Are you enjoying the NA release, user?
Granblue Fantasy Versus
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First buyer regret of the year, game's fucking boring
I'm really enjoying all those granblue doujins where the male protag gets railed.
I just skip the game and read the porn doujins.
I fucking told you guys to just play the better game
Why does the shortstack want Gran's dick so much?
But I'm already playing FGO.
Mahjong truly is the superior game
shut up gachanigger
there's better FGO games too
Why is she in her underwear?
game number 2
And what would those be?..
is it possible for both sides to super at the same time during a lowain mirror?
i dunno user...
Slutty cows fear el gato negro
Narumaya guide for dummies
Yes but whoever does Ygg last is at an advantage this is why no one pops Ygg in the mirror
Ah, I thought you were talking about futa.
Little Veight is so cute
how do i achive an ass like this bros
good genes and workout twice a week
Be a girl first of all
i have the genes and i started working out my butt every other day
i noticed my thighs are getting ridiculusly muscular but my butte is still flabby not the aesthetic im looking for desu
that's not expressly a requirement
squats do wonders for your glutes
I bought this and Under Night cl-r but intended to main playing Granblue because it was the newest game not another iteration of a older game.
Little did I know that Under Night would be incredible and Granblue would be insanely oversimplistic to the point of boredom. I don't think waifus can save this one guys.
Im in the reverse. Bought both but I didnt like the changes they did to Cl-r especially what they did to Carmine. I feel that cl-r changes was a drastic step away from what they had in [st]. I have Hyde to fall back on however but shit they did Carmine dirty
UNICLR is a thinking man's game. GBVS is for gachatards.
Uniclr is for unga bunga retards who think theyre game has footsies. GBVS has actual footsies
tips on beelzebub? I don't have any bnbs but I keep winning
Don't let him near any tranny in loli body.
What should I get with my code if I don't have autism? I know the stone for the arcarum characters is the rarest but I haven't even made one yet so I'm not really worried about running out of those stones for a long time
Teleport is a meaty setup after hard knockdown. If you knock them down with anything (sweep etc), properly distancing your teleport gives you perfect meaty
Sell it
>no panties
Her crotch has to be really irritated.
Gold bar
I'm waiting for the PC release.
i mean even if it's far it's still the best thing to get because the game is full of beginner traps. most people screw themselves over when they get gold bars because they actually use them to uncap aver
Also plus on throws
>especially what they did to Carmine.
Explain in detail what they did, I'm all ears
I used one to uncap an eden
Kat is already top tier but she's not even trying. She can't even be bothered to take a proper fighting stance and instead decides to hold the blade of her sword in her fucking hand.
are all regular supers safe on block? I can't for the life of me punish katalina's
tfw no shortstack oneesan
I want to have sex with Kat while Lyria cheers me on and cleans up the mess.
yeah but when the guys in for honor do it they smash the guard, grip and pommel into the enemies' fucking head
Yes, I’m going to play some more later on today. I main Charlotta.
You need to block kat last SBA hit. And her SSBA is most punishable shit ever
Most of them. You can definitely punish Narmaya's skybound art
PCfag here, how is Beelzebub? What characters from other games does he play like?
Seth from SFIV
That game has no Passionlip scene nor the ability to impregnate BB therefore it's not a better game and it sucks.
I really hope Lowain gets some proper buffs in the april patch
>mfw waiting for the steam release
>decide to start playing as ferry because cute pits
>try to learn her combos
>struggling with doing DPs of all things
this is what i get for playing nobody but karin in sfv for the last 4 years
Play better fighting games
Rev 2 is dead, and I like this game
if you managed to learn instant tenkos getting used to DPs shouldnt take long
Rev 2 is only dead because your dumbass is playing on PC.
This is the ideal female bodytype. Not some tiny fat cow.
Yeah, i do miss grand blue anime especially Chisa and Azusa
Is this from the same people who made the Poker game?
I double dip on my games, Im also planning to double dip on GBVS. PS4 Rev 2 doesnt seem populated as well during 6-7 PM Singapire time
Wow I can't believe how fun Bubs is. Usually not a fan of the "boss character" types but I'm having a blast with him. I love how much he can make himself and the enemy both move around.
Narmaya and him are "just right." not too overtuned or overly shit. Its just that Gran and Kat are way too good
I picked it up but I felt exhausted all day so didn't get to play much. I still haven't played with actual people. Probably going to main Narmaya, coomer memes aside she felt the less boring to play for me.
Fuck all these nigger companies not just having crossplay.
Man seeds of redemption had some good moments but it was pretty meh. Having two of the main focuses be seox's backstory and stardust town was a mistake. Honestly it should have been about smug man and how powerful he is.
The only one with PC to console crossplay is SFV, Fantasy Strike and Power rangers.
Kat's face really reminds me of moral orel
>Why do these video gamers always assume I'm automatically gay. I don't Wana fuck a young boy, I just want my girl Djeeta and spend time with my little blue girl too.
>with crossplay i can now play against console wifi warriors in 9f lag, yeah baby this is the future
how do i know when it's my turn to unga
Moni moni when?
Just DP
nice console nigger falseflag
You have to be aware of certain moves your opponent has, if theyve expended EX and if theyre pushed too far away. For examole youre fighting againstvGran and he has you cornered. If he expends EX projectile you know he wont catch you with it. Once he's in 5H range, you can jump the fuck out
Can characters be bought individually or are they all locked into needing the passes?
You can buy them individually. There was a misshap yesterday becayse they exchanged Naru and Bubs' pricetags. Dont know if that was fixed now
you can buy them individually and i'd reccomend doing it that way if you value your money, starting with narmaya
To add, dont fall for stagger pressure. Grans will do c.M dash c.M to make you impatient, just block low and fish for the throw or the overhead
Nice thank you
thanks for the advice man
wdym? don't these passes usually give you all characters at a lower rate than you would buying them seperately?
You might not like some characters, so just buying the ones you want could be cheaper instead
>Sorry you can't play your main on my switch
>UNICLR is a thinking man's game
haha oh boy, i sure do love all the thought i put into my fullscreen normals that i just throw out with no repercussion. Mom, dad, come quick, im playing FOOTSIES!
eh it goes both ways
turns out beelzebub is way more fun/better than narm
Shoulda brought your own switch then
this pass is actually more expensive than the seperate characters.
you are paying extra for shit you can unlock ingame for free.
Wait what other stuff comes with the pass besides characters?
Serial codes for GBF I think. To be fair you can sell them, but the price you'll get back from selling is just the same if you bought the characters piecemeal.
one of the characters is an rpg mode unlock and there's some cosmetics like lobby avatars
Each character is $7 by themselves. The pass is just every character + the $3 Beelzebub unlock and gbf weapon code + a vyrn lobby avatar. The pass is $30 so you are only saving $1 with the pass. Except you don't need the Beelzebub unlock if you don't care about the gbf code so just buying the characters is $28.
The only way to really justify the pass is buying the $80 version of the game so the pass is $10 cheaper. It's pretty much one of the worst season pass values after tekken and sc6.
anyone know what that item i dont have is and how to get it? (in case its not obvious this is VS RPG mode not the mobile game)
arcsys please nerf katalina and buff my wife zeta
How do you have those crystals and not a paper?
Me not playing a fighting game in years is really showing
To be fair, the characters also unlock missions for the RPG mode, but I doubt that most people give a shit about it.
>It's pretty much one of the worst season pass values after tekken and sc6.
Please look forward to 3 more of them.
Are they missions specifically for that character, like their own little mini story?
What's currently the best Zeta resource?
I'll play some matches with you if ya want (if you're NA). I'm very mediocre
I haven't played fighting games for more than a dozen years.
Why is everyone so afraid of admitting they're bad, it's okay to be bad, anons.
they get two missions where you play as them with some dialogue in between. Narmaya fights some random grunts to teach her moveset and then fights Ares since Kat is evil again and that's it. At the end Belial just says he's watching and nothing else happens.
I just watch high level matches. The thing about Zeta is she has range but her AA is garbage see and she has no real DP as a get off me. Sure she has a parry but you cant just instant followup or you'll get hit. She has amazing safejumps, tickthrows and shuts down a good chunk of zoning strategies
Playable Xing when
For champion merits - farm missions where you're fighting a character
For omega fragments - farm missions where you're fighting a primal beast
>new character is added to GBVS
>watch some combo videos on Twitter
>there is like 2 combos with some variants
Usually corner combos, a variation that ends in hard knockdown or a super. Its the antiair routes that are more flexible.
Disappointed with Naraya. It’s a tiny fat cow.
These ranged normals are fucking me up
What a dumb mindset to go into. Obviously the new iteration of an existing series should be better than a brand new fighter. The prior actually is working off something already with tons of refinement and fine tuning to make the game a lot better. People who like Blazblue now sure as hell probably wasn’t because of the trash fire Calamity Trigger
i played a game with actual crossplay so i speak from experience, unlike you
ive been labbing Narmaya for hours and i havent had this much fun with a fighting game character in awhile
then you would be aware of the option that allows you to ignore the other platform if you think its that bad.
yet here you are actually asking for a worse product like a retard.
i am aware of it and have used it since
what im saying is they shouldn't allocate resources to this function at all. and thankfully they didnt, so now im here laughing at you for being mad about it, seems the devs know what im talking about unlike you
and what I'm saying is that you should kill yourself.
in a month faggots like you will cry about the lack of available players in the game because the pool is arbitrarily cut.
How high does my IQ need to be to play as the pitwife?
No IQ. She plays herself
>devs skimp out on essential features to fuck over players and make them double dip that means they agree with my fucktarded assessment
yeah I bet they also didnt include rollback because they unironically believe delay is better.
the tiny roster with two seasons of DLC announced are also just there because they care about the players and truly think thats the best way to go.
Is there a lobby up or does anyone want to play some matches?
nah, what ill complain about is the bad netcode at best, complaining about casuals dropping a game from a genre that shows them how bad they are is meaningless. and you bringing it up shows how much you actually know.
what kind of retard answer is that? players quitting is inevitable but crossplay increases the player pool when this happens you retard.
you're a dumb nigger you dont even realize that a smaller player pool means that you get fewer good connections available no matter the netcode.
literally defending getting a worse product.
same kinda retard who will then bitch about people not bothering with a game that is decades behind feature wise.
I'll set up a lobby. Come kick my shitty Narm ass
when do we get the only interesting character, AKA the old man?
Cool guess we can do some Narm mirrors. Post up and I'll be there in like two or three minutes.
How is Metera? Is she a zoner? What can i expect beside being called a coomer?
Sure, teach me how to play her.
Pass is Vee
Capitalize the v
why did they make narmaya so shit? is this penance for the annoying draphfag?
getting a larger player pool and said pool still being unplayable garbage is something that never occured to you now is it? its not a feature if it almost never works properly is what im saying. so if a "feature" is about to be implemented badly id rather they focus elsewhere. which again, they did, leaving you with all this irrational anger. maybe you should stop screaming nigger/retard and think. or keep going, im still laughing.
shes shit for starters
complex inputs?
How am I supposed to use Narm? Her normals feel very short ranged and she isn't particularly mobile. It feels like 70% of the cast can just keep her out and wear me down.
it never occured to me because thats literally a lie from some retard online.
kill yourself
no reversal without super
no mid screen damage
no way out of pressure if she gets cornered
low damage outside of corner and weak corner carry unless she anti airs and her anti airs suck
>y-you're lying!
ok kid
She’s fine. Just in a game where the basic characters (Gran, Katalina) are equally good with less difficulty
>almost never works properly
It's fucking hilarious how different we play her Mizu. I'm totally patient and just want to chip and you want to run in and destroy me. Very funny
>no way out of pressure if she gets cornered
is the roll-dodge not enough to get out of pressure?
leffen found all that shit
nerd, it's never your turn to unga, got it?
no go back to your corner and hold downback.
Monika pleases her crewmembers against her will, hohohoho
leffen says shes shit lmao
>smash babs
lmao who cares go suck off your irrelevant players in your own threads smashtard
lol yeah noticing the differences and it's bizarre.
Man I wish Vaseraga's anti-air combos were consistent
He can get FUCK huge damage of an anti-air midscreen but it's so finicky because they have to be at the right height while also not being so close.
Will they give Djeeta a remix of that dumb idol song or will they just half ass it and give her the same theme as Gran?
Ah I think you've got my card now Mizu.
You're A rank is showing.
Arc Sys games generally don't reuse themes. Though apparently DBFZ does for Base Goku/Vegeta so ???
She'll probably have her own theme.
Someone can give me tips to breeze the RPG mode on Hard?
I want to get the Vyrn code fast to sell it, I have already sold the rest
Cygames wanted to jew this game so much that I'm seriously considering to skip it and get SFV champions edition instead
And I hate SFV
There's also Over the Sky though I's love if the song is used when Gran clashes with Djeeta.
Uh? I dont remember Katalina having a stand on the gatcha game
late chapters user
Something about this mirror makes me feel like we are playing samurai shodown.
Great games Mizu. I gotta head out now but your Naru is way to strong in the corner. Let's play more in the future.
I've always compared the game to Samsho but these matches really showed just how different you can play her and get an actual victory doing both.
I should upload the matches just to show the Fire and Ice style we have going on.
Man I wanted to play more. GGS Sankt! I like your patience over my just wanting to rushdown style lol.
I love watching high level Gran vs Kat matches. Since you can clearly tell that the Kat is always thinking about footsies and proper spacing while the Gran flails around constantly pushing buttons until he boots Kat in the face and does a 60% combo
We can play more in the future. I ain't going anywhere. I don't know if Naru is the girl for me but I really do like playing her. I'll probably end up going back to Kat in the end though.
Post more Charlotta pls.
Reminder that you can play as Ingrid from the Taimanin series
This but with Zeta.
I think I just need a break from Ferry. She basically sold me on the game, but it doesn't feel too fun killing people that look like they are just new or unsure of what is going on? I dunno she only feels fun if I'm playing someone competent and can deal with her.
Ferry can really make you feel like you are bullying people sometimes is what I want to say I guess.
Leffen says a character is shit unless they have all the options and then if they do have all the options he calls them braindead
I don't think it matters what character you play. You have to realize the truth and understand that you are a bully.
you heard me
Not him, but I'm kinda curious what it would be like if another JP dev tried it for console to PC. Seemed pretty weird when Capcom did it for SFV, and I haven't heard much on the MK11 front.
why are there like three different ways to play online and why do they not show connection speed in lobbies
Blame the NWO. Why the hell do I need to play ranked matches just to get to those three options?
But not brown Zeta.
Post more brown Zeta or brown period.
She should put some socks on. No one wants to see her feet.
...You know now that I think about it we are in for a lot of bitching if Zoi's alt colors include even one with white skin
Why does she walk on spikes
she hovers
I hate her for seemingly being perfect
Arcsys always do all kind of different skin colors and resetrannies are always angry about it, nothing new under the sun.
It's always funny that they are happy when white characters get brown skins but are immediatly mad as fuck if a brown character get a single white skin color.
Does Zooey just really love visiting the zoo?
Is in 9 days, isnt it?
Store page when through? I want to know the price in my shitty currency
No, she likes fucking them at the zoo
just grind them ranks until people catch on
The store page went up incredibly late for console, I'm expecting it to be the same for steam. Probably the night before which is p bad for advertising
>rev2 got dry on PC
>rev2 is already ded
End my suffering
Any green or purple skin for the dark knight? Kek
What's Narmaya's BnB?
no ass
I think her trial 5 is basically it. Swap 5h super with sweep for knockdown.
I'm actually looking forward to it now that NA version is out. Ranked was too dodgy with some JP players staying up and causing big delay matches.
In the corner? probably something like 5c, 236c, d, 5c, 236c tk 214c etc
Why does she hover over spikes?
is this a grown up version of dragon loli?
beelzebub is so fun, is this a scrub bait character? because it sure feels like one and I like it
because she can
>I'm expecting it to be the same for steam
Is that due to some Cygames fuckery to ensure more PS4 copies are sold? As incompetent as XSEED are, even they manage to put up early Steam pages for games (even if they don't let people pre-order).
>Singapore time
join the airdasher discord, they mention whenever and wherever they have locals in singapore. right now the hot game is gbvs of course
So, as someone who only played a little bit of Granblue Fantasy and never went far, waht is the backstory of these two, and why do they get paired so much?
Xseed literally didn't even have the PS4 version up until it was released so they didn't even get the basic ass advertising from the coming soon page of the store
I have locals yeah. Im just saying that online is not really that active anymore with Rev 2. I go to locals to play fighting games, but with GBVS its active online and offline and I like the gameplay and characters.
What? Fuck no, Beelzebub is strong. Spin to win is fucking legit, and a divekick move that is safe on block is strong. He has a teleport, a full body DP for defensive options, a commnd grab super, a fuck huge anti air and projectiles. People sleeping on the guy because they'd rather play Narmaya.
>Has Cag
Already objectively better.
>Beatrix appears in the art book like 4 times
She's in
ok cool because I'm teleporting behind everyone and I feel like I don't deserve any of these wins
How am so good at the video game offline to the point where I can easily beat the arcade mode on Nightmare difficulty but then be so bad online that I have a losing streak and only a 28% win rate? It can't JUST be the shit netcode can it?
Teleport is a frametrap by the way. . Also teleport after hard knockdown is a meaty
She just got in the wrong art book because she is retarded
>She appears in a folder on my ssd (for extra fast loading) naked hundreds of times.
She's in
>for honor
Now i'm picturing that kind of game but with GBF cast
>nightmare difficulty
user, AI is different from real people. You can trick the AI into doing stuff people normally wont do. With actual people you have to constantly adapt and change. It definitely isnt just the netcode
You hit the guy from afar, throw jiji and when they get close you use her retard strong DP and throw her bouncing ball super
Then when the guy is close to death and you got a confirm, you activate geneijin and you win the match
She also has the best move to get out of the corner
It's retarded how good she is
I bought this and got UNICLR for free because I owned a JP copy of UNIST from 2017.
Little did I know that Under Night would be very fun, but too dead in EU to get any matches and that Granblue would have people playing in the lobby even though UNI has been hyped to hell and back and has been around longer.
So yeah, playing the one that I actually CAN play even if it's not as good.
Yeah but squats get you a defined butt, not a fat one
>tfw EU cuck
can we get an F in the chat lads
I'm horrible at fighters but was given this as a gift and kinda like it. Haven't taken it online yet but some of my other buddies got it too so I'm going to try to get in some matches with them
Any tips for Narmaya? I like her and katalina but Kat feels like braindead to play in comparison
What is your problem?
I can’t do inputs with one hand
Ouch what happened?
this user gets it.
do you have these for other characters? or any useful resources in general would be nice, be it docs, wikis and discords. i'm just crawling YT videos for now.
I understand your point but in my defense, I find zeta and Kat way more boner inducing than the cow but zeta isn't fun to play
chip damage is so cheap lol
What happened to that Draph’s horns?
>Japanese player in EU lobby
What the fuck? Is this game dead over there?
And now he's refusing to kill me and get it over with, holy shit why doesn't this game have connection bars
Not trolling, but will this game come to Switch at any point? I know Sony is involved in the mobile game(?)
I don't see why not. It's coming to PC in a week. Plus they somehow got DBZ running on the Switch.
I can't believe Asanagi got his art into the game
>local lobby
>7f delay
Bro I play against people from midwest and I get 15f. And I’m from east coast
Anyone in here on NA side want to play?
Steam soon. Gonna play Lowain, maybe Gran/Ferry/Metera on the side.
Where are you at? If you're east coast, I'm down. Gotta practice my Katalina game.
ASW netcode doesn't work very well anywhere. You eventually just stop caring about just how bad it is and accept that the only way to get a proper match is to play offline.
>Erune boys
>erune girls
>Draph girls
do you think the draph's make fun of her?
like give her a horn headband to wear
Imagine being a female Draph and for the first time you have to look down a human
Shrink + rolereversal is too good for my dick
little more in the South but east yea, cool?
Sure man, cool with New York?
PSN is Casual_Alchemy
yup that's what I'm gonna enjoy
Imagine being a female draph
>Metera I just wanted to play mahjong jesus can you stay put for one second?
Nope, just for Narmaya for now. There should be more resources in plebbit
How do I play unga bunga midget?
Any good Narmaya resources?
Totally fine, I have no idea how to send an invite with this game but a lobby is up. Just search "Vee" to join.
Anyone else on NA east is welcome to come along.
Eng ver. is censored, and no beating the game doesn't uncensor it like the JP did.
Waiting for the PC release, going to pirate it and the DLC and wait for mods.
really? source
is there a game CG set uploaded on panda, can’t check now
You're full of shit.
Nee-san is the only one that would understand your urges and try to mold herself to better attend your necessities.
exhentai org/g/1028653/c717421292/
I was right there with you when I saw that pic earlier lol.
What the type of sword she uses? I know it's NOT a katana.
lmao fucking based, thx my dude
washing pole
Who even cares about Versus
When's the action RPG coming out?
Its Vaporware, you can blame Platinum Games for fucking up.
This year. I'll wait for the PC release.
I don't know of to play weeb dominions!
how do you do beelzebub's command grab super I only know how to do the brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbagoosh one
When will Versus get summer skins?
There is no fucking chance this game is going to have costumes. They most you're gonna get is weapon skins and colors
Not the guy you're replying to, but I saw some stuff about the skimpier outfits for two characters only being unlocked after you beat the RPG mode.
I'm waiting for PC, so I can't confirm it for myself tho.
>when she sees the size of your danchou
B-But Cygames...the unlimited budget works...
built for hugging! and handholding!
ArcSys can't do unlimited work regardless of budget
They would have to redo so much shit that I highly fucking doubt they would ever do a skin. You'll probably get costumes in the ARPG game.
>matched with a narmaya that knew what they were doing
uh oh why aren't my teleports working
>only 5'10" for us burgurs
>6'2" irl
Time to become /fit/ incarnate and beat the shit out of asanagi.
Is it possible to gain 7 inches of height natty?
Okay. I will just buy Versus for mommy Narmaya and wait for Relink.
How does the rpg mode work? Can you play whichever character you choose?
will pc version have crossplay with playstation
i just dont feel like dusting off my bloodborne machine and getting an adapter or something for my keyboard or 360 fightstick
>tfw can't even beat tutorial Gran
is it true that rpg mode has autoplay? I tried it up until the ares boss and it was the biggest pile of shit I've played this year but I do want the crystals
Beat em up with boss fights.You can farm/buy/craft weapons to put in your weapon grid to make you stronger. You have to unlock characters in rpg mode but you can use them whenever you want once you do. You can also get some weapons to use as skins for versus/online.
Waiting on the pc release.
Op doesn't own a pc though, pls understand.