What exactly is wrong with having politics in video games?

What exactly is wrong with having politics in video games?

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Nothing actually

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nothing. all leftists should be killed though

nothing, it’s just commie scum that like to weaponize anything and everything they could get their hands on. it’s annoying

that boot tasty? fucking imbecile

Stop treating it like a human.

You people are too stupid to have a valid political viewpoint, that's basically the entire problem right there.

Nothing, it's alt-right cucks that can't handle anything outside their comfort zone and label it "politics"

"Political" games tend to have extremely simplistic takes with a painfully didactic presentation to boot.

Because it is a way for numales to force their own personal ideas thinking too high of themselves as "opinion leaders" thinking they're hot shit or something. Japan? Nah, those faggots do it right.

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Nothing, it's political pandering that needs to stay out of them


Politic in MGS doesn't involved left vs right ideology but rather war vs peace.

Nothing inherently wrong with it. It only becomes a problem when developers ham fistedly insert their far left politics into their games with all the subtlety of a brick to the face.

Nothing as long as it's not American politics

usually both the developers and the audience have such a basic understanding of the issue that the whole thing is stupid from start to finish and really answers no questions worth asking

this and also deviates the discussion from the actual video games

Ask Cliff Bleszinski and his killer tittle Law Breakers.

In theory, nothing, but some devs use them to push degenerate values and expect to be applauded for it in lieu of having an actually-good game.

i will never understand a liberal, they support women rights and islam at the same time, isnt that contradictory?

Nothing, just don't be a preachy faggot about.


find themes other than trannyshit

Nothing. The problem is when the devs shove politics into games where they don't belong. Battlefield V had very clear pandering and virtue signaling shoved into it, and nobody liked it. It ruined the immersion and made the game feel soulless.

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Nothing as long they are engaging and actually have relevance to the story, what people complain about is making references to current politics in an attempt to be hip and relevant

I too have a hard time understanding the liberal you made up in your mind.

>liberals are dumb
Revolutionary, how's 2014 going for you?

Nothing, people that complain about it are faggots

ITT: delusional nazis.

they literally are dumb as fuck though.

because its always manufactured controversy bullshit to hide the fact the game fucking sucks and uninspired design and gameplay.

Yes, I find that the strawmen I make are very stupid.

rewarding the player for the "correct" ideology

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I disagree with it.

Offends people who are too fragile to tolerate political differences, which is 99.999999% of Millenials.

Really there wasn't going to be a market for them anyway, because they hate video games, but there's enough of them to make a big enough stink about anything that offends them to make developers obey.

It's gone, and it's never coming back.

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Normies can't handle having their values challenged because they're not smart enough to defend them and not curious enough to be interested in alternate views for their own sake.

Only brainlets don't like politics.

Politics in games are fine as long as they're the politics I agree with

The only people I find that are too fragile to tolerate political differences are people on the extremes.

having in universe politics that are completely removed from real life are good. having dumb ass allegories/direct references to real/modern politics is shit, except in extremely niche cases, such as hard realism games where they'd be relevant.

As long as they're fictional politics, not much.

t. free gibs bernie bros
hows the loss feel lol

But if someone made a game about being a nazi and it was placed in a positive light, would you complain?

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>I don't like politics in my military propaganda
uh ok

>this entire thread

Nothing. When people say politics thy mean faggots,trannys and niggers who make a shit game with shit gameplay and shit writing then get angry when thier game is shit but in thier mind it's good because it has faggots tranny and niggers. Thy get mad and call you a bad person for not following thier ideology. No on cares if theirs blacks or gays as long as thier well written. But these shitlibs think being black or gay is the only worth while while character trait and push these types of character in settings thy dont belong. Like disabled woman fighting in ww2. When people say thy dont want politics in a game thy mean thy want nuance and dont want to be called a bad person for not agreeing with the developers moral,political and philosophical views

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>low iq
politics in vidya is bad because leftist sjw indoctrination
>big brain niggas
politics in vidya is bad because its usually funded by the US state department as deliberate propaganda

Nazis did nothing wrong

So games cannot have politics in them because literally anything can be seen as an allegory to the real world, except in cases you deem acceptable?

Did I get it right?

Politics is fine.
Propaganda is not.

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Literally every form of fantasy politics can be twisted into allegory. Mario is about a proletariate counter-revolutionary rescuing Princess Anastasia from the evil Vladimir Lenin.

Everything is political.

In game universe politics are fine and fun, inserting current real world politics into a game makes it feel tainted and forced.

Is that why you're propagandizing a lunatic who refuses to pay for sewer access?

That's not the point user, it's a "It's okay when we do it, but bad when they do it" mentality.


I dunno, how does this feel?

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No, it'a more like:

How entitled is this mindset.
You're basically saying that X is Y because you said so.
Just because you can make up a delusion about how Minecraft represents social programs for black kids, doesn't mean you're suddenly right. Reality doesn't change because you 'will' it. Stop thinking you or your thoughts matter.

Imagine being a government bootlicker in 2020

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There is a steam workshop mod that removes this.

Except I don't put my politics into my work? So... Whats your point faggot?

Let me rephrase:

There's no such thing as fiction. All stories are about something real, because they are written by real people who are expressing real thoughts and perspectives. The politics of fantasy empires is functionally the same as the politics of real empires - partly because most authors just crib from history, but partly because there's only really one way to do politics anyway.

The values that emerge from fiction are as real and applicable as the values fought over in history because the same people are making both.

You haven't realised this because you're a fucking brainlet whose curiosity and openness metrics are at the bottom of the scale, so the sophistication of your appreciation of art and narrative is on par with the primordial ooze you crawled out of.

There's no need for you to reply to this post.

Imagine being that triggered

Like pity that went stale.

You can say anything is anything as long as you can make a decent argument. I'd luke to see you try with you interpretation of Minecraft.
This particular communist interpretation of Mario is pretty old it wouldn't have stuck around if it didn't make sense. You have the historocal parallels.

Here's one for Minecraft:
Minecraft is a colonialism simulator. As the white man, you enslave and exploit the natives of the land.

Normally after you make a claim, you provide evidence of the claim and show the reader how its done, more so when the claim is harder to follow.

Here on an anonymous image board when you are making a quick example about something the whole process gets ignored. Knowing Mario and Russia, I can put together his claim without him expressly telling me that. Your claim about minecraft is hard to see the connections.

I don't think its about being triggered.
Its about supply and demand.

>block someone’s access to a necessity
>they find alternative


i don't play children games so i don't know what that's from, but it feels like you are retarded and don't know how to respond

The communist interpretation of Mario stuck around as a satirical example of red scare paranoia

>Literally a faggot that got into debt barely passing a social science degree

Keep posting pseudo-intellectual babble on Yea Forums until your starve.

I told you not to reply to my post.

The Yea Forums version of "don't talk to my wife's son ever again"

If you need a despot of some sort as your antagonist, then go ahead, get creative, idgaf. But trannyshit is just "Oh-Em-Gee I'm valid because Sony said so uwu".
Similar with gayfags, but you can make that work in different ways. Liked how they did Kung Jin in MKX, where it was just implied, but was the reason he didn't become a Shaolin at first until Raiden was like "Nigger stfu and noone will give a fuck."and it worked out pretty well for him. Maybe one of the few things MKX story did well.

>What exactly is wrong with having politics in video games?
Vidya writing talent deficit = agenda pushing without subtly or nuance, condescending lectures directed at the player and/or insultingly hamfisted allegories to contemporary American politics.

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Every dead leftist is a gift from God.

>Everything is political.
>There's no such thing as fiction.
Whether or not you can justify these statements they're completely devoid of meaning. It's like saying "everything is art," sure I guess that's true but that just makes "art" a completely meaningless descriptor.
Even if that statement can be asserted as correct it's worthless in a framework for productive discussion, it's just masturbatory twisting of language.

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But he had access. He just had to pay like everyone else, but did not want to.

Its basically fluff talk from people who don't have much to say but like to be heard anyway.

>trick all the red blooded American right-wing patriots into joining the military
>start another war in the Middle East to cull the herd
It’s too bad Iran got delayed for corona. Tick tock r*ghtoid

But it's good satire, because the reading works. You can choose to read Mario that way. The "satire" is in the motivation, not the reading itself.

what is this? a disgusted anime girl for ants?

You're an idiot who doesn't know how to read.

>they're completely devoid of meaning
No, you merely don't understand the implications of them.

If media is political then retarded boomers hurr-durring about KEEP YOUR FAGGOT AGENDA OUT OF MUH SPORTS becomes an indefensible position, because broadcasting muh sports is inherently a political act that already contains an agenda.

Why do female athletes get paid less than male athletes. I'm sure you can think of a thousand surface level non-political reasons and be satisfied with them, because you're a brainlet who can only think on one or two levels of abstraction.

For example:
>female sports aren't as entertaining because the athleticism is worse than male sports
Sure, but female athletes can't afford to train as much as male athletes. If we paid them more athleticism would improve.
>pay is set by the market tho and we shouldn't interfere in that process
Why not? What's so great about the market?
>muh capitalism

And so on. You don't analyse your own beliefs so you only learn about the additional layers underneath them when people like me can be fucked pretending to be your teacher.

>it's worthless in a framework for productive discussion
It depends what you want to discuss, retard.

They stole his land between his shop and the mainline and didn’t let him connect the line. It was a textbook mob shakedown, stop deepthroating the boot for 5 goddamn seconds

Well of course you don't, you can't. You'd be fired or badmouthed to oblivion and beyond if it's wrong think.

I actually got vicarious embarrassment from reading this.

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>No, you merely don't understand the implications of them.
I understand the implications perfectly, I have simply judged them to be Gay.

>It depends what you want to discuss
Yeah, if you want to jerk yourself off with rhetoric or if you want to actually discuss art/politics/etc. in any meaningful way.

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>Yeah, if you want to jerk yourself off with rhetoric or if you want to actually discuss art/politics/etc. in any meaningful way.
You plan to discuss art and politics meaningfully by refusing to acknowledge any link between art and politics?

Are you fucking retarded?

Good. I support anything that makes you unhappy.

Jokes on you, fag. I watch Peep Show FOR FUN!

>"Let's discuss politics in video games."
>"Okay, do you have any actual substantial contributions to make?"

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Watching the red flag crumple on December 25th, 1991...
Watching the Naxalites get ground into paste with the might of Motti...
Watching the Shining Path become a shadow of itself...
Watching the dream of Tito get blown to bits...
Watching the Cultural Revolution blow the fuck out of China...
Watching Hungary, Latvia, and Lithuania purge the ketchup colored vermin...
Watching North Korea struggle for relevance to no avail...
Watching Angola lose seats to UNITA with every election...
Watching Cuba lose its grip and bring back private property...
Watching the CCP slowly lose the people from gross incompetence...

Is there any nectar that could ever compare?

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>write something blatantly ridiculous to take this piss out of people that believe that shit
>haha but what they’re actually saying is it’s all true

The serpent has fully consumed itself at this point

Read the thread and then tell me again with a straight face that that's what actually happened.