Fixes your tifa

>fixes your tifa

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t. 8 year old

ok coomer

Even as a cringy middle schooler I would not have wanted this.

Yes please.

I will now buy your game.

too small

>legs still covered up

I would call you a faggot, but with the way you're broadcasting it, it's unnecessary.

Thanks for fixing her noodly clamp legs!

i'd have sex with but, but to put her in the game like that is a little.... a little.... you know

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But OG tifa doesn't wear a bra.

no cock?

which i'm not going to play btw

make those thighs instead and give her a bush

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>women are encouraged to express their desire for idealized men
>far leftists try to call men children when they don't hide the fact that they like idealized women
Leftists just don't want society to place any expectations on them. They're the last people on the planet who get to lecture others about greed, abuse, and exploitation.

Leftists suffer heavily from cognitive dissonance so that's to be expected

>Tits and clothing look like shit
That's gotta be Honey Select

>completely bastardizes her original outfit
At least the version with the sports bra has some resemblance to the original.

>women are encouraged to express their desire for idealized men
As long as they're cute and wholesome about it and don't act like thirsty STD ridden whores.

Those are for cucks that like being cheated on.

Just be patient, the mod community intends to fix this when the game comes to PC. Just wait and we will make sure those breasts are corrected with optional choices in size.

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I will now buy your game

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Make her black or latina and we’re really cooking



>Mcdonald's Tifa
Big no thank you from me, shir.

too big

>susupenders aren't placed on top of her boobs
>there isn't a shot of her wearing just the suspenders, which can barely cover her nipples

shit render.

I will now buy your game.

Still have those fucking socks

i want her to hug me tightly.

Asians don't look European, fix that fucking nose and make her skin more darker

Kys trannies

Porn exist.


this is revolting, why do you people need everything ballooned up to 11
it's a fetish, right? is this the Dobson thread?

>prominent feminine sexual characteristics are revolting
Why do you hate the female body?