Why did Heroes of the Storm die?

Why did Heroes of the Storm die?

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Acti-Blizz is just throwing money at things to enter the esports arena so when HotS didn't make the expected returns they pulled the plug.

when blizzard decided that esport money > fun. it was never alive.

Probably because no butt jiggly

>late arrival in a saturated market
>blizz wanted to force an esport scene
>kept shifting priorities
>patches kept changing the game to the detriment of the playerbase
There were some good things, the game certainly had some unique characters like cho'gal, gul'dan, abathur, and even tracer was novel on release. Blizz just kept trying to make it more competitive instead of more casual focused so the players pretty much left. I personally stopped playing when they really started adding in overwatch heroes, I feel that they are too withdrawn from the moba genre's rts roots and they are overtuned.

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Fucking sucks but at the same time bitter sweet because the best Alexstrasza pov webm came outta it. If only the creator made more with this model.

It had less to do with expected returns and more about the plummet in stock value after they announced Diablo Immortal. But you're not completely wrong.

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Because it's boring casual trash that completely missed the point of the genre

Letting people become overfed monsters who can carry their team?
That's the worst part of the genre.

All the delays on abilities are stupid, unfun and bloated. It really adds salt to the wound when Blizzard then puts in stupid heroes like Genji, Nazeebo, Tracer who get to use all their abilities instantly with no delays making them objectively superior to most of the roster but braindead to play.

>the only Blizzard game with soul
>they gutted the staff to put onto other projects
I wonder if they're making Blizzard better, wherever they were moved to

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Blizzard is beyond saving. They were absorbed by the chink overmind.

Alexstrasza futa... My home, my wife...

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I tried getting back to the game but the skill level of the playerbase is awful. It's impossible to have a decent game since most don't even know the basics. No drafting skill, no map awareness, no talenting knowledge, etc etc. Uninstalled it and resumed playing DoTA 2 where I can get decent games on the regular. People have competency in that game.

They fucking ruined Orphea and I don't enjoy playing with her anymore.

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That's the whole point of the genre. Fighting for it, defending against it, and denying it is the game.
Your shitty contrarian opinions aren't facts

Despite best efforts there was not enough big fat asses.

>those mains

That's the same for every game in the genre.

Built for black cock.

This is why MOBAs in general will never be good.

It's a fact for low skill matches where people give kills away non-stop, otherwise it turns into a slow grindfest, and I see no reason for either of these.

Subjectively, from my experience, HoTS is simply the worst. Decent games are rare and far in between. Players are dumb as shit no matter what game mode.

In DoTA 2, I get decent even games more often than not. So I am sticking it. Fuck HoTS.

And still none of them have offer in-depth tutorials.

That's the job of the community.

>It's a fact for low skill matches where people give kills away non-stop
Just like in HotS.
Your point?

blizzard killed it

why did overwatch die?

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>sex bad

remind me who the incels are again

>Uh-huh. Cool. Totally.
I'll never understand why someone would feel inferior to pixels on the screen

>her ass
>my face

a marriage made in heaven

I have a love hate relationship with the game cause it’s actually pretty fun but the team balance in quick match is fucking retarded. They traded queue times with the worst matchmaking in the century

brown women can't be blacked

I tried to play Dota 2 after a long time and I find your statement right, in the case of individual skill with the heroes, but players have even worse strategic awareness than in Hots.
They don't try to win the game. They just farm and brawl until full item build if possible, even when they could get a 20 minute victory easily.

because all the characters are 1 dimensional, boring, safe; they have no idea how to stop metas from steamrolling every match; content releases are few and far between; any fun you had early on has been nerfed into the ground (see, Roadhog)

That's because the makers of the games themselves barely have a grasp on how to play their own games.
This is shown time and time again, like how Riot puts a "difficulty to play out of 3" on each champion in LoL and puts braindead shit like Cassiopeia or Rengar as a 3/3 difficult champion while putting actually hard to play champions like Camille or Jax as a 2/3.

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Kills matter too little in Hots in the start by themselves. Only taking advantage of the enemies absence makes any difference.

What can I say, I am a big unga bunga damage type of guy.

im brown and i can get blacked

Because you touch yourself at night.

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This is the same cuck who started gamergate (sorta). Not the one who wrote the blogpost, but the one giving favorable attention for a chance to get laid.

He would write a huge fucking article the following week justifying how hijacking his interview with Blizzard to force his agenda was a perfectly okay thing to do.

That's because many people think of just the difficulty of casting your skills, which is the easiest thing, and disregard positioning and timing. Garen is considered easy, while make a single mistake with him renders him useless and other with multiples movement skill are said to be hard to play.

You can do big damage with harder to play heroes. You literally play the 4 most braindead EZ LOLSTOMPMASHRANDOMKEYSTOWIN shit in the game.

It failed because 1 garbage team mate can ruin the whole match. In league you can carry a game if youre ahead but Hots youre almost always fucked. Hots is a better game though, but it can be a chore if youre forced to play with randies

I don't remember what my mains were other than Abathur and Murky
I would probably go back to Dota if they added an Abathur hero, I kinda miss Nature's Profit and Rubick

I don't know who you think you're fooling, if your teammates feed you're going to fall behind and get fucked whether there's shared EXP or not.

Exactly. Look at fucking Ekko compared to Annie. Ekko has so many more options open to him for making plays, treading back on mistakes, getting kills, snowballing while Annie is much much more limited, yet Annie is considered "easy" while Ekko is considered "difficult" by riot. Just goes to show how they don't know their own game really.

>hurr me click aoe instant cast stun
>not easy

And then what? Are you going to use Annie's extra move speed to walk out of melee range?

It's getting into the position to be able to get the AoE stun off that makes her hard. All competent players are going to keep outside her range and so you need good pressure from your team to be able to get you in the place to get a good stun off.
Meanwhile Ekko can just throw his W in off screen and dash in stunning you without you barely being to react.
If you understood this you'd realize why Ekko is much easier to play and snowball with than Annie. He has so many more options open to him because of his kit.

What killed it was forcing Kevin out of the dev team. That man was the soul of the game.

It's far longer than melee range and you don't have to because you just aoe stunned the whole team for 2k damage


>what is ganking
>what are bushes
>what is flash

Based and redpilled.

Blizzard player base are the most faggoty worthless pieces of shit. Don't ever tell one of them to do something else because THAT'S TOXIC AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH
I fucking hate numale gaming. Stop being faggot kids.

Compared to the other two with their meta lane picks and role auto fill mechanics?

>what is ganking
Imagine you're playing bot or top lane and Annie is coming to gank you. Assuming she has no flash, she has to literally walk up to you to the point that you and your team can see her and react accordingly. Now imagine Ekko ganking without flash. He has his E dash meaning there's much less time for you and your team to react since he can jump over a wall and even if he does decide to just walk up, it's still less time used Eing onto you that Annie has to spend walking up.
>what are bushes
Ekko can kill you just as easily as Annie can if you walk into a brush he's in.
>what is flash
Obviously my example was assuming flash isn't up for both champions, but still think about it: while Annie has to waste her flash and ult to get her AoE stun off most of the time vs competent players, Ekko doesn't most of the time in the scenarios that Annie does. He's able to save his flash for other uses.

Have sex, coomers

What's the context here? You expect me to believe all the girls just hang out in their underwear and get drunk and dance and implied lesbian sex?

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i will when i find someone worthy for me

KT/Jaina are much easier mages to play than Orphea. If Hanzo was easy to play he wouldn't have a sub 45% winrate, same with Genji. And Alarak is too much of a glorious bastard for me not to enjoy playing with him.


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Imperius is Alarak levels of asshole.
"Do you expect thanks for doing your job?" in response to healing

>fucking a bug woman

Alarak still has the best Announcer in the game. "Defend your Core! The concept is alarmingly simple!"

Hanzo and Genji (and Tracer) will never be not viable because they don't have the ability delay shackle that almost all the other heroes suffer from, same with Alarak and Orphea in fact. That's what makes them cancer to main.

>the ability delay shackle
Sorry what's this?

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Your logic isn't really sound here, in the elo where people are gonna be learning and trying new champions and actually paying attention to the difficulty ratings nobody is gonna have proper positioning anyways. Someone like Annie is a lot easier for new players to figure out than someone like Ekko with a ton of dashes and tools and combo abilities.

In high level play as an experienced player, Annie is a lot harder to PLAY than Ekko because she has less mobility and is kind of all or nothing in her impact.
In low level play as a new player, Annie is a lot easier to LEARN than Ekko because her abilities are simple and straightforward and she's a lot less reactive.

I think he means they can move while casting

>Moving while casting
>When two of her basic abilities root her in place for almost a second each.

As I said earlier, the reason this game is so unfun to play is because it's bloated with delayed loads on abilities. Haven't played in a couple years but just off the top of my head examples come to mind like Diablo's dash/grab, Malfurion's root, Jaina's AoE snare ultimate. Heroes like Alarak, Li Ming, Genji show the gradual power creep through the game's lifespan since they're not held back by this restraint. I'd go so far as to say that Alarak is a hero designed to take advantage of these delays through his instant block push ability and that's why he's always been good, at least when I played the game.

Those abilities you mentioned usually cause instant death.

Yes and now we go back to my original point that riot themselves show they have no idea how to play their own game at a competent level by classing Ekko as hard to play and Annie as easy, hence why they've never included an in-depth tutorial.

Alarak's block push can too
Genji can dash in, get a combo off, kill a squishy target and get out
Hanzo can snipe targets and kill them if he's allowed to poke enough
Not seeing your point here

Alarak's is surely a problem with the extra range.

There are opposite cases too. Arthas's ranged snare is a delayed ability but usually doesn't result in instant death for whoever gets caught in it.

I liked the game but I refuse to support Blizzard products after Reforged.

>not hong kong

I'm sorry about your illiteracy user

It's really not as hard to learn 4 buttons as you (and Riot) think

That's not how it works
By that logic Quake is a baby game because it only has two buttons, jump and fire

I didn't think somebody could make such a retarded comparison...