash
It's a shame you need to pretty much fry your hair to get that hairstyle, it's so fucking cute.
No I work construction we're all dudes
Reality is reality. Women like educated stoics who take decent care of their bodies. Educated stoics who take decent care of their bodies don't like maladjusted blue hairs who've made their bodies disgusting.
May I offer you another chance to virtue signal before you go jack it to traps, zoomer?
And I assume you are also intelligent, nihilistic and have a wicked sense of humor?
I'm not bad at confessions, I'm just waiting for the right moment.
I'm not a nihilist. And if you look at how self-proclaimed nihilists behave, they're clearly not, either. They're just hipsters.
No need to confess, just be flirty every now and then and let the thing grow.
It was a meme, there used to be plenty of memes mocking "tough internet guys" ages ago.
In this era of autistic slacktivism and "idealists" I feel like we need to bring them back and remind everyone that posting shit on the internet holds no merit.
Of course, but at some point you want to make it "official". Maybe proposal is a better word.
Ehh, not sure how that will go, normally if you'd meet irl you'd just flirt until you get mushy and just kiss, everything is "officialized" then.
In the end if you want something serious you'll have to meet her.
it's not the fact that i don't have a gf what bothers me, it's the fact that i could never get one
it forces me to think if i'm really that unlikeable and fucks me up inside
based and very redpilled.
Fair point. She doesn't live too far and we've talked about meeting, maybe it's best to wait until then.
If you post that you find everything that feminism has normalized disgusting, said feminists will assume that you're bottom of the barrel and can't even talk to a girl, much less get her googly eyed. That's not true. No self-respecting man will date a blue hair, especially when they can have women who haven't made themselves unappealing on every possible level. You get those tattoos and play tough to your own detriment. You're not impressing me.
but what if I'm a masculine self-respecting man (manly) and I find those things attractive?
I have the solution
Shitposting aside, I hope she does get better
And you think a real man would be in an anime website trying to get other autistic people to praise him for not dicking some gothy slut?
Well, then keep up and when you meet make the move.
If she's willing to meet in the first place, then she must like you already, a girl wouldn't do that with someone she just considers a friend.
First, your spic hell hole's medical system isn't concerned with diagnosing these things. I'm sure half of your funny drinking friends are alcoholics/ manic depressive by western standards.
Ignoring that, in the absence of challenge I feel like the brain self destructs. People can't live their lives with the desensitized purposelessness late stage capitalism is enforcing.
>late stage capitalism
Your value as a person isn't determined by who likes you, king. Maybe you isolate yourself or are just unlucky.
Accept who you are and try to become more confident. The rest will follow, and probably when you don't expect it.
Wonder what she's doing now? Probably atay at home mom. These young bitches surrender "independence" quick when it comes time to find a job and pull their financials together.
because they cost big money
Can you be my GF?
Why girls feel the need to dye their hair to say they are gamer girls? Are they like the gamer lights on gaming pcs?
>Your value as a person isn't determined by who likes you, king
Wrong, it's determined by how much your organs would go for in the black market.
Someone posted her twitter a few months ago and she's not too different. Still plays vidya, her hair is red and she got some skinny dude who plays vidya with.
You'll regret it down the line when she takes your shit. You'll have a better life with a clean, happy, feminine girl.
I'm not really trying to get you to praise me. I'm just pointing out that, as someone who's not unpopular with the girls, blue hairs are revolting.
>he hasn't replaced his testicles with RGB balls which shine through his sack
never gonna make it brah
Because people who are into videogames are weirdos, and that's what weird girls do.
The female equivalent of the autistic beta is the blue haired "lol such a nerd xd" slut.
marry me
i accept who i am and am confident enough, i have friends and everything but anything romantic is beyond my reach
>Your value as a person isn't determined by who likes you
yes it is, in part. Humans are mammals and mammals live to eat and breed
Now, i'm not edgy enough to say we're just monkeys pretending to be civilized and that fucking and eating is all a human should strive for but we're still affected by those biological imperatives and when you've spent most of your youth sleeping alone your brain starts to fuck itself up
because it's female fashion which is light years above male fashion
it's the only thing i envy about girls to be desu
Dude, you are constantly going about how masculine you are, it's laughable, it's what we used to mock here back in 2009, people who go on the internet and put on acts, it's no different than "gamer girls".
People who are something don't need to tell others to convince them of it.
The only actual normalfags who come to Yea Forums are in /soc/, and that's almost a completely different website.
I have no idea why this so called "culture war" has turned everyone into a bunch of autistic, insecure posers.
That is something I would do..
>The female equivalent of the autistic beta is the blue haired "lol such a nerd xd" slut.
That's the female equivalent of some normie male who owns a Switch and has some capeshit tattoo actually, the female equivalent of a Yea Forumsirgin is nonexistant.
>comfy nostalgia thread about the 2000s and emo chicks
>le epic activists come and ruin it with their "the internet is srs business" shit
>dyed hair
Oh no, it is.
>bottom of the barrel of their gender
>deep into the ebin politics because of how empty their life is
>continue paying for shit even though it's literal shit
>will never hold an actual relationship
>will kill themselves in their 40s out of loneliness and inability to pair bond
I don't know, emo chicks i've been with were pretty feminine, almost to a disgusting level, their bedrooms were always full of pink and hello kitty shit.
Had plenty of fun with them.
>t. incel
It might seem beyond your reach, but it's not. But there is such a thing as trying too hard/worrying too much about it. For a lot of guys, they find someone as soon as they stopped caring or wrote off women. I noticed I inadvertently put on an act for every girl I tried to get and failed over and over, but as soon as I stopped caring and was just "beeing myself", I found someone who was genuinely interested in me. That's why I said accepting who you are and truly working on yourself is the best thing you could possibly do.
And of course, we need social contact and validation. Nobody can lie to themselves and say they don't, we're not built for it. But just because you're lacking it doesn't mean you're unlikeable or permanently broken. Your brain is tougher than it thinks it is.
Why is she soo cute?
you know for a designated simps thread, for a reddit post, for as pathetic as all of this is. I might need to contact the based department on this one.
Don't give me any idea faggot. I just want to give up.
Nuh uh, I can totally make a relationship happen, I'm just too scared to do it!
Great, the flavor of the week Twitter buzzword along with culture "war".
Yup, the zoomers have found the thread.
Hi art hoe!
>soon as I stopped caring and was just "beeing myself"
I used to do that user, for years now, and nothing ever happened, which is why I'm having these awful thoughts
I wish I could believe you and I'm trying really hard to do so but all evidence points to the contrary
thank you for your words
It doesn’t really look out of place anymore, considering literally every girl in existence dies their hair now, other than natural blondes.
We need to go paler.
That includes you, user.
I don't have any, too mentally exhausting to care about that crap.
No wonder those who do are all miserable.
I just wanna hug them, I dunno why, I just really wanna hug them, and I feel like they'd start crying and hug tighter for some reason.
roastie cope
It doesnt matter, nothing matters
>tfw that’s exactly what happened to me
What the fuck, so there are others out there. Honestly it’s worse knowing that.
>having to try to pick up chicks with dyed hair
They're all whores
They were mostly pretty upbeat girls, but some had huge parental issues.
I've been there, things often seem unchanging. Part of it is, unfortunately, RNG. Try your best to meet more people make more friends in general, but focus less on finding "somebody". You're bound to come across them eventually.
Try dating sites, like Okcupid. Post a pic of your pet if you have one and act like a clown. Expect to sift through a lot of trash and never expect a reply. It took me 4 years until I hit it off with someone. Stop caring, but don't give up.
The people I know who religiously drink energy drink are all obese
same. it's not about having a gf, it's about having a loving gf. if the "loving" is missing it just sounds like a lot of work for very little payoff.
it's basically all of them by now, too. I've already accepted the fact that I most likely find a girl without tattoos anymore, but at least let it be something small on the upper arm or back that's black & white rather than those full color sleeves and shit.
oh definitely not, no dating sites for me, but I'll guess I'll continue on continuing on
I'm glad you made it user
>Your value as a person isn't determined by who likes you, king
I get where you are coming from, but if nothing you do ever yields any success it's impossible to not face the truth and accept that clearly the problem lies with you in some way.
Fucks you up when you see the most terrible people in (seemingly) happy relationships and yet you're apparently even more undeserving of love than those people.
i dont like animal crossing and i still pick up grils with dyed hair. Honestly dyed hair girls are below easy, if you cant score with those kind of girls you might aswell off yourself
Cute! Been wanting to try those. I don't get diapers very often though, so I'm scared to ask my mommy for new brands cause I'm scared I won't like them :c
>Alexander J. A. Cortes
this guy gets it
>dyed hair bad
Ah, the eternal boom boom fearing his 60y old hag is getting obsolete
Enjoy your STDs.
>and when you've spent most of your youth sleeping alone your brain starts to fuck itself up
people who got at least some romance in their life will never get how much this can fuck you up. physical contact and sex is just as much of a basic need as food, water, sleep and so on. it just doesn't kill you as quickly which is why people don't realize this.
which is also why I can't blame guys who grow absolutely fucking desperate over finally getting some action and do super stupid shit. if you handed some dude who's dying of thirst a sip from the Ganges, he'd fucking take it. he's in no position to reject it just because it's full of feces and decaying corpses.
>How hard can it be
pretty hard when you have serious mental problems, to the point where your brain chemistry is fucked up.
you wouldn't tell some dude you just injected with anesthetics to "just stay awake lmao" either.
>Dyed hair NOT bad
It's the universal sign of a woman with shitty decision making skills, right next to visible arm tattoos and nose piercings.
I want a cute femboy bf where's my cute femboy bf
Oh yeah, a woman dying her hair red or blonde truly is the devil, right boom boom? Next these kids will start listening to music and dancing too!
>I hate men who drink energy drinks
fuck you bitch
Oh no, poor fragile white hetero man sees something he doesn't like! How terrible!
what's the matter friend, can't take some banter?
Nah I genuinely like animal crossing and get no attention from any type of girl
Emo boys died with emo girls. It's over, lad.
girls with dyed hair are my fav type of girls
where do I find them? are there any girls like that in Yea Forums?
I'm sick and tired of assholes on this site
I get them whenever I feel like it. I just came off of a month of pretty much 24/7. But it's pretty expensive, around 120 bucks a month to keep it up.
>It's harmless, but I fucking hate it.
Stop being such a fucking bitch then.
"It doesn't matter but it upsets me so you should stop."
>I hate men who enjoy superhero movies
This right here makes me think you're a dude
I never said you should stop you retarded inbred piece of primordial soup. Do it all you want but I'll assume you're a fucking retard.
Never (You) me again.
y'all are so sensitive, let's go for some BBQ instead of fighting.
You're still a little bitch for being bothered by it.
Yea Forums
>fuck why wasnt i born as a girl
YouTube comment section for kpop or some shit
>fuck why wasnt i born as a hot korean guy
why is this thread filled with so many retards and zoomers?
umm like y'allses is so, like, y'all so triggered lmaoOOOO spill dat tea kweeeeeen
fuck you, kill yoursel
wig status: snatched
my gf is a nymphomaniac so basically as soon as we kiss she gets uncontrollably horny so yeah i'd say it's pretty good
>senran kagura? that sounds so cool! can you tell us about it?
Poor fragile white hetero men... men in general... constantly see things they don't like.
Divorce-rapes, false rape accusations, paternity frauds, being second-rate citizens both legally and socially, being totally defenseless against abusive women...
There are people who have never had sex or a girlfriend in this thread.
I'm a NEET desu, so I can't afford to do much more than just wear occasionally
>dislikes green hair
You’re subhuman
>had three relationships in highschool
>never had sex with any of them, just lots of make out and fingering
yes, idiot. girls that dye their hair are crazy 100% of the time
It genuinely works, granted you're scrapping up the bottom of the barrel and you're retarded if you think it will lead to a stable long term relationship, but if all you want is to get your dick wet then saying you like Zelda and Animal crossing is z totally viable strategy
That doesn't mean you get to be an asshole
What happened to "be a man" that you people believe in so much
Nah, I pretend to like animal crossing to jerk off to furry porn instead.
don’t rope me in with these fuckers
I tried every AC game and thought they were all garbage. i don't get it. Everytime someone tries to explain what's so good about it it all boils down to "muh comfy" and there are easily comfier games out there
I like big butts.
one of my splatoon2 friends posted this the other day
she dyed her hair and pierced her ears the second she graduated from hs
Both of you should unironically, and i mean this from the bottom of my heart, kill yourselves.
>there are easily comfier games out there
Name? Minecraft?
Look at this fucking idiot
And you should try diaps, mister cranky!
there's JO videos of him just google it senpai
Most girls have their ears pierced in middle school
There is literally not. Those are all fake.
Digimon World
And why should we do that incel?
says the incont
Wrongs wrong with incont? Are you making fun of handicaps?
how to ruin your looks with one haircut
volcont it is then
>Most girls have their ears pierced in middle school
japan is stricter than wherever you are
It's called "social evolution" according to some people.
or maybe it's just society getting jaded.
Shame, really.
It's already fucked
That's not me, I don't pick up girls with dyed hair, and I don't pretend to like animal crossing because I ACTUALLY like it.
Perfect woman
Would you like me to pamper you?
The only people who dye their hair natural colors in the west are old women who are turning gray. I'm assuming you are from Asia because pretty much every young western women that dyes her hair is a slut.
Actually she’s a 9/10 Latina with jet black hair
>none of them checked
Marriage when, my dear?
>inb4 it's a tranny
I'll take you up on that if mister cranky-pants doesn't!
I agree as a heterosexual man. You're alright girl.
>ptsd isnt real
then what do those people who come back from the military have after they watch their friends get their legs blown off?
*opens a can of Monster*
*reads this post*
*spills it on my Zelda hoodie*
Ah shit, hope my streamers didn't see it, let's see what's in Fortnite shop.... nothing good
wubba lubba dub dub
Captain America: I got that reference.
a boner?
Sad chads>goths>emos
This is indisputable
Aw shit what was this fag's name again?
>mfw even the dorkiest of my friends have at least some past with girls
>the only female i talk with is the token girl in our group
It's an abstract kind of feel.
>of my 9 closer friends, 7 are women
>never had anything that went past a hug
I am eternally doomed to be the best friend I guess. It's fucking weird too, can't count the number of times one of them bawled their eyes out about their partner treating them like shit and going "I wish he were like you".
First of all, that's a weird thing to say to a platonic friend. Second of all, I am like me and absolutely no fucking woman wants that as a partner apparently so you're not even saying the truth.
>all the simpcels replying to this
Nope. I have played every animal crossing and have never revealed my power level to anyone. my gf thinks the only games I play are sports/shooters when in fact I spend 90% of my time on most forms of rpgs
not like you have a choice in that matter, lmao
Can kinda relate; its not that weird when you think about it, its just that you fit their current needs and they're too dumb and self-centered to admit it and realise how opportunistic they are being.
That doesn't mean its a character flaw on your part though; its the opposite if anything but you eed to build a foundation of self-respect first
>posting anime
>calling others degenerate
You will never be a real girl